i turned my house into a bookshop

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I've got 45 minutes of free time and a dream because when I posted videos building this home Library a bunch of you commented saying it's kind of giving independent bookstore Vibes and this got me thinking which is something I generally tend to avoid what if I made this room into my own personal Bookshop the thing is I treat this room like a little kid would treat a doll's house like this is just my toy to play with now and so that is what we are going to do today I am going to turn this room into a Bookshop and if there's one thing I know about it's bookshops so I think if there's one person who can make this from like a Bookshop it's me I have a small set of skills but they do come in handy sometimes so that's the video that's literally it welcome back so for context this is the space that we're working with this is the home library and I am personally of the opinion that the one thing that's going to make this immediately go from personal book collection to book shop is a display table fortunately I still have not removed this cabinet from this room and sometimes our lady this actually is an advantage so I'm just going to put this kind of like in the center of the room so you can still kind of walk around it because I care about my customers that don't exist so we're going to put that there and then the plan is to have books kind of laying flat on this table so I can divide this in half and have two displays but the question is what do we display so I have to think about what I have lots of I definitely have a lot of translated Japanese fictions I feel like I can do like a whole display of that that could be really cool okay well we need some murakami if we're doing that so we're gonna put that there um and this now is essentially like shopping in my own personal Library that's also important um we have some sayaka Morata I know there's a pile of translated Japanese fiction somewhere the question is where and then I'm thinking for the other side I might do like a little dark Academia display which I'm going to call dark Academia so of course for that we need if we were villains and somewhere around here is there we go the secret history no dark Academia display would be complete without that I just wanted to very briefly interrupt this video to let you know of something I am buzzing about and that is that this video is brought to you by audible now I use Audible every single day so this is so exciting to me audible is of course a leading producer and provider of audiobooks and spoken word entertainment with the world's biggest selection of titles from classics to contemporary releases they also have podcasts and I am always listening to an audiobook Wherever I Go whether I'm walking somewhere on the train at the gym reorganizing my home Library there is always an audiobook that I am listening to I especially love listening to celebrity Memoirs using audible because often the celebrity themselves narrates their story which I think just adds a layer of depth is so engaging and really elevates the experience of hearing their story in their own voice now my next lesson on Audible is going to be this one this is how attachment Theory explains our relationships and this is an audiobook where an attachment Theory expert takes you through attachment Theory and how the way that we connect with other people shapes our relationships and shapes Our Lives I think it's so interesting to understand how we behave in friendships and relationships but also how other people behave in friendships and relationships and how we make that compatible and I've heard a lot of people say that understanding attachment theory has really helped them be more of an empathetic person I think that's five different attachment Styles and I'm very excited to learn about them so this is my next lesson and I love that audible Champions the power of the voice to bring stories ideas and characters to life so you can check out audible now and listen to please find attached how attachment Theory explains our relationships and also loads of other audio books and podcasts on Audible back to the Bookshelf I also have some new additions to the Home Library firstly the fraud by zadie Smith so buzzing that there's a new zadie Smith novel it said in 1873 and I think it is based on a real trial that did actually happen and kind of grapples with Jamaican and British identity then I got these absolute Beauties these were sent to me by vintage and we have if On a Winter's Night a traveler Stoner by John Williams and also the woman in black that is a huge book I've seen this movie with Daniel Radcliffe but I think it's about time that I read the book as well but in the meantime those are going to look awesome on these shelves I also ordered myself a couple more of the mini cloth bound Classics and these I think are going to be very useful later in the video I've got a little plan it's cooking away out there trust the process okay and also this is the book I'm currently reading let me know what you see first when you look at this cover do you see the cat or do you see the bird do you see that I saw the cat first but the bird is so sweet that's the new Margaret book old babes in the wood anyways I'm working on this I can't find one of the books that I need and it's so annoying I took it on holiday with me last week and I'm thinking did I leave it there I don't think I did but that's like leaving a child on holiday but these are the Japanese books that I've got so far we have the flowers of buffoonery by Osama Desai Hit Parade of Tears by Izumi Suzuki Sputnik sweetheart by murakami Lonely castle in the Mirror by Mizuki tsujimura Express helkami and earthlings by sayaka Morata we've got some bangers here this really is an All-Stars cast of Japanese writers and then this is my collection of dark Academia books I'm not gonna lie bunnies looking a little out of place in amongst the other covers if we were Villains The Secret history bunny we have villette by Charlotte Bronte and Paradise rot and then I want Mrs S by K Patrick to be the final book I just can't find it Paradise raw is kind of an outlier there's a fly in this room is that my first customer anyways sorry if you can hear the buzzing behind me but um this is Paradise rock by Jenny haval and it's a little bit of an outlier in amongst these other books but it does take place on University campus and it is definitely dark so you know what let me have it also let me have this book where the hell is it oh my God I finally found it here it is this is Mrs S the final piece so my puzzle yes that looks so cool the only thing I have left to do is to make some sort of sign like a divider between these two so I just printed off these two pieces of paper these are gonna be my signs to divide up that little display it's definitely giving um budget it's giving budget independent bookstore it's giving independent bookstore that really struggle during the pandemic and can't afford lamination but I'm thinking this is my little DIY I'm going to use this ruler and put that in between them and stick them together and then that will be like a little a little sign see there is kind of thought going into this are they