I Paid $170 for $1,500 of MYSTERY Electronics & Tech + Amazon Customer Returns Pallet Unboxing

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[Music] what a macro buddy today we got another unboxing of we've got a kind of mini pallet we've got two boxes of let me show him office and electronics of Amazon customer returned items so these are customer returns so probably half is going to be open packages won't be new items but hopefully a large chunk is still gonna be new in the package what I pay for this entire thing was one hundred and seventy dollars and five cents the total manufacturer's suggested retail price from my sheet let me look at it real quick what what was it it was one thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars is the MSRP of everything in here it's supposed to have a total of I should have never pair before I started hit record supposed to have a total of 62 units in these two boxes these two boxes here are sizes like twenty by sixteen by sixteen so six percent with the five percent flex so they could be anywhere between let's say 55 to 65 units of these two boxes these two boxes are unmanifested goods which means I do not know what's in these boxes it's office and in any electronics but sometimes with these liquidation companies they can throw you a curveball and you might get in like a children's toy in with office electronics or like something crazy like you could get like a woman's bra in one these boxes it's happened to me before you get something totally off the wall in this stuff so let me start cracking where's my knife open this thing up let's get going we'll try to get through these two boxes in a timely manner let's see what kind of profit I can make so with my initial investment of one hundred seventy dollars and five cents what is call it 170 a mess pease 15:18 we'll just call it 1500 let's see if I could turn about 170 getting like 500 bucks we'll see what happens so when its first box up I'll just show you what it looks like got a paper on top get rid of this crap plug stuffing usually it's not this much stuffing in it so first look it doesn't look that great let's start going first thing we've got a ream of paper it is purple computer paper okay some of these items I will list okay like items like this I have my own resale shop and this will go it's my resale shop for there's like a couple dollars so I'm gonna tell you like what I will sell stuff for around about price some items if they're in good condition sellable condition I do list on eBay I list on Amazon I do do some Facebook groups so let go offer up so kind of get the impression the places I sell on okay so keep on going here is just a iPhone cord I keep all my iPhone cords so we won't count that in cuz you know how fast everybody goes through iPhone cords there's another iPhone court I think yeah here's a super-short iPhone cord but okay so the first three items - iPhone cords Amazon branded Amazon basics branded iPhone court and a ream of purple paper so far keep going we've got a thing of tempered glass for the galaxy s7 you see it there and the tempered glass is broken so this is trash okay so we're not looking very good next item pulling out a Seuss exon RDG sound card gaming series opening up I am honestly I have no idea what this thing is worth hopefully it's in here okay it's in the package I'm losing closer to make sure it's not damaged zone our DJ yeah this though it is the correct one we've got the mounting stuff so let me look this up really quick online I have no idea this thing's worth let me just do this a so I'm just looking on ebay new it's like twenty twenty to twenty five dollars new so used it can't be much more like fifteen dollars used so I'll probably will just throw this thing on eBay for like fifteen dollars Stephen empty bottle grab it so once again not doing too hot iPad pro case with keyboard check it out it's got the holder for the IE air for the iPhone pin there's the case looks to be a new condition I've never heard of this brand a some eme or something or other let me leave this thing up again give me a second okay I couldn't find this on eBay I had to actually look for several minutes I found it on Amazon that sells don't amazon for $79.99 so I don't know I'm probably gonna list it on eBay cuz I'm sure this is a on Amazon whatever you sell lots of products are gated where you actually can't sell their products without permission from the brand or you pay a none gating fee and this brand is probably you know you can't do it so it's probably eBay's point not much more men like twenty-five dollars so keep going so far this box hasn't been that hot metal laptop stand another amazonbasics brand but at least can the boxes is still factory sealed box is factory sealed it just has some damage to the actual shipping box so it looks like this is a customer turned item they returned it because the box is damaged let's open it up though just to make sure it kind of sucks because it is factory sealed but the box is so badly damaged you got to make sure an actual product is not damaged now it looks good so this probably also a sauna eBay as even though it's it's Amazon branded people sell Amazon branded items on eBay all day long I do it all day long bringing the package where where the damage is here