Is Beating A Level With Goomba Impossible?

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have you ever wondered what it's like to be a Goomba I mean who wouldn't want to be a Goomba just look at this guy glad I'm not a Goomba now we've modded Mario wondered plays every Wonder form in the game and it was a showdown of Epic Proportions we laugh we cried and we were touched by these characters in ways I had never imagined but there was one character that didn't even have the chance to touch us with no more than 6 seconds of screen time the glomba had already met ITS m it was a lethal pipe that lay sideways on the ground I mean who are we kidding it's not going to be possible to beat the game as a Goomba yeah he scurries and scampers around like a total boss but look at those hops his 8 pixel High vertical just never stood a chance and you're essentially playing the game without jumping at all but today we're giving this mushroom headed Legend his opportunity to shine because you're about to witness every level in Super Mario Mario Wonder as a Goomba now he's only supposed to be in two levels of the game so what will happen when we put him in levels he's not supposed to be I don't know can he beat even a single level in the game probably not can he even make it past the first screen of any level no I don't think so but there's only one way to find out so we put him on by far the hardest level in the game with the [Music] goom the good news is that that it might actually only get easier from here since I decided to' be more fun to play the game backwards attempting the hardest levels first I already I I already see you see it I already see oh okay okay that was earlier than I expected and I'm glad I made this decision because it led to a hilarious death compilation right off the bat no oh no no no no no no no no I don't have to go yet I don't have to go yet I can't come up oh wait a minute see you later you're not going to see me later you're not going to see me later I'm stuck see you later good luck good luck thanks dude of course a talking flower always has something to say but maybe the level that was actually made for glomba we could make it somewhere way of the glomba this is his level our Goomba's a murderer now even though the glomba shirt I ordered for this challenge was still out for delivery believe it or not we found a level where Goomba could actually do something oh oh we got oh oh not only do we get coins for the first time we're still alive wait a minute hold up oh you no way oh my God can wait can you get up here no no no no no okay we were having a little bit of trouble but we weren't going down that easy so I used one of Goomba's greatest superpowers the ability to slow down time itself jump oh my God oh my God oh my God oh no I don't know about this one oh [Laughter] no Miss oh come on oh no go Goomba he was on the right side not all the way on the right but he was on the right after 20 more minutes of attempts that was the farthest the Goomba would get I decided to move on for now since I was going insane and we could always come back to that part anyway but I got a taste of what it was like to play a level with glomba for more than 2 seconds and I immediately wanted more right after Goomba broke this level did break the level just not in the way that I wanted he found room to actually run we got another Goomba what happened oh okay there's a pipe and oh my god did I just running start got to have it I said every level didn't I boosting spin jump as Luigi goom I can't do it you never get this I'm behind the pipe Goomba no Goomba It's a cruel world out here for Goombas and Mario Wonder but weirdly enough I felt pride in any little obscure achievement my Goomba son could make oh no the cloud is so close no okay we're just getting all the hard ones out of the way I know there's still break times I still have some hope or should I have no hope if I don't have any hope then I won't be let down when he can't okay we through okay oh no no no hold on can I get a 10 yes Goomba our first flower coin in a 10piece at that and it was at this point that I had realize something if there was some way for our Goomba to get 100 flower coins technically we could buy a w seat it may not be clearing a level but it's the closest thing to it and while we're at it I also wonder if we can at least get 100 coins maybe Goomba can get a oneup for the fans so with that in mind here are coin counts so far we are moving right now I can't believe we got a 10 coin I think we're probably going to die we are ripping this level up more coins more coins more coins more coins we're done we're done that's okay that's all right this one's a little bit easier than last time go goom go he doesn't he's not even affected by the jacuzzi oh no oh no oh we live we're not alive anymore can Goomba dolphin kick no Goomba no go for it I'm going for it okay three coins three coins no no no no three coins coins three coins that's all right that's okay no I can't get him I'm doing all right though oh he dropped some cuz he hurt us I don't think so they don't fall of course they don't fall yes yes dolphin kick dolphin kick dolphin no you know what it's okay I didn't want to play you anyway H 10 coin 10 coin 10 coin yes yes another one with another 10 bagger in his pocket Gooma was beginning to make a name for himself roll Roomba oh no oh no go the other no go the other way please please go the other way can I kick it probably going to stop at the same spot though no yeah you know what it doesn't even matter it oh wait oh yes I'm the best Mario enemy well we made it somewhere in this level we really did say every level in the game huh all right does this hurt me oh yeah what really can I jump on him oh we were burning through levels at this raid until Dragon Boneyard decided to throw us