I make a vtuber model in 20 mins | Workflow

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and then once that's finished we can get started on the eye physics so these are very very simple very basic eye physics there will be a link in the  description for the short tutorial   that I made for eye physics but I'm kind of  doing this one pretty lazily and pretty I   don't know I I don't know what kind  of state I was in when I was making   this but um this is just basic some  very basic very easy easy eye physics here and then that eye is basically finished so  I'm just doing the eyebrow forms so like the   angry and sad forms so that I don't have to do  them for the other side when I copy and paste everything and then just doing some  expression differences and stuff and then we're doing the gaze [Music] huh anyway now that we're done we're just copy  and pasting everything and then reflect in it   and then we're going to reflect the light so  that the light source will be from one side and then making sure that everything's looking  nice and then I'm just going to copy and paste   the eyebrows so that they go up so that they  show a little bit through the through the hair some final adjustments and then  we're basically done with the eyes and then now we're going to  be doing the mouth I kind of did   all of the um all of the art mesh very very  lazily so it doesn't really look that great   whenever I'm deforming it um whenever  you're doing your art mesh or your live   Tod make sure it looks a lot better  than this um this is a lazy model for myself so I don't really  mind but do make your own art [Music] mesh so we're just doing the different mouth forms [Music] here very easy I was just  going to do a 3X3 mouth form here   nothing too complicated this is  pretty much just um for fun model [Music] so and then now that we're done with  the mouth forms we're going to be um we're   going to be working on the texture for the  lips so that they cover the inside of the mouth o really really bad texture  um really really bad art mesh there [Music] low key um warp deformers using warp deformers  to set up hair physics or any kind of physics   is actually really good because if you have a very  symmetrical model you can kind of just copy paste   the the work performers to the other side and  even if the illustration is drawn differently   like in terms of of shading or if the the hair  highlights are different it'll still move in the   same way as you did it on the other side because  it's the same warp theformer so it's really really   useful you can still copy paste skinning but  it's a little bit more difficult because you   have to copy paste all of the glue and everything  and it's a lot harder if um the our texture is different but we're basically  finished with the hair physics here which means it's time for head angles this is um a head angle template that I use  it's very rough you know so it I don't use   it as a a guideline for everything I just  use it just to know what the perspectives   of everything should look like it's been  pretty helpful although I still Chang   everything to what the model head shape  looks like cuz some illustrators draw the   the chin area a lot sharper almost triangular  and other people like me draw them more square and but having a a rough gut guideline kind of  helps me picture how it's supposed to look like so   even if it doesn't match the reference perfectly  it'll let me have an idea of how it should look like I sent a whip of this to Pon um I  sent a whip of this to Pon while I was   working on it and then and they said like  oh they thought that it looked perfect as   it is not like without the eyes moving with  the head or without the mouth moving in the   head just like this like as a as a joke  model of some sort like the the face is   moving but the the eyes and the mouth  are not obviously we can't have that [Music] but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now that the head angles are  basically done hello by the way   I'm back um I'm just going to do some of  the accessory physics luckily I've only   got the um the necer chief with me so  I only have to do that I don't have any   any Frills or any earrings like that so  it's pretty easy good for for me yay for [Music] me [Music] [Music] and now that we're done with that we're just  going to be doing some basic body physics so   the one thing that I do want to have is  to have a cursor that is reactive which   just means that I'm going to be making two  separate parameters an X and then a y and   then attaching the The Stylist to that so that  it matches um my mouse in real time in vtube studio and now that we're done with the arm  physics and the body physics we're   going to be doing the body angles  so pretty easy cuz I don't have a   full body going on with me so I can just  do a basic side to side up and down look [Music] fine [Music] [Music] oh and now that we've finished our body angles all  that left to do is create the texture outlas some   people do it first I do it last as a little treat  a little reward for myself and then exporting   everything as a runtime file for vtube studio and  then vtube Studio setup pretty basic for me just   because I'm going to copy someone else's YouTube  Studio setup and we're done will I actually be   using that model depending on L's condition  maybe but um I had fun and Merry Christmas
Channel: Cat Athenya
Views: 68,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aZx9Xs2MQc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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