I Never Expected This To Happen...Major Fall!

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okay it's in the Sho so we got a call for a Razor that has gone off of the side of the road clear down it's all smashed up the pictures look pretty gnarly I do know the area and I know that it's going to be a tight fit to get the wrecker up there to it but we're going to try we are in the freight liner we got the wrecker on the back oh look we got peanut and lady yeah peanut I got in trouble for not introducing you properly a couple videos ago we are being followed by he in the Bronco we're just following Matt wherever that takes us and Jamie in the rental Jeep this is somewhere I've never been so it'll be fun we got Tom over here I didn't even in I introduced the dogs this time but we caught it it's a beautiful morning like 50° we'll get them [Applause] out hey we unloading here yep I think this is as far as we want to go look what a Dusty [Music] mess really sh we got radios today we're like professionals but not exactly like professionals so we're unloaded we're going to head up here we're driving to the other side of that point right there this is Little Creek Mountain I call it Little Creek Mesa when I was a kid but everybody's changed it to Little cck Mountain which it's technically a Mesa [Music] [Music] so this is a golf course it was a failed venture to make an epic golf course I think it would have been awesome other than the NS yeah it never happened so it's kind of a sad story but a cool place so Matt and I actually went golfing this last weekend yeah we did for our first time ever which was pretty awesome if you were to describe me as a golfer it would be technically [Music] accurate okay GPS is showing we got 1.2 miles and it's going to get a little rough from here it looks like it's going to get narrow really fast you you've been up this Trail before yeah so about 6 years ago so before we ever did any filming for YouTube we did a van up here I'm going to see if I can find that picture hey it'll be evidence that we don't set these up possibly because it sets a precedent that there's something super crazy that we didn't use for YouTube but now we're going to put it on YouTube so so maybe I was just planning ahead yeah years ago this is cool Road it's steep yeah it goes clear up on top it was closed for a while that's why I don't know there's a lot of things I don't know well it's steep Rocky and some really cool [Music] switchbacks so both of these rigs back here have 37 in tires so I'm going to go back and make them feel bad about it just coming to check to make sure you guys are able to make it on your little 37 in tires well we're at 36 PSI so we're like Bo boing all right let's go see how these guys are doing on their dinky little 37 just coming back to check on you with your dinky little 37s see if they're going to make it hey we're playing the two wheel drive game so we're still in two whe Drive Drive oh all right you're doing very well then he are you in four-wheel drive already yeah I'm in four low we're in two we wanted to see how far we could go well you beat Hefe he you lost so I believe this is the spot right here where the van was crossed up like I said going to try to find that picture and show you I think the razor is up above us somewhere oh yeah there's the pin right there that means the razor is up up in this and we're going to switch back up above it yeah okay all right I just spotted it see him up there straight up oh yeah Top's the best wow so that's pretty far away he is up there and it's going to be a big long PLL to get it back up to the top of the [Music] road [Music] recer just Paving the way for [Music] us how much further do we got to go okay all right okay yeah oh wow right this is going to be fun mhm all right this is going to be skinny right here keep coming turn in now got it who whoa whoa whoa who whoa come [Music] here ouch you can start turning in okay you're going to come down very a good spot stay stay all the way [Music] passenger there a lot of pressure on this [Music] tire okay right now [Music] perfect we're going to have to do that loaded I know with a broken razor we're going to go up ahead and see if we can find it to figure out how far they need to drive up this road all right we've determined that bringing these two rigs any further up probably isn't needful and it may cause more problems than it's worth also if somebody's coming up they'll be like oh we're not blocked and then they'll be sad up there a little further all right I don't think the wrecker is going to get past this point cuz this overhang it's going to get him too far off the side of the road but we can see the vehicle from here so we should be able to grab it and Pull It diagonally up [Music] this you can't get past that and you can't get turned around well you get past it but I think you're going to go down yeah I'm not too worried about it this is crazy you should be worried about I'm never worried I don't think you need to get past it though cuz I think you can pull it from here oh yeah this is the best spot so I got a little cocky Greg comes down and says you're not going to make it around this corner and I told him my favorite thing to hear was you're not going to make it but you're not going to make it we're not going to make it no no we're not going to make it too bad cuz there's a good turn around we're not going to make it everybody I hope he wasn't in it cuz that would have been a gnarly ride that I don't think he'd be alive if he was in it no one was in it oh that's good there could be a gap between the rocks and there could be a gap to the right of the Rocks yeah we'd have to go back and look at it so this is my line I don't want my back I want my back wheels axle Cent line with that I don't want to be any further back than that we are going to be doing some but we don't even know I'm going to hike down there and look at it and then I'm going to see if there's a path down to the road cuz if gravity was our friend that would be