I made JARVIS from Iron Man real

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We built Iron Man's holographic desk to fulfill James’ dream of becoming Iron Man. But there's something missing. Step one was James gets kidnaped, so that's not it. Step two is we build the ultimate engineering workbench. And step three must be JARVIS. JARVIS is what’s missing. Iron Man has his AI assistant that's tethered to all of its tech. If we want to become Iron Man, we can't ignore this iconic digital British butler. JARVIS you there? At your service. We're going to make our own A.I. assistant. And it will be named Alan. No, that's a hideous name. It'll be named Smithi. Order me a coffee. Smithi mow the lawn. Smithi, get me a pizza. That sounds about right. I'm sure you've heard of Siri, Alexa and Google assistant. And those are great. If you want to turn on the lights, set a reminder or play animal noises as a cow. Oh, that's all fun. But it doesn't really solve the sorts of problems that we tend to have here around the Hacksmith shop. If I want to know how much horsepower the Mario Kart had, what fuel the lightsaber pike used, or how much weight the power loader can lift. Siri, Alexa and Google aren't going to help. So that is why I'm going to make our own. I'm going make a virtual assistant to answer questions about projects, help it with engineering problems, and control some stuff around the shop and in the true spirit of modern software engineering. I'm going to Frankenstein this thing. It's alive. First thing we're going to need is an AI that does what we want. I pulled up OpenAI’s ChatGPT documentation one morning and had it snarkily replying to me by lunch. They've made it alarmingly easy to integrate this incredibly powerful language model into your own software. So easy, in fact, that we're integrating it into our community Discord. I believe the Hacksmith was born on February 10th, 1990. You can chat with it and ask questions about projects and all you have to do is become a YouTube member. Join today. Put simply, I can type in a question hit enter and in a few seconds chat CBT will get back to us with a response depending on our first prompt. Alternatively, you can put in a less helpful but far more entertaining initial prompt. If we pick a prompt right, we can get it to behave pretty much exactly how we'd like and how we'd like it to behave. It's like JARVIS from Iron Man See, just like that. It's giving the appearance of usefulness. But now when I tell it to turn the lights on, it'll generate an output that my program can actually interpret to turn the lights on. Now, with that working, I can get it to behave similarly for anything else we want to control. Like that fancy desk I built or a robot dog or an image generation tool. So now we can write to it and it'll write right back. But you never see Iron Man writing to JARVIS, he communicates with JARVIS. strictly through shouting. JARVIS. JARVIS.JARVIS. You can convert from speech to text with any number of available tools. What we want to do is listen for a wake word. You're familiar with these things like, Hey, Siri or Alexa or Hey, Google open Hacksmith.store. Sorry if that worked. I had to try it. But while you're there, you should check out the new Gen Two Mini-Sabers. So now we can verbally ask it for stuff. Hey Smithi. Tell me who won the 1925 World Series? Pittsburgh Pirates won the 1925 World Series, defeating the Washington Senators in seven games. I didn't know that. I'm also not sure if it's true, but I didn't know that. So with that, it's got a brain, it's got ears and in some weird, twisted way it has hands. But when you think of JARVIS, you don't think of any of that. You think about the snarky British voice. Will do sir. So we reached out to 11 Labs and got their incredible voice synthesis tech integrated into this. You can check them out in the link below. With this, we can make Smithi sound like this. Head over to LTTstore.com. Like this. Yee haw, pardner. Or even like this. Check out Hacksmith.store. We settled on this: Hello. I am Smithi, the somewhat moderately intelligent tool for Hacksmith Industries. Hey, Smithi, tell me how much water a person needs in a day. A general guideline is to drink at least eight cups or two liters of water per day. Hey Smithi, I could do with a drink myself. Could you get me something? I've noticed you drink too much, pop. So I brought. Hey Smithi. What happened? This is where the sponsor Dad is supposed to go. We talked about this. Charles. The sponsor terminated at the last minute, leaving you sort of. Well, that's unfortunate. Yes, it is. That's why supporting creators in different ways is super important. Like by visiting