I bought 400 Pounds of Grocery Amazon Customer Returns & Watch the MASSIVE Pallet Unboxing

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[Music] deaf guy a $2,000 Amazon customer turn grocery ballot you saw the first half of this on the wife's YouTube channel if you haven't seen it don't watch it right now once this is done watch part one but a her channel that will be a direct link in the description box to her channel so you can watch part two them part one you know that's totally fine it's just two separate videos of the same palette so watch this then go watch hers immediately cuz you don't want to miss out from the first palette with the greatest items ever yeah so just to clarify that that's that the palettes been separated um so it's not the same stuff no nothing you know it's different stuff that I opened up on my channel different stuff he'll open up on here she explained it all smart and stuff off Martin that was smart yeah so like on hers in part one just a little recap without actually watching it coffee pet-food candies chocolates coconut water coconut water and other good and look luck tides look websites collagen collagen left tides yes I left I so but this one this came in one huge like a watermelon box on one pallet so in order to get this into the house bed to break down the actual box get the stuff in so we've got items stacked up all around their kitchen so this is our kitchen and we've got like a section for chips a section for miscellaneous and then two huge boxes in front of us we had to repack stuff to bring it in so we will let the wife go first on this 2000 dollar grocery tablet I get the honors yeah okay well we're gonna start off interesting ly enough with a non-food item on our food palate non-food non-food interest so we have cold packs and these are the instant cold therapy packs that like I think these are the ones that like you just take a twist but in it like pops and then you shake it and it gets cold like that so we will probably keep these because you never know I'm a little accident-prone sometimes and so you just never know when you're gonna need a cold pack exactly yeah we have a cold pack the first thing that is the only non-food thing that we can remember as we broke down the path bringing the house I mean that's all that was none ooh yeah let's go ahead let's jump into the most common item in grocery pallets okay cake up this is a variety pack it's got ooh ooh it's got Cinnabon Kahlua oh the hair Green Mountain different flavors of Green Mountain so this is actually a nice driving yeah I love the Kahlua coffee I'm not a dream yeah nice Friday pack of coffee so this would be the first coffee that you see we've got another one that's a variety pack for tea and cake up Thank You Pam yeah it's the exact same variety pack yeah so so as of right now Rex is not selling this coffee we're keeping we have a closet full of coffee right now from the first pallet and this pallet now so what we plan to do is have enough coffee for like Armageddon to the point of Armageddon wherever it happens so until then we might give away some for Christmas presents to family and friends or something but we have enough to hunker down during the apocalypse we have plenty so basically what he's saying is we're not worried about having water or other types I mean we have to have water to make these but you know any kind of sustenance that is gonna keep you full we're just worried about having coffee and keeping our caffeine content up I mean I guess we have to have energy to you know fighting fight all the whatever bad aliens there's zombies an alien yeah they're coming oh yeah they're coming and be prepared people stock up your coffee now Oh while you have time what is wrong with you what if the coffee is actually the alien repellent they cannot stand the smell of it or the texture of it you and we are what on earth at exactly boom we go we're gonna save the world like it's like our our dragon dragon drogon we're gonna save the world baby everyone say ok - easy I'm looking forward to saving the world oh it's my turn I rambled on during during your whole you got so into your zombies and aliens and Armageddon them well don't get me going about you know oh I know that stuff cuz they're they're coming they're not coming but when they do come you've got our tiny bars box of kind bars the nuts the good time so we can be kind as well kind of ourselves I'm kind to are settled there's a sustenance and then we have some more protein bars that's ok strawberry I keep saying a lot of strawberry news palette I know what are very puffed are strawberry bars what's wrong with strawberry no strawberry coffee as far as we know but it's kind of I bet it's coming strawberry coffee yeah let's go ahead let's knock out the first pet item don't you stack it okay I'll stack cuz we've we've we've got a stack of food over there from her videos to her palette there's a stack ellipse where's gonna combine stacks now so you got some did a six brand new factory seal for the dogs and they're actually denta pellets they're not this one is not sticks to my lipsticks careless I will let you see don't don't we're still waiting for one of these to come opens because well alright but we don't want to try to open the trunk so we need if you like a small package yackin that comes like there's packages yeah take one small package that's like and I'll try it I'll try it well what if we actually like it told you thankful that's actually not that bad we Billy it's it's sustainable if we handy like good flavor are they all do they say fresh bites is all it really says it crates or it kills tartar - I mean it has rice flour wheat starch glycerin gelatin gum a whole bunch of stuff I can't pronounce hmm but it doesn't say like what flavor they are so eventually you will see us try dog food or dog treats or regiment eventually fresh mint flavor you love chocolate mint I do love