I Missed this SECRET While JUMPING Into a TORNADO in the NEW Wobbly Life Update!

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so folks we're back here in wobbly life in my brand oh okay maybe we shouldn't do that hold let's just back it up okay no this is fine hello everybody wait can we paint this thing it's a police car you wouldn't think that you guys would work on this but it might be a thing hold on can we change the color of this oh hey look at that we can make the police car red and green and all sorts of colors I feel like it needs to be red that's basically my channel colors all right so let's do that so that's not what we're here to do today uh we're here to unlock more secrets do some missions and stay tuned until the end because because we're going to be launching oursel back into the tornado uh because I have missed something so if you caught last Friday's episode I actually have the cloud suit which apparently I missed the cloud car and I'm a little embarrassed we'll have to go back and eventually do that but I think there's somebody down here uh in the train station that needs my help at least that's what you guys have been saying by the way if you guys want to see some more WBY life be sure to hit the Thumbs Up Button you don't think they're in the toilets do you let's go down here to the main platform ah look there's the train conductor uh welcome aboard wait did they add people to the inside of this I don't remember there being people in here uh by the way here's our what the what are you my name's Bob hi Bob you may have met one of my brothers Leroy and Marvin uh they call us the Bobble Brothers okay you see both my brothers took the wrong bags to work oh no and they left me with Marvin's duck why is there a duck here if you can give Marvin his duck back and find my wrench I'd really appreciate it both my brothers should be at one of the underground stations oh I got to give somebody a duck like wait this isn't even a duck it's like a little squishy thing so they say they're at the underground stations oh my goodness I feel like they've really like I guess changed the way the station looks I don't remember it being so detailed like what's down there U you know what I guess we should stick to the job that we've been given didn't know I was going to be hauling around a duck today but there's plenty of stuff to do so I want to unlock all the secrets all the outfits all the cars just got to wait for a stupid train to come by ah here we go uh just on time 9:00 a.m. train riding session here can I fit this through the door hopefully nobody's trying to get off this thing watch out okay here we go okay yeah ignore do I have to buy two tickets it's fine I'm just going to sit over here with my duck uh so the brother should be at one of the other stations does it say what station he's at I don't believe he does I mean there isn't that many of these things in here by the way it's good time to ride the train I haven't done this much I mean I could have probably flown there probably would have been easier but I'm going to enjoy the train ride I bet you this one stinks a lot less than normal Subways do okay I feel like we're coming up to a station right now feels like it's slowing down wait which side's the station on uh left side right side uh both sides uh all right let's go see if we can find the other brother over here uh watch out dude got a duck in my hand oh here he is this has got to be him right uh wait you're a doctor what are you doing down here uh what's your name hi nice toet meet you I'm Leroy one of the three bobly are we going to get another intro for this I'm the clever one well usually uh we mixed up our bags on the way to work yada yada I'm supposed to have a first a wait you don't want the duck uh but I've got Bob's wrench instead um okay swap that it'll be great uh my brothers get the underground train to work too okay so they shouldn't be too far wait I got to grab two items now okay so we got this one we got this one wait where is the next one on the map here I could just fly to it uh we got the one that we were just in down here and then we have the one that we're in now uh there's a third one but is it oh I feel like it's maybe this one right here I don't know I guess we better ride the train again I mean I kind of enjoy riding the train it's kind of nice okay pick that up try to keep the wrench in there uh I don't have that many hands wait I'm going to have to grab a third thing aren't I I need a medic kit so okay we'll haul these into the train we'll go grab the medic kit cuz I'm sure the third brother has it and then we have to ride the loop once again or I could just go outside I might just go outside and deliver this stuff who wants the duck thing maybe it's the third brother that wants the little ducky okay all aboard the is this the 10:45 train is there actual like schedule on these trains maybe this is 11:00 a.m. so by the time this thing stops all I need to get on I got more stuff to bring on here uh this is completely fine move out the way dude okay uh yeah just ignore me I'm just carrying random items onto the uh Subway here next