Addressing your assumptions about me!

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is Kelly Allen and welcome to a little bit more of a chilled out get to know me video this week so it's probably like the number one thing I bang on about all the time and that is basically that I'm very very busy and I don't have as much time as I used to to prepare you know the more informational long videos that I normally come out with each week so this week being that I'm particularly busy we're going to just sit down chill out and I'm going to address your assumptions about me so I asked you guys on Instagram you know send me your assumptions about me so I'm just gonna go through them kind of as quick as possible let's just see what you guys have to say you want a lot of plants but you also still want your apartment to look aesthetically pleasing yes absolutely there are a few reasons for this actually one before I moved here I had a lot of stock to the shop in my old flat for quite some time to be honest and it seriously it was like wall to wall with like different back here everywhere you really couldn't get moved it sucked and I felt honestly I felt kind of depressed because there was so much clutter so when I moved here I thought okay I'm going to declutter I'm gonna get rid of some plans one because my place is smaller - because I don't want the clutter but to be honest nowadays I don't have the time to look after as many plans as I used to be able to so it's kind of good that I've you know downsized my plan collection you have a lot of money I actually got this question in different forms quite a lot I don't have a lot of money at all I had to drop days work in order to be able to still do YouTube and run a shop so I used to work five days a week and now work three days a week but I still work five days a week if that makes any sense so I do three days a week in my nine-to-five job and then I do probably a day on YouTube and a day on the shop which is how it should be but realistically it's kind of all the time on YouTube and all the time on the shop so I haven't made any more money I've just changed the way that the money comes in and the sources that the money comes in from really it's about me juggling my time more than anything else and making sure that I can still do this and do it the you know best quality that I can you're secretly a makeup artist thank you but no I watch beauty gurus just like probably a lot of you do on the internet on YouTube but no I never even had any experience putting makeup on even I've done my mom's makeup a few times I'm certainly not on anyway oh you love making YouTube videos but wouldn't quit your full-time job if given the chance that's a tough one I would only quit my job if I either didn't enjoy what I was doing anymore or you know for some reason the company that I worked with didn't look after me or I didn't feel valued anymore I think until such a thing happens I would always love to keep my job that's not something I really want to drop I love doing what I do it has become harder to do it with everything else that's going on and I'd certainly like to keep on doing it so as long as those things are still in place then I don't anticipate quitting my job you already have most of your wish list plans from your last video oh we think philodendron very cool so philodendron melon or cry zone philodendron glory awesome philodendron Mikan philodendron white wizard if you do not know what this point is it is wonderful it is velvety and it is camouflage the philodendron spiritus sancti the monstera phil tippett cana monstera albor balsa gianna so basically the white variegated monster the alpha bozo Gianna which is the yellow version I am NOT expecting to find this this is the variegated Atman Sonia I'm not finding this I know you know one Sara epitome moieties this of course is the same scenario as the philodendron spiritus sancti in the way that I'm just not going to have one of these I'm not this one I mean it's blue honestly I've never seen anything like this this looks like you just shouldn't be anywhere near it as a title of that the Queen and thorium dark form similarly you can't really have a queen and theorem without a king and theorem I would say yeah yeah you're an extrovert nope wrong definitely not an extrovert you're a cat person true definitely I wouldn't say no to having a dog but generally my first love is probably cats you're addicted to philodendron yes and no monstera maybe my favorite genus of plan I'm not sure never had to really think about it the plants have never let me down are always monster even so the dendron can be a little bit so I guess yes but also monstera you have a dark sense of humor to a point where some people don't know if you're joking yes I can probably get in trouble with some dark humor and dark jokes generally I'm quite a dark person oh this one kind of makes me giggle a little bit because I was I was kind of waiting for this to come but this one says you don't like cheap plants now I will kind of address this because I'm laughing because it's just gonna come off so snobbish and I'm sorry it's not that I don't like cheap plants I will give you a very quick rundown of how I got into the whole rare plants thing basically you know I moved to a city where there was basically no green got into plans to the standard thing where you get one and then you add more and more and more and more more suddenly you live in a jungle but I found when I was watching you know YouTube videos of plants like house planters and things like that I was always seeing the same stuff over and over again so I learned a lot about plants don't get me wrong but I always learned about the ones that were always there like you know pothos a lot of higher just the stuff that people generally have and there's nothing wrong with that but I found myself because you know I'm a bit of a nerd I was thinking but what else can you get you know what what is there out there that I've never seen before I don't like to own plants simply because they're rare I like to own them because they're probably not something I've seen before so it's not actually the rarity at all it's the fact that you don't see them and I'm like wow that's special to me because you don't often see it but it's not that I don't like