I Paid $164 for a $1,554 Amazon Customer Returns Pallet With 5 HUGE Mystery Boxes

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here we go okay [Music] say we got a hodgepodge palette her favorite kind of palette it it yep apparently this is my favorite kind of palette yes and the wife is with us if you couldn't tell you know she is she did to speak so much pie what are you talking about you're being weird you're being weird hodgepodge total value MSRP of on amazon.com is 1500 $54 that's a fair thing that's new but it's not it's customer return so there will be used there'll be some new and there'll be some damaged but we'll find out the actual cost though was only one hundred and sixty four dollars include everything fees everything hodgepodge for a hundred sixty-four dollars so no matter what it's going to be profitable because of the price point on was so low so this should be good one in hodgepodge lots of times are the most profitable kinds of paths because you get them so cheap and you can have some interesting stuff in these pallets go ahead baby well I guess I go for what's on top here because it's an awfully big box you know and it's heavy flex astride memory foam comfort insole lugs Noura those those have got to be useful that box is kind of dirty smells like oil oh oh oh yeah well they're definitely well it smells like gasoline it does smell like gasoline but look the the tags are still attached to them but they're used oh yeah they are use use really yeah yeah they Rican so the person wore these with the tanks don't wanna my guess yeah they're heavily used yeah they reek of gasoline no really badly well put those outside of the room before we move on iwo that's not the gasoline and I'm stopped up and I can still smell it and that's that's how strong that gas smell is right now everything is bad so while she is gone I will proceed to start dancing for everybody here count with me three two Oh no dancing she already know come on back come on back there you go I heard that you were damn gonna dance I mean I kind of planned to but you got back too quickly so there is no dancing today so first item in the hodgepodge palette was a big thumbs down boot soaked in gasoline no we gotta do something better than that we can't go from those here's something here we go we have a contigo coffee cup 24 hours I mean why is probably like nasty used know what it's brand new coffee cups well that one might be mine what just fell out of it it's like a bouncy ball it's over there it's a part of the lid uh-oh oh I think it's the part that goes right here yeah it's the part that goes right in here to make it so that it's not it's still good though this is your new coffee cup baby you're welcome I take care of my my woman ass for sure here it's yours you're welcome I get a broken mug not broken defective still works I'm just kidding it's not I love my life okay continuing on we have a bowl a bowl pretty exciting that might be my new feed trough there's a big mole would you please tonight sit tonight it's been connived oh this is a nice speedball fancy on the oh it's broken on the bottom oh I bet the cat would love that though the cat does not need another Bowl that's a good sign in the hall craft brands is that good brand yeah hmm I mean it's a nice bowl but it's oh it's brand-new but it's just the bottom has a little damage to it but it's no perfectly fine I can still sell that thing public for at least five bucks I bet yeah you need a prop give me a trough though I got one let's pull out this big box well King global something Pet Paul USA it's covered in some kind of black stuff I think it's paint there's a stink smell it sniff it lick it liking it lick it what is it warm she pet bad for dogs washable cover black large it's like a hair all over no problem it's weird blacks that on it it's like Curtis black dot well while your black dot knit over there I'm gonna look at this and try to figure out what this fancy item is cuz I really don't know oh it's brand new look at your ceiling still it's like it's a nice pet bed actually that's really not here's here's the Terran sport pitfall it's like vacuum seal too so I can't see the UPC but it's actually nice pet Paul brand brand new factor suit just that box is nasty so I won't use the box but Dad this thing could be like expensive like 20 25 30 bucks it's nice oh good item this is a whole box of like um address labels where you can you can print off and put your put your label inside and then it's got adhesive on the back that you can stick it to your package so this is like a huge package of shipping shipping label holder fingers yeah for invoices or for the labels yep huh there's probably 500 problem in here first I was gonna say a thousand but I think that's a little about 10,000 oh we're a little over ambitious okay yeah oh God is there a feeding trough ice cream ice cream tub why do you need an ice cream tub doesn't look damaged either oh it's cracked yeah it's like tape shut oh yeah the lids cracked on it so I would be good for the ice cream if it's cracked I guess if you made your own ice cream that's a lot of work yeah crack ice cream tub we have a salt maker with salt a grinder I'm guessing it's probably used it is used oh yeah what's the brand : Mason the good brand actually that it's a good one