station I should be able to get rid of the duck and then we just got to ride it around or I might just uh maybe take this one back I mean we could walk down uh the tunnel I don't know if there's any secrets down there I feel like there might be all right feels like we're slowing down that was a quick stop oh this has got to be is that a brother over there wait there's another person down here uh okay um hello are you the third brother uh you look like you're a person oh my goodness I'm destroying stuff in the platform wait up for me train okay well there's your duck my dude you f found ducky man that's awesome thank you I'm Marvin uh the best of the bobbly brothers I'm sure you are uh one of my less cool Brothers must have taken ducky uh thanks for returning them and let me guess you have the first aid kit uh okay well here hand me the kit I'll just run down the tracks I mean I'm sure there's not a chance of me getting hit by a train today that's fine oh I'm sure this is not a very wise decision I mean there is plenty of room to walk on this side I'm just going to walk it down I feel like I might be able to go faster in the train I mean cuz the train got to go like all the way over okay dude brought your uh your first aid kit here wait why did you spawn in another wrench um thank you now I can get back to work okay well I mean I only need one of these I think uh you know I'm going to grab both of them uh it's fine we're not that far I don't think should I keep walking up the tracks maybe we shouldn't we might need to go uh outside the train station and we're just going to fly our way over uh to the bottom station well this must be a sign my uh vehicle's over here this got to be the St here oh I'm just going to hop in there I like this little Cloud thing I mean it doesn't go that high but it's kind of nice being able to like make your own platform feel like it's good for maybe collecting some of those hard to get gifts okay uh just give me wait what am I getting here huh you found my wrench thanks buddy what do I get for this you've returned everyone's stuff good work wish my brothers were more like you uh wait what does this have to do with I mean I'm not going to complain is there a locker in here can change in um oh H we got to poop every time I see a toilet in the game we we just have to poop honestly I like the whole fact that there's a train conductor outfit can I go drive the train now I mean that could be a thing or I could just go get myself hit by one of the subway trains in a train conductor outfit okay I kind of feel like we're on this side uh I'm going to head down to the new island I need to go to the Airfield and we're going to go to perfect parachutes uh because apparently if I go down into the tornado you can actually drop onto a ship and there's supposed to be I think some sort of secret suit and I really really wanted I I missed it from the first episode of the update I had no clue it even existed I don't think many people did but yeah it should be a pretty cool little secret and then we'll keep going here there's more things that we can unlock so stay tuned a we got to hit the Boost over the jump here we oh that didn't actually get air like I thought it would oh my goodness okay maybe the new police car is a little too deadly for me I'll just uh I'll float over there on hit my little Cloud can I make it go forward no it just going to float me up here I wish you could just Spam the cloud that'd be amazing oh you know what I should go buy one of the clothes stores I feel like this might help do it but I need to be able to Glide uh maybe the jetpack on let me go look at my clothes I want to make sure I'm prepped for this because you have to fly uh over to another section you got a dressing room I don't want to buy any clothes from me I just want to go up here and use it maybe I could buy something I feel bad going into the store and using their stuff and not buying something uh H I don't know these are these aren't our traditional uh dressing areas wait I have a box suit wait hold on there's a cactus suit why did nobody tell me about this is this even is it a new thing I feel like it is is that okay I mean as ridiculous as this is I got to wear this this wasn't what I was looking for though I need to go find a change station real quick this is like one of those times where you go to the store like you had a plan to go into like Walmart or something buy one thing of milk and then all of a sudden you walk away with $200 worth of goods yeah that's what this Cactus suit is is a complete mistake uh I need to go actually change though I think I could change in one of these buildings over here and then we're going to drop down in that tornado and hopefully uh float I just might need a jetpack or something okay if I were to use something to help me oh dude I forgot about the Hat okay that's perfect hold can I put my train conductor outfit on uh there's that wait do I have a big body now uh I don't think so hold on I think is that the bottoms to it I think that's the bottoms I'm pretty sure this one came with a hat too like I need a train conductor hat oh yeah it did I just