I made Godzilla fighting a Giant Zombie Octopus

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hi folks my name is Adam and I like to make tiny nerdy things and it's time to make Godzilla now I've been wanting to make a Godzilla for a while now cuz he's a big prehistoric irradiated monster from the depth of the ocean and that's awesome however I've already made a couple City smashing reptilian kaijus in the past and really how many times can you make the same thing before it gets boring hopefully at least once more anyways there's a new God movie out so I'm going to take advantage of what I hope as an algorithmic lean back towards the Big Green beasty and appease my own desires I'll start as I always do when making an radiated iguana which is beginning with the building up of the bones I'm building up my deity lizards bones with aluminium Armature since aluminium doesn't rust and correct me if I'm wrong but Godzilla doesn't rust either despite living in the ocean so it's a fair assumption that this is correct on an anatomical level after all anatomically correct is an anagram for a comic anal rot cycler once I've got my body built out of cost effective aluminium foil I can start to slap on a nice thick layer of lumpy gray clay as is almost always the case I'm really only interested in getting Clay on the model at this point rather than worrying about any sort of detail I've been using these wooden blocks basically since the Inception of this Channel and while the clay doesn't normally adhere to wood without some sort of glue at this point this wood is so covered in paint and previous projects that by the time it comes to taking my model off the block the bottoms of the feet have adhered to the base and they end up getting damaged to that end I'm trying something a little different by covering the base in a layer of foil in the hopes that it will make removing my model later easier so make sure you stick around to the end for the exciting conclusion of this experiment otherwise it's back to bulking out the body before eventually ending at the head which I'll make by smooshing a teeny tiny head-shaped love of clay onto the neck and then working my way back along the body blending all the seams and sharp edges until I've got a relatively smooth surface into which I can start the in texturing process however before I start this ever important process I need to get the last these larger details in place so I'll head back to the Head where I can add an angry brow Ridge and a big yelly mouth once I've got the shape of the Shing hole sorted out I can add some extra thickness to the forehead to bring it closer to being a five head before poking some little indents into it that I can then fit some little eyeballs into finally I'll finesse the shape of the eyelids to cover up the majority of these other other wise oversized eyeballs and it's on to making my feet I'll start by flattening the fronts of the feet so I can carve three equally sized toes into the tips and poking and pting them to give them a slightly more rounded profile a couple little lumps attached the inside side I guess will be the extra inside toes and I can poke some big divots into each of the toes so I can fit some pointy lumps of clay that will be turned into great big reptilian toenails otherwise that's the body mostly finished finished which means it's time for the in texturing I'll start from the feet and work my way up beginning with the little plates that cover the tops of his toes before moving on to the lumpy wrinkly texture of his legs at first I thought about trying to carve each of the lumps individually but the wrinkl of his lumps was getting lost in the individual lumpiness so I quickly transitioned into carving lumpy lines with a relatively thick clay shaper the idea here is that I can add all the wrinkly folds first then once I've got the whole body covered I can come back and add the Lumpy bits later once I've added the scaly bits to gojira's belly I can move around to his back and start to separate the segments of his tail before adding the Baseline wrinkly details so that it sort of flows towards the tip of his tail to make life easier while I'm sculpting I'm going to build out the tail in its entirety before bending it into its final shape back to the body is just more of the same wrinkling until I've eventually worked my way all the way up to the top of the head now that the en wrinkling is all but done though I can move on to the en lumping using this lumpy roll roller that I made to make these scaly dots on my previously made dinosaurs rolling this roller all over the previously wrinkly bits I can add some excellent lumpy detail to Godzilla's body as well as reduce the amount of Sanity I'm losing by adding all those individually lumpy bits better sculptors than me would probably add all the lumpy bits by hand but I don't I don't want to however I will add a few Choice lumps here in there to thicken up some sections and to add a little variation to my otherwise not quite lumpy enough body [Music] finally to make the ridy bits on his head I'll drape a couple long noodles length ways down his face then poke them with a teeny tiny ball stylus then I'll thicken up his cheeks before moving on to making his spines to make the spines I'll start with a little offcut of aluminium foil that I can twist and fold and Pull and prod until I've got a skinny metal spine that I can then wrap in a thin layer of clay and shape that into an appropriately shaped shape after that I'll waste my time carving an extra long Groove the length of Godzilla's back that I'll just need to fill in later so that I can fit my spine in place then it's just a case of making a dozen or so more