MEGA Lego Fish Trap Catches Colorful Fish

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today I'm going to be fishing with Legos in the past we've got some pretty crazy stuff inside of these fish straps including alligators axles and rare colorful fish at the raw F we have six ponds filled with different types of fish so recently we've been catching so many different types of fish that we don't even know what's inside of these ponds anymore and that's why today we're going to be building some oneofone Lego fish traps to see what's living in all of these different ponds and also to go into the wild and see if we can catch some giant Pond monsters but first let's make this trap a little bit smaller oh look at that what the heck this is our Lego fish trap see you guys at the fishing spot step one pour your Prime pellets in and step two literally just set it inside of the water just like that and while it sits inside of the water we're actually going to get out of here and we're going to go over to Walmart cuz I'm going to show you guys how to build your very own Lego fish trap step one you're going to get your Lego Duplo blocks step two you're going to want to get two plates one for the top of the Trap and one for the bottom and next add your Legos wow look at this this is one of the four Lego fish chops that we're going to be building in today's video but let's see where we can put this Lego fish chop to see if we can catch some fish and here we go let's put it in the um wait the water wait what what what is this guys this is in the fishing spot I think this is the brand new raw mhq getting built so uh this is pretty freaking cool but this right here is our Lego fish trap and we have our pellets put them right right in the Trap perfect oh look look at all the colorful fish they're all right there so we're going to be putting this colorful fish trap inside of my colorful Pond inside of here is a bunch of beautiful Koi fish oh you don't believe me come here watch this ready some pellets and then whoop here they go look at them look at them oh they're so cool now there is a bunch of big fish up on top but there's also a million little babies all inside the rocks on the bottom and that's where this little fish trap is going to come into play while all the big fish are over there I'm going to stick this fish trap right here inside the rocks look bro don't move there's a fish right there to your right watch this let me see if I can grab him back up back up back up oh there it is there it goes what was that thing bro that was some weird albino fish so our fish traps in the water and the colorful fish have no idea that we even did anything and now we're going to get back and check that other Lego fish jet that we set earlier in the video we over here at the Trap and let's see what the heck we got and nothing oh wait no I hear something what are you in oh look at that it's a crayfish 100% crayfish come on get out of there oh it's a big crayfish ow ow oh ow oh it's a mean crayfish oh look at that oh this guy's feisty so this right here is an epic little crayfish that we just caught in our Lego fish CH oh we got one more one more oh there we go perfect oh it's a little female oh that's so cute so we have a big male crayfish and we even have a little baby female crayfish we're going to put them both inside of the bucket and just add a little bit of water that's perfect guys I think we should make him a tank so we have our tank right here and inside of here is a bunch of rocks put the Rocks inside of the tank and we're even going to add some living plants now that right there is our fish tank but we need a little structure and what better structure than an actual giant Lego itself with a little hole for our little crayfish friends here we go perfect and now fill it in and now our tank is ready for some water and now our Lego fish tank is done and it's ready for our brand new crayfish I think Mr Krabs is definitely going to love his brand new home here we go take the lid off what's up guys oh my goodness look at them they love it I hope they go inside their little Hut so we watched the crayfish for just a couple minutes and it looks like they love their brand new home and they found their new Hut AKA a giant Lego oh look at him he's going inside oh I hope he loves his brand new home ra fam it looks like my job is done for this tank and now it's time to find out what's living inside of the fish trap come on there we go perfect all right guys what do you guys think's inside oh wait I feel something hold on let's see come on anything in here oh look at that look at that oh it's a little gami is he alive oh yeah he's alive hi buddy hold on come on let's go put him in the tank run run run run run run run run run new fish for the Lego tank going in go on buddy oh my God guys that is so freaking cool so guys I wonder what Lego oh hold on I'm getting a phone call oh it's like hello oh yeah I'm in the middle of fil oh okay got okay yeah we're on our way that was weird so my buddy Blakes exotic animal Ranch actually needs us to go over to the ranch to help him but he has