can't wear it right now I need to be able to fly so you guys like my parking job I think I did great with my monster truck so here we are at the parachute place I think this is the only place where you can do the Storm at least this is the original one maybe they added to the others all right so I want to parachute into the storm hold on let me make sure I know remember how to use okay it's two to use the hat I got this all right so we're aiming for a boat um oh do I need to put my parachute on right now is that a is that a thing oh this is weird doing it's not in the story Mission now so I'm just kind of sitting here I guess they just wait until uh they let me jump all here we go um so yeah I'm probably supposed to put one of these on uh but I don't think I'm going to I think I'm just going to jump can I jump Mister uh wait do I have to wait wait for a parachute we're just going to set here so okay look for boats uh there's got to be a boat out there oh my goodness the free cam sucks in this uh it just goes right to the back of the plane oh I didn't notice all the stuff up here wait what in the heck is going on up there there's a lot of wait any secrets anything a rocket something like that no it's just a bunch of random stuff strapped to the top here oh my goodness okay getting a little bit of turbulence I don't need one of these hats oh my goodness can I take the Jeep out uh that would probably be a good idea okay look around there's a wasn't there a boat the first time we did this uh uh-oh I'm hoping we can do this I don't hopefully we don't have to be in the mission I doubt it no no we'll be fine uh oh pilot okay well there's the storm wait no it's the aircraft carrier okay um so how do we do this I think we need to be passing directly over it oh yeah this is totally fine I'm just going to stand here at the end wait for that door to open and hopefully not jump to my death uh that guy looks like he has faith in me me all right doors are open uh I'm going to stand on the edge I don't oh my goodness we're getting turbulence okay uh where's the ship at oh it's way over there there's no way I could reach it from here uh I think we got to wait are we going to cycle around or am I supposed to go is the green light okay green light's not on yet uh the boat's pretty far over there I don't I don't think I can get to it from here okay just hold I'm going to hold on to him here let's hold hands Guy this is perfectly acceptable uh he looks so uncomfortable right now okay it's tell me to wait uh don't forget wait where did the where did the boat go okay so we're about Midway I would think you'd want it under you before you jump so I'm just going to wait here just ignore ignore me I don't know if it eventually kicks you off I hope that's not a thing uh we got this okay is the boat under us H it's got to be close hold I'm trying to look out the side uh I don't I don't see the boat I just see the tornado we're going directly over it I don't need this I need the wait where is it where's the boat oh my God goodness we're okay I think it's beeping telling me to get off um do we just jump oh did we stop moving he's probably oh we're nearly in the jump position uh get ready I'm not ready oh there goes the C wait am I supposed to C can I catch the cow I didn't even notice that was I mean I noticed it in the cut scene I didn't know it was still actually going okay look down where's the boat I don't see the boat uh he gave me the go I'm sorry dude I got to wait a second I'm looking for the boat uh hold on free cam can I see it okay it's on that side okay here we go o wobbly hat wobbly hat okay uh does this stay open am I moving out oh wait a minute I think I'm going to it hold on uh release it uh oh my goodness is this hold on look down there's not another boat is there no this is definitely the boat okay uh it's aircraft carrier we need to land on it uh hopefully somebody could help rescue us down there uh this is so freaking cool that you can do it with the hat you don't even have to have a pair of parachute I don't need no stinking parachute okay drop down a little more uh this is definitely an object I think you can go to the wobbly aircraft is there somebody down there to help me uh maybe I just got to land on it what happens when you catch the cow is that a challenge I feel like there should be a secret uh we missed our chance what do you mean we missed our chance I don't care that we missed our chance time to head back to wait what no I was gonna jump oh what the do I have to jump immediately well that's some poop I think you have to jump as soon as the door opens because yeah we ran out of time there that that just Stakes it's fine okay door is open once again we got to pretty much I think just go all right here we go uh uhoh okay so uh I don't know if I was supposed to wait there I mean I'm not losing a bunch of altitude I don't think all right so we just got to get over there like ASAP uh I got this come on come on oh I feel like the tornado's sucking us closer um this might have been a mistake oh come on baby I think we have plenty of time because I think you got to wait for the person to