I read 90 books in a year, here's which ones you should read.

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I read 90 books this year let's pull them off the shows say to say that I'm overwhelmed is a bit of an understatement no I'm fine last year I had to cover the 110 books that I read and this year I read 90 a little bit more digestible I wanted to read some longer books this year and I was this close to reading a book that was 1,000 pages but it was 980 but let's just Dive Right In I think I'm going to just give you the genre of the book and tell you if it was worth reading the first book that I read in 2023 was the cheerleaders by Cara Thomas this is a young adult Thriller and I didn't really like it that much I feel like the plot twist was good in this book but other than that I didn't really like it it was like a good three stars I actually feel like I read the best books in January though because I come off of watching everyone's favorite books of the Year video so I continued to go on and read some of my favorite books of the entire year including car SoDo was back by Taylor Jenkins Reed this is a literary fiction this was in my favorite books of the Year videos so no need to elaborate definitely read this one tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zan also a literary fiction also one of my favorites of the Year Babble by RF kuang this is a historical fantasy book actually it's trying to do a lot of commentary and there wasn't much action to the last 100 pages so because of that it was kind of a SLO to get through and it was impressive but I never think about it and I don't really recommend it to people lessons in chemistry by Bonnie garas I actually didn't talk about this book in my favorites of the Year video but I was this close to including it I ended up not doing it just because it's a pretty sad book I would say there are definitely some trigger warnings to check before reading this book I listened to the first half of it on audio and then I read the last few chapters the audio book was amazing I still think about the woman's voice who narrates it and this is a historical fiction which I don't think I read very much of this year so it was very fast-paced it was funny all of the characters were very enjoyable so I feel like it kind of broke the mold of what I think of when I think of historical fiction but I definitely think it's an amazing book I just never really recommend it because I think it's so sad the stolen Heir by Holly black this comes after the cruel Prince Trilogy one of my favorite books of all time and I actually just started reading the story stories of how the prince of Elf came to hate stories whatever that book is called and it just reminded me how much I love this world elf elf I think it's actually one of my favorite worlds I've ever experienced in a book so I feel like in retrospect for that alone it's like a five star but the plot lost me a little bit in the third half so I didn't give this one five stars but every book set in elf He is my favorite book ever her writing and the way that she just creates these Whimsical little fairy tale worlds is one of my favorites and I feel like that's a theme because the Once Upon A Broken Heart series is also one of my favorites so maybe I need to look into that genre more let me know if you have any book wrecks that are like whatever this is Whimsical fairy tale esque and then I read a non-fiction book shocker a grief observed by CS Lewis I don't know why it came in this cover I have so many cute CS Lewis covers that all look uniform they look great together and this one came from Amazon looking like this but nonetheless it was an amazing book it is about Greek although this is his journals from when his wife died and usually a non-fiction by CS Lewis teaches me a lot of things this one did do that but it also was just his kind of like inner term oil and anger at God at the time and I don't think these were ever meant to be published to like teach so I don't necessarily recommend it but because I'm such a big fan of CS Lewis I really enjoyed this book there are about three books I think missing from this pile so I need to check my phone and make sure I don't forget to talk about them oh one of them is actually next after that book crazy timing and that is the kiss of deception by Mary E Pearson she wrote the dance of Thieves duology and I love those books they're fantasy romance and this is a series that actually comes before those books but you don't have to read them to read the dance of Thieves duology this one just felt like an entire prologue of a book and it was three stars and I've heard that it just sets up really well for the rest of the series and I believe them but I never picked it up so do I really believe them probably not I gave it three stars I don't really recommend it I didn't even buy the physical copy which is very rare for me and then I read Billy Summers by Stephen King this made it to my favorite books of the Year video If he had been with me Lauren Allen young adult romance also made it to my favorites of the year the Happy Ever After playlist by Abby Jimenez this is in a video where I swap Five Star reads with my friends Destiny and Sarah and I feel like that always comes with a little connotation of like I want to rate this book really high this is an adult romcom and at the beginning it was super fun it had me