I made the FAMOUS 1920's Delmonico Steak!

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[Music] welcome back to suvita everything guys you saw the thumbnail today steak dalmonico oh this one is gonna be good check it out if you are unfamiliar with the harmonical stick house in new york man you are in for a treat they are known to be the very first fine dining restaurant and since i've never been there i want to show you my take on this classic and we're gonna find out together how good it actually is and everything starts off with some beautiful steaks just like domonico's restaurant in new york i chose two beautiful ribeyes and as you can see they have some incredible marbling since i have two of them we're gonna be doing a comparison and see if the domonico steak is actually better so the very first steak i decided to go ahead and season how i normally do that includes a little bit of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else whenever i eat a high quality steak like this i like to keep it nice and simple that's because i like to taste the beef now the dal monica restaurant in new york does something completely different they also start by seasoning the steak with salt then they apply their custom rub and i had to do quite a bit of digging in order to find out exactly what's in it and after doing quite a bit of research this is what i came up with we start off with black pepper followed by garlic powder coriander chipotle a pinch of cayenne and finished it off with onion powder now there's left to do is to mix it well and our harmonical seasoning is done that is as easy as it gets and i'm pretty sure this has to be good because they have been doing this for a very long time so now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and apply for the stick and get them ready for sous-vide as you already know in order to do that all we have to do is to bag it up vacuum seal it and it's ready now that's perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and make some amazing side dish and this is the very first one we're gonna be making it is crispy onions that they always put on top of their steak and here's how to make them i first started by cutting them nice and thin the most important thing here is to make sure every single one is the same size this way when we're frying them up they'll cook evenly the next thing to do is to go ahead and prepare the coating for the onions and as always remember exact amount and ingredients always in the description down below for you so i started with all-purpose flour followed by smoked paprika onion powder garlic powder salt and black pepper now there's left to do is to mix it away and our coating mix is ready to make things easy i like to do everything inside of a bowl so i go ahead and dump all of the mix we just made right on top of the onions then using clinch plastic i cover everything up and shake it like there is no tomorrow this will ensure that every single one of the onions are perfectly coated and most importantly i am not making any unnecessary mess as you can see once i was done they are nicely coated which is perfect because they are now ready to be fried talking about that i'm keeping my oil at 350 degrees fahrenheit and just in case you are wondering i am using canola oil any oils with neutral flavor will work just fine you want to fry them up nice and quick that way they'll be nice and crispy in the end the only other thing to remember is to deep fry them in batches you don't want to dump the whole thing in there and once i was done as you can see they are perfectly fried and of course nice and crispy that my friends is perfect for any steak now the next thing that they're preparing the restaurant is actually an incredible butter but this is not any regular butter you can buy in the store that's because he has this i'm talking about japanese kobe beef fat that my friends is an incredible thing now in order to transform this into a sauce the first thing we need to do is to render it and the best way to do that is to use your oven i like to keep the temperature at 300 degrees fahrenheit this will ensure that it will not be burned if by any chance you have smoking coming out when you're doing this your temperature is way too hot once the time was up you can see that i render quite a bit i like to use a strainer so it's nice and filtered as you can see i was left with liquid gold that is what i'm talking about use this for anything and the wonderful thing about it is that it stores very nicely but hey i'm not gonna store this right now i'm gonna make the sauce so for that i used my torch and brought it back to life now to make this sauce is super easy you throw in a little bit of butter followed by the wagyu fat now the wonderful thing is that the wagy fat is nice and hot already you just gotta combine them both together because once you have done so your sauce is done the very next thing we're going to prepare is dalmonico potatoes and they are super famous i started by peeling and cutting the potatoes to the exact same size that is the most important thing so that they can cook nice and evenly talking about that i boiled them for a total of 8 minutes no more than that because we're gonna finish cooking them in the oven as they were boiling it's perfect because it allowed me time to go ahead and prepare the sauce so into a pan i threw in a little bit of oil followed by shallots we want to cook them for about two minutes but we do not want to let them brown then i throw in some orange bell peppers mix it well and cook them all together if you like fresh garlic you can go ahead and add it but for today i'm going to be using garlic paste i just feel like for this dish is a wonderful compliment the next thing to do is to go ahead and add a good amount of all-purpose flour then we want to add a good amount of butter mix everything well and cook the flour for at least 5 minutes once the time is up i went ahead and threw in half and half followed by heavy cream then you want to mix it with a whisk because the sauce is going to start thickening up on you and as it's doing so you wanna season it with a little bit of salt and freshly ground black pepper now there's left to do is to mix it well to get the