I Transformed The End Portal in Minecraft

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bro this is crazy yeah that's me last World building the end island in the Overworld however with three crucial mistakes so I'm here to redeem myself first mistake this Portal's fake so if we make some Eyes of Ender and follow them to the stronghold we can replace this stronghold with the end Island but this is not enough space for an end Island so we'll need to kill some slimes grab Coral fans obsidian craft TNT and build a TNT duplicator over the stronghold this should clear enough room for us to rebuild the end sweet it's working perfectly let's build a few oh it blew up okay I fixed it let's build a few more my second mistake was after finishing the project a glitch was discovered that allows the dragon to enter the Overworld oh I'm out of materials well let's just turn these on then sweet they're taking dumps all over the ground the glitch requires a lot of precision so we can't actually bring the dragon here until the Island's built and we can't build the island until these things stop blowing themselves up okay it seems to be working so far I am so glad I have sponges ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow uh oh we're good oh I think the TNT machine's going to get stuck on this mountain so I have to manually remove a huge chunk oh that moment when the mobs help you do the dig the hole that you want to oh poop my pickaxe broke psych that was all editing we're making really good progress on this hole ow oh wait can I use the creeper to launch an ender pearl dude it worked look how far the Pearl went holy cow oh boss oh boss oh anyway I've finished all of the manual mining which means we can build the end Island around the portal wait where is the portal oh I guess it's even deeper underground man that means we got to fly over here and reconstruct the duper lower down and start the machine and now we watch as it exposes itself yep the end portal is exposed oh did TNT just go through it that's actually a big problem because I can't go through it without getting blown up now maybe if I throw some items in that'll load the chunks and the TNT will blow up before I go in okay I got both my totems all my armor on uh throw a few more items just to be sure okay let's see oh oh wait TNT is going to keep falling through oh I have an idea I can grab some obsidian then go back to the other portal and place obsidian above this end portal I'm literally Einstein so the machine's almost done but I just realized this is not low enough down oh dude my elra just broke what I was saying was this is y -6 and that's y 15 that's not nearly enough space for an end Island well we can fly over to the machine pause it take it down rebuild it and turn me on turn it on hopefully this will destroy all of the remaining blocks also two of the big issues with last world's Island we have a plan to fix however the last problem is the transition from Overworld to end there is none so I'll try to think of solutions while I D and yes the hole is completely finished also I thought of a solution to the ugly transition this build takes me to the end so why don't we make a giant end portal around the build but first we have to go to the end and now set up a beacon with haste 2 and mine an insane amount of endstone because this island is bigger than your [Music] mom did you just see that Enderman die okay that's Nine episodes of Brooklyn 99 done hopefully 12 double chests full is enough now we can fly down to the end portal build down ways really far oh too far and now I'm just going to make a really kind of cursed Circle oh wow that might be too cursed just going to quickly remove this so this is the very bottom of the island and then we'll just build out like this and then go up one build a little ring around it and fill it in and then go up another layer and we're just going to keep repeating this and repeating this as it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger oh I'm out of endstone oh that's tiny that needs to be way bigger how many times am I going to have to redo this build okay we're making it way bigger now [Music] ooh diamonds ooh more ooh more dude [Music] nice am I building this too big to fit in the end portal frames ooh I guess we'll have to fly over here and outline the end portal frames oh uh yeah that's not even close to big enough something I've never heard after some rough calculations I discovered that it actually is above average but just not by nearly enough so we're making it 64 times larger than a regular end portal frame there we go so this is the outline of one end portal frame this is going to take forever the lower section of the frames look like endstone so we can fill this one in like so and then I go up eight and then end Stone floating like this okay I think that's right my memory is exactly what it used to be so I'm really not sure let's repeat that on this side oh poop man oh he didn't even break any endstone oh balls dude I have the reactions of a bumblebee okay I think that looks pretty good now let's go down here and build out 64 so we're just going to continue outlining this Frame and by continue outlining this Frame I mean that was the last block so we're done oh I just realized