This Animation App is NOT what I expected...

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good out everyone I'm jazza and I've had a lot of requests to see what I think of the brand new iPad animation software procreate dreams and I'm pretty curious as to how it shapes up myself now before we start little bit of context I am uh old that's how you say my very first days of Animation were in MS PowerPoint after that I graduated to macrom Media flash which then became Adobe Flash which then became Adobe animate I have a pretty extensive background in animation it was my job for a good five or 6 years and the biggest production I've ever done start to finish was the tail teller an animation I made over the course of 10 months since then every time I've gone into Adobe animate to animate I feel that the program is getting worse and worse what what is doing that do that's I did everything right it's the freaking program so this could be a chance for an exciting Redemption of Animation in my life disclaimer I have never opened it I have not used it and this video is not sponsored by procreate or dreams for the very first time we open procreate dreams okay so it comes with some files this is very familiar to the procreate layout of like coming with example projects let's check out the [Applause] Bree wao [Music] oh a love that so cool oh and there a loop that's very fun this is a really cool Showcase of what the program can do right up front all right here's our other showcases this is spark trippy this I can see a lot of like tweening which is good that shows me there's like you can achieve different styles and last but not least into the future this is this looks like proper anime we got scenes oh my God I'm so excited now you can make a TV show maybe love that subtle camera Shake nice foreground great like glowing layers wow this is stunning this is a brilliant demonstration so first things first let's start where every animator should start a bouncing ball you got it that's right first frame the ball is flinging in from the side how do I do a new frame plus no uh do I tap no D no I want to be able to rock back and forward what's that dot no don't want that and now I want an onion SK okay I should do the wise thing and see if there's some sort of tutorial now trying to learn what to do I could only find the manual on the pro procreate website I was hoping for some like easy to find video tutorials from procreate I'm sure there's some somewhere but it just really wasn't upfront easy to find so I just quickly searched for something on YouTube and came across a video by Kramer art everything about procreate dreams in 9 minutes which was a really good primer and showed me all the basics that I need to know and as I expected because this was my experience with procreate everything is hidden the sneaky bastards like everything like the onion skin option the ability to rock between frames which they call the flick book is literally hidden behind the timeline none of this is explained there's no Ina tutorial that I can see and there's so much of this stuff that really needs to be shown in video to show their hands making these gestures anyway with a few of the basics up my sleeve I worked on my bouncing ball [Music] I got my bouncing ball looks pretty cool it's got a little bit of spunk to it yeah I definitely want to add sound effect so we'll figure that out later so I'm going to bring in a stick figure and I think cuz this Ball's got so much energy of course it's going to kill the stick figure as an animator you make a bouncy ball you murder a stick figure where's a layer how do I make a new layer layers no that's just the drawings layers I want animation layers no that's not what I wanted stop oh my God this is the frustrating thing I know what I want in all of this I just don't know how to get to what I want there's a plus track track is layer like in an editing program not layer like in an animation or art program oh my God right we got a blue ball crap cuz the ball bounces across here I'm thinking if the man somehow ends up here can I drag this it's so there's like one pixel I'm trying to grab to draged this out oh my God it did it before Oh my God you have to be slightly zoomed in it'll sort of bounce up and then get slapped from behind yeah I think that's would work clearly it needs sound effects we'll get to that and so I took a deep breath tried to push my biases and frustrations aside and anim a cute little green Stickman being murdered by an inanimate object well an animate object I guess by definition cuz it's animated but it's a ball so doesn't have a personality unless this one's a murderous ball so I forgot what I was talking about the beginning process of animating my Stickman was a little tedious it was a little bit annoying to have to sort of pull out of the flip book mode to watch it in real time because especially with motion heavy animation you kind of want to reference the the the real animation in real time fairly regularly but putting that aside I have to admit it was a pretty organic process once the ball got rolling ball get it the next trap I fell into wasn't the program's fault it's just a trap I always fall into when animating stick figures and that is the size of the stick figure always changes now to fix this you can't edit multiple frames all at once even though you can grab a whole group of frames you can't resize them together so to get around this I had to group them all into a group and then resize the group but I decided to continue my animation I felt like this character would be pretty frustrated about that ball coming out of nowhere I animated him crossly putting his hands on his hips as if to say h what what are you bloody doing and then of course I can't help myself but have the ball retaliate randomly and throw itself into his face