hooked it had me intrigued it had me excited but then towards the end it really really lost me I don't really like this one that much I don't really recommend it but I did continue to read this author later in the year and that one was also interesting in the third half she kind of goes off in the third halves of her book she just really likes to explode the whole thing the hous made by Freda mcfaden this is a thriller book and this was so fun she's a nanny at this house and Things become Sinister she gets put in a room that only has a lock from the outside of the door and it was fun it was a quick fast read this on a plane perfect for that kind of vibe part of a raven prins by Tonia Odette this is a fantasy retelling of Cinderella and I just didn't click with this book really at all I don't really like it mistborn by Brandon Sanderson my first Brandon Sanderson this one is young adult I'm pretty sure and it has a very interesting magic system this book was really good but there were some chapters that I really had to slog through that made it not my favorite and has made me put off reading the second book but I just really wanted to see why people love Brandon Sanderson so much and I feel like I get it I'm just not deep into the the cosmere yet which is like his world that he's created I don't know I haven't had the urge to pick up any of his other books but I do love this one this one is very good people love this author so much and I want to understand it so bad and this book is where I stopped understanding and that is Clockwork prints by Cassandra CLA this is the second book in The Infernal Devices Series this world has like 20 plus books in it I don't really understand it and I was trying to get into it so so bad but this one just felt so boring and the quest that they were going on felt so random but I loved the first book so it really kind of made me feel sad but some people just I I just wish I could become a part of the fandom and when I was reading this book I just felt confused I'm sorry I don't know what I did wrong Misery by Stephen King this was a fun one I feel like this is not a story that I like love but I'm glad I experienced it because I feel like it was just a great way to understand Stephen King's writing and is like the only thing that I've read by him that is remotely close to horror I didn't feel feel well oh I'm remembering some of the scenes now I didn't feel scared it's just kind of gross makes you cringe a little bit and it's very impressive that the entire story just takes place in This Woman's house she has him captive so that's fun this was a four stars and then I read 112263 by Stephen King this one's got time travel in it also historical fiction I won't speak too much about this one cuz it made it to my favorite books of the Year video and I speak at length about the books in that video and then I read his Memoir on writing also made it to my favorite books of the Year oh you're going to sit in my spot okay we have a little helper now to be fair Spock was in just about every single book video I did so I guess this is only fitting that he helps me review the books flicker in the dark by Stacy Willingham this is a thriller book and it was very very good except for a few things at the end that feel like loose ends plot holes maybe things that just were not explained at all but it is a good thriller book but it did make me feel very dark inside I mean and that's something that can happen with thriller books because they're usually not a great happy fun Whimsical topic but I feel like like sometimes I read thriller books and they're just fun this one did make me feel kind of like I just feel kind of gross after reading this book but you know four stars romantic comedy by Curtis sittenfeld this is kind of like a romantic comedy SL literary fiction book and I gave it three stars I definitely enjoyed it at the beginning this is a common theme this year I would enjoy romance books at the beginning I love this setup she's a comedian writing for this sketch basically SNL and it started off so strong but the reason I actually didn't enjoy this book is because then it takes place during the pandemic and it just feels like not escapism like it's sad and stressful to read about and I just don't I don't want that when I'm trying to read romantic comedy I'm trying to have some fun and that was so real I was like please stop that literally happened like not that long ago I cannot be reading about this yet so this one got a three stars for me which usually is not bad but for this book it's a bad three stars not a good three stars o speaking of another thriller book that made me feel dark this is like the darkest thriller book has ever made me feel and that was then she was gone by Lisa jeel I'm pretty stupid I guess when it comes to guessing plot twist because I'm not trying to I'm just trying to have a good time but I've heard people say that they can guess the plot twist by like chapter 2 which in hindsight makes so much sense it's kind of hilarious that I had no idea what was going on but I don't recommend this book because I actually felt like crying after reading this I just was like that was so dark why did I read that so that's awesome okay back to fun silly haha time this was very popular on book talk it's a fantasy romance book an adult one I believe The Serpent and the wings of night by Carissa Broadbent event