like lower the door or actually give the green light and that normally takes a second so I think we can make it over to the aircraft carrier in time uh shouldn't time out oh my goodness it's going to be close though they keep dropping oh there is a person at the top of the stairs I can see them uh they just appeared okay we want to land up there we don't have a bunch of time to spare here uh so we're aiming for that person the little wobbly dude up at the top all right we got this all right uh we're almost over it come on baby uh give me whatever outfit is up here what if it was a tornado car I feel like that'd be cool oh my goodness he's in like a little rain poncho is that what we win on here we go and he's right here he's right here and drop hello how are you I love storms this one's a big uh Boom the tornado outfit okay that's kind of cool wait how do we get off of here um I didn't think about that part do you have a plane or something is there is there something there something I can do here I think I need to jump off in the water it's fine though we unlocked it can I go into here no I can't any gifts up here no don't see anything all right well um we have a view of the mighty tornado that looks epic all right let's check out the outfit this that to be a good one it's a tornado so boom Oh I like that h do I wear pants with oh it's a complete little tornado outfit wait does it have any special abilities or do I just just got like a little animation what if what happens if I spin around does that no I don't think that's doing anything for me all right well you know what it was a good day let's go search for some more secrets why don't we also I don't know what just happened to my sleep animation I I look like I just broke my back okay so is it a coincidence that I'm a tornado and as soon as we go outside it is uh raining and thunderstorming out here uh I don't think so all right so I was told also another thing to do was to head out to the farm it says there's something there's a new parachute place over there is there more pets I don't know if they've added any new pets in the recent updates but I want to go out here uh cuz supposedly uh there is a farmer in need and I need to go check him out also wouldn't it be cool if the tornado would just show up in the city I think that'd be awesome um my vehicle was just struck by lightning wait what uh am I about to blow up all right well we can just drive it this way this is fine all right well I guess it's just better to walk anyway um there is a star over this guy's head over here I'm assuming you need some help uh what you need oh you got a nice little ATV over there I'll take that bad boy uh what you got oh Margaret uh where are you uh a car came through this oh that probably was us at one point uh we eat cows all the time yep we hi it into the air and she flew that way over she's in the ocean how am I supposed to see it it's thunderstorm in right now can you see if you can find her I'm awfully worried well do you have a helicopter or something around here or a boat I mean I guess a boat would be sufficient too um I feel like I need to go steal the police helicopter that's like the closest one you know we used to have a mansion and that's the only thing I regret about getting rid of the Mansion was the whole fact that it had a helicopter in it yeah I guess we'll go still the police one I I do like my penous though also there's supposedly another house on I think the island uh I'd like to see those too I think it's like a little Cabana or something all right let's head over to the police station I would like for it to stop raining um because I don't think I'm going to be able to see like where the cow is uh but I'm going to guess uh I think it's I think he was saying like what it be to I guess technically the south of the docks I don't wait wait what is that was that Island always there oh how far can you go out is that I I wonder if that's what he's referring to cuz he's up here in the farm so there is an island maybe it's somewhere else uh that's probably a good place to start uh looking but I need a helicopter to get out there I hope our helicopter doesn't get struck by lighting there is a high probability oh you know what I forgot we could head up to the weather station first and we could go change the weather that's the thing it cost like 200 bucks but uh probably worth it you know at first I was feeling like I was never going to use this weather station to go change the weather but but now this the perfect oh you've got to be kidding me I was going to go use it and all of a sudden the game was like no we'll clear it up for you it's as if they knew where I was heading all right well I guess we got to go where's that Island at uh let's go out this way if it's a cow do I have a uhoh I don't have an opening in this helicopter the military Chopper has an opening hold on let's go check up here at the base yeah I was about to use the weather station to attempt to uh change the weather but I guess I don't have to do that but I need another Chopper if I've got to load something up which I'm assuming I'm picking up a cow I don't think