a bunch of Pawns as well and I was about to say that I think we should have a Lego fish battle a Lego fish trap versus just a normal fish trap cuz guys I want to see which one's better so let's get over to Blake's house set in some of these fish traps that we just built to see guys what is the best fish trap at the raw fam and I think we're going to need to help Blake with a couple things so I'll see you there yo Blake sorry BL bro my bad you ready yeah we're here for those of you guys that don't know Blake has one of the craziest birds at his backyard is that the egg right there that is the egg that right there is the egg that we are after that's a couple thousand egg if we can get in there and get it and Blake needs my help with the holding of the riot shield so let's do it let's make it happen all right guys so I'm going to go in first and Blake's going to be right behind me oh here we go they're right there oh crap all right all right the girl took off I don't know she might come back for more go get it get it get get get thing you got it got it go I'm out of here get out of here get out here so Blake right here is actually going to be incubating this egg right here and he's going to try and sell the babies this is a very expensive animal right here but Blake I actually need a favor from you while I'm here helping Blake we're actually going to put two fish traps out inside of his aary pond because I want to know what's better a wire trap or a Lego fish trap so first up is the wire trap you can get this at any Sporting Goods you're just going to take all of your bread shove it right in inside of the Trap and then take your handy dandy fishing rod see you and now we're going to let the Trap sit in the water while we put out the Lego fish trap and to keep everything the same we're going to use bread as the bait we're going to stick some of the bread in and there is a couple pellets in there and now we are going to put this fish strap probably right here inside the Rocks but while we wait for both fish traps to work Blake actually told me he needs my help with one other task working with alligators could be a bit iffy sometime so I'm going to watch Blake's back while we feed some alligators make it happen and some Cayman all right guys be careful here we go let's do it so you guys got to be careful because the alligator might be able to jump out of this little part of the cage so that's why I'm here to just push him back in so over here at Blakes we actually have all these little feeders it's actually called blak's exotic feeders there's a link in the description it's all Florida grown made in the USA you ready oh yo so that right there was feeding the vicious Cayman that Blake actually owns and you guys saw that jumped up and it could have easily jumped right over this little ledge so that's why it's always a two person job grab him push him back in close that cage but there's actually only one more thing that Blake needs my help with before we go check all those Lego traps all right guys now we're actually going to be feeding one of the scariest birds in the entire world when these things are full siid they can easily kill you we're entering where the freaking dinosaurs live uh-oh uh-oh okay uhoh stay in one spot right here going to come right around here it comes show him the Quil oh that's it that's it swallow them all get me out of here yo that's crazy so Blake is actually trying to have more faces go inside of this enclosure so that they get kind of used to people whenever eventually a zookeeper is going to have to go in there and RIS his life to feed him all right guys so we just got over to the Trap I guess we're going to try this one first oh look at that what is that oh wow oh look at that oh wait no no grab it grab it grab it oh what are those bunch of stuff in there oh what the heck there's a baby look there's a couple baby ones in there too hold on let's open this up so I have my keys and I always have this little thing right here to open up fish traps and cut fish in line there we go look at that oh my goodness guys look how big these fish are guys comment down below if you guys know what that is Blake what is this thing I think it looks like a sunfish mixed brim I don't know inside of Blake's Pond is actually a 100 of different types of tilapia cichlid bluegill and they all breed together and then you get weird crazy stuff like this one I mean that one's not even that cool look at this one look at all the polka dots all over this fish and now it's time to check the Lego fish trap look at all the colorful fish right next to the the Trap bro there has to be something inside of that Lego fish trap look he's right there see the see the yellow one I'm waiting for the yellow one to go back in oh he just went in he just went in I think he's inside of the Trap oh yes yo we got him we got him bro we got the fish I swear come on buddy guys doesn't want to come out guys look at that so this right here is an orange cichlid but if you look he's mixed with something is a bunch of little black dots as well wow Blake look at that that's one that's one of