I love her books they're like the height of a hardback but they're paperback and they're very satisfying to hold this one was really fun if you want some escapism you want some fantasy romance this was great I didn't fall in love with it I don't even really hardly remember the characters and I didn't continue the series so lots of signs are pointing to kind of forgettable kind of not my favorite but in the moment it was a fun time four stars happy place by Emily Henry I am obsessed with Emily Henry I have watched interviews with her on YouTube that have 300 views I kind of want to reread this because I feel like I actually black out when her books come out because I'm just so excited and the fact that I waited an entire year makes me go into like a comos mode and I read books in a different way so it feels like I remember every line of this book but also none of it at the same time but five stars we're getting into the summer books here they're cute covers but not so cute on the inside sometimes meet me at the lake by Carly fortune in this author's first book there was a cheating Trope and everyone was like Hey man we almost all unanimously agree as romance readers that we hate that Trope I've actually never heard someone say that they don't mind that Trope and she did that and we were all like this was a pretty good book but why would you do that so let's see if she does it again in this one and she kind of does it again and it's just kind of weird like why is that a thing why like it's never adding to a story it's only subtracting and it's so unnecessary like you're making up the story you didn't have to make that detail that she met this guy while she had a boyfriend you didn't have to make that a thing but regardless of that the setting is really nice but it felt like she was just telling me this man is attractive I love this man but not showing me on the page so I felt felt nothing and I really just didn't like it that much let's see how tall we can get this stack over here perfect vintage by Chelsea Fagan this is one of the most unique summery books that I read this year it's kind of like a romantic comedy literary Fiction it's set in France at this Chateau and she basically just gets into a ton of drama with the family who lives there and it was a fun fresh time she was unique I gave this one four stars I think if you're going to go to France this would be a fun one to read that is so specific I think if you like European summer books this is fun when in Rome by Sarah Adam she just writes the shortest cutest little romantic comedies and I actually really like this book I remember actually laughing out loud giggling kicking my feet and I fully went in not expecting to do that so that was a great surprise I feel like the protagonist she's a pop star she actually had a lot of depth and inner turmoil that I really enjoyed reading about and made me like her a lot more so I think I ended up giving this like 4.5 Stars so out of a lot of the romcoms that I read this year this one is really good and then on the other hand her other book practice makes perfect I love this cover and I thought it was going to be just the most most amazing small town little romance and I hated this one actually I gave it like two stars I don't know guys it just wasn't very romantic to me okay starting this pile off with the bang we have fourth wi this is like the most famous book of this year it's a fantasy romance and I liked portions of this book I remember waking up and being excited to read it that day so that was a really great feeling but some of the dialogue just really took me out of the book really just plucked me right out there's a spice scene in this book that made me like laugh and cringe at the same time it is my least favorite thing I can't even describe it guys um so that really took me out of the book and I definitely just did not have the same reaction that I've seen so many people online have towards this book um I don't relate to the people who like love it and are freaking out but I am happy for those people because I know that feeling and it's like the best feeling ever it's like why I read so many books cuz I'm just chasing that feeling but this one didn't give me that one but I still had a fun time and I'm glad I read it but I have the second book and I don't really plan on reading it cuz everyone just hates that one so much I'd rather try to find a different fantasy romance series than continue this one unless the third fourth fifth sixth book comes out and people will Rave about those I'll probably get talked back into reading it but for now I'm good with just reading the first one and being done with it let's see if this topples over the okay then I read the graer by Kim Legette this is a ya dystopian book which I wouldn't really guess from the cover and this is actually one of the most unique books I read this year this one is a page Turner because you don't really understand what's going on it's kind of like the Hunger Games and the handmaids tale it's kind of creepy and sad kind of horrific a little bit like very disturbing scenes where I was like oh wow this is very graphic I can't believe this is young adult but it was really good I gave this four stars it's definitely a weird book so I've seen people have big reactions to it one way or the other oh boy once more with feeling my Alysa susman was one of my least favorite books