chocolate man so just wash if they were to victory I don't know you might just be behind I'm like there's your turn okay stay in stay in pet themed for the moment we have Fancy Feast medal ease in sauce shredded chicken our cat likes Fancy Feast shut it chicken so our cats got a whole case okay so I'll show you you guys have probably seen our cat he's right here I'm going to show you you know how big fancy piece cans are there like a nugget okay so in order to feed to fill him in how many cans do you think comment below how many cans does it take to fill up this cat how many cans are you gonna sell in Phoenix oh he sees it oh okay I'll but yeah it's not much for being held you use nice if he actually just had a can of food so he wants more so back to coffee Pikes Place roasts 32 cups Oh Starbucks more coffee coffee we have four packages there's four these guys engineer Cafe cafe yo have a look oh this one says yo cafe oh it's yo cafe on the side yo yo cafe booster new it's a dark roast whatever it or wait a minute or does the part is that a you you café Bustelo I don't know yo heart yo love Yolo you're gonna love yo yo no I don't know you're reading way too far into it you must know you must know your coffee the items that you sell so that you know so that you can fight the aliens the zombie aliens of oh now they're zombies there's a mixture guys crazy the aliens and zombie aliens it's a it's gonna be some crazy stuff what happens no conspiracy theory yeah whatever got a whole case of rice cakes gluten free plain and unsalted so this was actually this was refused by the buyer I'd refuse it to its plane puzzle opted some I bought this from Amazon got delivered they wrote refused on it and it got sent back and it's still sealed look it says sixteen dollars and seventeen cents so Amazon did it put enough postage on it that's why why there Matthew yeah that actually is why they refuse why would this cost $16 so light Amazon yeah they maybe it was going out to California or some something like that it's really crazy expensive to ship out over California from here anyway that was refuted because the postage so if you want some unflavored unsalted cardboard cakes we got a case we have kitty cat food I can't his brand oil thing well you can have mine I can't invite him I can't um flip it over because the Box busted on the bottom so we've got lots of different little baby cans of cat food I'm perfect delight mmm this one is tuna dinner would you try one of these No packed sardine dinner Oh gross we're just gonna kill this often okay one do it three more things of cake cups Starbucks and cured brand I guess Oh Green Mountain and Green Green Mountain so two three mountains and a Starbucks brand new cases of more cake alcohol fees coffee coffee coffee coffee so now for some more excitement we will go over here and grab a couple of these oh oh this is just the first step you can't see you anymore well that's that's okay as long you see these and they should be happy so go ahead and show them the top box show me the top box top box deep river snacks because we give a chip that's what the book because we give a chip Wow so then we got a brand new case oh wait oh not done wait there's more thank you these are ninja ginger ginger chips that sounds good so it's a redheaded ninja why is that have to be redheaded because it the ginger uh you know had an engine ship I gotcha I pick up there I haven't had ginger chips but they're kettle so they could be good hi I'm a ninja and sometimes red hairs do come in the beard so me the redheaded ninja it's grey old dollars not you're getting a little bit get wise so here's the first case of free too late ships the box that the bottom of this one's opened up but we've got a variety pack of this dist activates ones these are healthy you got thanks blaze baked Cheetos thank the Hot Cheetos we've got smart food popcorn thankless barbecue so this case is freaking fabulous and it's very colorful with every color of the rainbow in there except for like blue and green and purple chips so that's just the first frito-lay case or seven more fiddling cases of chips oh boy there's that one do you keep going oh look at this we have another case so this is another we've got classic this is the fattening chips not bacon we got Lay's we got I love Sun Chips these are almost healthy we got the orange chips then we find got some blue chili cool that's a cool ranch school ranch we got Doritos some more smart food popcorn and Cheetos we still need a green and purple weight Fritos don't wait now dude that's case number two or three but two Frito Lays then here's the another case of Friedel legs here's an entire case of Fritos we can have walking tacos so most most these cases are like a 40 count of chips so these four boxes right here that's like a hundred sixty bags of chips and that is very exciting because I love my chips but I got a Halloween I'm giving your tips away I need these chips you don't need these I need these chips we're gonna do we're gonna do we're gonna do those hey yeah we can't give all the chips at once because that's too exciting that's too stimulating for the mind all at once so for me this oh we got a box with stuff that's falling apart here her bag I mean I should say look fancy k-cups oh this is the nespresso brand as well so there's there's four boxes in here but as you can see some of them have come loose out of their container oh so sorry that was really close there you go that one then next we've got Oh collagen peptides oh that's more of that stuff oh that's exciting that's exciting mmm oh four colors of pesto we have six we have six like literally they're like d-prime I bet they're delicious they're like six it says oh good chinchilla get each I grab it hamster squirrel apple sticks cat chew toys chinchilla you want to try it out chinchilla yeah why don't we actually not - I want an apple stick well I try it yeah it's open