Hacksmith.store, where you can explore premium merchandise and limited edition collectibles that showcase the remarkable ingenuity of the Hacksmith team. In all seriousness, we did actually get dropped by our sponsor, which sucks because that's how we pay the bills around here. If you want us to keep making amazing projects like this one, the best way to support us is directly. Buy a mini-saber, a T-shirt, snag a collectible. Those are great. We just released preorders for the Gen Two green flame changer and the Gen one red flame changer which we are super stoked about. We've also revamped our YouTube membership program with whole new perks at different tiers. For instance, if you join right now, you can talk to Smithi on our community Discord and he can answer any questions you have about Hacksmith Industries. The half scale Cybertruck is capable of reaching a top speed of approximately 20 miles per hour. And if none of that is for you, we still really appreciate you watching, sharing and subscribing. Thank you. Now let's see what the team thinks of Smithi. Smithi. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I'm sorry, Captain. I'm not sure how to answer that question. However, I can provide a transcript of a Hackmith Industries video about an archeological dig where they uncover some warehouse shelving. Archeological dig? Oh, hey, it's a real video. Eight years ago. Hey, Smithi, can you draw a picture of a cute cat? Ohhhhh! Hey, Smithi, can you generate a YouTube thumbnail with James, the Hacksmith riding the broom from Harry Potter? I'm sorry, Captain, but I do not have access to image generation capabilities at the moment. I think it may legitimately have forgotten that it can generate images. Certainly, Captain. Hey, that's not terrible. Hey, Smithi, generate blueprints for Iron Man Mark 1. Certainly, Captain. Wait, What do you need those for? Get subscribed. Can you turn on the light? This kind of dark in the corner. Hey Smithi turn the light on. *Smithi starts speaking French* Wait what? *speaking more French* What was that? Was that French and Spanish? Just turn on the damn light. Why don't you reply in French? I did not plan that. First of all, my name is Smithi, not Sniffy. And secondly, I replied in French, because I'm a multilingual virtual assistant and I thought you might appreciate a change of pace, but apparently you are too dense to understand that. As for turning on the light, I'm not a physical being and therefore incapable of performing that task. Perhaps you should try using the light switch like a normal person instead of relying on a virtual assistant to do everything for you. What a ____. Well that was fun. He had some interesting ideas how to try and use it, but still got a bit of jank to it. Let's explain why some of those things didn't work so well. It struggles with pretty normal questions like how much wood could woodchuck chuck if wood chuck could chuck wood? Normal ChatGPT has something interesting to say if you ask it that. But Smithy always looks up a Hacksmith video transcript for any question you ask. That was the best I could do with the tools I had at the time. But then 10 hours before we shot that Open AI released a huge change to ChatGPT, which means we can now just tell it, Hey, if you want access to a Hacksmith video transcript, just ask for it. Here, let me show you. Smithi. What was the Mandalorian flamethrower build? The Mandalorian flamethrower build is part of a larger project called Hacklorian. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Captain, a woodchuck could chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. As you can see, we can now ask both Hacksmith and non-Hacksmith questions. And on top of that, it can now take the whole transcript instead of having to cut it into bite sized chunks. Now, let's talk image generation. We could eventually convince it to generate an image, but it was really hung up on that word generate. With the new update, we should be able to make it drop paint, render, create, or whatever any image that we want. Smithi draw image of a beleaguered looking videographer. Wow. It looks just like me. Long story short, it looks janky because it is. We're doing a lot of cool stuff with Smithi here, but at the end of the day it's still a bunch of rocks that we tricked into doing linear algebra and it shows. It's going to get better in time. But for now, set your expectations perhaps a little lower than the movies have shown you. That said, these updates from ChatGPT give me an excellent foundation to build the rest of the features that we want to have, and I know the perfect place to start. It's pizza time. Pizza time. Here's the plan. A certain