I Found a Secret ROCKET COSTUME in Wobbly Life!

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well here we are in the new wobbly life sewer update checking out the rocket it seems like it is still under construction but Bob I was going to tell you a joke about a rocket but it would have just flew over your head that was a good one that was a great pun wasn't it wobbly Bob oh no oh no wobbly Bob it wasn't fully oh he crashed oh oh my gosh oh okay well anyways how's it going spy here welcome back to some more wobbly life what the heck is this over here wait a second wait a second there's a guy out here doing something what is this hey dude how's it going if I connect this part to the shiny bit yes yes huh oh hello sorry you startled me welcome to my little Camp outside a military base dude that's a little suspicious I see you know my latest project what do you think what what is that what is that it's impressive isn't it I've been camping out here studying that rocket so I could build my own one oh he got a little impatient waiting for the rocket to be finished and he's building his own oh well I understand it can't be that hard no not at all I only need a few more parts to get it working in fact perhaps perhaps you can help me yeah maybe I need the following bits a fuse there should be some at the wobbly power plant okay that should be easy uranium ore you'll have to go to the wobbly mines for this oh no okay that might be a little difficult a big piece of metal a large bin from the city should do okay I know where some of those are and finally a small heavy bit of metal a set of barbells would be perfect oh is he going to pump some iron to gain some bicep muscles to throw himself into space what what did I just say where the heck do we get those though if you can get that all for me then I'll make you something extra special as a reward are we getting our own little rocket ship oh he's building a rocket to get to space Oh we got to do this we got to do this we got to find all these pieces for that dude and we got to go to space okay first part we're going to have to find the F from the nuclear power plant and we got some helicopters right here so maybe grab this one cuz it has like a little cargo area on the back I wish you could close these doors so nothing would fall out and there's also bombs on here grab these throw them okay that one a little close please don't blow up the helicopter please don't blow up the helicopter oh okay I think we're good oh it hit me are you serious are you serious I just want I just want a rocket ship all right well let's hop in here and fly all the way AC across the city collect all these pieces for him all them should be decently easy other than the uranium or I found like maybe one or two in this whole game of playing wobbly life oh my gosh maybe we'll get lucky though hopefully we could just keep using this helicopter to transport the items but knowing me I'd crash and all the items would fly out oh that's a okay I jinxed it okay I okay I jinxed it really bad luckily I did not fall in the water thanks to this handy dandy safety device made for vehicular devices but a box truck should do better than a helicopter because these won't explode on impact open open up this door and let's get looking for a fuse I think there might be one up on this catwalk here all right where is this fuse hello fuse there should be multiple shouldn't be hard to find right right where what the where where is the fuse fuse fuse oh here it is we we got our first material okay let's throw this in the box truck and then go get the others oh oh don't lose it don't lose don't lose it don't lose it oh we got it we got it I'm so excited to be able to get a rocket I hope we actually get to fly it all right open up this back here come on come come on come come on come on just press the button here we go oh no the fuse is stuck okay throw it in boom and now let's go look for maybe the trash bin I think I'm going to leave the uran ium ore for last because that might take a while trash bin so trash is usually associated with businesses inside bustling rustling cities maybe in like a back alley or something trash bin are you here oh there we go we got some trash bins this is actually easier than I thought all right back up this truck how am I going to lift that into the box I don't even know pop this open okay there's our fuse now we just got to but now we just got to come on angle it angle it pivot jump pull it up there we go now how do I get out now how do I don't want to live in the Box Truck boom okay close that now we got two of the four materials next up we're going to look for some wait barbells where would those be I honestly have no clue um hm where would have a gym The Mansions I remember in like ob's old mansion it had like a own gym we got to break into a mansion I'm going to need a helicopter hat for that all right here we are at home do not disappear truck or items in the back of it there's probably other places that have weights and stuff like that but I really don't know anywhere else let's grab us a helicopter hat boom so we can fly into Obie's old mansion and steal his weightlifting equipment oh yeah this is genius look at this we got this okay just up in here here it might be easier if I just buy this Mansion boom and now we don't even have to break into this place there was probably an easier location to find these weights but oh yeah yeah I see a treadmill in there boom go through these doors and right here we got it our second last come on fit through material material get through please I want a rocket why is it so hard oh my gosh why why why is this even can I even get these out maybe backwards there oh no come on there we go yeah why is this so hard boom ow oh okay don't jump with extremely heavy weights I am super strong though okay open this up boom put this in Oh no I got to kind of wedge this in there is this even going to fit this is a puzzle in on its own just trying to get all these materials at once Kate come on come on in boom okay close that there we go and now let's head to the mines and hopefully we get lucky and find some uranium ore right away and here we are probably the hardest mission in wobbly life finding uranium ore I think okay here we go boom I got a little mine helmet we're going to go in and start chipping away at some rocks I'm going to do this super efficiently watch this watch this where's the pickaxe where's the did I miss the pickaxe already I might have missed the pickaxe it's fine because we're going to use TNT instead all right grab this boom grab this boom oh yeah look at that and then these should blow open we grab two of these grab grab two of these we go up to the rocks and start blowing up I hope there's some uranium down here please be some uranium we got gold okay that's not what I want we want uranium the big all green stuff on the walls there's diamond oh no this might be really difficult please uranium we got silver stuff there gold stuff oh no uh-oh this might take a few attempts so maybe there's some up here I did the mission a couple times wait wait wait wait there it is there it is oh we got so lucky we got so lucky you just got to search everywhere I'm not caring about anything but that green stuff we got the ore