this year this is a adult romcom and I loved her book from last year this has one of my least favorite tropes in it again and I just don't how can you root for these two people I just don't get it it was a really fast read read it on the beach read it with Sarah and Destiny and we all gave it like the same rating so it was kind of fun to just like read it really fast together and be like what is going on in this book because I feel like sometimes books that give you strong reactions even if it's a negative one is still kind of fun in of itself because it's like something to talk about makes you feel an emotion and it's better than those books that just like make you feel absolutely nothing so it definitely at least elicited a strong reaction it just was the negative kind then I read Red Rising and Golden Sun by Pierce Brown adult sci-fi these two books probably would both make it into like top five books of the entire year I highly recommend you read the series no matter what genre you like it's so good let's see if it topples over o and then I read twin crowns by Katherine Doyle and Katherine Weber this is a young adult fantasy romance and I just this didn't do it for me I think this one was like very young adult maybe 12 year olds could read this book and if you are that age highly recommend I think I gave it three stars oh The Ballad of song birds and snakes hi Suzanne Collins I listened to this one on audiobook actually cuz I didn't think I would like the book for some reason I definitely did like the book and I actually kind of forgot that it was a villain origin story at first and then I watched the movie Tom blly being president snow I wish I could have just like seen that before even reading the book it honestly could have even made the book but but okay video is making me not be able to talk I think this going to make this book even better better I think it could even I can't even say the sentence I think it could have even made reading this book better cuzz that was great great movie holds up the book great movie oh boy Okie doie O then I read The Institute by Stephen King for how much I love Stephen King I really did not like this one that much it took me so long to finish this book and I just wanted to be done with it too many point of views towards the end it really took me out of it so it four stars because me not liking a Stephen King book as much is still like four stars yeah I don't really recommend this one to people but I have another friend who wrote this book and my heart just stopped in my chest I think I feel like I just got hit by a brick didn't really hurt that bad I just was so confused I need to take a break from filming this video guys my bad we trying to stack the books honestly that's my fault I don't even know what I was saying on to the next the only one left by Riley Sager I love this thriller author so much so for that alone just loved the book I don't really think it's one of his best especially the ending was a little cheesy but I really liked this book nonetheless just because it's Riley Sager but if I were to recommend you a Riley s book it wouldn't really be this one it' be house across the lake it would be lock every door it wouldn't be this one but I personally love this book and it's so like a high four stars for me what happens after midnight by KL Walther this is a young adult romance and I love her previous book summer broken rules so summary so fun and this one just did not do it for me there were so many names of buildings on this like Zoe 101 esque set which sounded so fun but I just did not like this one but the tiny little crumbs of romance we get in this book are great that was like three stars do I know you by Emily wiberly and Austin Sigma broka this is about a marriage that is kind of falling apart so they try to pretend to be strangers but I just didn't really get why their marriage was falling apart so fast I think they're at their like 5year anniversary and it just felt very like there's not really much explanation given to us and it didn't really make it believable for me so I didn't really root for them which is you know if you're not rooting for the main characters of a romance book it's pretty rough for the romance book so I think I gave this like three stars but very fun summer Vibes cuz I was on the beach while reading this and that part was fun I'm actually getting so tired from filming this hello stranger Katherine Center one of my favorites of the year six stars oh boy float plan by Trish dollar this was a two star book oh my gosh I actually just really did not like this book I don't even know why I really continued it I didn't like the romance I didn't like either of the characters and there's only like two so yeah O The Last Word by Taylor Adams this is a super fun thriller book it's actually about a girl who reads a thriller book and then gives it one star and then the author comes at comes comes at her at her house crazy plot to us at the end too this is like this is a high four stars we're talking 4.25 4.5 highly recommend as a thriller book a betting on You by Linn painter this is a young adult romance I love Lyn painters young adult romance and this one was so fun the most fun me and young adult romance we just have fun they're just Whimsical and happy and bright and cute and fresh and just they're silly but they also like this one sometimes talk about issues that