helpful we could use some friends today yeah all right right who's hiking with me is it Wheels in if it has steering and brakes picking a way down might be the way we could snat block off of that tree and pull this down pull that down and swing it around swing it around we but we don't want to if we can get it here it doesn't matter if it's upside down or we can now rotate it and get it on back wheels and then it will it will go through this it will be terrible but it will go through this I think that's our best bet get it to right here woo you want to know the sad thing this isn't the last time we're going to have to climb up this you guys are doing great welcome welcome oh man getting too old for this so here's the plan we're going to divide into three teams Caitlyn and Jamie you're going to go get water and food and come back he and I are going to be the top team and everybody that's down there is the bottom team I know you guys don't like to listen to me talk when I'm out of breath we don't have an option thanks for your patience okay so the plan is we use a snatch block to drag it down and to the North and then spin it around and pull pull it up backwards cuz it's got two good back tires one good front tire we twin line it so we can walk it and we'll get it and it'll come right up here and then we can spin it around up here somewhere we need the really thick 3 mil trash bags cuz then we're going to send the team down after everything's done make a sweep down the mountain and we'll pick them up at the bottom it'll be the last thing we do today okay go ahead go forward okay stop my problem is I don't know which one of these switches does a d keep's coming he [Music] coming come down you're okay bring the back in passenger yeah that's perfect a little less steering right there hey keep coming you're right on it okay we are officially sending team Jamie and Caitlyn to get food and water well sounds good for food surprises surpris you're okay just the bumper barely got the edge of it I think we should make a prediction how far do you think they'll have that thing moved by the time we get back with food I'm going to assume they either one have about halfway up or two decided to go back down to the bottom of the mountain and take it that way halfway would be awesome so this will be the secondary one that we use so it does matter we don't want these crossed ultimately but at the beginning you're only going to be using one and this is the more durable rope so that's the one I want to use first okay so this one we'll just pull out as far as it is and see how close we are to it when we get there okay good yeah you want me to delay a little bit but um no I think the resistance might be good might be the right amount that's good okay ha we need to hook this recer up somewhere okay and what I'd like to do is come out of this side up to a snatch block up to one of them trees okay and then back down and grab a hold of hold of this somehow probably right around there no we'll do it right around right there and that will keep it from pulling over pulling over right to me okay we're trying to get this radio to come without dying using some pocket giblets yes okay it's going to come fast all right don't shake it it can't handle shaking I know that now well I'd say that was a 50% success yeah I got it halfway here there's Jamie and Caitlyn they're going to go down town to get some water and food for us cuz it looks like this might take a while probably about halfway between the Upper Road and the Lower Road where we're sitting here with the razor so we changed our plan up here instead of going all the way up to those trees we're going to try and get this around the rock we're going to pull this rock out from underneath this bigger rock that hook onto this The Rock seems to be holding oh yeah so we're hooking up to the tree as low as we can so that we don't lever it out of the ground as we pull here but there's only so much we can do yeah I'm going to start from here that that AR arm's totally bent on this side broken on both bottom side and this side is crouching so the a arm would be lower but I just I think you're in a stronger place there anyway I think it's going to come apart if I grab that they said they're ready for us to pull but they want to be out of Harm's Way so I don't know I guess we'll let them get out of the way we've never seen one of these go down a hill we've always just rescued them right right I am ready rope is tight all right getting some tension on it okay it's in the shoot okay I hope you saw that well the wrecker still stayed up here that's good so did that was that success did we get it where we want it uh somewhat it rolled further than we wanted and it's now facing uphill okay we just need to now rig it so that it spins it's going to want to Pivot on that right front I would shackle through that right rear wheel so the wheel can't Spin and it'll just drag and pivot this is holding very well so if you are ever wondering why we put seven winches on this and two of them were on the side and what are we going to use those for well this is one of the reasons these side winches I don't think they're going to be used a lot for like just pulling somebody up the side of the mountain they're getting them unstuck I think a lot of the time they're just going to be used for stabilizing the rig in those situations but man when you need them they're there and they work okay we got our Gatorade in water next stop dominoes so I'm sure you saw all that but this thing took a full tumble and landed back on its feet we're going to hook up to the back and see if we can spin it around and pull it up backwards because the back wheels are still good kind of okay I'm clear you can pull and [Applause] ready still doing good thing pulling there we go one thing we got going for us is how high we are above it yeah okay that's a good spot right there okay that went really good we got this thing spun around it has aimed the right direction Tom Brady he's the dad on The Brady