cheap plants you know if Thai consolation was cheap I would have it all the same it's not a cheap thing and it's not a snobbish thing even though you know it probably comes off as quite snobbish but you're really short no taller than 5 foot - I am 5 foot 4 inches tall so I'm still pretty sure I'm not 5 - but I'm I'm sure you know to be honest I actually like being quite sure I quite like being you know petite and just small like sometimes I say on couches and my feet don't touch the floor it's like short girl problems let me know in the comments if you have the same problem you'll have a pot noodle sandwich when no one is looking no no definitely not you will never film a video without any makeup on probably not and there's no necessary reason for that it's just it's what helps me and my comfort I don't personally feel confident without makeup on if you do that's fantastic I just I don't feel confident without it on your Ellie Goulding's cousin that's I don't normally get that I've never had that one before I normally get Fearne Cotton for some reason Ellie Goulding's cousin never had that before that's that's news to me there's a few ones here like you like to drink do you get drunk and come home and talk about your plans honestly I don't really drink now it's not because I'm against drinking I'm all for a good drink you know I don't have the time if I go out and get drunk I'm probably a very hungover and I'm not gonna be able to do what I need to do the next day and I'm nearly 30 now yes really so my ability to fight off a hangover is dwindling quite a bit so I can't really drink very much unless I've got some time off oh you're perfectionist in pretty much every aspect of your life yet understatement if I'm honest with you understatement oh you debated between a plant and a makeup channel because your makeup is always so pretty oh thanks I actually think I may have not at the same time I was gonna set up the plant channel but I think at one point you know years ago I thought about doing more of a makeup channel but it never happened so I guess I just knew I wasn't as good as the other girls that are doing it so I didn't really bother your wine of choices Rosie and you used to play first-person shooters in online co-op do you know me like yes that's absolutely true maybe you don't know me but that's like that on yeah I did my favorite video game is definitely Borderlands can't wait the new game by the way and I only drink Rosie if it's a wine I haven't found a single red or white that I like so yeah that's kind of dead on you wet your plants on the regular not enough but ya know an assumption but what's your sign I am a Libra so ironically I'm all about balance and honestly nothing in my life is balanced I'm pretty much all or nothing so take from that way you will your online presence is the same as your real self if anybody does know me or has known me that has seen any of my videos then apart from the odd case of nerves yes it's just me I have nothing to hide I'm just being myself it's hard to get your personality across or anything though when you do all the rapid indexes and all the informational stuff if I to do more videos where I kind of do things like this or like the propagating the giant monster a video then yeah you'd probably see more of who I was to be honest that's something I'd like to work on because I feel like although I'm giving out good content and good informational stuff no one really knows who I am so I would like to do that a little bit more oh that you're getting sent loads of free plants now so jealous if it's true it's not most of my plants are very very likely to be hauled from you know when I take stuff into my shop so if I take in some stock I probably bought it for everybody but I take one for myself I'm a kind of look for something specific that I want but other than that no no one's sending me free plants they're all mine I pay for all of them so how many people are saying that I'm wealthy what is it it makes you guys think that I'm wealthy because if it if it's that it seems that like Omar is together it's really not like I'm not wealthy at all I wish I was wealthy but I'm not oh this is a good word Chemical X is a conspiracy you've invented to generate traffic I mean no it's a hundred percent a thing in fact I got a lot of criticism for not releasing the name and the chemicals apparently you can find on Google you know I was just doing my base but yeah it's not a conspiracy my name for it is obviously made-up but it's not a conspiracy at all it's totally a thing you have a masters or a PhD so I have a degree in computer games programming and I have a master's in computer games engineering which honestly it's kind of the same thing yes I do have a degree and I do have a master's you dye your hair often I usually get my hair done by a hair dresser every two months so eight weeks that's it I don't touch it outside of that unless I'm late in going to the salon so I don't know if if every eight weeks classes is often my hair girls pretty quickly I guess that's often I don't really know you don't like sleeping in in the morning yep totally true hate it if I maybe if I slept in till 8:00 a.m. I would feel like I was being super and productive that's only because my body is in the cycle where it should be waking up at about half 6:00 so yeah I don't like sleeping in at all you're not a very feminine person aka a girly girl very true maybe I know how to go by this maybe i exhibit the traits of someone that would appear to be a girly girl that I'm not I'm actually a huge tomboy huge tomboy know if that's what feminine is then no I'm not that feminine you'd never tell anyone how much you spent on your oblique er in brackets your firstborn child the oblique ER was a gift I didn't spend any money on that that was gifted to me so that makes me obviously the luckiest girl on planet Earth but I didn't spend a penny on it that you played World of Warcraft and your go-to character was a blood elf priest you are so close you are so close because I did play World of Warcraft I was a priest but I was a Draenei priest so I played for alliance but never played for horde tried it just it wasn't for me so you're so so close with that that's quite interesting you make tidy shopping lists yes my shopping lists are a little