spines to completely cover his back as well as some little lumps and bumps scattered around to fill the gaps finally I can bend his tail into the final position and fill his mouth with a little pre-baked tongue and some even little pre-baked teeth to fit his arms I'll make an extra large arm socket then fit some little LS of wire into the center of these and cover them in a couple layers of clay building up the general shape of the arm and shoulders anding in a little Mitten at the end then a couple Little Snips will divide that Mitten into fies and some strategic pinching and pulling will make my fies into scary claws that I can then add a thumb to to texture the arm I'll break out that roller again before repositioning the fingers into their final position finally some final finger texturing and some extra knobbly bits on the arms and that's Godzilla completely finished which means it's time to make his Nemesis Terry the Octo skull Terry of course is a little Christmas gifts so standard aluminium foil won't do instead I'm going to use some colorful foil repurposed from a box of fancy Christmas cookies then cover that in clay if you're new here Terry is something of a recurring character on this channel and as the name implies he's a skull that's also an octopus I don't know the whole history here or how he functions on a strictly biological level or why he seems change size so often but he's shown up in a few videos and speaking strictly from a Creator's point of view I think he's delightful he does however suffer from the same artistic drawback as Godzilla in that how often can you actually see someone make the same skull with tentacles before it starts to lose its appeal fortunately I think by combining these two things we can make something magical once I've got a freshly baked gray jawless clay skull I can start to scrape the sutures into the sides and the back and the top while I generally use C clay for most of my sculptures I like to use super sculpy for this sort of work since it's a lot easier to get a natural looking Crack by poking at the clay with a sharp needle or knife I can then smoosh some of that aformentioned CA clay onto the bottom of the skull and build up the sections underneath that Terry's tentacles will attach to speaking of tentacles I'll start by Rolling a little lump of clay into an ever so slightly tap bird noodle then pressing the sides down to create a slightly wonky long triangle I can then peel it off the mat and start sticking some teeny tiny balls onto the underside which will of course be Terry's fely Dees then I'll work my way down the fely dees poking the centers with progressively smaller ball styluses to turn the balls into suction cups before working my way back down again blending the sides into the tentacle to texture the top of the tentacle I'll wrap the whole thing in a layer of gling film then start hacking at it with a sharp silicone shaper the cling film will help to soften the cuts from the shaper leaving a more natural looking wrinkle rather than a sharp cut in the surface then I can attach Terry's tentacles to Terry's skull blending the tentacle into the pre- tentacle goopy bit on the bottom before repeating this entire process seven more times to create eight total tentacles attached to a somewhat sirly looking skull there and it's back to Godzilla's back where Terry will do his attack at this point Godzilla has been baked in the oven so he's nice and firm which will make it easier to drape Terry's plethora of noodly Limbs around his back neck and arms now up until this point I really wasn't sure if this idea would work at all but once I got Terry in place and wrapped around Godzilla in a loving embrace it started to come together as a not so terrible idea all I need to do then is give Terry some eyeballs which probably would have been easier to do when I made the skull but I forgot up until just now when it's at its absolute most awkward otherwise that's the sculpting completely finished which means it's time to add some color fortunately as far as Godzilla is concerned there's not a whole lot of work that needs to be done he's pretty two-toned so I'll start by blasting his body with a dark green base coat followed by a black wash to darken the green further and add some easy shading and contrast oh then tickle the tips of his gnarly B with a bronzy beigy yellow dry brushing followed by a light dusting of bone white I'll then take that same bone white and base coat Terry skull with a couple coats to get a nice solid bone coloring which I'll then brighten up by sponging on a few coats of flat white Terry vacillates between several shades of purple depending on whether or not I've gone back to look at what I did before and his fely dees are usually pink but to make my life a little easier I'm going to give his entire body a base coating of bubble gum pink before working my way through a series of progressively darker purples for the top of his tentacles wet blending as I go I don't have much of a plan as far as the purple's concerned but I am concerned about getting purple on Godzilla so I'm a little less heavy-handed here than I'd normally be when went blending this many shades wrapping all these tentacles around Godzilla seem like a great idea right up until the moment I realized I needed to paint them I'll then add some little dots of very thin light purples as a final detail before moving on to my next ill-conceived spur of the- moment idea now that I've got everything painted in Godzilla's back is almost entirely inaccessible I decided that it might be fun to make him look like he's about to blast off a big old Atomic breath of course it's far too late to add any lighting so I'm going to go