Minecraft but my world is one block

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hey there friends how's it going I have previously played Minecraft in one chunk and it is brutal so for some reason I decided to try one block but there's something a little bit different about this one block let me show you okay so here we are in my world it's lovely it really is small world isn't it break the block below you so I break this and then I get a block it is an infinite block it spawns More Than Dirt blocks even improve over time yeah how much time are we talking here enlarge your platform no I don't want to I want my world to be like this this is the video 30 minutes of this no for real I should probably look to expand this might get a bit claustrophobic there oh Jesus all right this world ain't big enough for the both of us buddy wait does this mean bad mobs can spawn because if so I need to expand like now made a crafting bench what else can I make I mean I could get some wood to just expand my world a little bit to give me a bit of Runway so I can you know run away don't get in the way of my fists man it's not my fault if you do I don't like that the game is trying to tell me save your items in chess because that means like bad things are coming right it's like most likely I got some wheat seeds that's pretty awesome wow grass what a day should I leave that ex oh it already has don't bother trying to get a high Viewpoint man there's there's nothing there you're stuck with me unfortunately I feel really bad for you wait oh no gravel is spawning how can I get it underneath I have no idea how to get at the underneath so I can actually play something there's only one way I can think of so uh yeah wish me luck damn it I missed it oh wait no I didn't miss it wow I'm a genius I know I'm not a genius but the bear is pretty low on this island okay like I'm the second smartest thing here really okay I built a hole and now I can plant my farm wow being a farmer's hard work I spent all day doing that this seems dangerous but I'm doing that so now there's just a waterfall going down how do I Kevin proof this oh I got an idea I can do this and that way I can't actually run down there because I just know it'll happen you know this is why it rains IRL God is playing Minecraft I just indirectly called myself God I'm in a very complimentary mood today or narcissistic I'm not sure ha what the hell was that you oh my God he's right up in my grill why are there Hearts coming from this I don't understand is there love in this box what does that mean I mean there's a tree that's good to see and look at this a light source we lit up the whole island should I just break this it seems like the Box loves me but I'm gonna I'm gonna break it what upgrade in I don't trust anything that counts down from Dan I really don't I just don't trust things that are smarter than me you reach phase one the planes and our flowers and trees grow here to last a lifetime did that set my Biome does it matter what my biome is you know this just looks like grass I should probably put down something so that I actually know where the infinite block is but now I have all three of the major tools so I can just speedrun this except when I don't know what the block is oh it's a watermelon okay oh my gosh you have a friend oh no now I'm the Third Wheel why couldn't an Irish idiot come out of the box so I'd have someone to relate to oh okay at least stuff comes out of the block because I was thinking to myself it was this one for a second okay I think I need to stop like trying to add stuff and place things because I've got like a decent sized little slab to live off I just need to speed run getting as many blocks as I can I especially would love to get a load of stone so I could just make a load of tools hey but a pumpkin's good too I guess and now I have a cow okay this world is getting very small for the amount of inhabitants I'll break that pumpkin get some seeds and try and get some stuff planted why did I build it like this this is so awkward okay I'm gonna move the water over here that should be better for us in the long term I think okay you're kind of crowding me guys please all right back to work and by that I mean just digging the same block over and over again oh Grace go on go over there with the rest of them they're all looking at me too you're all the same oh no I didn't mean to do that sorry everyone but let that be a warning to you I'm capable of anything they're all retro to walk in front of me now and get killed also no there's no escaping honestly you're stuck with me now oh my God this is getting so crowded I don't even have food for you guys I don't know what to do with you all okay I'm gonna keep going until I'm 64 dirt and then I'm gonna do a huge expansion okay I'm gonna start now I I said 54 not 64. that's what I meant I'm building your prison everyone I'm well time to know from one of the cows channeling his inner dirt Vader there [Music] they're trying to push me off the island do you see this they know what I'm not to I hate that the one animal I can actually duplicate I killed immediately by accident he just was born into this world and I took him out of it just as quick okay there's the fence here's a block for you all to get in but there's no way out luckily I don't have to put a fencer on the other side