I can get it inside of the police Chopper so I believe there is a bigger Chopper up here definitely not fly on a plane over there cuz we're going to get stuck oh yeah this big blue one will work all right let's just landay here okay let's go grab that bad boy and then we're going to head out to that island and hopefully find a cow okay oh is that the island oh it doesn't look there's anything on there um oh there is something on there there a it's a rock wait what is this this place well there might not be no there is a cow on there it just popped in wait what else is on here is that a surfboard wait what hold on there's a message in a bottle over here too it looks like you know I kind of don't even care about the cow I'm curious about the other things over here hi Margaret um there's a surfboard what is this over here wait where' the bottle go um where am I wait why can I not pick this up what why why is that permanent that's weird does anybody else know what this is for all right well uh come on cow we got to oh my goodness you might be too chunky for this uh okay how do you stuff a cow into the freaking okay butt first but first no I probably should have brought a boat out here uh well now we know it's oh wait that kind of worked uh I'm sorry Margaret um this is the way it's got to be here I'll be sure to fly a little sideways where I hope you don't slide out of this okay no hard right turns if you do a hard right turn there's a chance she's going to fly out the door uh not too far to go if I drop you in the ocean it's not my fault uh even though I'm pretty sure out of the numerous cows I've hit in the pasture you're probably one of them uh so it kind of is my fault once you think about it uh see I think it's the first Farmhouse there yeah I'm curious about that message in a bottle like that's got me intrigued all right let's go ahead we're going to land over over here uh also we'll probably go over to the new island since I or not the new one the old Island since I have the helicopter here I want to go look at the house options all right Margaret get your fat butt out of here before we make hamburgers out of you all right let's go here and is this the cow yep that was definitely the cow Margaret I thought I'd never see you uh what a good cow thank you so much what I get oh scarecrow outfit oh that's kind of cool wait is there a scarecrow over here uh I bet you were wearing those clothes right there oh that's kind of cool all right you know what I don't even have time to go change in that outfit I like the current outfit I'm in I want to go over uh to the new or the old Island I keep calling it new island for some reason I mean we don't go over there much anymore uh we did some challenges a long time ago but it's kind of been empty but supposedly they've added some stuff to it okay look for a new area over here which I'm pretty sure there's even more missions and secrets over here now there has to be since we've last visited this place uh I remember I mentioned something about looking behind the waterfall but that actually isn't new uh look for okay I thought I saw something the first time we passed over here this this is definitely new I think we can buy a house over here can we have multiple houses uh honestly I want to look at the real estate over here okay I'm going to hop out this is probably a bad oh no okay it didn't explode dude look at this okay I mean it's kind of cute over here I don't know if I want a house over here oh here's the house for still can we look at the inside of it real quick 's see if I can get my camera in there honestly it's not bad it's kind of weird because to get to the main island you're going to have to go via helicopter which wait what was that you can only sleep at night oh it must be another section of house that I could sleep in wait this one's for sale too you can own multiple houses out here they look kind of the same don't they I mean it's kind of neat out here I was kind of expecting some sort of secret what's in here wait can I open this interact oh that's just the helicopter uh but yeah I probably would wouldn't want to live out here it's kind of neat but I don't think like there's not a hellad over here and there's not even a boat dog there is a plane down in the uh waterfall but yeah that still seems a little too inconvenient for me but let me know what you guys think what we should do next and we'll see you guys next time in wobbly life
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 632,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wobbly life secrets, wobbly life camodo gaming, wobbly life, wobbly life gameplay, wobbly life secret, wobbly life secret cave, wobbly life monster, car crash, car accident, wobbly life new update, wobbly life update, wobbly life funny moments, wobbly life ragdoll, ragdoll game, ragdoll sandbox, ragdoll, funny ragdoll, secrets, secret, i found a secret, wobbly life mission update, wobbly life heist, wobbly life tornado, wobbly life weather job, wobbly life in the clouds
Id: 73YAjin0G8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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