Perfect Prime Rib - The No Fail Method

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today we're going to make the most delicious prime rib or standing rib roast here are all the ingredients for not just the rib roast for a delicious horseradish sauce and oou coming up right now prime rib rib roast this is actually a first cut which is more expensive if you look at the pictures from the printable recipe I used a different cut which was first cut I believe is ribs 10 to 12 after that it like gets a little bit kind of like thicker I've made a ton of these in my life probably like 30 of them okay make them every year so what I did here I salted this 24 hours ago I used 1% of the weight so this beautiful piece of meat is a 6 lb roast so it's a two- bone roast so 6 * 454 is roughly 3,000 G so take 1% of that that's 30 G of salt you need don't get confused on this you can look it up online too you're going to have to adjust this to whatever size you use it's not a big deal if you stay in the 1% salt to meat ratio that includes your bones you will be fine you have a delicious tasting roast the reason why we do this in advance it dries it out and the salt goes inside of it it makes it much more flavorful than if you just put it right on top if you're watching this and you don't have time you're still okay you're still okay you could salt it before but it's better this way but while we're roasting it we're going to do two things we're going to make oou so Americans always say prime rib with oou should be prime rib oou because that means prime rib with juice we have neck bones here but you can use oxtail you can use Knuckles you can use Shin bones any meaty bones are going to have a ton of flavor so we're going to make the oou we'll have time to do this while our roast is in the oven I have three pounds of it 1 tblspoon of tomato paste it's going to give it a little bit more body five coals of garlic I don't know for some reason I have more here but I guess we could put them in it's probably going to be all right one bay leaf I have two sprs of time I really want the major flavor here to just be like Ultra beefy one medium onion two celery ribs or three celery ribs two carrots just chopped so basically we're just making like kind of a stock the printable recipe I used my homemade beef stock which is infinitely better than this which is beef base because it has no salt you can salt it I am using better than bullion reduced sodium beef base for this this is six cups of it I have the other oou I made we're going to taste that we're going to compare them at the end you see what the taste tester thinks which one is better while that's all going we we will make a delicious horseradish sauce 1 cup of sour cream 5 tablespoons of prepared horseradish 1 tbspoon of Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons Wier Shear sauce or woer sauce and then mayonnaise it kind of helps a mulfy more 2 tablespoons of mayo I also had chives in it I don't have chives today so chives aren't going to go in it but chives give it a nice color you put a little chives on top of your roast and if you just mix this enough it will go from Brown to white again okay so let's prep that roast set your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and set the rack towards the lower end of the oven so your roast can fit this is a better way to do this basically we're cooking it low and slow and then we're going to sear it we're going to let it rest for 20 30 minutes and then we'll sear it in our Broiler or you could do it on your grill at the end now the reason we're going to remove this bone here is because if we don't do that now when we're carving it later it's going to be more of a hassle so we remove the bone and we'll tie it back up you can ask your butcher to do this but I just wanted to show you how to do it this is a bone boning knife right here and I just want to remove this bottom section here right at that outer edge of the bone here that's where I'm going to cut it from and I'm just going to try to slide my knife close to the Bone so I can like have the majority of my roast for beautiful slices later on so this is the bottom here the bottom ribs which are beautiful putting it right back on so what we're going to do is we'll tie it why are we tying it we're tying it so doesn't go all over to place and it gets a little bit e more even cooking by the way the reason you take it out for like 5 hours 6 hours before is so this gets close to the room temperature it'll allow more even cooking when you roast it if you don't want to do a slip knot you can just have help because you will need help then try to slide it underneath the bone area the first bone area and I'm just going to pull it over here I'm right here like this I'm just going to push pinch these together here these two parts okay so now I'm going to go over over and then through okay and that's my slip knot there pull it really tight now you can like straighten it before you do that final pull you can even check the bottom if it's in the right spot and then I'll pull it really tight you see this how I can just keep cranking on it to like make it the shape I want all right so now I got a tie a security knot let's see if I remember how to do this so keep it like this right here like this come over and then pull that through your butcher will be more than happy to do this for you they actually are going to ask you or they might just assume that you want it done there is a reason to show people how to do this because if you buy this at Costco which has great ones every year they won't do it for you this is a roasting pan I really suggest you get one if you don't have one because the amount of fat that this roast puts off is crazy and in the beginning it doesn't matter the 250 time is not going to do it but when we boil this at the end oh boy so you know it hits the oven and starts smoking and all that if you don't have one of these stop and run to the store and get one of these because without one of these how are you going to know what the temperature of your prime rib is stick it into the middle of your roast and the way to do that so like you can