your baby fish that you grew up now what we're going to do we're actually going to take this little guy we're going to bring him back to my new Pond cuz I'm actually starting a cichlid collection that's pretty cool so it's going to be up to Blake Blake which one do you think was a better fish trap the Lego fish trap or the little wire fish trap definitely have to go with the Lego fish trap so it looks like I proved something that I already knew that Lego fish traps are the best and now let's build them a tank step one you're going to need the perfect size tank step two you're going to collect plenty of rocks just take your hand and start pushing all the Rocks into this little bucket don't worry your mom shouldn't get mad because we're just borrowing them for the video then because your bucket has a bunch of holes rinse all of your gravel and now that your gravel's clean you're actually going to want to put it inside of your fish tank pour them out next add your Lego characters and then lift up your tank and then put your fish tank down that's perfect [Applause] add your Bubbles and last but not least add your fish here we go guys welcome to your new tank oh I know this is what everybody's been waiting for come on buddy welcome look at that he's so cool he's playing in the bubbles so we noticed that a couple of the fish in there were just a little bit too big for this enclosure so what we did we stuck our handen in there and we caught out the biggest fish these big ones are just a little bit too big who so we're going to put them in here with my good old buddy jws bye buddy have a nice life welcome to the new Pond oh yeah oh oh my God what the okay I saw that coming but I would never get rid of my buddy orange and my other brand new pet fish Mr pumpkin seed we looked it up that's what they're called so we're super excited for all these little fish in their brand new Lego themed fish aquarium let's go over and start our next Lego fish trap and we're going to create the best fish trap money could buy with this giant pile of Legos but now that the mega Lego fish trap is built let me show you guys what we could potentially catch inside of that fish trap and it all starts right over here at this Pond we have all of this tilapia and we're actually going to be chumming in the pond monsters oh here we go here we go we're attracting a pond monster come on Godzilla come on buddy come on Godzilla all right come here guys oh my gosh so this right here is actually Godzilla the freaking epic common snap and over here at the pond that is a freaking giant this is my buddy I freaking love him right there oh I'll send him back with some food we got to always feed him when he comes up and that's only one of the Palm monsters that we have at this Lake let's see what else will come up here we go here we go oh yeah that is a giant red tail I'm going to see if I could feed this entire piece of tilapia to the giant red tail AK the biggest pwn monster in here here we go here we go oh yeah W yo did you get that yeah did you get that oh my God that was crazy that was a giant red tail catfish and underneath this dock in the mornings is whenever all the baby Red Tails actually come up here and start hunting and you may ask why the mornings well because in the afternoons all of the monsters are right here and no baby fish is going to be there so tomorrow morning we're actually going to come back here and we're going to see if we can catch The elusive baby red tails that live underneath this dock with our Mega Lego fish trap so see you right now oh my goodness and this right here is our brand new Mega Lego fish trap in the past we've taken these Lego fish traps and put them underneath this Dock and this right here is actually where all the pwn monsters live recently we've been catching a lot of Babys siiz Pond monsters little baby red tails tiger shoven noes and tons of other tropical fish my guess all of the giant parent monsters that are living in this Pond breed together and then all the babies go underneath this dock right here and that's exactly where we're going to put this Lego fish trap but first we're going to bait this trap with a little bit of tilapia open it up and then because that giant hunam meat's way too big we took all the pieces and we cut them up into bite-sized pieces until we had enough fish to attract some Pond monsters now we're going to take the mega Lego fish trap and we're actually going to set it right here inside of the water so we're about to push the fish trap down and it's going underneath the dock there we go this is pretty cool hopefully there's a bunch of baby Pond monsters inside of that trap when we get back because we have a bunch of tilapia left over and I want to show you guys a couple fish that we can potentially catch inside of that Lego fish trap here we go guys so this right here is a big old piece of tilapia and we're going to see what is going to come up and eat out of our hand now all of these fish live inside of that pond oh right there including giant hybrids red tail catfish and so much more but unlike that other Pond we actually have