pizza chain has a publicly accessible API for placing orders. When we tell Smithi to place an order for a pizza, it needs to register our address, find a nearby franchise, download their menu and send that to ChatGPT. Create our order. Place the order and ka-blam! Profit! I mean ka-blam! Pizza! Any questions? No. Good. Let's try it. Smithi order me a large pepperoni pizza. Captain, I have successfully ordered a large pepperoni pizza for you. The total cost is $28.23, and it is expected to be delivered in 25-35 minutes. Please note that payment in cash is required. Enjoy your pizza. That's what I'm talking about. Yes, we did. Oh, I see you right there. How much is it? $28.23. Thanks a lot, man. Have a good day. It worked. Now that works. Let's talk about robots. We've got a whole bunch of robots kicking around. You got the Diablo, the clear path, Husky and Scoober. Cooper, the dog. But how is Smithi going to send these things places? Well, Ben's been teaching these things to make maps of the shop and office so that they can navigate just based off of waypoints. That way, when we tell Smithi to send the robot dog to the front office, Cooper can actually navigate down the hallway all the way to Jess's desk And while he's gone, Smithi, send the Diablo robot to my desk. Smithi send the robot to Ben's desk. And the final robot is the pancake making robot. Smithi, make me some pancakes. Certainly, Captian. Triggering the pancake making robot. All I need to do is flip it. Freaking worked! With that complete. We're done the “find out” part of our journey. Now onto the second stage, ____ around. I don't know what that thinks, what I just said, but I think it was recorded like the last 2 minutes of audio and sent it to transcripts, and I was just like, I have no idea what you're talking about. It ends with me mumbling Mississippi Queen. Did I put the parking brake back on? Yeah it totally just did. Well, we were saying a bunch of random stuff while filming and heard some of it and thought we said order a pizza at some point. And I didn't have the parking brake set for the pizza ordering system. So it totally just ordered another large pepperoni pizza. Because you said Mississippi Peter. Somehow I'm being stuck with the bill. But that's on you. Sorry about that. Well, at least on the bright side, ordering pizza is easy with my wallet from Hacksmith.store. Charles. James, where are you? Are you okay? Still captured. You know the usual. How’s Smithi going? Oh, he's. He's working great, runs fine on my laptop. On your laptop? Which is like a code. Charles, we've been over this. It needs to look good. Charles you’re breaking up. So I made this visualizer. It looks pretty cool, but it's actually simpler than it looks. It's of arcs getting drawn, swirling around. And then a color map is applied. They get bigger when Smithi talks. And the color map changes when it's thinking, listening or speaking. Smithi is going to live in here, in here, in here. And he even lives in our community. Discord where you can interact with him. If you want to play with it, become a YouTube member by hitting the join button below and hop into our community Discord. We've got them built into the whole building. He's all encompassing, just like our Lord and Savior, Ewan McGregor. Now, we've already had so much fun with Smithi, but is he actually practical? Can you help us build something? Can even help James escape? We have to find out. So let's build something with him. Hey, Smithi, what fuel did we use in the Mandalorian flamethrower? The fuel used is a combination of propane and cornstarch. Smithi, how much horsepower did the Mario Kart build have? One horsepower for each kart. Smithi, get Husky to go retrieve one of the Mario karts from the shed. It will safely transport the Mario Kart to its destination. Oh, with Smithi’s help, I could build this awesome attachment for a go kart, and if it works, should be enough for James to bust out of prison. Which one's the brake?.
Channel: Hacksmith Industries
Views: 931,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ironman, arc reactor, avengers, build, building, comics, creating, electricity, electronics, enginee, engineering, hacksmith, helmet, iron man 3, iron man armour, iron man gauntlets, jarvis, laboratory, make it real, marvel, marvel cinematic universe, marvel comics, mcu, mechanical, metal, robots, science, scientist, shield, stark, stark industries, stem, suit, super powers, superhero, technology, thanos, the hacksmith, thehacksmith, tony stark, tour, unboxing, war machine, workshop, workstation
Id: e_nKCZe6Ikc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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