I just you know give them the choice life in prison or fall to your death don't look at me like that you know what you did oh look look there we go hey stop looking at my stuff get in the prison yeah that's right get in there uh you two are being a bit cheapish I'll leave you alone for now oh chickens two of them excellent where are the seeds come with me you two is it just one conjoined winner are there actually there is two okay come on in fellas you're the only ones getting food including me boom boom make another one yeah they did it okay and I'll have that as my Escape whenever I need to get out oh he's gone in willingly great get with the program sheep get in there oh no one of them just jumped to the dead I did give them the choice I saw a glimpse of him before he went out on that was him dying wait are you killing each other oh my God you monster what the hell was that about dude I'm gonna need more fences I didn't see this coming okay now you're officially all trapped in here and here's what you can use for fun I don't know what animals like I assume you like dirt one final prisoner go on get in there yes finally they're all imprisoned make a little step up here so that they can permanently get in if I get any more all right get in he just looks at me like you mean me wait I just had a genius idea it did warn me that mobs can spawn what if I made another cage that I could run into and then the enemies would follow me and they'd be trapped there okay it sounds stupid when I say it out loud but I'm still gonna do it oh my tree grew excellent okay renewable wood okay this is my little trap it looks pretty awful and just a warning if any animals go in there that means you want to die if you go in there yeah I thought so I thought so no no backseats no backseats get in get in wait did I oh did you get up there I was gonna say you knew the rules when you went in there but you didn't technically go in yet oh chickens for my seeds I I know I had seeds here somewhere there we go chickens are captured I think I have enough animals now I'd like to be able to get some iron just oh I knew you'd go in eventually you knew the rules there we go at least they got some wool for it but yeah as I was saying I'd like some iron so that I could just shave the sheep and get to uh sheer them shaving sounds weird I'm gonna go shave my sheep it sounds like a euphemism for something I don't like it oh what was that oh no that was the the chest okay so when that noise happens we're ready for an upgrade I guess oh no phase two the underground many a monster roamed through dark Hollows is this stone do I get yes I finally get stoned oh man I can finally get decent tools and coal too wow I can make a torch now or I could make this a lever with me no I shouldn't waste my stuff is that that is iron excellent all right I'm gonna start swapping out my tools now the thing is I want to get shears but it's really a good idea like I've gotten two iron that would be all of my iron just to make shears oh god oh I have no idea what to do with you uh come with me and look up what you do later or maybe not I don't know you might just stay a prisoner in there sorry there isn't Mush Room for you just a little prison humor to Enlighten the mood oh my God okay I'm not gonna say the joke again you don't want to hear it trust me it wasn't funny the first time now get in there why do you want to go into this one and stop it stop it he's really are you serious oh wait can I take this all right here I got something you want now yeah maybe we can come to an agreement okay you coming in here and in exchange I will never feed you oh my God he's too smart get in please oh no he tricked me now I'm the one in here come on man God look at him all right there we go finally oh no oh no my first Monster all right follow me let's try this plan yeah all right that works pretty well uh no it doesn't work at all there we go okay it's dead yeah I I messed up with the fence there we go the best offense is good defense and I built defense oh no there's more at least the way it is it's not too bad like that's just a stylish zombie like that's pretty nice hat unless a lot of them spawn at once I may not even need this and like if a creep responds I'm screwed if skeleton spawn this is useless okay this time slowly yes great sound right there I'm sure everyone loved that oh no that didn't sound good you want to take the apples from it and hide the rest of my stuff in my inventory okay now let's see what's in here oh God it's a spider everyone hates spiders right well maybe not other spiders I don't know he doesn't seem to hate me all right that wasn't too bad um I am a little bit worried because I feel like it's gonna get worse this magic block is getting a little bit pissed off with how much I'm using it oh and this time there's two spiders okay you know what I'm gonna take a break from well breaking I'm gonna take a break break I have quite a lot of blocks now I think it would be good to try and build a little house because I don't know what's coming and I'd like to have a place here that I could just run into and Retreat since I already have some stuff here I think I'll just build my house around this I'm no engineer but this house doesn't seem to have a solid foundation but either way it's good enough for me okay I have a little home my home just