Bunch come on baby close yeah pull slack it's going to start to move yeah it might roll on us as we were pulling from the middle it looked like it wanted to roll so we're trying to reig to one of the sides to see if it'll stay flat as we pull let's get that roll hold up hold up hold up it's getting that rolling motion again what are you thinking Tom you thinking that roll bar up top yeah let's pull a little bit see what happens we're hoping this is not worse it's better yeah keep going uh hold up hold up hold up hold up okay we complicated the situation all right he is coming down to also assess okay we think we can roll it over manually and then uh reassess the rigging we got the goods we did that backwards we said Pizza first but we got this first now to go to pizza and we are doing super good on our time are this that right Tire's just digging in is going to bounce a little bit and want you to pull at the same time so go [Music] slow okay we got to get it around this tree I don't know if you thought of it and I don't know if it would help but if you put the snatch block on the razor and then drug it you could find any Vector you wanted to pull it and it would double your pulling power I know it's not double I can't see what's going down on down there I'm sure if I was down there I would have a better clearer picture of what's going on don't know if I would be doing it any different or better than what they're doing but I'm just shouting out ideas from up here as they come to my mind cuz I'm not going to hike down there got the pizza our tasks in town are completed yes um what time is it it's almost 1:00 it's 12:49 so okay 40 minutes to get back to them with the pizza I think we have plenty of time we did good I hope they've made some progress so we're changing things up here a little bit we have the snatch block now actually by the on the razor we're going to run this back up to the Rock um I think there's enough here to do it we'll get more of an angle pull it back over here problem is there's a hole on the other side of this tree before it goes up those rocks so if we get stuck down there it's going to just double our workload so Tom has a good feeling he is uh a little more skeptical we're going to learn a little bit from this right another trial and another error maybe at least it's coming this way it's looking good keep stop okay stop we need to pull it by that tire okay start pulling in going to go over I don't think we're at enough of an angle it's possible tell him to pull a little bit more yeah yep keep going be nice if that tire goes right up on that rock huh it's going okay stop I'm going to hook from that Center toe Point okay let him out we better stop it's going to pop the tire off the we need to try and get that to move forward they're going to assess oh my gosh we made it are you guys a sight for sore eyes that's a long walk it looks like it I'm out of breath I came here to help you here let's switch although I don't think that weight was making that much of a difference I just wanted this looking real good okay that new angle worked and we got it much better line it took it off the tree now we're making some progress going uphill we thought we predicted that you'd have the razor halfway in the halfway by point oh we're halfway by now you are not yes we're easily halfway UPL are they halfway I don't know it doesn't look like it looks like it's in the same spot as it was no we've moved it over we've moved it down 70t over 50 ft and up 40t which is what we needed to do yeah this is going well this is what we've been wanting the whole time go over it yep we have a good stopping point up here we show in about another 5T so these guys are down there taking their sweet time the foods here we're starving I know I know they're starving but I'm thinking about radio and in tell them that the dogs knocked all the pizzas face down on the ground and they ate the chicken wings I don't think they're in any mood for they're not going to believe you for trivial jokes no nope I my job is to boost the morale of my men Inspire them what about those that are up here we're boosted but we need some food come out let it out again let's see if she'll stop it a little bit farther forward y on okay right there it's oh it's it's uh I think it's going to hold I think we get two ropes on it we need to get that other line hooked up to this okay wish you dogs were good enough to take this down Tom here Here Comes This one watch out D we just barely held this in place well we got a solid line hooked up now it can't roll back down the hill and now we can sit here and pull it back in and out he do you guys want to stop right now and eat some lunch we're rolling right now and hate to lose the momentum are doing great okay are we ready to start [Music] pulling his line is pretty good right there I think the back left the driver will fly I think so too I think he'll drive right up it you've got a really good line just keep working them back and [Music] forth keep walking it up the arm arm is caught um let's keep trying the driver's side and see if it works loose okay came up over it that was perfect keep walking we just popped this tire this is working really good although we did just pop a front tire um but I'm not worried about it me too it's going to take a little pressure this AR AR's going to snag for a second but keep moving that good I was able to Pivot it he almost killed that who did you he had to jump out of the way [Music] though [Applause] welcome back how's it going up here you know just hungry I hear you a oh no man about took me out I'm good I [Music] ducked put the pressure on that I don't want to get underneath that thing don't put yourself in har just need to go to the other side yeah just like that now [Music] driver you guys want to come up yeah okay come up thank you so we held a vote and the group decided it is lunchtime at 2:53 in the p.m. late this is going to be amazing look who showed up right when it's lunchtime but we're putting you to work in a minute