this plate has some decent value to it but a used salt thingy exciting things in the way then we got a hose or boo is wet to the inside oh that's for like your instincts gross then why in the world it's like your toothbrush it's not a toothbrush toothbrush is for her what is this for dog or something just cleaning brushes like for firearms know it could do perfect for fire little pieces but happen that will be your toothbrush nice your toothbrush and it ain't cooker that sounds broken shake it here loose plastic small I hear loose pie broken so that's the first box outside of the doggy bed which is actually factory sealed there's quite a few damaged and broken items in the first box so not the best box not the best spot no let's try it dad no let's try again we've had gas covered shoes sad very sad we'll be back let me pay much for this under the box number two doesn't look that bad go ahead you you go first if you want it's gonna be better than the first box ahead I'll be let's start off with something fairly sit is it heavy or is it stuck I think it's stuck despite glue down Victrola suitcase wicker player yeah bluetooth wicker player that's fun you see I don't think these are very expensive though right being bluetooth and a record player makes absolutely zero zero sense because you don't want to play a record through bluetooth digitally into a speaker that isn't that will yeah having a record player is to play directly into a speaker right with like cords to get that record Sam but if you bluetooth it it's gonna get somewhat digitized in a way so I don't really understand the point of bluetooth record players because you want actual chords going in to the speakers from the record player very strange concepts that people want bluetooth record players now it's brand-new yeah it looks nice they're only about oh no it has been open before because the cord is open buddy the non bluetooth ones are like around 40 on sale right now on Amazon so bluetooth is probably gonna be like 50 bucks but the packaging is kind of like beat up on its those buy more like $40 but yeah bluetooth on a record player makes no sense next we have shoulder support Sports Therapy size large extra large do I need some shoulder support you like the mic should keep this my shock therapy my shock doctor my trainer at the gym oh it does me but your shoulders back do this exercise keep your shoulders back cuz I do too much work on the computer I won't fit me though 38 to 46 all right well that's my chest size though I don't know interests you know a container eyes like acrylic and it has a big crack down the side yeah it's also trash that's fine okay more trash very successful cushy tushy Oh folded padded potty seat I am NOT pulling this thing out that's a question for you those might be used but it's a cushy tushy it might it's probably gonna be a used cushy tushy hmm smell it I'm not smelling it no yeah I'm not selling oh my god she do she to to cuz she does she's I'm not pulling that thing out either toilet stuff I just don't mess with it I don't I don't want to sell it because you never know if it's used or not nasty got a mystery box it's still a mystery it looks like some kind of computer thingy my bobber and then there's there's fun colored wires over here SN o M s you know in front a one there's all kinds of fun colored wires dude Mike in line out I wonder screws on this side my goodness so the mystery box is still a mystery the outside of it says it has a MAC address on it SN om nama PA one interesting boxes think back we don't know what that is it could be some pretty good though I'll update below yeah let's might be pretty good this is a lot for a cabinet child locks magnetic like $20 if it's not broken is a loose in their electric expresso maker oh that's used there's water spots oh it's really dirty too yeah that's gross okay that's gonna be a hard sell it's really sad come on hodgepodge and we have an electric heater that's the cheapy one - it's like ISO for like $8.00 if it works so so that Alex nobody was completed at least we got to cushy - she's this one for you one for me boy we'll be back with box number three you base old looks like a hundred bucks take $100 thing it's gonna be the best thing out of it yeah bucks oh hey when I do the video be like hundred dollars those loves like $90 but those are covering gas on huh well the tags are still on him and they were heavily used to the person I know it's weird Manny three three well B this time there's no broken no damaged but find out I got a feeling though this hodgepodge you might not be the best hodgepodge be good baby diamond I think we have a shirt that's sure what's shirt say crack it open I that might be the best thing this whole power right there might be it use your muscles do with a printed shirt ooh I see says darkside oh it's a Star Wars shirt oh three words of wisdom who's who's on who's on the shirt Yoda hey that one will fit me see may the force be with you do do or do not there is no try size matters not that's awesome axe it's really cool that's a cool shirt actually cool shirt it looks like it's brand new that kind of is the best thing the whole pacifier I kind of wish it fit me because I keep it that's awesome well when you're not baby gorilla size you could wear that the dark side clouds everything