package though I don't put in my mouth open package I want to put it in my mouth oh that's odd stick yeah so here we go oh it's that's that uh fancy brand oh footer mesial it's like a whole case oh that's actually like the three display box there's thick thin that so at your grocery store they would just tear off the lid and that's actually the display for the shelf that is actually a sealed case espresso dark roast and this stuff is not cheap that is not Oh you're in charge of the table now okay I okay take it over the table we have Wilton's chocolate throw chocolate melting wafers well they're not wait for day longer who think alone it's like a brick it's like a bit melt it's like no I think the wafers melted into one clump in here but what you're supposed to do with this is melt it in your so still good he's gonna melt it again lungs are still sealed let's feel like a fondue oh yeah for fondue but if so it was wafers but hard as a rock that's one bad thing about a shipping chocolate in a summertime is if it gets delivered to the first and porch or something and they're not home for like a day it melts it does not melt and then chocolate turns got weird color when it melts it's like turns it gets like this white coating oh yeah here we got a box of sausage and tomato tomato really tomato well Bree did did you just Briana did you just come from the South all of a sudden you got this ax eastern Indiana more than raised southern Indiana that's the south that's where we got a whole case I think there's gonna be some people that are going to fight you so Montana southern Indiana so not Hannah that's the south not the south so in Indiana we have hot and sour Chinese style egg flour soup mix I've never used that Auntie Anne's all this this is great for telling candy dummy pack gummy gummy thingy packs like free snacks yep fruit snacks whole box Holbach we got a whole case of vanilla almond granola like cereal boxes this will probably stay with that oh yeah because I ran a lot with my my yogurt whole case of it okay Brandon back to see there are six in there so that's pretty a brand new food brand of food and it's so good we have an entire case [Applause] these are good through February next you might keep these that's a lie goldfish come over here you've got like 116 more than that chips well but what just happened here oh you want to keep the action box - yeah get rid of my goldfish I'm getting rid of your goals a brand new chase a goal - you're fine never words were just like a final at full price no we're not last last item in this box not deliverable as addressed all right oh we've got more of the Barilla gorilla timaya Italian style entrees meat sauce Giammetti in tomato in jiminy okay so it yeah so no five six Oh God the chips are coming up in let us go back to the chips again so we've got four more boxes of a frito-lay 40-count like snack sized bags of chips so in total this is too many 320 bags I think in total in this palette that's an entire you almost an entire year if you had one bag a day yeah it's almost enough chips for the entire year but if he had five bags a day but still I mean this this is like ten bags a day and that's still good for like thirty two days a month this is like a month works worth two chips just a month worth of chips here we got an entire case of a fungus oh I like these the flamin hot bunions these are tribal good these are incredible I like I love them especially the plaintiff hot mothers someone's dreams are made yeah so dreams are made oh look at this we've got another one we got barbecue we just sour cream salt vinegar oh yeah our dream got a blue but no purple chips sour cream our lays yes four flavors in there but yeah salt vinegar I think we need purple because barbecued black okay oh this is a whole box of just lays classic chips for tea bags it's another whole box of yellow and here's the last one box number eight the last case of brand-new fiber steel chips in this palette eight boxes so if you have some kind of like a little hole purple oh we got the purple we got purple we got oh we got two shades of Oh spicy sweet chili actually the blaze and chips are we got the green we got a spicy nacho and Dinah Montes whole case of Doritos so I've actually never had those I'm at Messina yeah that case right there is delicious delicious that's what dreams are made at a case of Dorito that's delicious that's 320 tax I just say it but you had some kind of like a yeah like a hot dog stain like where you sold the hot dogs like if you had this itself like a bucket bag a bucket bag yeah that little bag god you're expensive in New York the pilot like three bucks a bag in like the big cities like hot dogs like what five six bag of chips puppy tow business hot dog you are buying I don't know why is it like this all right okay so Park hot dogs so it's like dirty water hotdogs yeah so if you had a tent like a hotdog stand or let's say cocoa puffs if you sold something where you had little chip bags you're golden that's easy money I'm not buying from you I'm gonna find a bag where you can $1.00 a I'm talking like convenience you're in the city you're hungry you want a dog and chips you can charge a bucket bag people well you just do a combo and then you they don't even really know how much is that so the dog and chips is like six dollars the dog is for chips or two and then an unrealized trust me marketing 101 marketing 101 go ahead okay here we go Jesus we got caramel popcorn and cheddar just a random cheez-its box factory sealed looks fabulous good till next February that's good stuff keep the man we got a rooster coop a refresher number-one horse stall refresher that's not food that's not food and that's in with the food so it's more like so I get armed poop I guess you sprinkle this over your poop over your poop maybe the cat needs this well sprinkle it where'd he go hey Phoenix yes mama do you need the the coop refresher my butt