I Made Mario Maker 3 Because Nintendo Won't!

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super mario maker 3 will it ever be released as of right now we have no answer to that question and we most likely won't for a while that's why i started creating my own mario maker fan game in unity where i try implementing a lot of fan favorite stuff and suggestions in this video we will take a look at the progress i made since my last video on this game and for now let's just call it super smashy maker before we start make sure to drop a like and subscribe if you haven't yet since it helps me out a lot and make sure to drop your suggestions in the comments below let's go in one of my mario maker 3 wishlist videos i said i wanted message blocks from super mario world to be added to the game these display a helpful message for the player when hit but could also be used for some storytelling for example so in smb1 which is the prototype for my game i use this sprite which i think looks pretty good whenever mario hits the block a message pops out like this which reads itself the player can then choose to press a to skip the message so it's fully displayed immediately after that he can press the a button again which will make the message disappear so he can continue as you can see the player can still move when a message pops up but that won't be the case in the final game so don't worry here are some examples on how the block could be used in specific levels telling the player which way to go asking cool questions that need answers and finally you should probably do what this message is saying thanks another object i got suggested to add to the game are giga shells these objects from new super mario bros wii are literally very big and empty shells which mario can enter let's quickly go over my process of building this item in game for smb1 i got some really good sprites both for the in and outside of the shell so at first i wrote a script which switches between those two upon entering the shell but obviously that wasn't smooth at all and looked pretty ugly so i added some smoothing to it which made it look 100 times better for this item i also had to add a customized collider to fit the shape of the shell i had to make sure that mario could stand on it and enter it from both sides to have some more customization i added two variants to this green giga shell the red one is just a recolor of the green shell and the other variant is a blue shell with spikes on top which makes it more dangerous obviously mario shouldn't touch these maybe in the future i could add some more colors but for now i think these are good the gigger shells are a great way to decorate a level in my opinion and you can even place some hidden objects in there that only get revealed when entering the shell next i remade the burners from super mario maker 2 but i added some really cool customization options i think you'll like first of all we have some different fire sizes here we have the long fire burner this one is about one and a half times larger in height than the normal one and already makes for a cool variant but for even more variety i added an even bigger burner this one is as tall as the long one but also three times wider with these options you would already be able to make some better levels and choose the right burner for a specific design in the stage of course we can also rotate the burners in 90 degree angles but hold on we aren't finished with a burner yet in the game edison b2 we can find toggle ball burners as a name implies these can be switched off which is pretty cool in my game i added these two in all the variations i showed previously the sprites for these look pretty fire what's interesting about these burners is that they burn all the time and don't have an automated fire cycle like the normal variants these will be turned off if mario jumps into the block then after a while they switch back on i think that these burners could be used in cool ways as well and make for some extra level building options and combinations the toggleable long and big burners work exactly the same now let's take a look at the last variation i added for the burner so far which is a rotating one this variation of the burner does exactly what the name says it rotates instead of being a fully static object for now i added a simple prototype which turns 180 degrees and fires continuously but in the future i will add some more options like choosing the rotation amount and whether or not the fire burns in cycles oh and i also changed the canon sprites to these custom-made surprises to differentiate them from cannons alright that's it for burners let's continue with something else now in my last video on super smashy maker i added falling fireballs i also said that it would be cool to have actual meteors falling from the sky so you guessed it i added them to the game just like the fireballs we have two different sizes for the meteors each size also has two different meteor sprites i wrote some code that chooses randomly between these two sprites when they spawn in to have some in-game variation for more variation i also randomized the falling and turn speed of the meteors as you can see they also have a trail following them to make it look more dynamic and i also added a cool braking effect in there the builder can then choose to turn on the falling meters in this level or not the system can be customized a bit too to change the frequency of the meteors as well as switch between meteors or fireballs of course they also break blocks on contact these meteors would be a perfect fit for a lava theme which i will add to the game in the future as well so if you want to see that make sure to subscribe if you haven't yet in super mario maker 2 we have three different kinds of doors i think there should be at least one more type of door which can be found in a lot of mario games already and i'm talking about the boss door i recreated those in multiple colors for my game with these amazing sprites instead of leading to another door the pause door drops the player off at a specified spot which would ideally be a boss room i can already see the little timmies though this means the player would not be able to go back which is perfect for a boss room for this door i added multiple different colors as well these could possibly be used to specify what boss you'll be facing for example in nsnbu we also have an even bigger boss door for a final boss so in my game that one looks like this it works the same as the other pulse doors but should probably be used to specify a harder or final loss next up i added a cool new platform called the direction platform this course part moves in direction it specifies but only when the player is standing on top of it for this platform i added five different variations as well one that goes right one that goes left one that goes up and one that goes down this could be used to create some cool platforming stages for example the fifth variation switches direction every time you jump on it i also gave it a bit of a darker color to let the player know he's about to jump on the differentiating platform another awesome platform i recently added to the game are stretch blocks these blocks constantly stretch and retract before that happens the eyes of the block squint to let the player know it's about to stretch out for customization i added different options for this course part the builder can choose to make the platform stretch horizontally vertically or alternate between those two later on in the development of the game more sizes will also be added so far we haven't seen an actual enemy in this video so let's change that by showing off the amps amps are static electrical enemies that shock mario upon content to make them look good in my game i added a small electrical effect when we hit one another small hit effect plays too just like in the original games i make mario freeze in place for a second when he gets hit i might also change the hit sprites to something that resembles the original hit models more but for now i think this looks pretty good and i added a big variant too which looks like this for some more dynamics i made the amp wiggle a bit when hit because without it i thought it might look a bit too static another enemy i got suggested to remake is the stone spike from nsmb wii this variation of the spike throws down boulders which the player needs to avoid in my game i got some really good sprites for both the spike and boulder the spike then spawns in a boulder from time to time to drop it whenever it collides with ground it helps up a little bit and creates a small effect just like in the original game what do you think about this guy boos are pretty simple enemies so i was able to quickly recreate them in my game but did you know that these boos also have a cool variation called the blue block this enemy was first seen in super mario world it's a boot that turns into a block when the player looks at it when he looks away the block turns into a blue again i thought this would also be a pretty cool enemy to put in the game next to that i also recreated some other existing stuff like sauce checkpoints the angry sun munchers and piranha plants another object i also tried to recreate is a forward-facing bonsai build from the super mario 3d world game style but i quickly realized that it's pretty much impossible to make it look good in 2d so this will most likely not end up in the final game there we go that's most of the progress i made on the game since my last video i will be making more update videos in the future and for the next video i will be focusing on improving the game physics as well as adding actual themes and menus to the game to start making it playable if you want to see the progress on the game or want to help out making sound effects music or sprites make sure to join my discord server which is linked in the description you can also drop your own suggestions in the comments below if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like and subscribe thanks for watching and i'll see you soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Smashy
Views: 474,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, mario maker 2, Smm2, mario maker mods, cool mods, awesome mods in mario maker, super mario maker 3
Id: Fpb7Ex255Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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