but we are not done yet now I've just started to really feel like I'm getting into the flow and you know the next step is blood one way or another I'm going to fight you I'm going to roll roll you roll you roll you one way or another I'm going to crush you I'm going to dash you crash you bash you smash you launch through the air with a rubbery scream to the edge of the street where you think you'll hide [Applause] and side note if you're learning animation stick figures and blood are a great learning tool you learn proportions for shortening and with the blood you get a bit of a primer on physics next it's on to sound effects and this is where I really wish the interface for doing this was much better I have a collection of like Rand foli and fighting sounds but I couldn't preview them before I bought them onto the timeline so I was just guessing based on the names and locking into few that worked pretty but would have been really nice to be able to preview some of this audio before I bought it into the project all right it is time for a viewing we are going to watch my first ever procreate dreams animation from the start let's enjoy this together you ready hey I love that oh my God I feel like a 12-year-old again there's just something so satisfying about beating the the crap out of a stick figer he doesn't deserve it but he's going to get it okay there's there's uh pros and cons to this as an animation tool it's really smooth and everything seems to be there so this has been a really good dable I want to dive and do something a little more substantial but before I do I'm going to soak in a little bit more of the high-end uh animation guides and tutorials and I'm hoping I'll have a little bit more of a depth of understanding to do something a little chunkier now started with this video of Aaron Blaze showing us how he animates this ogre stepping over a photo of City Hall and that was pretty cool but actually the most helpful part for me were the parts in the video where he sort of showed the way the timeline and structure of the animated short he did of the penguin was sort of done in procreate dreams sort of breaking down the illusion as to how something really high production quality is actually not as complex as it looks on the surface that's the sky color there's the clouds it can turn the drawing layer on and off down here we have the paint layer so everything's super controllable next I watch this video by Michael Ral art called learn the basics of procreate dreams now both Aaron and Michael have been artists that were commissioned to make something really substantial to show what you can produce with it these are stunning animations and obviously by very experienced and talented animators so to show them sort of flex and stretch what this program can do really does make your imagination open up to what you could achieve the other thing that I didn't know you could do which you showed in Michael's video is you can import your custom brushes you just can't do it in the dream interface you do it by creating the split screen between dreams and procreate and dragging your brushes across which is awesome because I've imported all of my custom brushes into procreate and now I can bring them into dream and animate them which I'm very excited about if you haven't checked out my brushes go check them out they're available on the jazzer shop they're really high quality I use them all the time on that note if you want to learn about animation I have an entire animation course the animation Foundation which is program agnostic and so you can using all of the principles I teach in my animation Foundation learn how to animate both simple and complex animations through my animation Foundation go check those out on the jazza shop but with my procreate brushes now imported into dreams I feeling a little more ready to do something a lot more substantial I want to carry on the theme of our bouncing ball but this time I'm going to let my green man get revenge on the ball but he's not going to be a green stick figure he's going to be a man wearing green hitting the ball with a stick the first tip is to really Loosely Block in the motion of him hitting the ball with a stick sort of arching up from one side to the other in a way that can be repeated it's really rough looking it's mainly just to sort of block the geometry and foreshortening just to make sure that he feels like a physical character who's moving in 3D space [Music] then it's on to doing some BL work I was going to do something more refined but honestly access to the brushes means I can keep it pretty sketchy and lean into that really Charming sketchy Vibe which honestly it feels so great to animate in this style and with these brushes it just really loosens me up honestly [Music] now this is the most repetitive part of the animation I'm going over my construction lines creating a more physically blocked out character and once I've done that for all of my roughed blocked in areas I add more in between to fill in more of the motion and just sort of balance it out to get good timing [Music] [Applause] throughout the next step is to add color so I just add an extra layer under Neath switch to my gouache brush and paint in the frames for the green [Music] hoodie now I think this is a good point to share a few thoughts about procreate dream I have to say while my initial impression was very jarring and confused I think that's going to be everyone's initial impression but once I got used to the portion of the interface relevant to the current activity and just sort of got a basic gist for how it generally works started to sink into much more of a flow and it became really satisfying there are little things I could certainly nitpick but the procreate team had a massive challenge in making an animation program that is maximally powerful