I Made The END With MAGNETIC Minecraft Blocks…

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these are 900 handmade Minecraft blocks made out of paper and today I'm going to take Steve on an adventure and build the end Dimension so that once it's complete we can fight the final boss in Minecraft let's do this now once Steve gets some amazing materials builds a sick house and has some weapons every Minecrafter knows that it's time to prove your skills and fight the Ender Dragon so let's get ready and just like the nether we have to find the portal to the end Dimension however there's a couple things we need to get settled before we get [Music] there first things first we got to find some Endermen in the wild these tall gentlemen are long almost pitch black and hate it when you stare at them so much so that they will chase you down whenever you sneak a peak however if you look at the Gat and Below they don't even care no more now the only reason we need to approach these tall men is for one thing their balls yeah I wish I was kidding they're actually called ender pearls and you can throw them to teleport time to get 12 more after that using some of Steve stash we can use this Blaze Rod he got from the Nether and get ready to craft in a really important item for the end portal the Eye of Ender this we have to make 12 of to put inside the end portal and use them to activate it but you know what I find kind of funny is that Steve uses balls and rods to beat the game once we have everything it's time to throw these special eyes in the sky and find the dungeon with the portal what I'm just fishing now as soon as Steve starts digging down in that exact spot where the eye landed we can now start to make the stronghold as you can see I've made over 180 stone bricks for this section alone I really wanted to get this entire room looking exactly like the game and if you look closer I not only use stone bricks but Mossy and cracked bricks as well after the base i u the sides a bit and added some lava to the entrance and now it's time for the portal I custom made these portal frame blocks and they look awesome I even made 3D Eyes of Ender so you can attach them right into the middle of the block once 12 of them are put together like this now I place these stone brick stairs and build up to set the portal okay so as soon as we complete that step there are only two more things to do here number one we have to add lava beneath the portal and lastly to fill this hole here I made a custom silverfish spawner both of these took way too long to do and made me panic a little bit but they truly finished the Minecraft stronghold dang this thing is sick all right Steve are you ready to put the final Eye of Ender in the hole 3 2 1 boom wao it looks like space in there okay Steve are you ready to jump in no life's not fair buddy wait where did he go we're in space Steve holy crap but wait where is the end it's time time to build this massive Dimension is actually the biggest creation I've ever made it's a little over 800 blocks but the first block that makes up this place is endstone just think of the Moon and well that's about it believe it or not but I had to craft over 350 of these endstone blocks just to get the base of this build and this is the reason this video took me so long to make however now that we've successfully made the endstone island which is absolutely massive on my table this is where the end gets in interesting in Minecraft the middle of the island has this exit portal where you can leave the end once you beat the dragon so after making a bunch of Bedrock I dug out a little endstone made the walls put some torches on one of the blocks and completed it by placing a Bedrock stick in the middle last but not least I placed a dragon egg to finish the exit portal this came out really good not going to lie though this egg looks like a bunch of stacked up black pancakes but now the end is starting to come together before we can make and fight the Ender Dragon at the end of this video there are still many things to be built first up we have these gigantic obsidian towers that appear all over the island now because I had to make every single block by hand this absolutely sucks only because obsidian is so dark that it stains your hands black however that didn't stop me from making over 250 of them once crafted I began connecting them in 3x3 chunks with this little bottom bun you essentially just make a whole bunch of these and step stack them on top of each other until they're 10 in tall this is huge and you know what's freaking nuts I need two more of them cue the [Music] music now let's click both of them in and there we go these giant obsidian rods pointing to the sky are Staples of the end and personally they look really clean and menacing but after that to complete the towers I had to make one of the most complex blocks ever on the channel end crystals you don't even want to know how I built these but basically they have an outer shell some weird power nut in the middle and float or levitate on this Bedrock base since we have three main obsidian Towers I had to make three of these crystals how much should I suffer making this video please smash like for my pain anyways the only job of these crystals is to heal the Ender Dragon while you fight him this Dragon needs his juice but before we build the Dragon there are other creatures that fill this land the Endermen now previously we had to kill these guys for their Ender balls but now we get to craft a bunch of them and give them a home to craft these guys first you cut everything out fold these long limbs with a folding device and once all the parts are laid out grip the glue and make this paper into a man I also put magnets in both of his arms and some loose ones in his legs this way he stands up on any blocks and he won't fall over now repeat that a couple times and voila now our guy here has the boys to chill with not only does this liven up the moon but these guys can also hold random blocks in their hands as well that's what's up I'm going to name this guy Colin B comment Colin B in the comments if you made it this far by the way if you want to make your own blocks and creatures out of paper check my website in the link below to find free templates and a place where you can buy plastic magnetic blocks as well but for now let's move on to what you've all been waiting for the Ender Dragon not only is this the last thing you have to build for the end but it took seven pages to fully print that's cuz this monster is seven blocks long even simply cutting took a while to do I mean just look at all these parts but I just kept grinding folding gluing and now everything is assembled and laid out for me to connect honestly this was pretty fun to make even considering that it's the biggest mob in the entire game but before I show you this Beast ladies and gentlemen watch me turn this egg into the Ender Dragon seriously this is so awesome he's huge his legs are magnetic and finally he's the last thing Steve needs to defeat before he can return to the Overworld here we go people 3 2 1 fight hey Steve the first step towards defeating the Ender Dragon is building up those pillars and taking out those end crystals once once all the crystals are destroyed the next step is to start hurting the dragon now normally people would shoot him with a bow in the sky and then hit him with a sword when he gets low but Steve I have a better method beds believe it or not you can't actually sleep on beds in the end because if you try it explodes however in our situation this is an easy way to defeat the Ender Dragon so Steve when he Dives explode the beds go go go go that's one 2 3 Let's Go who knew it only takes beds to beat Minecraft that's a dub well anyways that's it this build is super dope and I'm really happy I now have the end in real life while the end city is also a thing with coral trees and other cool stuff it's awesome to have a huge part of this Dimension built and so many more blocks to use in the future we even have other blocks for future builds that I didn't even get to like endstone bricks purle bricks purle pillars end rods and so much more oh I can finally rest psych comment down below what you want to see me build next and I'll get Crafting have a blessed day peace
Channel: The Plop
Views: 179,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, paper, magnet, kamiCH, theplop, plop, magnetic, blocks, nether, papercraft, Lego
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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