it's actually double protection so actually items good recommended the package but Amazon branded stuff using the stuff for a whole lot look probably another $20 item not a whole lot so keep going a binder like a dollar maybe here we've got we've got some Nintendo switch games okay this one is missing its front case but it is a Nintendo switch Mario Tennis aces the game is in it oh man this case is falling apart this I will publish sell just like on eBay like just like loose game Mario Tennis which me look this up my sure that's worth then here's another the Tendo switch game and damn not in there so actually what I'll do is I will pull this cover out and put the Mario game in that case and sell that one like that because Kirby is so see one thing whenever you you buy liquidation is what people will do is somebody bought this Kirby game off Amazon they bought it they kept the game but then they returned the case empty that is a common customer scan that they do on Amazon it's a very common thing where they'll they'll keep the actual main item and just return like you know the case it's common if you do that if your customer you do that eventually Amazon will catch on and you'll eventually be kicked off your address your credit card roll all will all be suspended from Amazon if you're a habitual offender so Mario Ted let me look something up real quick Nintendo switch Mario Tennis aces give me a second so actually the first two things I pulled up the last two people sold this so this game without the case and it sold for forty dollars used like new other without the case for forty really so looks like you can sell this thing without the case for like thirty five forty bucks so that's not a bad little thing so that games you get back almost twenty percent of what this whole box cost actually here is another mario tennis game this one's actually factory sealed but the actual uh like the case is damaged as you can see here it's like a little crunched but it's actually factory sealed just like this one I will sell on eBay as new other which you can sell this new other which other means it's brand new factory seal but the actual outer case is damaged is but so that's cool so these two things here should get me between a seventy to eighty bucks seventy to eighty bucks these two Nintendo switch Mario games so that's almost like close to half my money back cool okay that's not bad next we have a CD of shine down let's see what's actually in there it is it in there and it is shine down okay so more likely this isn't much more up I posted in my shop like a dollar to open CDs are hard sell here is a Bluetooth speaker called excess branding Bluetooth speaker as you see there I just looked it up but then I shook it go ahead and say this speakers broken so the side of it is very loose so it probably doesn't work but anyway it sells neuf about 30 to 35 dollars used a little about say probably about 15 to 20 but I'm gonna say that's more likely broken loose would ya month eggs look closely but that that's probably broken here is um looks like some USB cords I'll just send it just I'll just keep these I keep a lot of these cords so I'm gonna count that in it's just another keeper stuff cuz why buy cords or why sell the cords what am I actually had to buy him again here's an otterbox for a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 see right there I'm an Apple guys I don't know if the note 8 is the newest one or not but if you're watching this I'm sure most viewers if you're an Android guy you know how much this case costs I'm just going to guesstimate like $10 I might be wrong name tags will say a couple dollars Xbox 360 game minecraft and it is in there so I won't look it up but this can't be much more than three to five dollars maybe that since it's an old system ZZ Top I wish some of these things are actually sealed CDs in there it's so much easier to sell CDs whatever they're sealed open CDs I mean CDs like in 2018 are hard to sell no matter what open CDs manner 10 times harder to sell we got Oh Call of Duty Xbox one World War two is it in there this is like what like a fifty dollar game I think and it is in there bomb let's let the stick up let's just make sure okay sold like new condition I'll sell this on eBay well actually good shape like new condition eBay it's like 20 to 25 dollars for this so awesome so pretty much the two to Nintendo games and this one Xbox game right there you're talking he like these two like 140 or 140 like 25 so even like these three Oh what am I saying these are like 77 80 is like 25 so anyway these three should be about a hundred bucks nope no matter what they my mass all over the place right now another game Xbox one The Incredibles and it is in there awesome okay this thing sells for around let's see used 30 35 between like 30 35 dollars used for this game awesome so okay so between these four games are talking like a minimum about 130 bucks so we're Oh Call of Duty ps4 and it's they're awesome frickin awesome this is did this just put us back to what we paid for the entire thing let me see did we just break even stick with everybody stick with me it sells for around used around $30 25 $30 use so 130 when six so exci these games these five games will go for about 165 to 170 so these five games we got all