I made the most cursed bowl of fruit ever

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hi folks my name is adam and i like to make tiny nerdy things and in keeping with that tiny nerdy theme today i'm going to make some regular sized fruit now if my goal here is to make a regular sized plate of fruit then i'm going to need something to make sure that i keep all the details at scale so naturally i started by making a banana and like any good banana it needs a skeleton so that i can add the stringy yellow banana body on top now i built my skeleton out of a densely packed roll of aluminium foil then ruined a perfectly good saw by cutting the top part into four sections which will serve as my banana peel later then i can coat the shiny metal in a layer of clay and build it up until i have an adequately girthy adsense friendly banana-shaped lump of clay now i'm sure there's at least one or two of you that are looking at this and wondering why is he making a bunch of fruit well to answer that we need to take a trip back in time to the year 2021 when a young and impressionable adam was watching a video by the ineffable jack jack who was busy making the creepiest hamburger on youtube so i thought to myself i too would like to make some food however i'm not really a burger guy but i do love to sample some of nature's finest natural candies so i said to the voices in my head no no no no i don't have time to set any fires today because i'm going to be busy making fruit otherwise at this point i've got my banana body built up and baked once to keep the shape in place so that i can handle it without worrying about deforming it while i add the ever important banana peels which i have curled up and hung down to really give my banana a sense of movement and action then it's just a case of adding the different textures of the inner peel using an irl banana as both a reference and a reward for a job well done finally i'm left with a single surprisingly convincing looking banana peel texture that can be easily flicked onto the other sections then i can set the banana bottom aside and get started on the top half i'll start with another block of clay that i can cut down to the appropriate size and then roll out to fit the top of my banana before carefully quartering it so i have four equal banana tentacles then i'll squish and squeeze and prod and poke each of these banana tentacles until they're adequately grabby before sticking them onto a couple of lengths of wire that i pressed into my banana base finally once i've blended them into the rest of the banana i can get to work adding the texture i want the interior tentacles to be appropriately tentacley so i'm gonna make them look kind of like four wavy textured tongues while keeping the outside of the banana looking as close to a normal banana as possible which kinda means it looks like a tongue too then once i've added the terrifying little mouth at the center i can start poking equidistant holes in each of the tentacles before slowly adding all the tiny banana teeth otherwise with my teeth in place the banana is basically finished and it's time to get started on the next fruit same as with a banana i'll start by giving my apple a skeleton then covering set skeleton in a thick layer of gray clay skin and it's just case of building up the shape of my apple by adding clay around the top and creating a gentle and flow rider approved taper towards the bottom i'll create the stem receptacle on the top and then split the bottom into four equal parts before cutting a big hole in the middle for my eventual apple mouth now once i baked my apple in the oven i realized the mouth was too small so i marked out a better size and carefully carved away the excess clay i'll fill in the back of the mouth to cover up the exposed aluminium and build up some great big botox lips now i was trying to figure out what kind of mouth an apple would have and at first i considered giving it ridiculously big humanoid teeth but i also kind of wondered what it would look like if the symbiote had bonded with an apple so i went with a collection of extra long extra spiky teeth of course it wouldn't be a symbiote apple without an adequate number of stringy cheek details so i've rolled out a bunch of wormy dealies and stuck them to the sides blending them into both the top and the bottom to try and help make the mouth fit a little bit better i'll add a couple skin folds and ripples to the top and the bottom of the head before adding some creases and cracks to the lips otherwise i'll make sure that the skin of the mouth blends smoothly into the rest of the apple before setting it aside and getting to work on the tongue i figured at this point if i'm gonna go with the symbiote styling for the apple then i may as well go all in and give it a big gross sloppy symbiote tongue so i rolled a big ball of clay into a long pointy wormy dealie then flattened it out on top rolled some texture into the surface and drawn a line down the middle then i can start adding finer and finer detail until i'm ready to stick it into my apple's mouth now it's worth pointing out that i cured the clay beforehand to facilitate pressing it into the mouth without deforming it then i'll add a little bit of clay underneath so that i can make that tiny strip of skin that connects the tongue to the mouth finally i made a teeny tiny stem to stick into the top of the apple and it's all but finished and it's time to make some strawberries [Music] same as before i've made a set of tiny aluminium skeletons then wrapped them in a layer of clay ready for the next step except i didn't plan ahead when i did all that so these little clay straws are not the same as these little clay straws on the surface they're nearly identical but i made the mistake of giving my strawberries a skeleton before realizing that strawberries are invertebrates and don't have skeletons so for scientific accuracy i had to remake them fortunately however because these are boneless berries i can easily jam a stylus down the center to create the massive full body mouth that is a staple of this species i suppose my banana is a demi gorgon and my apple is a venom symbiote then these berries probably most closely resemble the sarlacc externally however they're nearly indistinguishable from your everyday run-of-the-mill strawberries so i'll use the sharp end of a tiny clay shaper to poke lots of little seed holes that i can fill in later finally with one berry beast finished i simply need to repeat the process a few more times [Music] after that i'm left with five similar but not quite right strawberries ready for their green tentacle tops to give my sarlacc berries their leaves i'll roll out a bunch of randomly sized wormy deals then stick them in place around the edge of the mouth hole before blending them together adding some tentacley textures and then bending them into an appropriately tentacley position ready for baking finally with the sarlacc berries cooking the oven i can add the final piece of my fruit bowl some delightful grapes i'll start by making a little chunk of clay rolling it into a ball then well that's that's kind of it i guess just add this to the pile and it's into the oven of course if i don't want my grapes to dry out then i'm probably gonna need to add some eyelids there you go one perfectly sane totally reasonable grape that's also an eyeball all i need to do is repeat this process 20 more times and i've got myself a vine of deliciously ripe grapes to add to the fruit bowl which means it's finally time to give these fruit a bit of color i'll start by priming everything with a healthy white primer to make my life a little easier when i start to add the lighter colors and once it's had ample time to dry i'll start by painting all the fleshy parts generally when it comes to painting fleshy parts of a monster's mouth i like to follow the more is more rule i'll start by laying out a base coat of lighter pinks then work my way through a series of darker and lighter highlights alternating between reds terracottas pinks and purples until it looks adequately unsettling the trick here is just to keep going and if it ends up looking really awful just re-prime it and delete the footage so no one ever knows you're just making it up as you go along oh and use really thin paints as well with the fleshy bits finished i can get started on the main body of the fruit starting with a yellow base coat for the banana with a much lighter nearly white but still yellow yellow for the interior parts of the peel and the exposed section of the tentacles i'll tickle the tip of the banana with a bit of green while the airbrush is out before moving on to adding the detail by hand the top of the tip gets a dark brown covering then i'll use one of my smaller ball styluses to haphazardly poke a cornucopia of brown dots and bruising all willy-nilly around the body of the banana as banana gorgeous each their markings become more pronounced until they become nearly entirely brown with age usually at this point they're too old to defend themselves and wind up in the stomach of their natural predator the banana loaf beast otherwise i'll give all the teeth a quick once over the white base coat before staining them with the sepia wash then moving on to the apple now i would really have rather painted the apple red because i'm all about that pink lady life but i figured i had enough red colors in this fruit bowl so for the sake of aesthetics i guess this man-eating horrifying monster apple is going to be based on a granny smith unlike granny though these teeth are all still in place in need of a quick once-over much like the banana gorgon but because of the size i'll go a few steps further starting with the white then the sepia then another white glaze over the tips to give it a nice clean gradient finally because this thing is predominantly tongue i need to add some slobber enter fabritac the glue i never use is a glue this stuff is a glue meant for fabrics and soft materials but i mostly just use it as a goopy slobbery slime i hate the apple's tongue why because it's got saliva on it now i'll give the sarlacc berries a quick base coat of red followed by a couple spurts of dark red with the airbrush to give it a bit of surface variation followed by a quick blast of high gloss varnish then i'll base coat the back sides of the tantalus with a dark green with light green highlights before very carefully painting each of the teeth inside now originally i wanted to make each of the seeds out of colored clay then glue them in place but i gave up on that idea because i don't hate myself so instead a bit of paint and heavy medium should suffice now for my many eyed grapevine i wanted to try to get that sort of purpley red and slightly dusty white look so i'm going to lay down a base coat of purpley red then use a sponge to dab it away before following it up with a slightly lighter red shade and finally a very light dusting of that dusty white top coat now i've touched up the white of the eyeball then i'll use the tip of a sponge so i can mark out a nearly perfect circle for the iris and once that's dried i can start painting on the colors and adding all the details now i've got about 20 of these eyes to paint so i made sure to make them all slightly different with different color combinations before coming back through and adding some of those exhausted red veins and finally giving everything a shiny resin top coat otherwise the only thing left to do is put all my fruit in a bowl and we're on to the glamour shots [Music] [Music] [Music] as always a big old thank you to the wonderful patrons who continue to provide me with real food while i'm busy making ridiculous fake food and of course i'd like to thank the newest of these patrons jacob wilson marvin vercamp sheila owen b-man714 harry papp gene splicer krisheva mclaughlin dr popular brooklyn ami and zia iron shrike andy hey karis chloe whiting dane learguard nervous narwhal stephen jackson frank nordstrom skizzo chorizo spiniest donkey zero jeremy hood phil s preston kitty krillix darwick ryan wicker aaron olson joshua haskett wacky wallflower lucas haskins joanna balducci madison nice la roll mike smith trips upstairs miracle drivel and bunny you are the inexplicably yellow crunchy bananas that provide the nutrition for this channel if you'd like to help out then make sure you wash your fruit before you eat them and if they start to scream then don't even worry about it otherwise we'll uh see you next time cheers
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 442,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made the most cursed bowl of fruit ever, monster fruit, possessed fruit, how to sculpt fruit, how to sculpt banana, strawberry, grapes, how to paint eyes, polymer clay tutorial, cosclay, stranger things, demogorgon, symbiote, sarlacc, jackjack creator, north of the border, cursed, fruit bowl, how to make a delicious fruit salad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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