something I'm an idiot I didn't have to build this side of it wait no I did I'm a double idiot never mind let's build another one right here dude it's a Wandering Trader dude it's a unicorn oh heck yeah that's the perfect size all right let's just repeat it on the other sides scratch what I said about it being the perfect size there's tons of stone in the [Music] way that is a another side completed and this next side should be a lot easier because I don't have to do any of the back [Music] side oh sick that is all of the endstone placed we just built these pixels this next part looks like Birch planks and we'll also need some Oak planks hopefully that's enough it looks like the Birch goes right here yeah I think that looks right so let's just continue that everywhere on all of the frames how did I already go through four Shuler boxes of [Music] birch there we go this next block looks like gray concrete is what I'm thinking so I'll have to grab a bunch of gravel and sand fill some squids grab some bones make a concrete powder and put it in the duplicator and now I just turn it into regular concrete now I just have to cover all of this in a thick lather of gray concrete okay I just finished this section and I think that looks right it's difficult to know if I'm building it right because I'm doing all of them at once so let's copy my TP technique and do one square at a time [Music] I think that's I I think that's right well I guess next we can do the rest of the endstone in the middle here now what block should I use for the rest of it uh I can see skull working actually honestly skull looks like it's a block from the end so I feel like this is going to work pretty well okay big reveal ooh I think that actually works I wonder what would look well with those Corners though H maybe prismarine if we go to the ocean we can go to the guardian Farm and make prismarine bricks and fill in the holes o I think that looks perfect ow look at that this that this that what is that the real portal or is this the real portal you have no idea now we copy that design on all of the other blocks after going through all of my supplies I have completed uh not enough this just sounds so mushy and rancid I love it that's all of the skull down looking good and with that block the sides are completed now for the top we do the edges like this then we get some prismarine chunkos in here now we do Birch planks End Stone a little bit more scul and that looks sick yeah okay let's just do that with all of them Boom the tops are done however there are no eyes in the end portals but for that all we'll need is to kill some squids as well as getting some Kel and I need a lot of slime blocks so I'm just going to build a little platform here because I know this was a slime chunk when I was digging it I've been waiting here for like 30 minutes and not a single slime has spawned oh maybe mobs can't spawn in deep dark biomes however if I go up a few blocks this is just a regular PLS biome oh let's go it's working give me your balls now we place down the skull the gray concrete and the dark prismarine and do the same for the top okay it looks like the dark prismarine will go like this and then green terracotta here slime blocks like so and kelp in the very middle oh that is perfect sweet so now we'll just do that for all of them KY my Dey yeah look at that that means we can finally finish this island I'm thinking for these edges we can do like black concrete I think that'll look a lot like void what how am I already out of vents Stone oh right I used it on the frame I Love mining cheese blocks after placing thousands of endstone I've created the greatest slime farm in history look at this Slim's everywhere if you guys want a slime farm this is what you do oh snap that is flatter than my butt to fix that I can simply do some squats oh also I can build a little strand going up like this I'll just do the squats later I guess let's do another one right here I think is a good spot all right I think that's the right shape now we can place blocks between these to fill them in yeah that looks like the right shape I think I'm doing this right I hope it's another chunko down let's keep going oh yeah this is coming together nice ooh Endermen I need to save them to populate the island when it's done you are now Alfredo and oh I need a boat gotcha this is looking really good but I just ran out of endstone again oh you know what since we're covering the edge in Black concrete we can duplicate concrete while I mine endstone so let's do a little transition like this that took 4 hours look at all what the poop dude get out of here you numb stack I got tons of endstone and even more concrete and guess what it's still not even enough so let's finish this end Island while we wait oh poop the Endermen are getting destroyed in the rain good thing I'm such a great person I got you guys don't worry oh now you're angry at me yeah how do you like this huh yeah suck it oh it's somebody wet dude oh I wasn't planning on actually letting him die that looks insane all the walls are done bro I'm so excited for when we bring the dragon over I don't want to accidentally build this at the wrong height so I'll start from the portal and work down oh actually hold on I need to grab some