my money back we're breaking even at least and I'm not saying any more games in here on top if I do see and x-files DVD it looks like so my bears about oh man it's about it's about to die let me get through like two more things here we have a gaming system I've actually sold this thing before this is a retro system for NES and Super NES it sounds new for about 45 to 50 dollars used to goes for about 30 well that's cool let's see Wolfenstein PlayStation 2 this thing is taped all together oh my battery's gonna die but my battery's gonna die hold on don't die yet let me get there one more thing at least Wolfenstein PlayStation 2 and there it is how much this go for I always sell a whole lot of video games so I'm not the best at calling off prices of video games so it's used about $15 or so maybe as high as 25 get lucky so that's not bad so yeah these games have me improv it so I want to switch off batteries I'll be right back okay quick battery change we're back few slim things left in his first box not me to go another Amazon basics iPhone core correct yes though into my keep stack we've got an iPhone 8 plus iphone 7 plus lifeproof fre case this can't go much more than probably 10 $15 tops maybe less let's see the greatest showmen original motion picture soundtrack it is in there but can't be much more than a few are putting my resale shop not a lot of stuff going to my resale shop this time USB see audio adapter this is this Oh interesting so it's razor USB see audio adapter it's a name-brand adapter to some might have a little bit of value find out a whole lot so I won't look it up but I'm sure somebody watching this is like oh yeah that sells Virgil ten dollars or something so Razer USB USB see audio adapter compatible with the razor phone though alright next Caligula looks like some kind of a DVD this time open it up see what we got cases all kinds of caddywhompus DVDs in there Caligula so yeah I'll pipe it to my resale shop for like a dollar cuz that's gonna have no kind of resale value to it Nintendo 3ds Etrian Odyssey let's see if it's in there that's managed has a disk inside of it some kind of a disk there and there's the game right there I'm not sure that's worth hold on site let me look that up anew it goes for like $25 new so used by not much more ten fifteen dollars so not huge huge but you know what thousands into the game - the game stack the game stack right there alone you know paid for the entire thing plus a little bit of profit so that was worthy another big iPhone core i phone cord here we've got some Panasonic looks like replacement headsets for home phones but most replacement headsets to me about 10 to 15 bucks apiece this could be about 20 to 30 dollars tops there's actually some vinyl in here we'll say those things for last here we've got x-files complete season four it looks like they're open x-files season four with biggles stickers on top of them season four and season four so these are DVDs not blu-ray so these on supply can't go much more than I bet you ten dollars tops each maybe because DVDs are becoming almost obsolete the iPhone cord and now we got some vinyl and that's always Lepidus Box top one I'm gonna be keeping the top one cuz I do collect vinyl we got kiss monster that I will be keeping for myself it's taped but the vials in there I'll be keeping kiss time to my keep stack next one gorilla demon days that one I will be selling I'm sure it probably goes for at least like I don't know ten twenty dollars I have to look it up do later bump sure it has a little bit about you to it next enter the wu-tang 36 chambers downs a freaking classic right there that one is a classic huh but I'm sure it's not withhold lights not like a it's just a reprint so by not much more than like 10 $15 tops then there's one that's actually is in a shipping sleeve see what is this so I'll keep the kiss I'll sell the other one this one is the [Applause] Boyd's virtue how low that is the boys virtue no clue made in 2018 so is made this year must be some kind of a new new group or a band or something not 100% sure so we got some Bible that's kind of cool wu-tang guerrillas virtue the void whichever ones the band name which I want the album name and a kiss so there there's the first box let me put this stuff back in this box make some room of my table in front of me we'll go to box number two so give me one second let me switch this around okay box number two second-to-last box so right now I kept out I've lost everything back up in the first box but I kept out the video games that I got because the veto games right now are paying for everything plus and profit but now the first box there are learn several several items are like Twitter items here and there so we are in profit we're not in like huge profit rate day we're not you know we're not retiring huffing anything yet but there's some profit I mean so this thing looks like when I first opened it up that's what I'm looking at right there so let's open this thing start going armored suit protection for a lifetime no idea what this is I still know what this thing is military-grade protection I don't know maybe somebody watching this knows what I'm looking at right now armored suit applicator here's like a spray whatever this is I have no clue I'm not gonna look it up but