doesn't have a roof that's all I think I'm gonna get rid of this little cage because it's actually pretty damn useless second most useless thing on the island the first being this chest because I I just don't use it you better not have been thinking about me there we go now we can light up the place and I I mean like brightness I'm not gonna light the place on fire for once mainly just because there's nowhere for it to spread to that wouldn't endanger me okay I think I can get rid of my wooden tools at this point I've got enough Stone to Warrant making all stone tools oh now we're talking now I'm just blasting through these oh I can't I can cower so fast except from spiders I don't have a roof oh phew I lived everyone I I know you're probably sorry to hear that but I just wanted to tell someone there we go I made myself a furnace we're really getting somewhere in the world something most people would have within like 30 seconds of a save but oh well slow and steady wins the race especially when I'm the only one racing oh no no no oh well that's kind of my own fault for building right next to it I guess this is a problem I'm gonna choose to ignore the problem and just rebuild I honestly didn't think that creepers would even spawn is that naive oh all right well this is an issue he's just camping my spawn he's he's not even looking at me he's pretending that he's not paying attention but he is oh man what am I gonna do okay here goes nothing and by that I mean I've literally no plan I'm just kind of hoping for the best no that's not that's not best in fact I'd argue that's one of the worst well that's what I get stupid pass Kevin not fixing the problem anyway back to mining oh oh it's just a zombie no you're actually cool you can come in oh wait there's two of you all right one at a time then there we go that wasn't too bad I hope no creepers spawn I'm not sure what to even do about it like what can I do about it oh my God that is one tree well yes it is One Tree it is one big tree that just appeared out of nowhere it's actually kind of nice I think I'll leave it there this place is starting to get pretty damn Swanky okay I just Googled about those mushroom cows and I think I can milk them from mushroom stew which is just a terrible sentence no matter where in what way you look at it all right I'm gonna milk you now they all looked away there we go all right mushroom stew that'll keep me happy and healthy as much as I hate soup I'm thinking should I try and divide them up soon but that's gonna be a very very difficult task I think it's time I put a roof on in case spiders become an issue I made way too many slabs I made like nearly 90 slabs and I used about 15 or something okay I used a few extra just making this little cover here it's not too bad you know we got some kind of style going here if I had to name it in one word I'd call it minimalist or yeah I'd go with I think I'm guessing wood is probably the best way to expand since it seems to be the only renewable resource I have I could use some of this Cobble too I just don't want to use too much of it because now I've started to get less and less wood I'm worried the same thing will happen with stone I'm trying to plant a forest that I don't really have enough space Oh another one let me get my balls so I can milk you wait can I get normal milk from you too oh I can just in case you get poisoned that might be handy okay I have a little bit of iron now I think I can justify making those shears as well as maybe like a pickaxe or something is that worth it I guess maybe I should save it in case I actually need an iron tool pick something up I think this one is steadily glitching him through the fence and a desperate attempt for freedom where did you come from what the hell how did you guys get out oh you can kind of fly actually can't you you're going to all right fair enough I have roommates now gotta warn you guys I'm not a good roommate I think I can actually sheer mushrooms up oh no it turns them back I didn't want to do that now you're boring I got a lot of mushrooms I guess I'll leave one and then I can keep filling up the bowls with mushrooms okay let's see what sleeping feels like it's been a hell of a few days yeah oh that's what happened I was so confused there just a few seconds of Silence while my brain was figuring out what happened see these are easy now because I have a roof and you're too big to fit inside my door oh and the chicken did get out eventually just forced his way through a fence as you do no no no no no no no no no no no no kill the chicken don't take me all right defend me it's not working okay if I Sprint and hit it you're not defending me you're just getting in the way all right sprinting and hitting is the way to deal with them I think I'm gonna have to get creative with the way I plant trees because I just don't have enough dirt for all of these I actually wouldn't mind if you skeletons spawning they'd be less dangerous than a creepers and at least I get something useful I could use the bone meal on my trees how are you oh no the tree the tree knocked the tree knocked the tree it took me a second like no sheeps can't fly oh look at them all lining up trying to get out of here two sheep made it out okay no more trees right next to the pen lesson learned oh no don't jump no don't jump he's looking right