"I Need to Share What Happened with my Son Last Night" Creepypasta

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my son James was born 15 weeks early with Stage five retinopathy of prematurity this is a complicated way of saying that he was blind right from the very beginning complete blindness he can't even detect light the doctors had figured this out within a few days of his birth they thought I might take it badly but the truth is I was so ecstatic with how the doctor began a sentence that it seemed like a very minor issue your son is going to be okay but I wasn't concerned with the but not in the slightest up until that point it was questionable if James was going to survive at all my son would live he was breathing fine all organs in working order he would have a normal life but he couldn't see I actually felt blessed blind people of course live long productive lives and most importantly they live I have to admit I didn't know much about how to raise a blind child I didn't do as much research as I should have for example I've been told that I should have positively discussed his blindness from the very beginning I should have said things like remember James because you can't see you're gonna have to try things a little slower okay I should have made him understand that he's missing a sense that most people have but that it's okay he can still find other ways to do things I also should have tried harder to find other blind children for James to interact with I've heard that that's crucial for raising a blind child but I didn't do any of those things I ignored the issue I tried too hard to shelter him from it I would think back to how delicate he looked the day he was born so tiny like he was barely clean to life how the doctors told me we'll try our best that day but I could see the doubt in their eyes I was still just so happy James was with me that I couldn't bear telling him that he was different couldn't bear disappointing him to explain that he's missing something very important it's not that I kept James as a social recluse locked up in his bedroom or anything crazy like that we would always go out to parks and beaches family was always over in interacting with James they knew not to discuss the blindness issue however as best I could I was trying to give James a normal childhood James is now 5 years old and just yesterday after all this time the issue was finally brought up I thought I had done such a great job of sheltering him of hiding his blindness from him I thought he didn't know he was any different than most people but then last night just before his bedtime James walked over and hugged me I could tell he was very upset about something he began sobbing into my shoulder after a moment I quietly asked him what's the matter James he sniffled then barely choked out dad he sniffled again and then in between sobs and tears he said it am I ever going to be able to see I was taken completely aback I hadn't ever even rehearsed in my head what to say in the situation I had thought this talk would be at least a year away I didn't know what to do stuck on my heels I responded the only way I knew how at that point something I had avoided for so long the truth no James my side the doctor says you will never be able to see he cried in my arms for another minute or so and then finally said can you just take me to Baghdad I agreed to I lay him in his bed and told him wait here just a minute I have something for you I went to my bedroom and pulled out a present I had been waiting to give to him I went back into his bedroom and handed it over what is it he asked it's a pendant I told him you wear it around your neck if you want here gently I took his hand do you feel the bumps what are they yes it's called Braille you'll be able to use it to read things and to count go on feel them what shape does it make I I don't know he looked perplexed it's in the shape of a heart it means that I love you very much that there are many people who love you so someone will always be here to help you and protect you so whenever you're sad just hold on to that pendant and think of us okay he smiled also I continued there are lots and lots of people in the world who can't see just like you and there are plenty of things they learn which make their lives easier and more comfortable but things like Braille you're going to start learning some of these new things right away okay when I left his room he looked in my general direction he said in a much more upbeat voice than before good night dad good night James I'll see you in the morning I left his room walked down the hall and got into bed and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a couple tears stream down my face James seemed fine when he got up this morning he went about his day as usual after breakfast he was sitting on the couch listening to his favorite shows I went upstairs to his bedroom and went through my usual routine of making his bed gathering his laundry etc and then I noticed that the air vent cover seemed different as though it had been taken off and hastily put back on had James been messing around at night I decided to pull off the cover and look inside and there it was a brown case approximately 8 by 12 inches it was about four inches thick with a small black handle on the top there was also a strange foreign language written on it one which I had never seen before I took it out and opened it up the first thing I noticed was the pendant he had placed it in a box maybe for safekeeping I picked it up anyway and smiled but then I noticed something else I almost screamed at what I saw I held my hand over my mouth shock was already setting in I must have turned ghostly white I could feel my skin crawl the hairs on my arms and legs standing on end it took me half a minute to realize the full extent of what I was looking at of how impossible it was let alone terrifying it was a neatly drawn picture it wasn't professionally made or anything like that but done well enough that I could decipher what exactly was happening James was in it it looked just like him he was wearing the pendant that I had given him last night one hand feeling the Braille heart on his pendant in his other hand was a large knife and on the ground was me clearly me sliced covered in blood dead daddy I heard from just outside the doorway I quickly put the picture back in the box and then placed it in the air vent cuming james' I hadn't processed this yet I had no idea what I thought about it I tried to go about my day James seemed no different than usual I didn't bring the picture up not yet anyway I was distracted while doing my normal activities I remember doing the dishes but my mind was really thinking there's nobody else in the house I could have drawn that picture and it had to be drawn last night the pendant proves it I remember putting James's lunch together the door was locked all night and nobody else had a key I remember sitting down to eat my sandwich but how could James draw it the picture had far too much detail for someone who's been blind his whole life the dead person on the ground looks just like me and he's never even seen me before he's never seen anything before I remember watching James playing with his toys can he actually see is he just faking it how is that possible how could a five year old who was born without sight somehow gained his vision back while continuing to fake his blindness what would he have to gain by faking it I'm so lost right now so confused I need to really think this all over before deciding what to do do I talk to him about it do I call the police I just had to write this down to share with somebody anonymously because if I told anybody I knew they would just think I'm insane so I'm just going to post this here with a community that deals with such strange occurrences all the time maybe one of you out there has a clue or some advice as to what's happening with my son [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 396,822
Rating: 4.8489861 out of 5
Keywords: CreepyPastaJr., CreepyPastaJr, CreepyPasta, Horror, Creepy, I Need To Share What Happened with my Son Last Night, A10A10A10, Nightmare, Creepy Pasta, Creepy Story, Very Creepy, Chilling Story, Unnerving, CreepsMcPasta, Storytelling, Narration
Id: Psrt8oJRHpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2017
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