you're going to be hiking down this mountain with a trash bag picking up every piece of debris I'm going to start walking the dog finally plan here you going to drive out we've got to somehow get it up here this where do you want to go um I'm thinking I got to be really far outside it might be just on the spokes of the wheel [Music] again not tur like hold up hold up I want to try something I'm afraid if we just drive sideways this is just going to Start Tumbling like that what if we use this one back up here at some snatch BL grab that snatch block let's do this you want to go I don't know a thing up there oh yeah there we go no we need to tole okay well that's good there you go okay just stand clear of all this stuff [Applause] guys The Rock's moving rock well this would work if this would work this is the hardest part cuz we don't have anything this way that can pick this up that's what the Bronco is supposed to be for yeah you want to back the Bronco right there thank you just keep enough pressure on that to kind of drag it up I think it's going to drag up I'm going to pull forward scale of 1 to 10 how nervous I'm a four or a five that's not too nervous no no we all I have to do is hit the out button and he's got to drive what could go wrong um both of those there with that [Music] boulder oh wow look at that can't believe this thing's working it's working like a champer we're almost up I think if we went up and over or up to the a frame it P Ines no not yet let's hook this one up higher hook me up in that y up there on the B pillar yeah there left in that tire it's gone now here's one of the problems here we wrapped under yeah so let's do this okay I'm going to go I'm going to go out this one and we're going to grab a pillar yeah we should have put that this is so frustrating know what out let's go high oh we're still shifting hurry whatever we're going to do are we on the road we are on the road all right here's the plan we're going to pull down there to where it's flat we need to do a Weld Repair so we can flip this around while we're doing that like let's break into two teams the welding team and the cleanup team and then we need to get organized on who's walking down and grabbing [Music] crap [Music] you thr them a rock pretty big one that one's perfect you got a camera and see how close this is yeah rest in peace to the mirror maybe I think the mirror's going to make it [Music] am I sliding off them rocks no you're climbing them put another one there so that it'll drive up on it okay you good yep there we go hold going to drop when come off [Music] that you avoided body damage congratulations did we mostly okay the mirror still works going to drop here go [Music] slow too bad actually all right W stop that L one line right now he's only got a driver's line he's got both back lines it's this line that broke what one broke he lost the the side the shackle on the side wi oh that's okay woo so we're going to get this welded back together so that we can spin it around and tow it out of here they got strong enough no I don't know bent pretty good right there but it's under tension that'll help yeah so now I'm just going to reposition the wrecker to where I can pick up the front right here spin this around then we're going to drive off this mountain it'll be just that easy there we go look at that that's like going the right way beautiful [Applause] all right let's see if this will ride out of here we need to KCK up we got it all working on the side of it there you go [Music] okay you're good steer your back into turn on [Music] passenger which one the tool box is rning my driver you're slow slow keep going you're clear [Music] hard Parts over okay I I feel like this is like boom like we're over it's all downhill from here literally yeah without rear stair it would be a it would be like a showpiece it would' be a parade vehicle oh it wouldn't do this kind of stuff well almost roll down the hill so while I was swapping batteries their weld broke that piece is kink like the other side and as soon as we started driving it pulled straight and then it's just working back and forth that is one of the problems with welding Chrome oy there's a little hook right there's a hole in there there can bend that tip to get in it you could blow a hole in it and then you hook on this goes in it's easy to blow a ho in let's blow a hole in it there's a flaming hole I don't know if this is going to last jobs like this are just exhausting they're they're emotionally mentally physically you're just pretty much wiped out after a day like this I do really love this like this is what I lived for but it's I get it might be like other things like I don't know playing football or something I've never played football I don't know but you enjoy it but when you're done you're just wiped out we've still got a little ways to go hopefully that last fix on the rear axle holds we got to load the trailer we got to get down to the trailer and we got to head home so the back axle's compromised but we're kind of done with the hard stuff it's sort of just a dirt road from here is that a body bag it's a lot of trash I'm glad glad they were on the road or I would have forgot about them hey yeah stop right there m let's throw the inand all right I guess we got all the trash in here is it looking okay yeah it was rolling that's a good sound good enough peanut go load [Music] up that was a big day a big thanks to my crew they worked their guts out today we got this off the mountain going to take it back to the yard the customer is going to pick it up and then thanks for watching there's a chance we'll be at the emergency room yet I have four boys so the emergency room is kind of like a place we go every so often you guys have a punch card or something 10th one is free all right
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 2,301,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hIm64s3dgDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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