i watched THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS episode 2...

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the amazing digital circus episode two it's finally here it's been like six months since I watched the first one so let's watch a recap of episode one so basically this is the amazing digital circus that's Kade that's bubble and then there's gangle zubble ker ragi and Jax oh and uh cmau who never actually appeared but I won't spoil why in case you haven't watched it and this is PNE so pomy basically puts out a VR headset and it transports her into this world that nobody can escape from and all the other characters are also stuck in the world so he thinks you're on a tour through the circus world's best tour guide that's the tent that's the grounds where at day and night for some reason and that this is the void we don't vure outout into the void not even I know what's out there and then they go check on cmau and find out he's being abstracted so py ditches ragi to die kind of sad cuz ragi wanted to be friends with her but anyways PDI finds a door that's uh labeled Escape I I don't know why she actually thought it was the Escape that that's it actually an exit door it's just an office building that goes on and on and on and on until she reaches the void and almost escapes but but not really and at the very end of the episode we see the computer that uh all of them are stuck in okay I remember everything now I am ready episode two candy carrier chaos the ganger back for a wacky candy fold Adventure they also discover that their lives literally have no meaning woohoo so wacky what oh yeah this is my glitch that the other glitch not not me I didn't make this I'm so excited welcome to the amazing digital circus p p why is everyone saying P can I say p py p oh py hi y why' she fall asleep or she just wake up again hello why does she sleep standing whoa that's trippy why is she moving like that she looks like jello I would eat pomy Jello if they made that just saying wait what's she noticing she's getting abstracted no no is this just a dream this got to be a dream right why would she randomly get abstracted yo what yeah she's definitely dream looks like our new friends already abstracted well I guess we're not all cut out for it I don't even remember her name not their personalities this is a dream right this is it that's not how they [Music] act that's like a poop in a really big toilet bowl that's so sad W it was a dream okay okay that was a bit dramatic uh wait yo I've never seen inside of a room before that's actually kind of fitting yeah that looks cool I would M stayed in that room if I was stuck in a digital circus forever hey pomy are you still sleeping I'll let you get back to it if you are a she's shy there she is you doing all right I know yesterday was a bit of a doozy yesterday that was only one day ago oh and don't worry about the whole abandoning me for the exit thing it's perfectly understandable what you were going through at the time wow how nice she's so nice she forgave her for literally trying to kill her or leaving her to die let's forget about all that Kane's got a new adventure today and judging bying it seems like it's going to be a fun one today's adventure is why do any of them agree this chaos candy carrier chaos the candy Canyon Kingdom's been robbed of their most valuable still wondering has he ever bitten his own eyeball I need to know this is that syrup Canyon Kingdom's been robbed of their most valuable resource maple syrup Maple Sy to bring the robin Bandits who stole it to Sweet entire Kingdom of candy sounds sticky am I going scky I going to get hungry I think this is going to make me H you're not meant to be able to swear no away I'm testing out a new AI in this one it should be 57 times more immersive a new AI you don't want to mess with the new why you got to always do this uh no come on does she do anything like ever she's so dramatic so our entire existence here is just laring wa well standing there theion candy Canyon came to meet you now Cy C candy candy Canyon what that's me that that sounds like me trying to do anything no thanks I'm trying to quit wait he's smoking Bubbles and he asks bubble if she wants to smoke bubbles the candy Canyon Kingdom yo it looks cool is that an outfit made out of candy wait what wait what are these signs danger danger what is is that keep out wait is that like the boss monster I have never wanted to eat something more in my life wait what are they mannequins yo I'm so hungry they've got ice cream how is it not melting there's lollipops and and what are they what are those people why do they look like mannequin what is that it's like a castle this is like a Mario level check out this Castle it's amazing they' even got little candy stop copying me RA Cy bugs this place is Great's happy the princess or not never mind how could you do that the princess the brave knight sent To Us by God she's help us with our recent catastroph B of recent catastrophe but that's Kane what do you mean what's he doing there I wonder if he caused this catastrophe or created it is Kane the creator of the digital circus yeah probably not ma'am your Kingdom's Awesome by the way what castrop I like you already look P even her friends with the princess her eyes are made out of cand you don't have to Hype me up you child informed of your mission the bandits that robbed us use a modern syrup tanker syrup tanker with them is to give you a war rig of your own h a war rig ooh violent they just ran over someone is this supposed to done here's the key back into the kingdom for need keep the goods let it fall into the wrong You Can Count On Me of C please call me Lou we'll do Lou I call shotgun all right jack God is that the horn that sucks gangle you drive wait what cuz you don't like the horn good night I mean I think that's for the best every faith in you I would not trust Jack to drive me anywhere yo even the wheels are made of candy and the the back is just a candy thingy look it's one of those cakes that's so cool hey they're camping oh wait no they're not those are the band if we get all this back to the Village what are they I'm sure your mom's going P could save hundreds of people we want KN for sure are they crocodiles she's a father there she taught me everything I know they're so Australian o too comfy Lads looks like they sent someone after us ow wait wa wa wait so they're doing this for their mom don't catch the bed just let them do it all right gangle when we catch up to him I'll jump over crawl inside