15 EXTREMELY Satisfying LEGO Puzzles

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in this video I'll be building the world's most satisfying Lego puzzles turns out Lego is perfect for building puzzles so I made 15 of them I've always loved solving puzzles especially the ones on the back of cereal boxes currently I'm working on this puzzle it's going okay the challenging part is keeping the cats away that's where I struggle the most I'm excited to show you my entire puzzle hoorde starting with a literal Lego puzzle it's nice to bust this one out on a rainy day throw it on a coffee table and take a grand total of 3 seconds to solve this one is nice simple it would even be satisfying if only this piece was all the same shade of blue unfortunately I don't have that piece my Lego collection is limited and Lego tends to be expensive so I'm challenging myself to build these puzzles using only the Lego I already have anyways keep an eye out for these missing puzzle pieces hidden somewhere throughout this video this part doesn't count round one did you know there's different types of puzzles there's jigsaw puzzles Riddles brain teasers Rubik's Cubes this one is called a bur puzzle a bur puzzle is an interlocking puzzle consisting of notched pieces that slide together to form one beautiful gorgeous stunning three-dimensional Masterpiece kind of like this you can have a three-piece bur puzzle a four piece bur puzzle six piece bur puzzle 100 piece bur puzzle so yeah I went with the three piece bur puzzle wow to simple enss it might seem impossible to pull aart this contraption it takes some technique to maneuver it out of its solid configuration as you can see for this puzzle there's there's three pieces two of the pieces are identical they're actually the same twins not sisters we've got two C's and an O to put this puzzle back together is a challenge in and of itself you have to slide the C through the O and then put the other C on top of the O now Slide the first C into place completely locked not easy to take apart unless you know the trick which is basically to do the exact same thing but in Reverse but maybe you'll have better luck with this next puzzle this one's called the four FS puzzle or as I like to call it the fu puzzle you have to try and fit all four FS into this Frame sounds easy enough but it's sure to stump even the brightest among you it's easy to fit three Fs in anyone can do that much but how can you possibly fit four FS inside this Frame that's the true IQ test there might be multiple ways you can do this the only way I figured out is to flip this F sideways and then this F sideways and backwards you got to think outside the box for this one Speaking of boxes here's a puzzle box at first glance it might look like just a box but it's a lot more than that to me you basically have to slide pieces and push pieces and flip pieces do all sorts of stuff to get to the hidden cash prize buried deep inside if you watch closely you might figure out how to unlock this little chicken so now I've introduced you to four intermediate level puzzles now it's time to break out the big guns round two l+ C equals pain for the this one's a symmetry puzzle so basically you want to create a symmetrical shape using these three pieces it's harder than it looks that's not symmetrical this isn't symmetrical and this definitely isn't symmetrical eyes and GRE C little smile 3:28 a.m. all right so basically you have to ignore the shapes and just kind of use the colors to solve it so if you look it's symmetrical if that one wasn't your cup of tea then maybe this will be this one's called X I named it after after Elon musk's child but also just because this looks like an X as you can see it's impossible to separate the orange Square from the X you can push and pull and spin and throw all you want but it'll get you nowhere the trick is you want to focus on the X itself Slide the pieces apart and then it's easy to take the square off I make these look a lot easier than they are moving on I call this puzzle yes as in yes sir this is another symmetry puzzle you want to arrange the Y the E and the S so that a symmetrical shape is formed you've been here before it's exactly like the L plus C puzzle we cracked earlier no matter how you arrange the letters It seems impossible to make a symmetrical mirrored Arrangement until you cheat and look up the solution which is this if you draw a line through this shape you'll notice both sides are identical it kind of looks like one of those space invader aliens but enough of these symmetry puzzles round three next up I've got a couple squares of Doom starting with this Mosaic Marvel basically there's a prize inside hidden underneath all these tiles you've got to figure out how to slide the ti out of the way to get to your buried treasure some pieces slide some don't slide some Slide the wrong way you've got to stumble your way through this puzzle I like this one it's kind of satisfying pushing the tiles around I also like the sound it makes when you shake it it's kind of like a Macarena next you have to fit these three shapes into the frame similar to the F puzzle but a lot more complicated and a lot more intense you can fit two shapes in with relative ease but fitting all three into frame is no bueno you'll never figure out how unless I tell you so here I'll just tell you like this this like this and like this it's a tight fit that's why I knew you'd never figure it out also this piece sits diagonally which people don't typically put pieces in diagonally for some reason not me though I usually do here's another box hope you took a screenshot because it's going to be hard to put this one back together it's like a Tetris puzzle you have all these weird pieces and you have to fit them all together it's not as easy as it sounds it's actually kind of impossible it's a very particular configuration you got to get all the pieces just right just like that here's x2.0 it's nothing like the first X it's new and improved and harder to solve than ever before you want to take the two flanks of the X apart that's the goal the thing is they don't just come apart and when you hand this to someone it's definitely not going to just come apart they can pull twist tug cry run away nothing's going to work this time around nothing how' you solve it I don't know it just fell out when playing around with this x people with Superior intellect might notice A peculiar tinkling sound can you hear that well I can that sound is the connectors inside the X sliding around there's two of them and they go to opposite ends but only if you spin it I think it has something to do with centripedal forces or something round four Autobots roll out I made a maze a rainbow maze I call it Rainbow Road I didn't have a ball or a marble or anything to slide in here so I figured what's the next best thing a mini figure head but not just any minifigure head today decapitating nugget face and throwing his head into this maze basically you have to start on this end and roll nugget face through all the obstacles to get to the Finish Line it's pretty fun it's a party favorite and probably my favorite too there's Beauty and simplicity which is why I admire this Rubik's Cube so much this is a 1ex one Rubik's Cube It's a real thing there's even tutorials on how to solve one the fastest time to solve a 1x1 Rubik's Cube is 3.41 seconds a world record set by Ryan pilat just in March of this year way to go Ryan will I be able to beat his time let's see first I got a scramble it and now I got to solve it watch this I'm counting that as a win someone let Ryan patno this one's an Infinity Cube you might remember it from my fidget toy video I've made multiple Infinity cubes apparently they count as a puzzle so here you go [Music] there's no real way to solve it but it's pretty satisfying nonetheless after you're done fidgeting make sure you snap off one of these $100 bills because you'll be needing it to work the next puzzle wait wait wait a working Lego vending machine you might be thinking to yourself that's not a puzzle but hear me out press your little buttons make your choice drop in some cash money shake it and the wrong drink falls out there you go this one left me puzzled let me know which one of these Lego puzzles was your favorite and I'll see you next [Music] time to feel the whole en en ofy
Channel: Graveyard Loon
Views: 10,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, lego puzzles, lego puzzle, satisfying lego, satisfying legos, lego moc, lego mocs, lego rubik's cube, lego rubiks cube, lego puzzle box, lego vending machine, working lego vending machine, satisfying, extremely satisfying, burr puzzle, maze
Id: 20oKS8Ky1VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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