size this up this way now okay it's this this is the length of it right here this much okay so I know then if I hold here right about here and I go in that that's going to hit the center of the meat okay right about there okay the meat is 54° because I've had it out for like 5 hours they say to try to get it up to room temperature this thing would take a day to get to room temperature in here so my oven's on 250 it's going to go in you don't have to worry about a time but I will tell you a 6 lb roast 6 or 7B roast is going to take roughly 3 hours if you like it really rare set this for about 112° but I like to do 120 after it rests and we broil it it'll be up to about 135 which is a perfect temp internal temp in my opinion for prime rib nice and pink but not bright red if you like it bright red you only want to cook this to about 1102 right now okay simple as that I have an 8q pot here this is going to be sufficient to make our beef juice heat it up to a touch higher than medium heat you can use vegetable oil here if you want olive oil is fine too we just want to Brown these bones this is stainless I'll let it heat up for a couple minutes these bones are neck bones which have a lot of meat you can actually eat this meat after you make it you don't have to throw this out but these are extremely uh inexpensive because this is such an expensive dish you know you saved here on doing it these were only $149 a pound the meat itself that we purchased was $ 13.99 a pound all right I'm going to put some olive oil down here just a couple tablespoons take your bones you can dry them off before you put them down and just get them in we just want to get color on these bones so they can uh impart more flavor you know now if I wasn't cooking a 250 in the oven or if I did this before I could roast these bones at like 400° but since I'm cooking my prime rib at 250 I can't do that I'm trying to do everything here so you can do it all in one shot and you have the perfect amount of time to do this to make your oou while your rib roast is roasting let them get brown on one side turn them over about 10 or 12 minutes to Brown all the sides those temperature gauges sometimes they're a little off you have an instant read as well I use this all the time when that says it's 100 go start checking with this thing just open it up check confirm that it's doing the same so see like nice and brown on one side there just flip them over you can turn them upright you know hit that hit that part of the bone like that part of the bone right there okay so you got really nice color there see like beautiful color that's good now you don't have to hit all sides but I probably did about 10 minutes I'm just going to take all my vegetables here throw them in the pot if you're Browning darkening I don't think you can see the bottom of my pan it's getting a little dark down there so I can just de glaze with a little water or my stock so I can just do a little bit to start right now all that's going to do is prevent me from burning regular recipe I would put salt on here I'm not going to do that because we putting all the beef stock in already would you ever put wine in OU that's one of the ingredients I forgot to tell you about if you can't drink alcohol you don't need it I'm going to put the tomato paste in here too one tablespoon all right so I'm just going to let this kind of mix together for about 10 minutes just to get the vegetables a tiny bit soft a little bit of color on them but not much so half a cup of red wine you don't have to measure oh I forgot the garlic garlic was supposed to go in earlier it doesn't matter either it's going in right now okay turn the heat up to high this is 6 cups of beef base as I said use use our homemade beef stock recipe it will be better but we will find out at the end which one is better okay see how my beef base is completely stuck to the bottom there like that make sure that that doesn't happen you got to get that out of there all right just a little bit more water okay two sprigs a time I'm only using two sprigs because I don't want this to be like really loaded with time one Bay Le once it comes to a boil just turn it down to a simmer we're going to let this simmer uncovered for the whole entire time that our roast is in the oven just take a wooden spoon flat Edge wooden spoon and then just feel the bottom and remove any of those brown bits sticking to the bottom of your pan so now turn it down to a simmer one thing I forgot to mention there's also was like a tablespoon of pepper on the roast that is a rib roast in only 2 hours and 20 minutes now it's actually 115° I have it's a little wider on this side a little longer a little shorter on this side so also double check here with this one you know by having something that's not completely perfectly shaped you will have more of a cooked side here more of a rare side here could maybe tie a little tighter here try to force the meat this way but ultimately you know when you buy these r in the store you're going to see they're oddly shaped so it's 115 now on the thicker side I think this is going to be perfect you can pull this probe out now you don't need it in there anymore you can use your instant read from this point on pent it with foil just like this it's going to stay warm it's going to raise another 10° roughly maybe 12 it's going to push that back up to about 125 and then when we broil in the oven after wait 25 30 minutes you got to let these juices absorb in here then it's going to kick it up another 5° our oou was going for 2 and 1/2 hours we're still going to put the beef drippings in you can see how this looks right here these bones ton of meat right here save it for stew all right I'm going to put these off to the side and then we'll strain it let's try to press everything through a little bit those carrots are good too you can do something with them okay we have tiny bit more than a quart now the roast is probably going to take you more like 3 hours to do at 250 you probably have right around that 4 cups this is this is a perfect like consistency for OU that is good that is really good doesn't need any salt definitely doesn't need