and shoot them repeatedly until they're unrecognizable I feel like that violate some kind of conviction you're violating my ears with your clap back get driving driver so I'm sure there's some way you could help out here maybe when we catch up to them we could be assertive like this oh ja you just threw up wait oh okay that's that's kind of useful oh oh did she just turn into a plushy per just hold that pose I got to get something iar kind of Booka back here but I'm having such trouble finding it take his time here it is stay like that and I'll cross over is that a bazooka oh no nice going py now I have no Bridge what are they going to do ow the arms off long enough the arms aren't long enough okay how is he doing this does that not hurt that's his butt oh he's holding on to the thing then and K through so K really didn't help at all huh trouble this one those rocks around there the arms aren't short enough to are you kidding me right now what they're useless two short arms two long arms what's he doing he bad stuff o now we're cooking hey ribbons up ribons I don't think AR you supposed to be sub call GLE rib move it what poor gangle [Music] to quit I like these crocodiles whatever they are going to B and get back up here oh yeah run oh yeah he forgot what he was doing wait was that knife always in her head or uh can you repeat the question I couldn't hear you over the hey GLE you feel it okay what you should not Ram them H's still on board that's that's true it'll be epic why no Jack here Jack do it I'll tell R Fine Thing the what thing figurine thing what you do what figurine thing they're going to kill her to kill me yes literally what they're trying to do let's give him some of this oh oh oh that was close more ramming guess I have to tell ragi about the thing now no no no he still up here don't do it py take this a okay you're all is trying to help it's going to it's going to attach to him isn't itach is he going to die please please do not say that's attached to kinger no no come on don't oh wait wait wait dragon in just guy no is she okay wa no what a waste of food okay Jack's showing up much what do you mean you blame him you literally told him to do it physics that's physics right there whatever just happened physicsit where are they falling up or down I am incredibly confused where are they now that's a teip what where are they or him or or her what is that what oh it's it's the leader yo hello where is he anyone don't say he's trapped now is he in like a void yo that's got to be scary wait wait what yo he's like he's in like the developer zone is this and didn't see their deposing that's him that means he's not real is he going to notice that wait is he part of the digital circus is he just wearing a headset too yo he's freaking out what if he's not even on Australian poor whatever his name is no no that's got to be [Music] scary are they going to cat What's Happening Here P's there okay okay he's saved because they're they're going to save plyy right they have do where are we what's all this what what is it you think she knows I don't know she doesn't know much somewhere under the map I think under the map map so they glitched out get it glit why aren't you or any of your crew up here I'm not sure because we are not um NPCs npcc what NPCs he doesn't know that he's an NPC what are you people what no he looks so sad what am I no oh no where's Mom no he doesn't have a mom shouldn't she be here with everyone else I can't even remember her face she doesn't even exist she have her face was that ever real okay wait that's what he was programmed about that I I think there must be a way to launch ourselves back up there's got to be there's got to be no he's hyperventilating look it's the elephant I want you to tell me wait exactly what I am how do you expect her to she doesn't even know what she is and what is that is did somebody poop what excuse me what was that big [Music] thing is everybody okay no oh man how did they not fall through the map oh they didn't glitch out poor PNE how about po us we're one tanker away from being Augustus Glo okay how does Jax always know exactly what to say it's the poop I told you I wasn't Imaging it I was to see things within the kingdom Gates Don't Mind If I Do why is it talking W buddy PO is not meant to we're not candy we're none of that you don't want to eat us what is that we not candy oh my expected to eat something that's not made of candy I'm sorry hary seems to miss the big loopy monsters who are you anyway I am the fud the f I used to live within the kingdom walls the B by that rotten princess after I ate too many of the delicious Town folk oh they were so delicious he ate so many people I can hear them calling to me oh oh God that just sounds like murder that's terrifying really murder if it's delicious that is that Mur delicious I know bad point why don't you leave this to me before I start thinking your hair looks like licorish oh wow it kind of does Mr f e like an upstanding guy with real noble goals oh I'm not if you knew what I did in my free time oh you'd be sick as I was saying yo I want to know what he does in his into the kingdom walls if you'd be willing to help us out in return going use the G licorish hair here hop it with this you must be some kind of Master of unlocking things come to free me from my outdoor prison that's me this is actually a good idea need to do BR some dirty Bandits to Justice W what is that oh it's the other people I saw the rap think at me wait wait what just happened how'd you do that so fast yeah what about PNE how's she going to what do she even try to do she's got to like glitch it again to to make it go back up right uh you want to try helping out at all oh no he's too sad he's too sad bro's about to cry hey it's okay you okay no a you want to talk about it what is that to talk about a that's sad I don't just want to leave you here no why not I don't matter in the slightest I'm nothing why would they do this life my memories why are they making it sense it's all fake it's all fake but that's okay cuz you're not meant to know that it's all fake how did you even this may seem weird but I think I know the feeling well maybe not the exact feeling but feeling like you're nothing is kind of normal I mean people even feel like that in the world I came from but a she's so sweet care about your buddies up there don't help him even though he's the bad guy still care about you what does it matter what do we have when you people leave we're just obstacles obstacles created to be defeated and forgotten