mushrooms and bone meal okay now I mushroom oh I think it has to be pitch black to place a mushroom yep it breaks breaks when it becomes light wait what let's try my celium okay let's see if this works yeah buddy look at that so now I just do that for every single side and break all of the mushroom blocks and when the Island's built we'll use Bedrock to turn that square into the actual end portal we can now make a not very accurate Circle perfect now I go down a layer and I fall off just like my YouTube channel fell off what and now we just repeat that into until we reach the edge huh somehow I've managed to make these circles a little too perfect so I'll start going in like this but then I'll go out like that I'm make it over here really steep so it's like you can fall right off the edge really easily this is the main skeleton of the island which means we can begin filling it in oh man slimes can spawn on here that's too bad what oh I'm am out of endstone nuts oh what the heck what a slime spawned in the portal I guess and last couple blocks and it's done dude this is so sick that's crazy although we got to fix this portal in the dispenser video we found a glitch and got a ton of Bedrock oh there's three in here I need more than that for the portal frame uh oh I did use the rest of my Bedrock good thing I've got plenty of Cobble deep slate now this portal is 3x3 and the end one is what 5x five so it's not perfect but it's as good as I can get it it's still missing the most iconic thing no not the dragon not the void the obsidian pillers this is going to be pain I was right this is pain okay I've been mining for a solid 47 minutes and I have this much obsidian how far are the pillars from the Portal 1 2 3 4 32 33 34 1 2 3 4 32 33 34 this pillar is nine wide and now we do the same with all of the remaining pillars what all of them are outlined which means we can set their heights and now we get to fill them in I'm already out of obsidian Alfredo that was 2 hours worth of mining obsidian and we didn't even finish one pillar see you guys in 2 hours actually you know what would be cool boom we got a shulker box and a half this better be enough obsidian one pillar two pillars no way H you guys fell for that I still have this much left suck it three pillars and number four numero five six pillars well I'm actually out this time time oh what the poop who did this what kind of a would prank Me by putting zombies through this portal hey buddy you want to go to the end crank future beo oh you want to go to the end as well what kind of deranged mind that's another Tower taken down and all of them are placed if we make some iron bars then we can place them on some of these pillars oh no I'm trapped for end crystals we'll need a lot of gas tiers that should be enough make some of these if we place down the the Cobble deep slate then we can place we can't place an end Crystal on that oh right it has to be placed on obsidian if we break the obsidian can we replace it yes okay sweet now do that with all of them oh man now I don't have enough end crystals well we need one more all of the end crystals are in place now this place looks insane except that you can easily see all of the walls luckily we've been having the sand or concrete duper going this whole entire time no I just killed Alfredo that was fully just a reaction I just saw a slime there and I just no what I was saying is it's a good thing we've been duping concrete but now nothing's good I'm putting up a hidden Shrine in remembrance of Alfredo oh afle afle redo I think it makes sense to just place it as concrete powder not concrete cuz I don't want to have to convert all of that although I just realize concrete powder Falls uh well I'm just finding any block I can to place underneath the concrete powder this lava is going to be so annoying to get rid of well not that little chunk that was really easy but all of that well I used all four shulker boxes of blocks and this is how far I got but the walls need a lot more removed because the hole isn't quite big enough so I can collect these blocks as I'm removing them okay I think I have more than enough blocks but this is taking forever to remove and I just realized I could just make another TNT duper so it's tough being the smartest man in human existence I guess I might as well fill in the floor while I'm waiting for the walls to finish this is great every time I run out of blocks I just follow the TNT from behind and then pick up the blocks that it drops oh oh no oh no biggie woo okay the floor is completely flat the walls are all lined up this is going to take a pretty long [Music] time man I just accidentally turned this into regular concrete actually that's way darker that looks way more like void maybe I should do that for all of [Music] it there we go that took way longer than I thought it would now we can cover the walls with this I wonder if this would be faster if I had speed potions I mean it's a little faster wait I'm already out that was like 14 double check chests and I only have that tiny little bit well back to the concrete duper oh I guess while we're waiting we might as well bring the dragon over right the Ender Dragon has 12 spots it flies to in a pattern so we need to go to build limit and grab some