a bone is that just going to stay there no oh one in doubt 9 FPS come on I got some coins one two we can get three we get I don't think I can use any badge I I don't think can use it we got a coin can we get another this badge doesn't work with we're cheating we're cheating the system yeah I got to play I got to play every level what up he doesn't even he won't even notice he won't even acknowledge me brother brother what whoa watch out brother oh he don't he don't care about nobody we got another another brother oh he cares he cares he cares no no no no no no no no talk me out of it brother talk me out of it why you mad at me no n no no no no no no yo what up cuz this is cuz well they don't they they don't mess with me like that they're not even bye bye I'm bouncing can I bounce high enough okay there's a coin oh oh there's three coins and there's a path is he is he is he going to no no I mean well there's that we got three coins though coin coin no coin no coin at all something tells me we're not making [Music] that oh no this one would have been good someone's here to save you no I'm not dance go okay maybe goom can't jump so high I'm doing it but with some help anything is possible no way no way no way no way no way do we have it is this real how many of these show up are they infinite W dude dude dude dude d d dude no Goomba Goomba the physics are so incredibly wonky what what I I don't know I actually don't know and as much as floating Wonder tokens Wet My Whistle after lots of bouncing around I decided we're going to save it put it in the play later column okay that breaks everything oh man can you kill me or no oh yeah can I kick it no I can't it's time to fly it's time to fall don't roll your eyes at me goom hold on the break times always get me excited though no I can't reach it yeah so we know these can kill goom come on goo go we need a character switch goosi hello hi oh this is a checkpoint our first checkpoint goomi goomo oh name five famous Goombas go goom bario goombella goombette frankly goulash hi circles circles yeah three coins Goomba jump Goomba jump I don't think we can bounce high enough no I'm going for it uh uh uh uh uh ooh can I jump on you yes I can go get it goon go get it snoods snoods oh man oh oh if we could get another snood snood come back buddy no you oo oh and we ain't doing decimals but we got 1010 that's a full flower coin right there yeah onward we go okay oh I'm on a new level right now but you know what they're not even spawning goom get in there get in there go nothing nothing nothing until watery Wonder tokens you already know I get excited when I see that break time I oh I missed it I'm drowning can I make it over in time yes and I can collect the metal but I'm going to die I mean that's does that do anything keep jumping ah just prolonged the inevitable but I knew there was something to that level so we'll come back to it later because right now I had more levels to take my gobba to what more levels to fling ourselves into bottomless bits sorry I I'm not supposed to I'm not supposed to laugh yet okay all right now I can laugh oh two break times M the jump seems to be a pretty uh key mechanic in this game doesn't it oh oh oh oh doesn't give one about the spikes but he's stuck h i wonder you go okay coins okay all right fine three coins out of my way may the ice physics affect him that's kind of cool Break Time Break Time Break Time Break Time Break Time Break Time Break Time Break Time Break Time break time can I like can I avoid them oh my God it's nabit Goomba it's Numba he dies yeah he definitely dies if we were going to suffer at least we could suffer with the Goomba homies hey little help over here put me in the thing here oh I can resist that oh get that money baby oh we dipping oh more coinage put me out of my misery you can clear the clouds help me out help me out here what are you looking at such a meme dude what am I doing what am I doing jump jump oh oh oh oh I tried not to lose the shred of hope that I had for our Goomba friend you can do this can I because at least I knew that the levels would get easier I I I don't know anymore oh we got one we got one nothing okay okay that's that's fine we're alive we're alive I don't know if that hurts me or not oh oh two coins oh team one up is alive right now what is happening I'm supposed to be hitting the I'm supposed to be hitting the good oh let's go let's go five coins five coins I'm determined for this one up now I'm actually deter no dude I got so H for a second no no no Noe no shut up Meg okay see you guys later oh I don't think he's helping us get up there though there's coins 1 two three oh oh oh oh a three coins all three coins though oh yeah oh yeah baby run oh okay so this challenge might have been a little ridiculous it was becoming crystal clear that glomba had no shot at clearing a level the flower coins weren't even coming close to 100 and the coin counter may not even get there yet still I did what any insane man would do I talked myself into it you're the one world one let's get it done come on and with poetic timing my shirt's here woohoo so with that here goes nothing we're starting with the castle level it's the hardest one can't expect too much here can't expect anything no you no I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed I mean just give me the ne give me the next one okay I see two coins we can get them oh what is that what are you I don't think I can hit you can I wait wait this wait score oh I don't know what if I can get any oh it's one of those huh two coins I don't know if I can make it no no he's going to do it oh my God that one's a wash skinny goon brother yes yes what up buddy okay this is something oh come on go go say it ain't so oh no Jimmy no no I'm I'm All About that cheddar right now that get that cheese just