and can produce really high quality professional stuff with really minimal interface and interactivity options no keyboard just an apple pencil and Swip and finger gestures and with that considered honestly I think they did an astounding job [Music] so I have an animation loop I think is pretty cool like given that this is my first time using this program I've got a solid frame by frame thing happening here so it's time to see if we can make it a little more impressive I'm going to start off by drawing my chained up ball in the foreground let's try a painting it in with a clipping mask where is mask clipping mask look at that that's that's pretty intuitive I like that great okay cool and I'm going to grab my chain brush and chained I'm going to be a little shmancy grab a lighter gray draw a chain directly on top so it's got Shadows look at that too easy so far so good I'm going to grab these three layers I'm going to group them and they are all one image now and the next bit is the bit I haven't seen anywhere before the performance mode I press this button and in theory I can move it around while the animation's playing play and it records the motion so I'm going to undo that as he hits I want to go my timing's got to be better though that's pretty good that's a bunch of I've got a little bounce in there and everything the only thing I don't like is right here you can sort of see the white but it's just made key frames so in theory I could just grab that key frame move it across and now the motion won't go past where I want it to look at that that's really good okay this is fun this is fun you guys so we're going to move on to like shading and stuff I'm going to duplicate my sweater layer add a mask add a clipping mask I want it to feel like looming so we're going to have him back lit and we're just going to go through all these oh man I just did a clipping mask on the one frame can I do it for all of them it's almost cool don't tell me I have to do this for all of them think I have to do it for all of them now this is I think the weak point of dreams and that is the more finicky stuff where you're sort of editing multiple layers at a time and really fine-tuning how those things coincide and everything I imagine it would get far more finicky and be way more convenient to just use computer animation software with that said it's really not a huge tradeoff for the depth of experience you get with such a minimal interface animation program now while it is a trade-off that I had to manually add clipping mask to all of the individual frames it's probably a way to do it without doing that I just don't know how that was the fastest I've ever applied a shading layer to an animation because there it's not finicky at all it's really organic cuz it's just nice brushes you can be a much more loose with and that that already looks like so cool like just a huge Improvement there's two more things I want to do to add that final bit of punch starting off with adding a background color which is an option in here I think we should go like red now I can add a layer with a nice watercolor so now on every hit I want to go B at a big intense whack of red there we go that gives us a nice kick of impact let's do the same over here pow all right that's pretty good this is one of those things where everything I add want to add something more all right new track we're going to add our sound effects again I'm sort of guessing as to what will be the right ones let's try punch grit wet impact okay that sounds promising okay all right that's pretty good so next I want to take all of this I'm going to group it there you go it's all in one place now and I want to have a go at performing motion for the whole thing okay and now we'll do one with rotation all right that's not bad that's not bad got a little bit of just a little bit of camera motion nothing too crazy I think the cool thing is though you you can like go in and edit the groups so if I wanted to add something f in the background like I could just open up the group grab my trusty Cloud brush and make a nice fog in the foreground give it a twin so we're going to go from here at the end of the animation it'll be over here and just like that I've added a fog that just rolls across in line with but like I don't have to touch anything all the animation applies cuz it's inside my group so there you have it I have created things today specifically a bouncing ball a stick figure and a figure with a stick hitting a ball for bouncing into him all with the hopes to get a hang of prre a dream and decide if I like it and the answer is yes question mark it's actually a stunning piece of software it runs really smoothly you can get really cool outcomes there's obviously just amazing stuff people have made in it the asterisk is on the left here you've got easy on the got professional traditional animation programs are not easy but they can achieve really professional results something like tune boom Harmony which is used in the industry much harder to pick up but much better in the long term for professional results procreate in my mind is a little more like this frankly a little less intuitive up front once you pick it up it's way more organic and easy to use off the back the smaller projects it's a dream it's really good but there is a threshold at which you will hit a limit and you'll get diminishing returns for the effort you put in so the verdict is I love it and if you want to learn animation look at this look at this whole leap into animation that you can get with really good quality just know that it's not the end game but it's a brilliant way to get into it I had a lot of fun and as you can see the results are spectacular a
Channel: Jazza
Views: 299,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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