largemouth bass in here lurking and look we're already down to half a filet come on who's coming up Mr arowana oh that's an arijana for the OG raw F you guys know what I mean look at that that right there is one of the rarest fish in my entire collection I'm surprised he's out here trying to eat ra fam I did say that we were going to catch a fish out of every single Pond here at the raw fam so it's probably a good time to try and catch this guy I got a net for a reason and it's definitely a big one woo let's see if we can get this big girl oh yeah wa relax spawn monsters relax look at her come on princess hi big girl so this right here is actually a phantom red tail this right here is probably one of my most expensive fish inside of this Pond this fish just right here can be worth upwards between 5,000 to $15,000 this right here is an A++ red tail and she's all mine I love you big girl woo we could officially mark off that we caught a fish out of the monster pond so check off a new area so far in today's video we've caught a fish out of the front colorful fish pond we've caught a fish out of the monster Pond but more importantly let's get over to monster lake and see if we can catch a fish out of that giant meas siiz Lego fish trap and I'm going to crawl underneath the dock I will call for you guys if I need help get over here oh woo question is did we catch a giant red tail or something come on oh yeah what is this look at that this right here is called a jaguar cichlid very healthy one at that look at that beautiful fish holy crap guys this a gorgeous one anything else in here no but a lot of the bait was eaten you can clearly see that but we're going to put this new little C inside of a bucket and get ready you know obviously build them a tank now that we officially caught something out of our Mega Lego fish trap let's get back to the raw fam and start building this epic little fish his brand new dream tank it's going to be cool but for this fish we're not going to have to build a tank because I already have a giant Lego pond and to set this one up it's pretty self-explanatory you're just going to grab the hose and turn it on here we go look at it it's filling on up and while we wait for this Lego pond to fill up we're going to try and catch a fish to also put inside of this Pond you see in the last video we actually received a bunch of brand new Japanese koi fish and everyone knows I do have this Japanese pond behind me but I want to see if some of those fish will actually come into my hand and I can give them their very own personal pond with of course a little neighbor the guy in the bucket and I have a really easy way to catch these fish I have a little bit of koi food in my hand and I'm going to throw it inside of the water the first fish to come up I'm going to go and try and catch it in the net wish me luck so just looking over the top I'm realizing that all of the fish are pretty much friendly and they're going crazy so honestly just whatever fish is up on top that looks the coolest I'm going to try and catch come on fishies oh wow look at that one it's so freaking cool oh look it's golden W chill out chill out hurry hurry hurry that was so cool and now we're going to take the bucket oh yeah now if you guys look right here this fish right here is pretty freaking special he's got golden scales he's super friendly and it looks like that fish right there is the fish that I want to put in the Lego pond I wonder if that Pond's done filling up yeah raw fam if you guys look inside of this Lego pond it's not looking good out of this entire Lego pond it's only filled up about 10% of the way and trust me when you have a fish that's this expensive and beautiful you don't want to take any chances I think this guy lucked out he's not going in the Lego pond I got other plans for him hi buddy welcome to your new home this right here is my Japanese koi pong and I traveled all the way to Japan and handpicked out every single fish inside of this beautiful Pond but there's only one issue with this Pond behind me I haven't caught out a fish in today's video yet and well if you guys noticed we're only about 15% filled up so while the Lego pond is actually filling up I'm going to need your guys' help to actually go over to the tortoises and help me feed them oh yeah and uh we might have to get them a bubble mou they smell horrible and remember rolin we're only going to be in here for about 5 minutes so we got to hurry cuz that Palm's stilling up come on tortoises woo so every single day we have to come out here and make sure that we spray down these tortoises it gets so hot here in South Florida that these guys will overheat and die if we don't do this so I want everybody to say hi to Shelly the tortoise this one right here is my beautiful big girl Shelly and I absolutely freaking love her and well her boyfriend over there scar he's pretty cool too but everybody wonders why the heck do we call him scar well that giant hole right there is a scar and Shelly she has the biggest shell and I love her so we took a couple minutes and made sure that all of the tortoises