armor suit next we've got some more vital what is this Grimes vision I have no clue what this group is it's all in a foreign language Czechoslovakian or something no clue but we got some final here's another vinyl okay what group is it I can't even read the front of me I guess says ghost both these vinyls are opened up they're not new I think it says ghost I came in read whatever ghost is [Applause] to vinyl here is cardboard Lily like the label here says it's a cardboard some kind of cardboard display or something that's product dollar no code genius let's see what this is no code genius [Applause] battery charger there we go right there looks like it is used under curse look like love all this use stuff before like I'll quote prices on it but obviously I test a thought before I actually sell it let me look so much things worse I'm not understand sure but honestly I test stuff out before I sell stuff I'd never sell stuff it's not tested and if it's trash it's trash you just don't know like this thing sells dude for like 50 bucks it is used I had to test that make sure it works but if it works I'll probably list it for public 35 $40 first person on ebay makes the best offer flight 25 30 bucks I'll probably take it so that's not bad little thing right there profitable man long as it works who here got a pile microphone POW makes a pretty good audio stuff this thing only goes for like twenty twenty-five dollars new so I came to much more than like ten fifteen dollars but still it's not bad you know a little bit of money not a whole lot portable security case for your phone okay okay so is this so pretty much if you want to lock up your phone onto something you can lock your phone different come visit these thing lots of times people will buy these they will use them and or they will buy them they'll use them one time for their purpose like fur let's say they go to the beach they want to lock up like their bikes like like a bike lock they'll return it don't return to aim Amazon locked with their code that they set so then they return it a person like me who gets it liquidated now I've got a lock lock with a code that they said that I've another code and it looks like that is the problem here also I don't know their code so this the most likely trash that sucks so people use the one-time use things and they return it and it's trash because some things you can reset if you know what you're doing but some like that I can't reset it it just goes into the trash next thing is called a fast charger I this is just a wireless charger for your phone I look up pricing but it's probably like ten twenty dollars for like your for phones out the wireless charging capabilities will lowball to ten dollars next transfer B VHS beta eight millimeters and more of it box look at that look at that I have never sold this thing no clue would have it block sells for give me a second okay so new sells for 50 to 70 new used between 30 and 50 so that's not bad so this will go between me as long as this thing is this thing looks like it's new open box I should go to get upwards of 40 to 50 for it so hopefully a low 40 maybe so that's action the nice score I'll take down a heartbeat this is big boxes Crayola my iPhone 4 it's just a big box of Crayola something I'll show you why I pulled it out we're all let's just saying I don't know if I pulled it out looks like a case of something do Crayola class pack magic markers maybe Oh My yes it is is a Crayola something that like a teacher would buy it is a Crayola model magic oh my so model magic class pack so this is something that teacher would buy for her class but this is this would be very sellable on eBay minded look this thing up see how much an entire case of modeled magic Crayola squishy modeling material goes for kind of curious actually okay so looking on eBay it's supposed to come in a case of 75 so I'll have to count all see that they're all there if they're not if you sell you'd have to say you know it's a case of 72 but I'm supposed to be a case of 75 on eBay it sells for about 55 dollars shipped so that's a lot more outside it would but if all semi fiber there um I will public I would repackage it into something different because this box is pretty crappy looking and so if if it's all there repackage in a different box maybe forty dollars for it that's good not a whole lot of stuff left in here you bearing with me let's see iPhone core keep oh man a button it was call it trash Co 50 cases it's play like a dollar you can't sell in GCD cases anymore exacto pencil sharpener I sell these all the time of course you got a test thing out to make sure it works and at least fifteen twenty dollars if it works if it's not burn out but there's another iPhone cord no it's just a just a power power adapter I have a huge box in my laboratory or this I call my work laboratory my laboratory here a huge box of just power adapters I'll throw into that box we've gotten a visit shield case for an iPhone 6 plus iPhone 6 iPhone 6 plus even if this thing's not cracked it's for an outdated phone so it won't go Carleigh anything super shields for an Amazon fire seven it can't go for machi either they're all there but it came much more just a few dollars here we've got some more us USB see cords though with mother fords here we've