that's true that's a good way to yes you don't have to be yeah unfortunately he does the circus the place I'm from oh well I wait I'm originally from somewhere else is she going to invite him back if to be my home maybe it can be yours too yo that's nice there are interesting at the very least yo she made her first friend could be somebody real there do it do it why are you trying to chim me up do it how does this benefit you you can be at episode 3 I guess I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing aw I don't want anybody to feel like that she's so nice I don't want even a real person would I even belong yes you would I'm sure you wouldn't belong any less than me that that's true that's true I could use a friend see she's making a friend you're a strange little character yes he's happy now suppose I could give it a try he's happy now hey all I ask is that we don't The Lads about this couple of broadard Y boys and I don't want to drag him down with me yeah that makes sense What's Your Name by the way gamig gig W that's just about as dumb as my name m in terms of getting us out of here kingu I don't know maybe some kind of glitch with the trucks collisions I'm not really sure how we could H what's she going to do I'm just just throwing stuff at the wall here if this doesn't work we can try something else you're the expert here I'm really not but let's see how it goes oh I just realized this might be a little v w okay that worked that definitely that yeah okay that's one way to no clip I'm more amazed at is hat hey y he's happy I think he kind of looks scared I don't know if he's happy or scared but he's not sad so that that's good why are there so many teapots what do we need them for someone explain the [Music] teapots you know what fine nobody explain it fine [Music] whatever back to the poop or whatever it was fudge a lot more anticlimactic than I was hoping he's taking them home what were you hoping for okay GLE cheer up final battle Bloodshed chaos not the Bloodshed the battle are you sure they disappeared it wasn't that they fell off or something I I can't say for sure but uh yes definitely it's not like the boss to vanish with a clown very unusual well that's consider concerning well if worst comes to worst why is she wearing the to find her we're worried she's having another horrible experience she still seems really upset about what happen yesterday is nice too she really likes me that much she just wants to be friends go through don't take it too personally I remember how long it took for you to adjust oh yeah I'm surprised can you please take that off it's distracting me what do you mean okay ja do you guys have a second why you got to bully gangle so much wait no we don't no not at all okay that that was py right it was she made it wait Did she just kill the fudge poop are you kidding me right now what oh couldn't keep it in could Now where's bubble to lick it up again uh what's all this stuff py you okay well what happened yeah I'm fine yo she's so happy to see her boss Where Have You Been we got fudged you don't want to know good to see you lad a happy ending right why are there the end bad guy trucks this better be the ending don't do it don't do don't why would you do it this one's full of syrup too what oh it's syrup yeah suppose it is you don't suppose my mates here could take this one Village could they get out M I guess since there's two of them there'd be no real harm a I'm so un they're all coming back disappointed right now maybe there will be blood death and violence in the next adventure ha uhoh yeah uh this classic Jack he's going to come back to the circus with us oh uh is that allowed his reality don't do this to me shatter do not I feel like it was the least I could offer him to just exactly let him back please hey that's good of you P let's take this dumb truck to the dumb Kingdom I guess okay relax Jack Brave Knights our kingdom will once again Thrive I'm sure it was no easy task y wait why isn't she mad at at uh the goo have fun executing that Bandit fella yes that is what we're doing oh they tricked her oh oh hey he didn't leave the gate unlocked for nothing after all Bo I thought he was dead you still did that wait you did what now i' love to help you again sometime bye what happened what are you do welcome back my little he did something he was me to do y not going to get used to this I see these guys made it through wait what what wait what I know you guys love your NPCs but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC who knows Could Happen what you can't just do that that was her friend no she's going to go insane well I'm going to go drink water it's been a while since I've done that oh no she finally made some progress I'm really sorry about that pomy at least you tried you know he might be back in a future Adventure K sometimes likes to reuse NPCs got everything ready hey you at least want to join us for cmo's funeral what we like to have a little funeral Serv just remember the people who abstract hold on hold on did you see that Jack was sad look he was sad for like a split second and then he's mad why yo I didn't know Jax was capable of being sad this one just got pushed around a bit with your arrival and everything it's the least we can do to memory that's kind of sweet wait what happens when they die or or get abstracted do they go back to the real world or well you can't be stuck forever right oh man I always think I'm prepared for these things but then you set up the picture and well I'm already breaking This was meant to be a nice ending but they killed the guy and now there's a funeral but it's not for the guy it's for the other guy oh that's so sad wait what's Jax GNA do is he going to do a speech he's got to come come on come on does Jax even care but he's not doing what oh yo that's that's the her friends that's zubal ragi and uh gangle of course jackon what did we expect wait jackon isn't even there wa yo that looks so fun like can we can they make that a real place the circus like not not the stock Forever part but like the circus that should be a theme park that's it no I don't want to wait another 6 months well guys make sure you subscribe to this glitch and me glitch so I can react to the next episode when it comes out [Music] oh
Channel: Glitch
Views: 413,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox glitch, glitch plays roblox, glitch videos, glitch rp, glitch yt
Id: Z7jztDyDefA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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