I Made Humanity Suffer for 100 Years

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today I get to have fun with Humanity but first we need a world so we're just going to take the sand and build a massive Island just got to fill it in here folks it's taking a little bit of time and then on the inside I want some uh some plain soil here we got to give Humanity a nice place to live with different biomes and then in the middle let's do a really uh big mountain here okay that's a mountain apparently I know you can't see it but but yeah that's mountains oh and then we'll do some for on the inside of this world yeah that that's a forest it's going to grow trees I promise let's just speed up the time I don't see any Forest yet so I'm just going to add in some rain maybe this will spark some growth I don't know we have trees on the beach and none in the middle whatever it's time to add our humans so we're going to grab this guy and we're going to build a village up here the the yeid high won okay we're just going to give them like I don't know 15 of them so they're really friendly down there and down in the lower corner how about some dwarves actually the dwares like the mountains okay so we're going to put some dwarves on oh wait there we go we got a bunch of dwarves on the mountain wait are they dying I thought dwarves like mountains I don't know and a third civilization has risen up I guess they already separated from the dwarves I don't know why how are our humans doing they seem to be fairing well here they got their little tents they're chopping down palm trees everyone's happy we are on year 15 we're going fast here because cuz I want a lot of years to go by and see what happens to this world we still have no trees in the forest I I don't understand why oh I have to add biome seeds so here's our seeds we have grass seeds mushrooms we got corrupted seeds infernal seeds makes things burned we got candy the most evil one well that sounds interesting so I I guess I'll just plant a little bit here I don't know what's going to happen to oh it's spreading I don't know if this wait is he taking damage uh-oh this might have been a bad idea oh look we have a little candy tree here whatever I got my tree fertilizer we're going to plant this in here hopefully we'll get some trees in the forest finally I'm sprinkling these everywhere I don't know what's going on wait what's happening here wait what what's happening he was slain by candy oh no the candy is rising up and attacking the dwarves imagine being attacked by a giant candy cane that would be horrible okay but this this tree fertilizer isn't working I don't know what's happening let's try the the plants fertilizer let's go out here just going be putting plants okay this candy is just spreading way too much I need to do something about it how about I set on fire here stop you stupid candy get back I don't need you destroying my dwars and dude they're attacking the dwars village who would have thought that candy would have been so vicious it just looks so oh my gosh it destroyed the tent get it kill the stupid candy you freaking dwar dude okay these dwares are getting owned they're attacking their Central Village okay this is really bad candy I'm going to have to burn you down you do not yeah this is just bad you deserve to be eaten not destroying every oh look what's going on here are these humans the humans are coming in for some candy I don't know but this one piece of candy I think he finally died okay they finally got him I'm sorry dwarves too bad I'm going to destroy it soon wait this is still spreading okay I I need to cover this candy up dude candy stop spreading it was a mistake to have crated you get out of here okay we're going to destroy the candy I think it's way too overpowered it's still spreading dude it's spreading like crazy all right the candy's gone wait who are you fighting guys be friendly please I want to be the one that destroys not don't destroy each other thank you wow the humans are really thriving up here they have 59 population already that's crazy oh look we actually have just kidding palm trees are dead okay we got some grass look at that finally something is working here oh they just built another town that's really pretty what about uh Forest seeds oh it's fertilizer okay so we we throw a fertilizer oh there we go look at that we have a beautiful Forest so I'm just going to let the forest spread it's going to do its own thing we're already on year 39 and I hear a human celebrating or dying I can't tell are you guys fighting each other I hope you guys are not fighting you guys are all supposed to be friends all right you know what I know that dwarves like minerals I watch The Lord of the Rings so look we have crystal seeds create the crystal biome we're going to put it right in the middle here just like this cut through the forest and now it's getting dark for some what the heck what's going on guys can you please stop fighting do not attack each other be friends so we have three kingdoms the holy Tuton the Herm and the great Gil and I don't think they're Allied because there's nothing here um yeah I think they're actually all at War right now it just says up here King G has been killed by het Toro so yeah blue just got conquered by yellow or whoever these dwarfs were in the middle yeah they're gone now so oh that's a giant tornado it's sucking everything up it just destroy that boat and it's destroying the village and a bunch of humans are dead okay so now we just have humans and whatever the yellow is I don't know if they're at War I also don't know what's going on here if the crystals are bad okay I think they're going to war oh okay no they're just ch chopping down trees I guess they're going to fight each I don't want them to fight each other I want them to be friends and to build a thriving Empire and to not worry about me let's go to the Age of Wonders this is when everyone is going to thrive all right well I