thickness you like because by that time your sauce is done now to put it together it is very easy i first started by buttering up my pan this will avoid anything from sticking and at the same time it will give a nice wonderful flavor so i first threw in my potatoes followed by that wonderful sauce we just made and to finish it off a good amount of mozzarella cheese the wonderful thing about this recipe is that you can make individual batches or just a one big piece for the entire family as you can see for me today i'm making individual ones now the only thing left to do is to put it in the oven in the broiler setting so that the cheese can melt i mean take a look at that is there any way that this is not gonna be amazing i don't think so once you are happy with the look the only thing left to do is to remove it and enjoy this wonderful potato but now going back to our wonderful steaks i'm looking for a perfect medium rare for both of them for that i'll be cooking them sous-vide at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours and i cannot wait to see how the domonico steak is going to stand up to my salt pepper and garlic powder steak [Music] i got my beautiful sticks cooking as you already know it was done at 131 degrees fahrenheit for two hours that's enough time to cook those beautiful steaks and get it nice perfectly medium rare in the middle at the same time i'm very curious to find out if it's going to be better than salt pepper and garlic powder which is what i love i'll tell you one thing those crispy onions are incredible you got to give it a try and it's super easy to make the steaks are ready we are hungry and it's time to take it out let's do it [Music] you can tell right away if it's going to be something fantastic or if it's going to be a complete nightmare just by the smell and as it's smelly right now i'm telling you it's going to be good now obviously we're going to put a beautiful sear on these steaks because right now they don't look that good and at the same time in dalmonico they have a salam under where they put it to get a nice perfect crust but i got my flamethrower as you guys already know and i'll tell you one thing that basting butter with the wagyu fat together with the butter should develop an amazing flavor with the steak i'm only going to be basting it in the end right so i'll be searing one side baste it sear the other side and baste it again that way it will avoid me burning any of the butter but now i say enough talking because i know my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks together with a incredible potato are you ready potato that is potato yes i thought it was like a lasagna i know it does look like a lasagna but trust me it is not a lasagna all right it is much easier to make than an actual as i am all right so we are trying something today it's called steak down monaco it's from a very famous restaurant in new york right it's familiar sounds great yeah yeah remember we did a long time ago peter luger so yeah so today we're going to be del monicom all right so here's the deal i know this is how they normally make it okay and then this one here is a different variation which is basically much less seasoning more simple and we're going to find out which one is better and obviously we got the potato what do you want to try first mama usually we start with a side dish you want to start a side dish for some reason mama loves all of the side dish especially if he has a little bit of cheese he enjoys it even more look at him oh yeah that's what i'm talking about with a lot of cheese delmonico potatoes everybody cheers wow you tell me because i don't need to say nothing like does it have onions or something here it has a lot of different little small vegetables has bell peppers a little bit of garlic that's what it was a little bit of garlic you know a lot of garlic potatoes super soft cheese yeah i mean little cheese on the top and then the cream with some more cheese on the bottom that cheese is amazing i gotta put this away otherwise i'm gonna eat only there i know this is absolutely phenomenal definitely recommend you guys giving it a try okay let's go with the first steak cheers everybody oh man wow wow external crust over there has a very different flavor than from what we usually do over here that is just salt pepper and garlic powder right right right right so it is a little bit buttery i love it it gives an incredible flavor so good this is phenomenal definitely definitely recommend it i'm ready for this one yeah this one you have these are a little bit more special stuff with they actually give you a little bit of fried onions on top i'm gonna grab some extra over here yeah that's what this is a little bit of fried onions cheer everybody that onion that onion is amazing but most importantly wow wow that combination really really works really works the onion is obviously a little crunchy and the seasoning that i put on top of the steak there's a little kick do you feel a little kick in the back of your throat right here have i felt it yet no yeah but i'm sure it's coming oh yeah there's a little kick right here that tastes different than this steak here that is amazing i'm gonna try just a steak because if you try just the onion that's gonna blow your mind by itself different from what we usually do and from that one as well right here there's a little extra flavor on that stick it is amazing everybody this steak right here is absolutely amazing but i think it has more of a traditional taste that's what i would say yeah and if you're ready to try something different you know you're not only putting different type of spices on this steak right here but at the same time that little crispy onion on top it is a perfect side dish for a steak and if you combine it together with the dalmonica potatoes forget it i definitely enjoy that anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 380,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, sous vide steak, steak and potatoe, fine dining steak, sous vide potato, best steak, how to cook steak, old fashion steak, cast iron steak, steak recipe
Id: cqLgCzv42tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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