are like actually I feel like very relatable especially if you're kind of around their age when you're reading the book which obviously I am not anymore but I still feel like the 17-year-old in me relates to that to those aspects of the character's lives and it was really fun this is like a 4.5 five star book very high love theoretically by Ali Hazelwood this is an adult romcom and I actually really liked the parts of this book where she's dealing with the stem drama and her workplace drama that was really fun and I also really like the love interest in this book this one is a what is this one she's like fake dating this guy's brother cuz he's just paying her off an app to like impress his family but then her coworker is that guy's brother and then it's a romance between them and it was really good I gave this like 4.5 stars but her books are spicy none of this is true by Lisa juel this is a thriller made to my favorite books of the year one of my favorite Thrillers I've ever read o and then I started the natural series by Jennifer Linn Barnes this is a young adult mystery kind of Criminal Minds stranger things series and it's so fun and good the text is massive the chapters are short if you're kind of new to reading I feel like people love recommending her books because even if your attention span is short it's kind of good and snappy and this was a great start to the series I gave this one four star okay let me not stack the book super high again that was terrifying all the dangerous things by Stacy Willingham second book by this author this year this is another Thriller and it felt like the entire thing the entire plot twist was explained away within like two sentences and it actually did not make very much sense and was not satisfying to me so I gave this one like three stars Morning Star by Pierce Brown this is just the third book in the Red Rising Trilogy five stars oh my this book how to walk away by Katherine Center I love this author so much this is a kind of like literary fictiony romance book and oh my gosh the romance in this book I think is one of my favorites that I've read this year but the End of This Book like the last 100 Pages was actually hard to read cuz it is just so sad in the first chapter the main character gets into a plane crash like a very small plane as you can see on the cover of the book and then she goes to the hospital because she cannot feel her legs and she starts a long process of recovering from that and obviously that's like very that's a tragedy that happens so you're following her experiencing this humongous life change you're also following some of her like family drama and the little romance that ensues is like I said amazing in this book but it is also so kind of dark and I feel like if you're going through a really big life change it could kind of like trigger some not so happy emotions in you at least that's what it did for me I remember kind of just feeling weird after reading this book and it might not do it for you if you're not like going through anything super intense like that in your personal life but it is a possibility but I do highly recommend this book I just recommend it with that caveat because it's kind of important but the romance was like actually making me cry it's so good her books are so good I love her you just have to read one of her books this year check and mate by Ali Hazelwood this was her first attempt at a young adult Romance emphasis on attempt because I don't know I don't know why this is allowed to be young adult I feel like some of the topics that were in this book shouldn't be categorized as young adult it just felt weird that I was reading some of the things that the main character does it felt like she was almost trying to write it to a younger audience being like hey like look at this which is sad because I kind of love the rest of the book like it's about Chess I had a massive chess phas and when I saw that this book was coming out I was so excited I love her writing as well so like I loved a lot of the book but those aspects of it make me weary to recommend it to the young adult category whatever age that is but as like a fun romance book I do recommend it age ratings are a weird thing because it's like that's for the person who's reading it or who supervises their reading to decide it's not for me to decide but yeah that's just my opinion on it the intern by Michelle Campbell this is like a thriller mystery book I feel like it's more so a mystery and it started off slow I didn't think I would like it and then I ended up actually really liking it got my heart pounded a little bit got me very intrigued so I gave this one four stars it's a very good book Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lin Barnes this is the second book in the natural series and I also gave this one four stars Power lless by Lauren Roberts this is a fantasy romance book there's no Spice in this one I feel like I get comments about it every time I talk about this book but this is her debut novel if you follow the author on Tik Tok she really took people along the journey while she was writing these books so I was very excited to read it honestly thinking that it like might not be good cuz she's really young it's her first book but no this book was amazing her writing was amazing and I cannot wait for the next book to come out 7even years slip by Ashley Pon adult romcom