were nice and watered down and we checked on every tortoise inside of the pin now that everything's clean and sanitized it's time to feed them and you guys won't believe how much food we have to feed them 1 two three four five six and this right here is just an afternoon snack it's not even dinner so we cut up the lettuce one head at a time and we started throwing it in there and obviously the tortoises absolutely love it this is actually their favorite treat and now it's time to add our fish into the Lego pond this right here is a jaguar cichlid we're going to start growing them out inside of the Lego pond woo perfect but R fam now it's time to go to the biggest Lego fish trap and we're going to see if we can catch a monster fish inside of this giant fish trap but first I want to show you some of the size fish that we can catch inside of a trap this big so inside of this Pond I have a fish worth almost $20,000 oh my goodness can you guys believe how perfect this koish is and now for the roll Fam I'm going to lift Goldie out of the water wow look how beautiful this koi is isn't that insane insane all right Goldie I love you big girl send her on her way wow that fish right there is easily worth upwards of $10,000 but who knows how much the real price actually is remember all fam that fish right there was about this big and that could easily fit inside of our Mega Lego fish trap so the first thing that goes inside of that pond I'm going to stop the entire video and that is the animal that we are going to keep as a pet let's get over there and move this trap to the water and this trap's going to be super heavy so we're actually going to bait it now so when we lift it up we can just throw it right inside of the water so come here we're going to take all of this bread we're going to go throw giant pieces of bread inside of the Trap as bait so whatever animal goes inside of the Trap right here we will actually be able cookie what are you guys doit them out of their pin Grumble what are you doing cookie get out of there get out of the pin get out of there let's go what are you doing crumbles get out of the Lego fish trap a crap no way crumble is the monster animal R fam it looks like we did catch a monster something but it was a monster goat not a monster fish I was showing you guys how we're going to bit the Trap and it looks like cookie and crumble spoiled the party Tina did you let them out of their pin oops sorry Ral fam it looks like the winner for today is this big guy right here this is crumbles cookie little baby and it looks like we're we're going to have to make a Lego siiz big old tank for crumbles and uh I have a perfect place to put the enclosure the enclosure is going to go right here this enclosure is perfect So then whenever we have another round of baby kids aka baby goats we can put all the mothers inside of here so that this big guy hey hey hey hey hey hey doesn't get to mess with all the little babies and I think we have the perfect structure to put right here dead Speck in the middle of that enclosure all right so let's get the Lego trap wo look at that yo this is so cool I wonder how the goats like it come on everybody welcome to your new home come on cookie look who we got you girl what the heck is this it's so colorful look at everybody what is up guys guys I don't think Oreo likes the Lego fish trap I'm going to be completely honest Oreo hey what what are we doing here bro do we not like the Lego fish trap what is the verdict so we caught crumbles inside of the Lego fish trap who knew that was going to happen I couldn't have predicted that but it's okay because now they have a new home but if you guys noticed noce there's two more pawns on our list that we haven't caught a fish out of that's the ground Pond aka the mega Pond and the one and only Jaws pond so I was thinking I really don't want to catch Jaws but I'll definitely catch him food and that starts at the ground Pond and now it's time to catch our final fish out of the ground Pond cast it in got him here we go that is the fish right there all righty let's see what jws thinks oh jws here we go welcome to the pond jws what are you doing you're supposed to eat the V I don't have a video if he doesn't eat the fish what are you doing all right guys it looks like Jaws is a little too full to eat and complete the video so it looks like we failed this challenge dang it what's My Punishment so for today's punishment I have to hand feed Snappy if I'm not careful enough he can easily take off a finger come on big guy please oh well fam that's going to be the end of today's video if you guys like it make sure you guys subscribe and I will see you guys in the next video see you
Channel: RAWWFishing
Views: 2,711,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carter sharer, dangie bros, mrbeast, fazerug, catch em all fishing, unspeakable, mark rober, flair, blacktiph, logan paul, brave wilderness, the urban rescue ranch, fun, funny, animals, rawwfishing, franklin seeber
Id: HapWgocyXcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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