don't want them to destroy each other I might be a little bit late here because something is going on and I'm not sure whe they're being attacked by bubbles where are these bubbles coming from it appears that yellow is moving okay you know what yellow you are being too much so I'm going to Nuke orril 53 this is what you get oh sorry that's Napal not a nuke it just burns everything oh here's the nuke atomic bomb okay or we have the SAR bomb but this one's really big as well I don't think we want to use that one yet let's just go with the atomic bomb they're being really aggressive to the humans and that's really mean look at they're like way down here oh my gosh all right we're just going to oh wait the humans are destroying dude who is this guy he's just running around owning everybody okay well I think these guys are getting wiped out so we're just going to leave them alone this town has definitely been burned it wasn't by me I think I just saw the problem these clouds look these red clouds they're dropping bubbles on on the humans I don't know if it's driving them insane or what but okay well this Village is getting destroyed by the humans look at this guy that is uncalled for aggression he just destroyed that house it's so mean okay well yellow is basically dead at this point so now blue is going to be able to thrive but will there be a breakoff kingdom like will Shia decide that they want to be their own kingdom I don't know but you know what let's just end things for seor 15 just going drop a little nuke here uh-oh oh okay well they're all dead apparently there's three survivors but they'll probably be dead soon what is going on here is this the king is he stuck in a bubble wait hold on I can fire a heat ray at him let's just do that okay is this is it is he going to die hello you're in a bubble what are you doing in that bubble okay I don't know how is still alive he must be really strong but we're just going to kill him here and okay he finally died it took like 10 years so he's gone we got one more yellow left we're going to leave him alive we're not going to kill him is this him up here no that's just a rat running around on the desert all right you know this might be the last yellow Left Alive just in his little bubble can I save him I don't know what is this thing is this a crystal do the crystals attack are they just like the candy that's that's weird but now we're going to let Blue Thrive oh look yellow just got destroyed okay so yellow's been wiped off they're extinct we're going to delete all records of their existence so no one in the future will know they were even in the world it's only been 68 years I have a plan I'm going to build another Island over here going to plant some seeds we're going to change back to the age of hope so everything's really pretty and how long does this pit of fire last is it eventually going to go away I don't know but we're going to do a new civilization over here wait what's going on can you stop rain your bubbles on everything please these stupid clouds okay I think they're done we're going to put some really mean Orcs in here oh yeah look at thata we're just going to keep adding them and hopefully they'll make a giant civilization on this island and then they'll cross the waters and take over so we got 10 101 Orcs it's beautiful they're putting their dock way over here on the side and we have a crab that loves to ra so we're just going to drop a crab oh they just killed it instantly okay let's just put a bunch of crabs come on get them yeah fight them okay they're getting wiped out the Orcs do not like crabs what about bears can the Orcs handle Bears uh the Bears are actually way stronger but the Orcs killed them what's going on over here okay there's definitely like a crystal monster oh my God the Crystal's taking over we can't have this okay this isn't good Crystal stop stop taking over the world please I want the humans to thrive on their own okay I want the humans to thrive no interruptions and let's fill this in with grass and the humans are definitely doing a good job we got a village of 50 up here 70 with the Orcs they're show wait what's just happened I think the humans landed a raiding party they took out 10 Orcs but Orcs are still alive so it it was unsuccessful but who knows what's going to happen over here this could just get kind of quaz the lemon biome it's a pretty okay let's see what happens with the lemon biome here oh we still got some Crystal let's just get rid of it with the lemon it says it's pretty acceptable look at that beautiful lemon tree the Orcs are still at 90 you know what I think the village is maxed out or maybe I'm just wrong and don't know anything maybe they don't reproduce oh here we go we have some silver oh wait what the heck I didn't do that I swear I think that's a meteor what what wait what if it was the lemon biome I don't know but now the humans are mining whatever this is that fell I think it was adamai okay let's put some adamai here we're going to let the humans mine that all right we're going to give the Orcs some actually you know what we're going to put the gold over here let's get the Orcs to run over and maybe putting the gold here we'll get the Orcs to build a boat and start mining wait I just saw an orc boat go up here I don't know what the Orcs are planning maybe they're planning nothing well it looks like the humans mind all the gold you missed out Orcs you know what I'm going to be nice and give you guys some gold all right there you go they're still not reproduced oh wait oh wait the Orcs oh the humans just landed a raiding party the Orcs just own them they didn't lose any they still have 89 stupid humans I'm just waiting for the Orcs to build a bridge across the water and invade but they're not doing it oh they just landed Giant Raid party humans are going crazy there's only 60 Orcs left 59 oh my gosh okay this war is just getting crazy you know what humans are getting too big look at this