let your boy get a little more no no there's no way we can't even we can't even the block we can get a coin though that's something oh it's right there it's just too high it's too high well this doesn't look good but he he coming through though oh he coming through though oh yes oh let's go yes I see how it is I'm going for it oh it's butt touched time I I don't know what that does for me though but it was cool I can't get those coins Papa poo and now I'm in purgatory let's just set it straight now it's not a checkpoint it's just not a checkpoint P yes two coins and maybe three if you hurt me no you don't hurt me this is an impass yes three coins achieved Goomba and with that we've played every level in Mario Wonder as Goomba here are our total coin counts after the first run through as it turns out we could go back and collect a bit more by equipping the coin magnet and the exclamation point badge but even then we still come up short of our goals now this is the point where I look you all in the eyes and I tell you that the real level clear was the glomba friends that we made along the way that maybe this was a Fool's Aon the entire time and at least we laughed and we cried flinging ourselves into every bottomless pit we could find and though that would be true there's no way I would tell you that unless I knew it for absolute certain so the next day I booted the game back up I grinded out floating Wonder tokens for a couple of hours I managed to get two tokens on the edges and 10 coins along the way but even if we did The Impossible I'm still not even sure how we'd collect the wond seed it was at this point that I got an idea what could be better than a goomba in Mario Wonder well how about a team of goomas three more Hooligans to Ricochet themselves off these green balloon enemies called blooms but as I track backward through all the levels that we had played there was one level that particularly caught my eye remember watery Wonder tokens seemingly all our guys got to do is ride down the dut and collect five tokens and maybe with some Goomba buddies it could be possible to beat but the screen continued to scroll too fast for us to get anything done so I had to ask for help I called up friend and wonder modding Legend Adam zero just to make absolutely sure there was no other way and that was when Adam said what if I just stopped this level from Auto scrolling stop the auto scroll H we would be modifying the level slightly but we wouldn't be changing our Goomba lad and besides who actually likes or cares about Auto scrollers anyway so I said sure and I entered the level with four Goombas wait wait I have an idea actually then no that's not going to work but I could do that at least and it took me way too long to realize that I would need at least one extra hand to pull this off with more players yeah that's all I need to do I just need more players duh once all four controllers were set up Adam zero and I took the plunge downward to the yellow liquidy depths I'm [Music] ready oh my God yes yes yes yes get it Go beat a get it get it get it get it oh my God he got one obviously I was excited and proud of AR Goomba I was happy just to see him collect the seed even if we did rig the game a little bit but deep down I knew that that satisfaction would not last forever I knew that not everyone would be happy with that ending including myself if maybe this anticlimactic ending was my fault for just even suggesting that glomba could come close to beating a level I mean he literally can't even reach the flag pole I'm not sure what I expected I think I just thought that maybe somewhere some level would have some kind of Quirk that our silly little guy could like get through so before I ended my call with Adam I went through every level in the game one last time all the way until I heard them say wait go back and kick it out of my way right after that I hit the record button if I fall and then I wait like and don't send any anybody else down yeah I think like there there's a few different different blocks that happen one of them has a fireflow in it I think I don't I think you got to kill them no you don't you don't I I've seen this you don't I think n Tyler mentioned the first time they played it they didn't kill out of my way and they were you don't have to kill him oh my God oh my God he actually did it the seed spawns without killing the guy I couldn't believe what I was seeing I still don't believe it we we actually did it Adam zero with the ingenious suggestion n Tyler for somehow discovering that on his first playthrough myself for spending hours upon hours running around like an idiot as a glomba but let me tell you one thing I wouldn't give those hours back for anything because some may call him weak common the most rudimentary enemy in all of Mario and yeah maybe he did run into a pipe on 1 one but today he's the owner of one Wonder scene in the Fluff Puff Peaks region of Super Mario wonder and I don't think I could be any more proud than I am right now thank you for joining me on this journey for all the Goomba fans out there goom day and goom [Music] night come on what
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 779,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario wonder, goomba, wonder form, wonder transformation, wonder, slime, wubba, biyon mario, mario, spike ball, spiky ball, puffy lift, balloon mario, elephant, hoppycat, super mario bros, super mario wonder, super mario bros wonder, smbw, super mario bros wonder walkthrough, mario wonder walkthrough, gameplay, playthrough, wonder walkthrough, guide, nintendo, switch, redfalcon, falc, super mario wonder gameplay, can you, beat a level, super mario wonder switch
Id: i12co3RsPUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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