magical realism definitely top five books of the entire Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez this is another adult romcom and I really liked this one actually it was fast-paced I did find it very romantic I feel like she just kind of uh dumps in a ton more ingredients at the End of This Book randomly she's just like you know what this would spice up plot it's kind of jarring it's kind of out of nowhere and then I feel like it wraps up really fast too and I didn't even remember that any of that stuff happened in the end until one of my other friends read it and was like why is all of this happening and I was like oh yeah that did all happen in that book so kind of that Vibe but you know that's fun to read too so this was like a a high four stars for me o this book is so good this is one of those books that almost made it into my favorites of the year but it didn't quite but I want to talk about it and still recommend it to people the unmaking of June Pharaoh by Adrien young this one is very hard to categorize it's kind of a mystery it's got romance it's got historical fiction in it it's got time travel in it it's amazing and I think everyone should read it and I gave it 4.5 stars and it's definitely one of the most unique and memorable books that I read this year and it's so good highly recommend the dead Romantics by Ashley poson this is one of her older adult romcom magical realism books and I want read it after 7 years slip being one of my favorites of the year and this one was really good towards the end but in the middle a sort of tragedy happens and I feel like it becomes more about that than the romance so kind of took away from the book for me so it's like a 3.75 stars but I love how she writes romance swear on this life by Renee Carino this was a page Turner for sure this is a an adult romance book it's kind of on the sadder side of romance and when I look back on it I have that kind of like cringe feeling but while I was reading it I couldn't put it down so that's a little bit hard to reckon with you know but her writing does feel a little bit like Colin Hoover's writing so if you like that then this is another book to go with that which is weird though cuz her other book Before We Were Strangers does not feel like that Vibe at all five survived by Holly Jackson this is a young adult Thriller and it's really fun it takes place in one night and I definitely wanted to binge it but I didn't really care about the characters past that and compared to a main character that Holly Jackson has previously written this one just just really dims in comparison but I think as far as young adult Thrillers go she writes really amazing books and I'll continue to read all the ones that she comes out with but this one was like a high four stars the very secret society of irregular Witches by sangu Mandana this is a fun adult romcom but it has like magic and witches in it but it's also kind of like the house on the Shuan sea where she goes to this house of Orphans helps them learn their magic a little bit it's very like Whimsical light-hearted and fun and the romance isn't anything special either but I feel like for the fall time in October it's a really perfect book to read and I gave it like four stars the story life of AJ ficker by Gabrielle Zan five stars one of my favorites of the year and then I started my reread of the first few book books in The Throne of Glass series this is a fantasy romance series I'm obsessed with it it was so good definitely one of the most memorable things I read all year Tom Lake by Anne patchet listen to this one on audio book with Merl stre narrating it and it was also one of my favorites of the year and this is kind of when I get into more of my literary fiction ERA this year followed that up with pineapple Street by Jenny Jackson I love this cover and that's why I read it but it's a literary fiction book about rich people in New York City and I just love reading about rich people and how they kind of create the characters to be unlikable but also like well at the same time it's just one of my favorite things so this is a very fast-paced book for me and I gave it like three stars but I really enjoyed it oh boy my year of rest and relaxation by oesa MOS otessa MOS this is another literary fiction book and I gave it two stars I thought it was so weird and pointless one of the weirdest books I read all year and I just did not I didn't feel like it had any point to I really did not like it two Sir with Love by Lauren Lane this is just like a fun adult romcom set in New York City I feel like it was very forgettable momentarily a little bit enjoyable but not that much so I never think about it and I don't really recommend it it was like a good three star forgettable romcom The Vanishing stare by Moren Johnson this is the second book in a young adult dark Academia murder mystery Series so I feel like for the fall time the series is great and I gave this one four stars and then the most disappointing sequel of all time last book of a Trilogy curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber one of my favorite series ever and this one was disappointing I still loved it cuz I love this world I don't even really ever think about this book which is crazy because I think about the first two all the time great cover though and great author okay last St of books I'm really losing steam over here but