good thoughts I don't know is this a waste of energy maybe okay A little double-sided tape moment and it kind of works granted it would have been better if I didn't use a red ruler a transparent one would have been better but we're working with what we have and then hopefully if I just push these books together I did not expect that to work so well sorry I have absolutely nailed that credit where credit's due that looks great this side you can kind of see the ruler but if you squint really hard and use your imagination this side also looks good now the next step involves these clothbound Classics which are absolutely gorgeous I have an idea the thought is I think I could put them like this so they're kind of facing outwards so I kind of can make like a bit of a display and if I've measured this correctly then the Shelf should exactly fit three of them that looks kind of good right okay hear me out hear me out does that or does that not look like a Bookshop look at these they look great it's almost a shame that I normally present them just spine out because these are so gorgeous honestly if it wasn't for storage purposes I would display my bookshelf like this all the time that is a work of art Andy Warhol is shaking and that kind of gets me thinking that often in bookshops some of the books will be turned facing out as well like halfway through the shelf so like this one for example might be like that and then there would be like a little review underneath oh that's an idea it's getting increasingly elaborate and I kind of love it so I guess I just need to go through and pick out a book every now and then that I would recommend like this one for example Elena Knows by Claudia penero respectfully one of the best books of all time and then what we'll do is we'll take a chunk of the books and turn them all around and put them in that way that looks great this is honestly my dream this is so much fun okay so these are my picks we have 11 nose we have hamnet the memory piece by Yoko agawa boy parts by Eliza Clark this is how you lose the time War one of my favorite stories about this book is that it went to number one as a bestseller because someone on Twitter with the username biggerless Nicholas highly recommended it and his review was honestly just so endearing that everyone was like actually I do want to read this book and it is really really cool I also have the Master and Margarita mostly because that cover is just gorgeous they're going to Love You by Meg howery and the woman destroyed so now I just need little labels to each of these and I think it's all kind of coming together I feel like they're always written on these little index cards right throw back to my study tuber days this whole setup really is giving DIY so I'm basically going to write on these why I recommend each of the books so we'll start with Elena knows I love reading when staff at bookstores write little recommendations for you honestly I found some of my favorite books this way so with some double-sided tape magic we are just going to stick those on then that looks kind of kind of like a bookstore right one thing about me is I am going to commit to the bit okay here is the update for Elena knows I wrote this book made me ugly cry it builds up to a huge Crescendo and explores themes of illness mother daughter relationships and religious Dogma for hamnet I wrote women's Prize winner Imagining the life of Shakespeare's family a tender exploration of grief the memory police translated from Japanese a dystopia in which everyday items begin to vanish one by one people must come together in order to survive for boy parts I just wrote I support women's rights and I also support women's wrongs and that's what this is this is how you lose the time War the most gorgeous love letters you'll ever read as recommended by biggerless Nicholas and so on and so forth this is so like what your unemployed friend gets up to at 2PM on a Tuesday afternoon my job it's just book and you know what I'm not done so we have this bench and I see potential for it because I think this could be a display and I think if it's here I could display some hardbacks on it which are currently all up here kind of looking a bit of a mess anyway that's it that's the display it's just Sadie Smith okay these are some of my most beautiful hardbacks that I own and I think this is going to look incredible like honestly look at the sprayed edges of this one are you kidding me that belongs in a museum not my library okay I'm sorry but this is a work of art no guys someone actually does need to stop me because at this point I am getting carried away why did I just build a tilt I've just built a checkout area and I've left space for one final book which is this one which apparently is a bit hidden away but not so humble of me but this is my own book immediately reversing all the humbleness I was proclaiming to have by putting this one brighter place right here and actually I was thinking it would be kind of cool to have a signed edition of a book and this is the only book I'm capable right now of getting a signed edition of the only author I have available to me right now is myself which really is scraping the barrel but if I sign this edition of my own book like this then I can put a little sign on it that says signed by the author which is so bookstore core maybe this is kind of sad actually but then again my own book publishers never actually organize any book signings for me so harpercollins what's good we've got to do what we can to live out our author fantasies signed by the author baby sometimes you have to make your own dreams a reality okay okay are you ready for the official final tour I actually think I've nailed this so welcome to my bookstore what should I call it I'm gonna call it read the room because you can read everything in this room so this is the read the room bookstore we have our little display we have some dark Academia we have books translated from Japanese some gorgeous hardback covers this little till area can you imagine how happy I would be sitting there all day looking out over this it's like everything the light touches is your kingdom we have our little book displays this I think is just so fun my recommendations I'm actually surprised I've managed to make the vision a reality if you were just teleported to this space if you were teleported right here tell me you wouldn't believe this was an actual bookstore right this is telling me that I spend too much time in independent bookstores where I could literally recreate one given a moment's notice I did not come to play around today actually that's all I've done all I've done is play around and I guess now I just have to put it all back and stop cosplaying as a Bookseller because I actually would not let go of a single one of these books I love them all dearly these are not for sale but I did have fun but thank you so so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it have a wonderful day all the best stay in touch and I'll catch you next time bye bye and subscribe if you're new
Channel: Jack Edwards
Views: 279,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VL-ifyRmPSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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