at me come on stay right there don't go anywhere you'd regret it if you did don't yes they make an awful sound when they die don't they okay I'm starting to get a lot of items it's getting to the point where I really need to try and figure out my inventory now I've just been dumping everything in here I should have a box full of boxes because I have so many boxes it doesn't even make sense wait I just realized what have I been doing with the wood I thought I was a genius because I was you know saving wood but I bet you're all screaming at your screen because I could have made them into slabs and been even more efficient I don't know if there's any downside to using slabs instead of full blocks but I guess we're about to find out okay I've got a little Forest planted here now and it makes a bit more sense than it used to one thing I didn't think about I'll have to brighten this place off unless maybe I should build a room back here that they can actually spawn in like bad guys you know not me the other things and then I can use that to get resources like bones I really hope this works and that the map doesn't have any like modifiers or anything so they can't spawn I can't imagine it I mean that would make it easier right and this map doesn't seem to want to make things easy on me oh yeah they're spawning already great well not great but yes great okay oh no no no no no I need you ah I'm running back to my house where are you there you are don't attack my sheep only I'm allowed to attack my sheep see there we go I built this weird roof so that they'd have extra room to spawn in there we go seal the shot I wish there was a way I could know something's inside but I guess I'll hear it I'll leave it for now and see what happens everything I build is just so ugly in this world I just have such limited resources oh I think it's working I only came over here to get this tree hello oh it's a baby I'm gonna kill it I see you creeper creeping it would suck so much if he blew off the thing it took me way too long to build everything does in this because of the way I have to try and like lean over the edge every single time the only thing I'm actually after is skeletons the hell oh again I was wondering the menu why my guy just went like this he just gave up oh my God this is a mess there's trees growing into trees but I can't complain I actually have renewable resources now and I have mobs spawning so I I've made progress here I'm happy with this it's also given me a nice little supply of apples which I actually have an abundance of food I mean I have no food you guys I'm sorry none of us can eat this one got out and I'm just pushing him right in and it took him so long to mold through that fence like the chicken did but he just got pushed right back in okay the trees like myself are much too dense I don't know what I'm gonna do about this maybe I can just spread them out a bit more now that I've got like a nice Supply I could create like some sort of like perimeter of trees that could look pretty cool this area kind of freaks me out too so I think I want to put up a fence it just looks way too scary not kevin-proofed at all there now I can't fall off there can't fall off there my tree perimeter is growing this is gonna look cool soon I don't know if this look good or stupid but I'm planting trees up here too still haven't fixed my inventory by the way I just kind of used some items and went yeah that's good enough and then just ignored it again oh yeah that that means Next Level right that's good I don't know why it sounds like oh wait no that's useless it's an empty map but like yeah that's great just in case they get lost I have this map now I guess I could make a frame that might look kind of nice it's something wow that's that's something all right all right let's see what happens here oh yeah I forgot I need to count down okay well then we'll wait 25 seconds and then see what happens here put this in my box of boxes I see Tundra oh no I don't want it to be snowing and even the blocks like what am I gonna do with snow I'll have snowballs I guess and it's it's quick oh wait are you you're okay yeah I thought you were angry wait I have a bone to pick with you please be my friend yes I have a friend finally there we go you should be safe there I think let's see is anything spawning here I see a spider and I hear more things inside what do we got oh my God we have a busy room oh no a child a child a child got snowballs now if the bat would stop Mr presidenting for the creeper it would be great but lord they're so annoying to kill how many hits can you take oh my God finally one of them died okay let me add him I'm gonna kill the others no no no no no no no no no no no no this is terrible okay phew I got him this is the guy I want I want the bone this place is definitely more dangerous than I intended it to be because of the creepers but it was still a good idea overall I think oh except for that I should put something up on the roof why didn't I think of that earlier I didn't see that as an issue at all for some reason okay I've got a plan I'm just gonna charge Adam and I'm gonna launch him off the roof no I'm going to lose my roof I'll just cover that back up no one was ever the wiser right now it's nice and bright and also destroyed but it'll protect me it might even be worth throwing down a torch