luckily a big portion of this pile is me finishing the Sarah J MK Throne of Glass series which is a five star series that takes care of that hello Girls by Emily Henry and Britney cavalero this is a young adult I have no idea what category this is it's like they're going on a heist they're running away from these men in their lives that they are just fed up with I didn't really like this book but I'm obsessed with Emily Henry so I wanted to see what this one was about this book does not feel like it has Emily Henry in it at all really so I gave this like three stars all in by Jennifer Lin Barn book three in the natural series and this was my favorite book of the series so far but I'm not like super excited to get to the next one but when I get in the right mood then I'll be in the right mood this is the longest book that I read all year Kingdom of Ash this is the last book in The Throne of Glass series and it's 980 pages but it honestly didn't feel like that it took me exactly 7even days to read but that's unique to the series that's just how good it was I don't think I could have done that with like any other book this long oh boy this book I got out of a free little Library you just need to go watch that video to understand what's in this book because say done and dusted by Lyla Sage I love this cover so much Cowboy adult romance book I think I gave this book like two stars I just I didn't like it that much unfortunately normal people by Sally Rooney one of the most memorable books I think I think this one has like some of the most quotes that I enjoyed from a book this year but it wasn't one of my favorites just because it is kind of one of those weird books that has no plot I just love the characters and how weird they were so I gave it like a a four stars six Scorch Roses by chissa Broadbent this is following The Serpent and the wings of night it's like a little Nolla and this was fun I just really was intrigued by it and it was good it was three stars a winter in New York by Josie silver I think this was the worst book that I read this year unfortunately it was almost kind of like infuriating how weak the plot points were that were supposed to be the entire driving force of the story and I I just they were predictable they weren't believable they were infuriating they could have been solved within the first chapter actually like makes me upset I just I did not like this book at all it's like actually my first one star read I think ever the woman in Me by Britney Spears listened to this on audio and loved it which propelled me into reading tons more Memoirs and I'm really excited that I got into them and thanks to this book I did and then I read remarkably bright creatures by Shelby Van Pelt this is a literary fiction this one's really sweet and heartwarming there's an octopus who talks there's an elderly woman that were following and this one was really good this is like a a very high four-star read and highly recommend for lots of people I feel like mothers would like this book you know what I mean Atomic Habits by James Clear what can I say best self-help book of all time five stars Scarlet princess by Robin D Mal and L Madison this is a very short fun fantasy romance book kind of forgettable kind of just wanted to recover from Reading Throne of Glass and being in a slump but not wanting to read like a 500 page fantasy book so it was fun for that it was like three stars you with a view by Jessica Joyce a cute little adult romcom this one was really really good I would say this is like a high 3.5 Stars I didn't love it but while reading it it had some great moments Finding Me by Viola Davis I listened to this on audiobook it's won so many awards her voice still plays in my head to this day and this was amazing this is is definitely five stars one of the most memorable books that I read all year the true love experiment by Christina Lauren I actually started this one in the summer dnfed it and then picked it up again and wanted to finish it because I really like that it's kind of like a a bachelor kind of vibe in the story and that aspect was definitely fun it had some good moments there's a fourstar romcom which is pretty high oh yeah I just finished Paris the Memoir today on audio that one was good but I don't think I would recommend it to anyone I think it was important for all the work that she did exposing the teen Correctional Facilities that she got got sent to and that exists but other than that aspect of the story I wouldn't really wouldn't really recommend and then first lie wins by Ashley ston this was an early copy of a thriller book that's going to come out and I really liked that thriller book that one's probably like a high 4.5 Stars we did it guys we reviewed 90 books I really feel like this was the year that I started to expand the genres that I read and I'm really excited to continue doing that let me know the most surprising read that you had this year surprising that you liked it or surprising that you hated it either way and I'll see you guys the internet bye
Channel: Haley Pham Vlogs
Views: 709,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haley pham vlogs, vlogs, haley pham, every book I read in 2023, 2023 book reviews, I read 90 books in a year, here's which books you should read
Id: ThfNwYO9QZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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