they've just taken over the whole entire world we can't have that we're going to send a robot Santa where should we put him how about right here that's not robot Santa That's rocks so let's try this again there we go okay there goes Santa oh okay well he just blew up the entire orc Village that was mean supposed to blow up the humans okay there we go Santa's doing some work uh destroying a lot of humans that's good let's just like this watch let just do a bunch of Santa like this so we're basically nuking the whole entire world humans are getting too populated we need to lower their their dominance oh wow Santa actually destroys the land as well there's a lot of water okay well that was interesting are you dropping a raiding party again the humans are still raiding the Orcs oh no oh wait they didn't kill them they just kind of landed and then left all right well you know what we're going to help out the Orcs here I'm just going to keep droing Oh wait we're changing ages again hold on let me Dro like 200 Orcs wait something fell from the sky another meteor I think I can't tell where it landed because everything's just destroyed the humans are still thriving even though all that Santa nuking there's still tons of humans on this world it's really impressive actually but I'm just going to keep adding Orcs here I'm really curious to see what's going to happen let's give you guys some Stone do something with that and then I know you'll like the gold oh no humans are raiding Orcs get them there's so many more of you okay good the Orcs wipe them out really rude of those humans just invading randomly okay come on Orcs you guys need to invade that's the whole point of this Mission here have some of those rocks apparently it's one of the best metals but I think what we should do is replace this Central mountain with a volcano but not just one volcano a bunch of volcanoes something like this I think is really beautiful okay maybe I went a little bit overboard there it's now destroying the whole world I'm sorry this is a mistake do the volcanoes ever despawn I don't know but we're just going to leave that there because it looks beautiful even though it might destroy the village of biip he bip bippy whatever it is all our Orcs are gathered around the fire they're planning their invasion they will soon be heading to the mainland and we're actually going to help them out because I'm impatient so it's time to build a little land bridge just like this uh-oh oh the humans just dropped a giant raiding party when I did that uh-oh well here we go the Orcs are starting to invade the town of wo is getting wiped out oh my gosh the Orcs are really going in hard I gave them a little bit of land and they definitely took advantage of it they are causing so much suffering to these innocent Villages look at this oh my gosh they're going down so quick okay they're actually just running through destroying every single Town wa they are really making their way through this is what the heck Orcs relax man take your time and our volcano is still going by the way okay the Orcs have destroyed two Villages so far this one only has uh six people left so they're all going to die this town has six left we got four here okay the Orcs are actually just wiping everyone out so what we're going to do we're going to just start adding some humans up here in this Village we can't let the Orcs just run over and steamroll the entire world we need to add some competition so this is about 160 humans they are dying uh rapidly here how are the Orcs doing they're down to 76 okay yeah you guys need to chill stop murdering everyone we got to do something about this volcano so I'm going to add a cold one in the middle of it and I think he died instantly wait okay yeah he's just being killed instantly the Orcs have expanded to the mainland with an actual Village well that is an interesting development what can I do about this volcano can I just add rain okay we're going to try to add some rain here put an end to this volcanic activity my my fixing the situation I don't think so the humans are bouncing back we got this town down here with 44 the new orc town has 34 but it appears that the war has been stalled and our volcano is still going let's give our Orcs some fruit trees help them grow their population and same with the humans up here here you guys can have all this fruit enjoy it we'll put a bunch of gold down here it's a precious resource and don't worry we're going to give the humans some gold as well I think I can make zombies hold on if I put this one character right here wait what oh this is a zombie attractor well I don't want that let's destroy it removes lava okay please get out of here oh I can destroy okay good we finally got rid of the volcano we'll just let this harden up maybe they'll mine it but the Orcs are starting to thrive over here we got a village of 60 there's not a lot of fighting but I feel like that's going to end soon especially if I come in here with a crab bomb what happens if I just drop a crab bomb right here oh well well that was interesting wait what's happening thunder clouds are coming through well we can't have that we have some TNT let's see what happens if I just drop it on this house here okay it just goes bye-bye what about grey go Nanobots virus destruction okay let's put that somewhere where there's nobody I'm just hearing someone die I think an orc tried to invade funa can I drop this in the middle of the lava uh-oh uh-oh what did I do what did I do oh no is this is really bad uh-oh uh um okay what what hello ladies and gentlemen appears that the gray goo has destroyed the entire world and okay well that's that I guess everyone is dead next time I won't throw any greu into my world oopsie
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 14,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QCLQdbt5HmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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