any salt so listen just cover this keep it warm off to the side okay the moment of truth I have my Broiler on and I recommend you take a large piece of foil Costco foil whatever put it on the lowest level of your Broiler once the broiler is hitting this this is going to go from this to beautiful color okay but it's going to Splatter if you have a grill outside use it and get big tongs whatever tongs you have you could even put a fork in here but you don't really want to do it you're going to do up here for about a minute or two okay your boil is going to be different than mine you're going to turn it over on its side you're going to do 2 minutes on this side and like 2 minutes on the other side until it gets really Brown you just got to wash the whole time you could even keep your oven door open the whole time you're using the broiler you're not it's not it's not an oven it doesn't have to stay closed so this has been like maybe 2 minutes you can see how much Browner that's getting on top you can let it go longer though just keep an eye on it maybe another 30 seconds 45 seconds and then we'll just turn it over okay you just pull it out and then just kind of flip it over like that right back in and just let it get brown on this [Music] side drippings are on here there's not a lot of them I said that's tented that's good now that could be sliced okay just turn it up to like a 6 out of 10 you can deglaze with anything here you could use water if you think your oou is too strong use a little water flat edge of your wooden spoon like always and just move everything around so look that as simple as that everything is smooth now turn it off okay pouring it all in now there's a ton of fat on top of here like probably a/4 inch and oou does not supposed to have any fat in it I'm just using paper towels I'm doing the paper towel trick again can I do it a different way can I put ice cubes in here like somebody on Tik Tok did of course I can but that's that ain't happening right now okay so look just remove your string first just come in the bone comes right off now you can take this bone and you put this right in the broiler here and this part will cook up this part's already nice you can cut these into two beautiful rib bones for people or you can save on them but I'm just going to wrap them in foil by doing that makes slicing this a heck of a lot easier right now so this is not the right cutting board I need a bigger one I don't have one right here you want a big one with a juice Groove this is a slicer knife buy one of these it's like this is uh what is this Victor onx $38 I'll link it this thing is unbelievable and just a slicer is just absolutely perfect that's the end piece right there so this is how it looks perfectly pink like this take a a thermometer to it after doing the broil and everything 130 to 135 that's what I want and most people want if you do it too rare it's not it's kind of chewy it's not the best right there is 129.4 perfect and if you're looking at this now and you're saying Jim that's not red enough for me let it sit for 10 minutes and it will be completely red all right right when right when it comes out when it's piping hot like this that's when it's like that pinkish it changes color again I'm going to take another slice right now with this slicer knife I can cut super thin slices if I want for people okay Liz some people just want a really thin slice like [Music] that is it salted enough I think so oh my God good that's so good so the OJ you have right now is the one I just made now this is the one that I made with the homemade stock okay okay the roast is right here I'm going to stick it in the oven the oven is off it's basically not going to cook anymore but it's going to keep it warm you can do this when you're waiting for you know your family members to get to the table okay so I'm going to close my eyes blind taste that's that's number one I think that's better than bullion and here is number two oh man that is definitely homemade you're wrong no way that's the homemade that's the better than bullion are you serious yes and listen let me tell you something I tasted the B and pulon one and it's really good yeah you know what it is look at the difference this is richer there's similar there's a different mouth feel this one has a lot more fat in it right now that's that's exactly why I thought that that was the homemade you see the big fat ring on top of it yeah and then this is cold now I should have should have kept it hotter and listen that should make you feel better if you you go with the better than bullion route is it too rare for you like that or not no this is perfect for me perfect for me as well I just hope that this is taking any any worry out of your mind about making this the only thing and I don't know if I stressed it enough you will set off your smoke alarm if you don't put foil below and kind of open your windows even if it's freezing out which it is freezing out because you're making this during Christmas time the whole point of doing it this way is that you get a perfect Rosy ring around your whole entire roast versus if you do the starting High method you're going to have a lot grayer ring and you're going to have less pink in the middle that's the point of doing it this way I really want something like a side dish so I would have cream spinach or brussel sprouts or mashed potatoes mashed potatoes would be really good mashed potatoes and of course Yorkshire pudding yeah that so that I that's the one downside you don't get the drippings when you start low you get to when you start high because when you start high it starts melting the fat and it puts it all into the pan you can still I think you could still pull it off delicious great job thank you yeah thank you [Music] n
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 1,127,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prime rib au jus, how to make rib roast in the oven, slow roasted prime rib recipe, sip and feast, standing rib roast, rib roast with horseradish sauce
Id: om3Bil4IpTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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