back and try and fake it I'll start with a careful airbrushing of white everywhere that I want the glowing bits to be before going back over it with the most fluorescent blue paint I own making sure to let the overspray reach parts of the body and Terry that would be lit up with the glow as well object sourc lighting is something brand new to me in and while this definitely isn't good it is good enough he said it he said it with that done though I can paint both these Mighty beasy's eyes appropriate eyeball color before moving on to making the bass and for those of you that have been waiting excitedly for the past 10 minutes to see how the aluminium flooring [Music] worked it was a roaring success wow I will definitely be forgetting about this for most of my future builds I'd originally thought that having Godzilla waste deep in a resin ocean would be kind of cool but because I stuck his tail out so far the ocean would need to extend backwards a fair amount and I think it would have made for an awkward display since Godzilla would have been so far forward and the center of the model would have been effectively empty it definitely had nothing to do with me being a little afraid of resin cuz I'm not I'm not afraid of anything you don't know me instead I settled for Godzilla standing on a sandy beach so once I blasted my foam base with some fire to deform it I mixed together some ketchup and mustard to make a dark orange Sandy Bottom that I can then add progressively lighter Sandy colored highlights to until I've got a nice Sandy looking lumpy Beach I can then glue the two in place with a little hot glue I decided a beach would be best since that meant I can still add some water but I don't necessarily need to use a whole whack of resin one of my absolute favorite products for faking water is clear silicone cocking it's fun to apply and aderes to just about anything and the crystal clear stuff actually has a slightly bluish tint also it's super easy to manipulate with a finger freshly dipped in some isopropyl alcohol now that being said once I got the base covered in my sticky water I decided it was a bit too clear so I figured I could just add another thin layer that I tinted with some greens and Blues however once I spread that around it didn't look quite right so I ended up scraping it all off fortunately it's still plenty pliable so I just mixed my freshly scraped up silicone together to remove the color variations and reapplied it to the Sandy Beach base once that had had enough time to cure I applied a thin layer of Woodland scenix waves over top and tapped away with my tongue depressor to create lots of little waves as well as add all the splashes and water flows falling off of Godzilla's undercarriage I then took a bit more of that water effect and mixed some bright white snow flock in to create a semi-translucent white foam that I applied over the tips of the bigger waves and around Godzilla's feet and anywhere else I thought the water would be extra wavy finally a little white paint tapped over the tops of the Waves will add that last layer of watery detail and make the white caps on the waves stand out then the absolute last thing to do is give my monsters a quick blast of gloss varnish so they're adequately wet looking and that's us done here and on to the Glamour [Music] Shots hey wait a minute that's not my sculpture that's my new Terry plush that's right while I can't sculpt and ship every one of you a custom Terry sculpture what I can do is design a limited edition Terry the Octo skull plush that you can order right now I've been working with makeship to make my very own adorable terrifyingly lovable plushy version of Terry that you can place an order for just in time for Christmas uh well like Christmas next year the Terry plush campaign runs for 21 days and if we can place enough pre-orders then makeship will make every single order placed within that 21-day period and the best part 100% of the proceeds I get from the sales will be donated directly to the marine conservation Society ensuring that beautiful natural creatures like Terry and Godzilla will have a healthy happy ocean biome for years to come follow the link below to order your Terry today and if you're watching this weeks from now it's because YouTube's editors a mass and I couldn't chop this out after it's been uploaded otherwise uh we're on to the Glamour [Music] Shots as always a huge thank you to the absolute gems over on patreon and a very special hey how are you to my newest patrons Handler loves baby sloth Parker white dogall mindless ripoff Caravan cat Willam and Anna Edward stum an earth bore Sarah Alice mcross Fletcher boury one true Bean Donnie Dave Jones's amazing Li few cutie bum Herbst Stern Ashton Mary Seline Bean Andromeda moo baddy wrong legs Joseph Ross Rabin feeder Felix Patty Kine isafold is the goat Jeffrey burette and I changed my username So Adam would say PE PE poo poo you were the multiple limed purple monstrosity that gives this ancient irradiated lizard of a channel the best hugs if you made it this far then let me know in the comments down below where you think Terry got a go was he born with it did he find it does it grow like a shell enlighten me otherwise we'll uh see you next time [Music] cheers
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 882,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made Godzilla fighting a Giant Zombie Octopus, godzilla, godzilla minus one, zombie, monster, king of the monsters, squid, marine conservation society, north of the border, clay tutorial, how to clay, how to sculpt, tentacles, skull
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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