$10 GARLIC Bread STEAK Sandwich vs $70

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welcome back to sweden everything guys you saw the thumbnail this garlic steak sandwich is guaranteed to put a smile on your face check it out here have four beautiful steaks they are both fantastic in their own ways but most importantly they have two different price if there's one thing i've learned in the past is that sous vide cooks every single steak to perfection and that got me thinking will suvi make a very cheap and affordable steak sandwich taste as good as an expensive one i mean if the steaks are cooked to perfection will we even be able to tell as you can see this curd steak has almost no marbling that is not always the best route because when i put it against this new york strip whoa this is a prime steak and like i always recommend you want them at least two inches thick so i'm super curious to find out how they're gonna stack against each other and of course the first thing we need to do is to get them seasoned and for that i first started with the skirt steak i only season it with salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder i made sure to season both sides including the edges now all there's left to do is to back them up vacuum seal them and get them ready for the water bath for the prime new york strip i did the same exact thing to ensure there's no variation between them i kept the seasoning exactly the same and i cannot emphasize how important it is to season your steaks well that always makes a huge difference between having a wonderful steak and one that is just average once that's done i bagged it up vacuum sealed it and it was ready for the water bath but first i decided to make it very simple and easy sauce and for that i threw in a little bit of mayo followed by sriracha and finished it off with ketchup menace which is a sweet soy sauce nowadays left to do is to mix it well and your sauce is done this one should pair up nicely with our steaks another topic i like very much with my steak sandwich is some caramelized onions and these are as good as it gets man i just wish you could smell them through the screen they are fantastic and for this recipe i'm using white onions you can definitely use the yellow ones but i feel like the white ones has more sugar so it caramelizes a lot better using my powerful gas stove i threw in my cast iron and started to cook it you want to make sure to keep it under medium high heat this will caramelize the onions nice and quick but at the same time it will still have a nice crunch if you see any of them getting stuck into the pan make sure you throw in a little bit of water this will actually accelerate the process and make them caramelize even faster but once you are happy with the coloring and softness make sure to season them with a little bit of salt and freshly ground black pepper because by that time your caramelized onions are done honestly by the way these look and taste i can have them just like this without any steak just put them on some nice garlic bread and you are ready to go talking about that it is time for us to make our garlic bread and the first thing we need to do is to make garlic butter so for that i threw in some room temperature butter yes as you can see miami is real hot followed by garlic paste and a little bit of oregano now mix it well and your garlic butter is ready for today i'm going to be using sandwich bread but hey if this is not one of your favorites you can use any type of bread for the sandwich but now as you already know it is important to make sure you spread it all the way through the edges because the wonderful thing about the garlic steak sandwich is to make sure you have garlic in every single bite i kept my pan under medium high heat and started to toast them and as you can see they got a nice golden brown color just like this i mean i know everyone had garlic bread before but let me tell you something making this and smelling it just put a big smile on your face because if there's one thing we all know is that garlic bread is amazing and pairing them up with the perfect steak is a marriage made in heaven talking about that it is time for us to go back to our steaks so that we can cook them and for that i'm throwing them in the same container at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two and a half hours that will give me a perfectly medium rare for both steaks [Music] regardless of which steaks you are cooking 135 degrees fahrenheit is almost the perfect temperature for every single steak usually i cook it at lower temperature at 131 but since the new york strip is kind of fatty and the skirt steak can take the heat that one can really take the heat everybody i'm telling you now i am curious to find out how they're gonna taste on this wonderful sandwich i'll tell you one thing we are hungry they are ready and it's time to take them out let's do it here are the juices of the bag everybody always save the juices i can't believe for so many years i used to throw this away what i was not very smart then please learn from my mistake save the juices everybody it is even oh if you could only smell and the smell that is coming out of the steak is phenomenal now here's the deal we want to put a nice quick sear on these steaks so that we can have a crust to finish it off the sandwich and the best way to do it is to use the flame thrower now a lot of people always ask me what's the proper way to use the flamethrower just as long as you keep it far away from the actual stake you're good to go and let me tell you something you don't need to come close to it there's enough power in there that you can keep this far from it now i'll tell you one thing i know my stakes don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steak sandwich angel what do you think about that i like steak we love steak to be specific garlic steak sandwich yeah oh yeah we got we got a little bit of garlic right bar just a little bit garlic too so here's the deal they are actually two different kinds and i did make them big everybody i like them thick because just like when we went to cats in new york they make their sandwiches the pastrami sand is really really big you know what i mean okay so here i wanted to kind of do the same thing but what's take everybody okay oh i can't you ready andrew cheers everybody oh that's tasty boy that this is good man very garlicky the bread you know what i mean it reminds you when you're eating like italian garlic bread that a little bit of spices yeah doing it for me i like it you like it there's a little sriracha on the sauce that's white and the onions are very very sweet because when you caramelize them that way it produces a wonderful umami flavor the sauce is a little spicy but the steak is super tender you know what i mean it's like as tender as it gets everybody that's what sous-vide shines to make the stain really really tender i'm literally biting right through like i'm getting a regular bite i'm not pulling anything out i'm just i bite it's done we're not careful you're just gonna finish the whole thing come on bro we gotta go to the other one no no let's finish this one i'll do one more bite now obviously if you if you want to put some green stuff in there like a little bit of lettuce you will be wonderful right angel as you can see i finished mine up there's no more steak um it wasn't that good huh not that good i think you could do a little bit better there's only bread you're not gonna even eat the crust you need to elevate your cooking skills i don't know what to tell you well i can finish this one too but android is on an attack mode over here so listen the garlic bread yeah that's i know it's wonderful but the steak inside yeah and that sauce yeah that sauce has that little it's just a little little like zing right right that kind of just yeah oh okay there's just there's like there's something there you know they're not gonna kick you in the face you can give it to someone that doesn't like spicy food and they'll just be like oh yeah it's a little tangy right you know like it's not like oh right right right no it's like you feel that there is there you know go on i just smell the second one look smelly come on everybody you ever been to cats you know they make pastrami sandwich as big as this right here and i'll tell you something it's melody i was gonna keep describing the other one but the way you're talking about this one i'm ready i know all right everybody second one cheers everybody oh boy that is amazing i'll tell you right now this one's softer this one is more tender oh yeah it also has a very different flavor it's more like yeah refined yeah more formal fancy like you're wearing a tuxedo it's more fancy it's like a penguin can definitely tell everybody the other one is something you can eat every single day this one here on the other hand is like next level because you could tell that it's a nicer grade of steak but at the same time you give me the first one i'm not gonna complain at all how about you andrew but there's nothing left anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in any of the equipment i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye bye we out good you happy huh
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 666,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, garlic, garlic bread, steak sandwich, cheap, expensive, wagyu, best, quick fast, sous vide, caramelized onions, garlic steak
Id: nj9VyMYEQ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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