endstone go 40 blocks in this direction and place the 40th block as endstone copy that on the other 11 spots the dragon flies to remove the original blocks we placed we'll need a few more gas here ear there we go craft and crystals now we just respawn the dragon perfect now we take out all of the end crystals except for one until he perches why is he perching way up there he's just going higher and higher he's just doing back flips I guess let's just try breaking it he's supposed to freeze cuz we covered up all the places he goes to oh he did freeze now let's make a flying machine and it should yes oh that's so sick now we deactivate it um okay he needs to go down a little bit so we can push him down with the Pistons uh oh sweet that worked since the dragon's about a th000 blocks that way the game should try to spawn a new one oh sick okay I have to kill this one to activate the end portal oh he just perched way in the sky this feels like cheating but I'm not mad at it now that the end Portal's open we can go through this Gateway never mind mind I lied it didn't work uh oh there we go oh man and the dragon should yep okay he's flying back to the island imagine if my elytra broke right now just kidding sound effects oh dude there it is uh where did the dragon go oh he's down there that's ow now I hop into the portal and straight back to the end again and perfect the dragon is stuck there now we push him into the portal that should have copied him to the Overworld so we can push him out of the way okay if we jump through oh it worked holy cow oh he's kind of destroying my spawn though uh the end Island's about 3,000 blocks over there but there should be enough concrete now for us to finish the void oh yeah there's no way this isn't enough why do I always do that [Music] who oh man we discovered before that wet concrete is way darker so let's water bucket this whole area now we fill in this little bro that's [Music] sick what the is there an Enderman down here I guess I wouldn't be able to see one if there was now we just need some endstone and Co fruit I forgot that there's an extra dragon in here what do I do with this guy and then make a little little island looking like this and then put some chorus fruit on it and now just do that a few more times all right this only needs one more thing to be completed so we need this numbnut 2,000 blocks that way and we can do that via flying machine oh okay there goes the machine it should push him that way I think it's working nope this dragon is doing doing his own thing oh wait wait what the heck um I'm going to go with the uh that oh wait no it is working okay I think the game is confused on where the dragon is cuz watch this he's over here he maybe I'm just confused on where the dragon is okay let's try that again okay yeah yeah it's working now I think he should just dig a tunnel through all these blocks that's crazy it's just boring through everything oh no what how why is he flying away I just logged out I don't know why I just panicked oh oh I get it wherever the dragon is when I log out is where the dragon stays okay let's try this again oh no the machine's too high up it's got logs attached to it and everything feel like I should remove these before they build up uh-oh I think the Flying Machine got stuck okay we're good I think should work now because now this is in the tunnel width of the Dragon why is the dragon going over there oh okay and he ate my machine great let's try this again he ate my machine again why does he keep doing that round 5 million but this time I added endstone cuz he can't break that block nope I don't think it works to push him through blocks so we're just going to put him into the sky and move him that way well that didn't work okay we're just getting a new Dragon when going through the portal the Dragon spawns in the highest block at spawn so if I make a tower and push him through the portal okay Moment of Truth yeah it worked send off a flying machine so the other dragon's right here and now this one's flying right above it wow it works so much better when there's not blocks in the way what a peaceful Minecraft day on my brand new wow oh man we're getting so close I want him as close to the center as possible okay right here no no no no no no no oh no the machine's still going it's going to push him too far uh what okay okay I got to place this on the end I think we're good awesome he's stuck but he's kind of destroying the land now we push him in this direction and we stop the machine okay he's right here now we need to push him down oh he's flying back up let's try and upside down flying machine okay that's working hold hold and go okay now I break the machine dude we did it let me just get rid of all this random stuff yeah I made a giant end portal with an actual end island with an actual End Dragon with an actual end portal you know no big deal how am I going to Top This in the next video oh and the last mistake I made in the last video is I didn't have the dragon egg so there it is what peace
Channel: Beppo
Views: 626,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hardcore, survival, wadzee, sandiction
Id: YTwk5ezqmZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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