we got the ore let's grab this and let's get out of here put this on our box truck just drive away and hope it doesn't disappear okay that wasn't as hard as I thought this is the exit thanks for the ore dude I quit all right let's get this on the box truck and to that dude okay pop this in look at that stay in there stay in there okay Bo close this close this I don't want I don't want to lose any of it and now we got to get this across the ocean I think I'm going to take a fairy but we got to get over to the beach first watch out oh my gosh we almost got hit there's already a giant dent in my box truck that totally wasn't my fault I can't remember how I got that but you know it's definitely not my fault I'm on top secret mission again okay we made some decent progress It's so tempting to just jump off this I'm going to go very slow very slow look at that wa didn't lose one thing didn't explode I just can't not jump over that when it's up like that even though I mean that would probably be illegal uh it's okay it's okay it's just a video game and here here we are the beach I got to get down first oh my gosh maybe let's go down this side Hill here why did I come up this way slowly slowly slowly boom uhoh no no the door broke open the door broke open oh no did it can I can I close this the door's broken the door is broken the the van is smoking oh I didn't even know the back door breaks open like this okay now we just got a wedge this stuff back in come on it's stuck I mean that oh okay hold on there we go look at that and one last piece the most important there we go and now drive drive backwards drive backwards momentums momentums keep it in there keep it keep it in there uh back up here we go this will def this will no it's not working it's not working it's not working as long as I don't lose I'm losing everything my uranium more I need another truck okay we got another box truck let me just fill this bad boy up oh my gosh I don't know why I didn't just do this in the first place it's fine okay the box truck is loaded back up for like the third time and here's our fairy open up please oh I don't know if I trust that please don't flip or do something crazy box truck is on now we hop on the fairy and get this over to that rocket dude oh this is actually going pretty solid now as long as the truck doesn't fall off and we lose every single item should be fine why do I keep setting in myself up for these uh weird coincidence joke Jinx things you know I don't know why I keep saying that because every time I say that something wrong happens no what the the truck just disappeared but thankfully all the items are still here and here we go just Beach this U fairy here go up on land oh what's happening what's happening I don't even know I don't even know just get the stuff off just get the stuff off the boat go go go up up up oh no oh no since there's no car the ramp will not open it seems like it's it's jumping more and more come on just drag this off just drag this off the boat throw it push there we go there we go oh no this is so hard push it there we go nice nice okay that one is the hardest one to get out there we go grab the fuse boom and then the barbell I'm just going to go over the edge here there we go oh no oh no oh no oh no get over get over there we go there we go okay grab the hardest ones to get I think it was this one and the uranium and let's go give it to this guy over here hey dude how's it going I got you your materials please build me a rocket there you go you found some barbells this metal would be perfect for the engines and uranium ore this will help power the rocket okay okay and I got two more for you dude here you are boom a fuse brilliant now I can finish off the wiring and a bin this will make the shell of the rocket oh we just did it that's everything I need need now I'll get to work we'll be blasting off in No Time come back tomorrow and I should have it ready oh sweet you know what I'm just going to sleep right here I'm [Music] exhausted I'm ready for my rocket oh yeah here we go look at that isn't it marvelous though perhaps a bit smaller than I was planning I think we're ready to test it how about you do it as you did so much of the work give that button a press okay here we go take a quick look at this thing it is awesome are we going to space can I hop in this can I hold on to it I kind of want to hold on to it and click the button at the same time here we go here here we I don't I think I can a all right boom wo that is so it blew up are you serious incredible that was the most excitement I've had in years dude that was supposed to go to space not like 20 ft in the air and blow up and I couldn't have done it without your help I haven't forgotten your reward I had some material left over so I made a version of the rocket you can wear what I thought you might find it fun you have to wear all three parts of it at once for it to work I'm pretty sure it'll work what's that mean anyways now I have to think about my next project unlocked the rocket outfit we got a rocket outfit we're going to be flying off into space by ourselves we're not even going to need that even though I can't wait for the space update but let's go put on this rocket outfit and see what happens oh yeah I'm so excited this is going to be sweet let me know Down Below in the comments before I put it on how high do you think I'm going to go I'm getting I'm going to go to the stratosphere the atmosphere oh there's the head there's the body and there's the legs we look so cool and does it actually FL it has a launch button it has a launch button let's get outside and launch ourselves into the air okay here we go 3 2 one lift off w Wait a second holy man um my my rocket suit just exploded but look how high we went that is awesome we made it so far but let's see if we can control this all right launch let's see control it we're going backwards we're going up I mean this might be useful this might be kind of useful I just got to figure out oh oh no I just got to figure out how to control it don't drown Don't Drown so if we aim forward like this does this launch us forward no it does something it does something oh you just have to control it you just got to you got to master this ability so slightly up launch oh oh oh oh oh kind of I mean it can get you somewhere okay one more attempt I'm going to try to clear that house aim down and launch boom W wo wo wo hey I cleared the house all I wanted to do was go to space Oh that's my my best attempt yet W anyways thanks for watching subscribeing remember stay sweet bye
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 349,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wobbly life, wobbly life sewer, wobbly life sewer update, wobbly life update, wobbly life rocket, wobbly life rocket suit, wobbly life rocket outfit, wobbly life rocket costume, wobbly life secret costume, wobbly life secret, wobbly life secrets, wobbly life secret rocket, wobbly life space, wobbly life space rocket, wobbly life costume, secret, game secrets, rocket suit, ragdoll, ragdoll sandbox, ragdoll game, funny ragdoll, spycakes, spycakes wobbly life, spycakes secret
Id: 48hWGPYAI9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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