impossible to see the future is sunrise so why such a wise man Yoda was very very wise though well can you call him a man because he's not really a man no heshes not man so that's your new shirt interesting awesome it's actually excellent everything I wish it fit me because I keep it that's awesome maybe there's more in there you won't be baby gorilla size forever and you can wear this wine bottle opener Oster good price but these is very hard to sell this item people just don't like buying it that is that aconite it's not aconite I might need aconite to open whatever this orange tube is what is it blow on it what is it I don't know don't put it too close to your face you know what happen oh it's a Windsor I know what a Windsor is batteries it has batteries so it does something I think it might just be a flashlight that's missing it's it's stuff just by gonna be trash don't know what he's pitch I don't care by Black & Decker juicer guarantee is probably used almost everything that's pass been used we have a vac master to a wet and dry it's an accessory piece to a wet/dry vac like what is the kunai fin the box it is nice it just has to be there that one's yours there oh thanks trash it's Christmassy is this a Christmas tree I think it's a bag probably next clip all that big big there I do this that's all your that's all yours oh this looks like it's a foot thing like for underneath your desk is that what that is no it's electric what is this has a fan on it what is this comfort I don't know maybe you sit on here something I mean it's like that fellow's brand that is like operator supply stuff so my my in clean is that you put your feet on it keep your feet cool I don't know I don't know if I doesn't work anyways odd it's an all contraption what you got there huh it's curtains or something I don't think it's curtains I think you should open it up pants like snow Oh pants good suspenders cries wolf ski so XL with suspenders so yeah it's like snow pants yeah that's awesome prize Walski we got another kind of thing here that cool t-shirt no I think this looks more like a like a wall hanging kind of thing oh maybe it's a Yoda wall hanging things oh that would be kind of cool would you replace Jack Jack with the with a wall hanging thing what if it's a walking dead thingy oh yeah it'd be pretty cool though to take down Jack backroads vintage market fresh flowers daily it's a flag I think you don't check a little thing this is like an outside fly that somebody would actually fly think it's gonna replace Jack backyard vintage harvest whatever that's strange the vintage market not vintage harvests same thing so we got a flag this is really hodgepodge wowza what's happening here no electric milk frother I feel like we've gone all over the place oh this thing is crunched it's heavily heavily damaged and crunch there used to be a circle now it's a nice shaped oval [Laughter] boxes so go ahead jump on in oh we got diapers diapers we have open diapers and diapers bamboo diapers that says bamboo like diapers they are size small 6 to 16 pounds that's the good stuff okay lots of diapers let's get something good it's that good dual alarm clock maybe lacrosse technology good brand it's on it doesn't look broken or anything oh I think it's something on the inside is actually moving around in it I don't know this looks like some kind of support belt back brace things yeah back Marlar brace yeah just leaving the package so when they put these hodgepodge things together they're very just like ok that will go and that will go and I don't know what to do with that so we'll just put that in there too mmm-hmm we got battery-powered heated gloves oh very large gloves they think would go down to like here on you huge gloves brand is tatra men's size large keep it gloves yeah that's kind of cool charger to it if you work outside or you know do something like that yeah they look pretty thick like you almost couldn't move your hands now so they're rechargeable so you just charge them up and then use we're axis lever corkscrew one bottle opener I bet yeah yeah wine bottle of the rabbit is what it looks like inside awesome best thing in the palette this is a the rice cooker but missing the top of it so we'll just go ahead and grab both of these because they're the same thing sticks for pops like cake pops pops sticks take pop kick kick kick kpop kick kpop kick cake pop pop cake pop pop not k-pop k-pop okay kpop cake mm-hmm oh what's that yeah we have a Weller w/e at 10:10 soldering iron station so this is probably the best thing the whole palette that you're used never use course still tied up I just got to be some new stuff this pallet eventually yeah it doesn't look used I don't see I'm gonna leave it all in the package for now but this is probably a pretty good item right here this is gonna be my coup de Gras the entire pallet so that's cool though that's nice that will sell very very quickly I guarantee you that and then the final thing in this box is I don't know maybe a heater amazonbasics named crack it open maybe something awesome probably not though the heater no no without a heater not a heater it is a kettle so a heater of sort they heat your water brand-new brand new heater water heater cleaning kettle kettle okay so I'd set for box number four yeah it wasn't bad the