bit extreme I like to do this thing where right this this is ridiculous okay but if I know the shop I'm going into I will make a list in the order that I'm gonna go around the shop so if I know the fresh section is first I will do all the things in the fresh section then I will move on and next things on my list will be you know in another section and that's kind of how I'll do my list so I just chronologically go through the shop in order of my list and you get things done so much faster if you know your shop really well you should try doing that because it's brilliant you tend not to forget stuff you don't have to zigzag around and go backwards it's very sad but it's one of my favorites I like making lists I'm a list person oh you are the coolest most amazing person I've ever met that's one of my best friends Christiana hello I miss you so much I can't wait to see you soon oh you're extremely OCD for lack of a better term and I need everything planned in your life yeah if if there is no plan for the day or plan for the week or a plan for a thing coming up I don't do very well and I feel like I can't place myself I can't relax like because I like to plan very very heavily most of the time for most things I do so if there's no plan there yeah I don't I don't like it very much so I would say I was a little bit hardcore with the planning oh okay I'm gonna answer this so it says he struggle with self image and self home and I know a few of you guys worked this out over the last video it's not something that I was trying to hide from anybody but yes I did used to suffer from it I think I suffered from it if I had to put like a timeline on it I would say it started when I was maybe about 13 ended maybe 19 or 20 so really my teen years I really really suffered with that it was it was a hard time in my teen years being at school and stuff a lot of stuff happened it wasn't very nice I'm fine now please don't worry about me you know it's in the past it's it's an old thing but yeah I wanted to come out and say that because I know it's very very important to acknowledge and address this kind of thing it's nothing to be ashamed of if you have also suffered or do suffer from that kind of thing please don't feel ashamed it's the reason why I'm kind of addressing it now so to speak so yes I did suffer from it I am okay now please do not worry about me things are good you've got that resting face perfected by accident I am well aware right well away that I have that face I have tried to get rid of that face I've tried to you know lighten up that face and it doesn't work like I can be having the best day on planet earth and someone can see me and I look like I'm about to stab somebody it's not good I tried to do something about it but my resting face just screams like go away so if anybody sees me from a distance if you're out you know you see me out and about I'm not angry I'm not miserable I'm just I don't know it's just my face that's all I could say it's just my face oh another interesting one I'm gonna answer this too you have to deal with a not insignificant amount of sexism at your programming job now I wanted to answer this very quickly because this is something I get asked a lot usually in person when I joined the company that I work with white paper games we all went to this conference called egx in south of UK which is a big games conference where loads of companies come and showcase their games that's Microsoft the big ones and then a lot of the indie companies too and a lot of people when they found out that I was the programmer well first of all first of all they didn't think I was the programmer they thought I was either a the artist or be a promo girl for the company thanks by the way that's real nice but when a lot of people found out was the programmer the first question out of their mouths was you know what's it like working with all men and it's like well I don't understand the question like really the question is what's it like working in a team of nine and I guess that's just reflective of my experience with the team I mean the guys at work are the most sweetest wonderful guys they treat me basically as they would treat each other and personally I don't think that's sexist I think that's just treating you all equally do you mean we all have a joke we all you know poke fun at each other that's just how it is I have no problem with that I would be a little bit offended if they didn't do that with me because they would be treating me different do you know what I'm saying well I think that's it I've gone through a lot of them there are a lot lot more so I'm really sorry if I didn't read yours out a lot of them are very similar so I've said I want to read like five have kind of the same question out but I've tried to answer them as best I can I tried not to shy away from the more difficult questions so thank you very very much for giving me your time and asking me those questions and giving me the opportunity to answer them if you'd like me to do another one of these videos more of a Q&A or another assumptions or anything really just feel free to ask me in the comments and I'm sure we can do that no problem you know if you want to get to know me or if there's any weird gritty questions you'd like to ask me that's totally fine too as I said I've done so many informational videos I don't know what people think of me or how I come across so I'd really like to get to know you guys more and I'd like for you guys to get to know me more so if you want me to do any more of these videos I'm totally totally down for that so please do suggest that in the comments and I will try and arrange another opportunity to do one of these thank you very very much for watching I will try and resume normal videos as soon as pre humanly possible and I will see you next week bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 41,885
Rating: 4.9254169 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, kaylee ellen assumptions, assumptions about me, addressing the rumours about me, kaylee ellen about me video, kaylee ellen vlog, addressing the questions, q&a video questions, kaylee ellen plant youtuber, plant youtuber, uk plant youtuber
Id: VmmBX-Ob8B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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