got a what's this thing called it's like a ruler but it's a t-square Oh with the crack t-square so yeah trash here we've got a clutch MSI gaming mouse that looks fancy I don't know that's like if that's an expensive brand or not though sure does look fancy though look this thing up real quick hold on so this mouse cells looks like prices are kind of all over the board for this thing this is for the GM 60 looks like most recent prices new can go between anywhere between like seventy to a hundred used looks like forty to sixty so I brought the test I make sure it works so maybe on average maybe about 50 bucks for this thing cuz it does mean it's not it's not a better seal samay about fifty bucks so that's nice that's is a good one I like it like it is there's three things left in here here is a thing of number-two pencils so I've got some pencils cuz I actually don't have any pens off I got some pencils to try out my pencil sharpener and then we've got hey oh this is just a laptop stand for Jesus for a laptop you think for a monitor my post in my shop for like literally a few dollars last thing in the box that is it mom of the Box I can't tell what it it is a spec just a case for an iPhone 7 spec cases don't have a whole lot of value to them for me spec cases are hard to move so this case I won't I'll be lucky I'll pile listed on eBay for like ten bucks looks like it's new looks like somebody bought it Jason tried it out there another somebody's bought it didn't like it returned it Bob probably love to get ten bucks for it so that's it everything as the two boxes of Amazon customer turned liquidated merchandise I have no idea hello I'm his Vil it's gonna be because I had to stop the camera a couple times to change the or change the battery one time then another time just switch out these boxes so I have no idea after editing how long this bill is gonna be I'm going to edit out a few times I had to research prices on stuff you don't want to see me you know looking inside of my face looking on my computer for prices on items so I'll cut a lot of stuff out so I think all in all with just the games the stock games that I got here in front of me from the first box these will be about 170 to 180 so these will pay for both boxes these will pay for the box plus a little bit of profit so these alone it's paid for so everything else is on my profit so I've got quite a few things like I got $50 item a $40 item you know a $10 microphone a $30 charger thing plus the first box a $40 crayon box so I mean just with those three four or five things I just said right there's like close to $200 and just like those few things plus all the other like small things I said like you know the freaking wireless charger thing ten dollars so easily everything within a two box ition easily easily get me lowball it 300 profit probably more than that without adding everything back up one at a time so if you if you want to go back to this whole video go one thing at a time take out these video games these six games and go back through in every item I say now this is 40 this is 20 this is 10 this is 5 this is tennis video that's 30 that's the profit so I'm saying that's probably at least $300 maybe four dollars of profit so my goal was turn my 170 into 500 I think I easily I guarantee I did we got it so mission accomplished we got it anyway that's what we got if you like some kind of video give me a huge thumbs up if you want to challenge my prices feel free to challenge below everything I'm quoting is direct sold prices off of Amazon off eBay I'm not making it up also the prices I'm quoting are prices from today I'm filming this I don't know when this is going up on Fitness on August 21st 2018 so this is prices for today if you're watching this two months for now prices could be in public will be different prices fluctuate on items like video games prices go down as time goes on that's what happens phone cases prices go down as new models come out so if you're watching this a year from now you'll be like there's no way that's worth that much well no that was prices a year ago not prices you're watching it now because you're watching it a year later does this make sense because there's always people who like to challenge me on prices every price I give is realistic prices of today the day I'm actually filming the video okay cool awesome hit me up make sure to subscribe YouTube channel hit me up on social media all those links are below in the description box that's it that's all I got for you they'll be out a lot more these videos coming to you and I'll see you soon [Music] [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 441,337
Rating: 4.5716815 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, yard sale, tips, flip, flipping, side hustle, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, posh mark, online, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, money, make money, insane profits, work for yourself, self employed, jordan, yeezy, sneakers, vlog, nike, adidas, boost, hypebeast, shopping, supreme, resale rabbit, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: PRMXN_pjSu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 4sec (2464 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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