[Live2d Showcase] shocking innovative cosmic bird vtuber model no clickbait

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[Music] hi I am m u and this is my amazing beautiful gorgeous vber model and now I shall explain to you all the details that went into making this come to life first for the Expressions V Bridger allowed me to do more expressive mouth tracking then I got some expression toggles and last I shall introduce the most important feature of all after studying profusely at the human expressions and inspired by realism I am proud to announce this new addition that I have innovated to convey some of the most complex emotions the double chin I am quite proud of this one it only appears when I lean back and I look down so it's like extra realistic anyway next for the range of motion I gave myself a challenge and I gave her the biggest angle range as shown previously with the double chin I can lean forward and back but that is nothing compared to my 90° head turn this is my first attempt at a 90° turn and I have not realized how hard it is until actually rigging it one of the bigger challenges I encountered is that head Y and head Zed had to switch with each other at the side profile and my solution to that is to rig everything to the wrong parameter first so that I can keep things at two parameters and then when I feel ready I add the third parameter to every single head Transformer then I very carefully and painfully control shift C copy paste the Transformations at the right spot it took some tries but thankfully my theory worked out there were lots of struggles and glitches that I worked out and overall I'm glad to be able to succeed on my first side profile model I may have cried a little and I may have considered never making another side profile model again but I did it last for phys physics and animation since my character is in space I wanted to give her a very flowy and zeroy physics I played with the pendelum parameters and I heavily use skinning for everything string like I have one pandum for every hair strand then my PC starts lagging and I start praying also she looks like she's moonwalking or swimming a little with leg [Music] movements I attached a wind physics toggle to all my physics parameters that Wiggles everything to make a blowing effect used in my ascending animation in this animation she Powers up and her hair flies and the planet behind her spins in acceleration and everything glows and she turns into god mode you know I thought about doing a plain normal waving animation but no I want people to be greeted by my Godly Ascension to this world I wanted her to look as like she's truly from an upper Dimension then the wings animation on her head was tricky considering the wide head angles and the flapping is controlled by smiling using conditional physics and then lastly I have a wand toggle that follows my mouse it has a little Trail but I consider it still a work in [Music] progress [Music] and that's all for now I have so much more planned for this model animations toggles outfits hand tracking I want to continue working on her and just make her unique [Music]
Channel: Merely.wufeii
Views: 161,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XfEunZ_AY6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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