last three I don't think so we got sorry orientation it's probably the best thing on this whole pallet money why so we'll be right back with the final box it is time for a shameless plug you see us here wearing the same franchise kicks t-shirt if you love her shirt all right sir or my shirt there's links below that you can actually click on one of these shirts they'll take you to like my teespring page where I got t-shirts hoodies tank tops cell phone cases leggings everything you think of is for sale so shameless plug complete box number five so I got a feeling this one's going to be freaking awesome it looks awesome no we have a power supply I guess for Christmas timer or your outside Christmas light it's a timer this is very sad it's like Griswold stuff right right oh boy it's got to get better here any one two three Wow we have a nostalgia bacon Express a healthier way to cook bacon this is this has got to be you is there really a healthy way to make bacon yes this drains off all the fats so it makes your bacon fat free return label we're not oh there's some great bacon grease a lot of grease is you be like oh it's like on the box the box is like wet from Greece to California king you must be sheeps Buettner 315 hundred thread counts oh no it's a duvet cover duvet cover the 3 piece duvet cover it's blue and white got some polka dots yeah it's new exciting you wanted some new quantity one piece no label doesn't weigh very much it might be awesome we heard a loose piece go ahead say whatever it is it's broken yeah whatever it is it's broken this is a storage organizer kind of kit is it broken yes it is broken broken should have been salvaged yeah oh I think I just bought one of these what we're getting measured what we're getting ready to pull out here dog oh yeah it's for a dum-dum jacket it's not really you use though we've got dog jacket that's so exciting oh yeah like we use dog jacket so I actually just bought this for our own house how much did it cost I'm 15 dollars all it very much for 17 dollars this is a toilet party the Jews it's a valve replacement they're a flush valve kit I don't know I can tell you if it's they're not all that stuff yeah we just had to replay now this is brand-new brand-new we could save money and now because this is the 2 inch and we needed 3 inch so we could use anyway no brand-new toilet part it's like $15 yeah so we got to bring a new item happens to be a toilet part finisher baby okay here we go an austere blender that has been used then it has mold growing in the bottom of the container so that's exciting this was rather painful to go through yes this one the best his sarcastic comment about these being my favorite in the beginning this hodgepodge was not a good hodgepodge not a good height there was way too much broken stuff and gasoline covered boots like no this should have been a salvaged pallet you should have been salvaged I got it cheap though you got a bacon Express I got a used bacon Express where this so bacon greasy that the box is still moist from the bacon grease it just adds the flavor baby [Laughter] so that is a hodgepodge pallet that this is not the normal hodgepodge that I get there usually not this bad so but last week you saw me do two toy pallets and they were really bad you saw electronics last Saturday and it was bad and now today you saw this and this was bad so we've got a hit a hot day eventually I've had four straight bad this is this is all part of the liquidation game I mean is it you have ups you have downs it's a roller coaster of a ride and you figure it out as you go yep sometimes you'll have paths that you make a crap ton of money and then you have four or five straight where is just profitable but then you get these and it's great like you scratch your head like how did this not go Salvage it should have been way too much broken stuff this is real life pallet flipping that people ask me like what what is it like this is real life this this is it not everything is gonna be good well that was good what's good don't shake it and break it shake it very good you're sitting out bars now bars so that's what we got I'm still gonna make some money on this because I didn't pay much for it thank goodness so but make sure you stay tuned we'll have more palette videos coming up Thursday and Saturday for straight bad ones there's got to be a good one hopefully this this week we'll see a good one a home run of a pallet so stay tuned you will see hopefully something better so just want to thank everybody for watching this if you went through this whole thing with us piece by piece thank you if his brutal for you that's was for us comment down below how many times did you roll your eyes how many times did you make gagging sounds at this pallet let us know comment below so we'll see you soon and we're out
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 419,088
Rating: 4.3665004 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, 2019, ebay, amazon, sell on ebay, sell on amazon, fba, flip, flipping, resale, resell, reselling, garage sale, rummage sale, yard sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, haul, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: xrGG4s6DFrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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