or two over here because it's looking a little bit dark I don't like that is there any way I can melt this snow to get more water or is that not a thing I mean especially if the block is the weird infinite block I probably can't right oh no what the hell is that thing what what are you I don't know what that is all I know is I'm scared of it I think I might need a better sword for these kind of jobs God what's he hit me with oh man I don't like this guy at all got some sort of effect but I don't know what it is slowness I'm slow already that doesn't matter did you just shoot my map off the wall that was my prized possession I loved that map there you go yeah yeah so good I just rejoined and it's this you might 771 blocks this is the gift that keeps on giving unfortunately some of the gifts I don't want I think I want to dress this up a bit I want to make the whole thing prettier because this whole place is so ugly like it makes sense to make it out of that wood because that's what I have a lot of but I think I'd like it to look like a little dungeon it sure sounds like a dungeon anyway there's so much noise down there there we go it's actually Messier but I I just prefer it you know it it suits the theme I'm going for I think I'll just add a bit more onto the top and so it looks kind of like a ruin of a castle or something I wish I had like Mossy Cobble or anything to dress this up but sadly I just don't I do prefer it even though it's it's actually technically Messier but I like this a lot more now this house needs to be fixed also get rid of these at this point I don't think I'm getting any more animals I've done pretty well with my animals I think well no I've done horrible horrible things to these animals but I'm happy with the amount I have I wonder if I feed two cows like the mushroom cow and this cow oh good luck getting it to each other though it's a lot in the way they're trying it I'll get in an assist don't worry just push them together go on love each other okay how am I gonna fix This Disaster I'm gonna try and mix up the wood and no I'm not gonna preview what it looks like I'm just going for it okay I have to get rid of this window but to be honest animals just crawl in and stomp all over my bed so it's probably for the best I don't know what the hell I'm doing on the side of the building I've just made it a very odd Dimension and I can't really fix it I mean kind of works right uh maybe not I I don't know I think I'm just in denial that's not bad yeah that works it's like a little balcony I actually kind of like that maybe I'm still in denial I don't know let me know in the comments now let's see how this looks from the outside okay it's definitely better that's not saying much but it's definitely better gotta put in little skylights here as well that might look nice and yeah I'm just trying to do what I can with the limited resources I have okay maybe I should expand this little balcony actually I like this kind of area okay let's see how that's looking not too shabby I must say oh when the trees grew now it really looks like a ruined Castle it's so tall I kind of like it got my little tree perimeter to box it in I could use is another tree here but I don't know if that's gonna grow I mean if those grew surely that'll grow now just to clean up this Farm area probably unnecessary to destroy that but I want it pretty plus food isn't really an issue you know I prefer the place looks really nice rather than me having more food I can just milk that mushroom cow nice pretty happy with that oh my God it sounds like there's an Army in there I need Windows how can I have Windows I guess I gotta put fences in there that might look okay yeah probably better than nothing the house just looks so plain because I just can't decorate it okay that's something a little detail I don't know what it is but it's something oh third time that's happened but I got my tree [Music] I'm nervous I'm trying to get down here okay I want to plant some trees behind here too there we go those should grow get out of my face I kind of like the Skylight weirdly enough it looks decent I move my bedroom up here and I'm gonna decorate it with the only thing I have lots and lots of boxes I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm actually pretty happy with how this place is looking and it all came from this one block which is pretty mad to think about when you look around also I checked the security footage and that mob spawner's working probably too well I really really enjoyed this map I gotta say if you want to see more do let me know because I think I'd be down either drop a comment or drop a like but I think we are done for now so we will end it there thank you so much for watching you can check out more of my content on screen and I hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 715,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, minecraft, one block, minecraft one block, one block skyblock, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 100 days in one block skyblock, minecraft one block skyblock, one block in minecraft hardcore, skyblock with one block, one chunk, call me kevin minecraft, call me kevin one chunk, Minecraft but my world is one block
Id: Rvp_9m--xSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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