box stinks his bum box always stings oh the only reason why is thisis because he doesn't cover his poop just cover covering it because b-but he doesn't come in his booth he just stopped one day this one covers put before to be lazy there's an entire case of seeds but you're spitting seeds spin eat spit be happy so actually what we keep in this whole case is cease oh we're not gonna sell it to a baseball player oh I'm keeping these mr. see the whole case is easy what do we have here chomps snack six beef oh it's like for people or dogs people I can't tell you I don't I mean it has a cow on the side I think it's for human consumption I keep those that's good like snack food hundred calories a stick so I just have to say to marketers like market it so that we know and that's for people I don't mean for humans or for animals because this is a little confusing because it has like a steer on the side and it's nondescript on the front but it does say it's like medium mild medium so I'm assuming that people it is human consumption but just a little marketing you're like let us know what you're selling I mean there are some dog food stuff that you look at in like oh it's dog food I could even tell there's some stuff that looks similar let's see we've got some more kind Bauer's caramel almond and sea salt this box has been taped back together because it kind of got a views a little bit but those are awesome we have a whole case of simply organic Italian herbs spaghetti sauce a whole box so we're gonna get e mmm will you make me some with our new that we got in the other one that's heavy so we have a whole box of a cookie booyah oh yeah cookies a whole case of these cookies they're call me at least eight twelve and the others twelve packs in this case it's a product abstain I don't know I've never tried these it's a whole case of cookies whoa careful careful there Mabel it is falling apart okay so that's a whole figure cook whole box of cookies here we go with the strawberry again we've got cream strawberry boost high protein shakes strawberry pop-tarts strawberry bar strawberry shakes there's a lot of straight line about the strawberry these days so we got two things left you want the right hand or the left you just go for both oh no oh that's I will take this one so you're gonna give me the other one yeah I don't know which one was though good yeah we've got bare baked crunchy toasted coconut chips No no wait we have honey coconut chips it's a variety pack there's more by weight you've got chocolate coconut chips oh those are mine but chips toasted coconut honey source those three kinds of coconut chips organic seaweed snacks yes I look nasty that's dog food I think you should try one no dog food Hey look man I think you should try one it's really light it's like there's nothing in there like I guess it is seaweed though I don't want 25 I just burped 25 calories per serving I don't want it how many servings are in here no it feels like none that's a lot it feels like none nothing in it and we have like eight of them this thing weighs like sixteenth of an ALICE so it's not like an organic Steve them out next hit us up because we got jello yeah hate to see these snacks so that is everything that is the end of this 2,000 dollar Amazon customer turn grocery palette all in all I think is a fantastic palette there's a nice variety lots of chips yeah that's the one thing that is a little it's a little much on the chips our chips but if you had a certain way to sell these chips you're golden yeah but I don't really have a way to sell this much just start a hotdog stand that's a good idea I mean so just keep bunnies pals until we get hot dogs and buns I got the chips already too easy so that's what time yeah so mean it's easy to figure out how to sell these check them out he'll be on the beach in his veto and yeah selling his hot for six dollars I don't watch any chips don't we find the big bearded my way I've been good like the dogs now there's just distracting that's an awesome business plan I like that it's a good business plan oh well you have them on the bicycle like you ride the patchwork of stationery where I have a chair got you that is alright well if you want to be part of this fun enjoyment um join the franchise kick like logo team here we've got shirts we've got pants we've got socks we've got phone charger tainted food things we've got my lungs we've got all kinds of stuff so down below you will find kind of a banner that has all kinds of logo where if you're interested check it out it's fun stuff neat stuff so has this logo so check that out when mine's too big on me now that's why I can't wear it I actually need to buy some new shirts cuz I took big on me now he's gonna have to buy from himself of his own would ya what I want to do actually afternoon have to buy from myself my own stuff so yeah I'm gonna get some new shirts because yeah yeah and there's lady's style shirts like this one's just the general style shirt but there's ladies like v-neck kind of shirts and different styles and such so check it out yeah so I so I got four this time we'll do some more grocery pallets in the near future because they're fun to do longer the prices stay decent we'll get some more and see whether kind of treasures we can pull to start up our hotdog stand or fight the zombies the alien zombies yeah with their hot dogs in this apparent apocalypse with her it's not happening with our coffee yes all right let's let's prep for it we gotta go see ya [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 83,384
Rating: 4.8479581 out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, reselling, garage sale, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, jebus, treasure hunting, storage wars, StevenSteph, APPLE, food, doritos, cat food, dog food, chips, dumpster diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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