I made a T-Rex and gave it flamethrowers

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hey folks my name is adam and i like to make tiny nerdy things and yesterday this channel turned two years old so i said to the channel hey channel what do you want for your birthday and it said a dinosaur well that seems easy but with flamethrowers okay [Music] now in my experience birthdays only tend to come around once a year or so so who am i to tell the channel it can't have a dinosaur with flamethrowers of course that means i need to make a dinosaur and i figured who better than a t-rex cosplaying as a dragon fortunately i found a pretty great side profile of a t-rex onto internets that i printed out and used as a scale so that i can build a semi-accurate armature now i say semi-accurate because i don't usually follow directions so good and most the time i end up tweaking and messing with proportions so much that the original size and design kind of gets lost by the end at this point though i like to think that the oversized heads and misproportion bodies tend to give each sculpture that undeniable north of the border jank all that aside though i need to run some wire for the eventual flame throwers and i'm going to use this stuff here this is silicone wrapped cable that's heat resistant up to 200 degrees celsius which is perfect since the clay i use cures at 135 degrees which leaves me with a healthy 65 degree buffer i'll run the wire up both feet and out through the t-rex's back so that i can run it to the arms externally later finally before i start adding the clay i want dave to have one leg up in a truly powerful pose so i've lifted the leg up and i'll fill the space with some aluminium foil so that i can make a rock for him to stand on later otherwise the armature is finished and it's time to start adding the clay i'm going to make the first layer using cosplay since it's nice and sticky so it adheres well to both the aluminium armature and the subsequent super sculpey layers and it's nice and flexible once baked so it works out well as a subdermal dinosaur layer now you may be asking if this stuff is so fancy then why don't you just make the entire sculpture out of cosplay and that's easy i don't have enough i ran out and forgot to order more so i've only got enough for a thin layer with a little left over for the details later i should however have just enough to cover the armature in a nice thin layer before applying another layer of super sculpey over top i also propped up dave's spinal antenna because it was flopping around too much and i covered it in little painters tape because i kept stabbing myself on the exposed wire otherwise once i've covered the entire bunny in the first few layers of clay i can start bulking out the relevant sections as with everything i like to start with the large broad strokes before i work my way to the finer and finer detail i have a tendency to swing my big dumb hands around while i'm sculpting so if i spend a lot of time finessing the details of one section before moving on to larger bulking afterwards i will inevitably smoosh all that detail and end up crying on the floor in a fetal position wondering why i'm the way that i am that's why you'll often see me moving around the body all willy-nilly adding the ribs then moving up and working on the shape of the head before moving on to something else before eventually coming back around and adding all the detail so if you find yourself screaming at the screen telling me to focus on one point because you don't know what the hell i'm doing then i'll let you in on a little secret i also have no idea what i'm doing but i somehow usually find that i feel my way into something kinda neat by the end after all it took michelangelo 15 tries before he finally painted the 16th chapel eventually though i've got the majority of the blocking done and i can start to add the finer detail now with a model like this i like to start with the head and work my way down since it's pretty wobbly on its little poorly supported single armature legs and i like to be able to grab the body while i work on the head at this point i've added the eyes and poked a couple breathing holes in the front and i can start to make this geriatric dinosaur look a little less gummy and a little more ferocious by finally adding some teeth i'll start by poking some holes in his gums which will ensure my teeth are properly lined up now the teeth i made off camera by rolling some tiny blobs of clay into two shaped shapes then curing them in the oven so that i can haphazardly jam them all up into dave's gums [Music] to make his tongue i rolled out a ball of clay and then elongated the end drawn a line down the center then added some texture along the surface before giving it a quick bake and jamming it into his mouth then i could start adding his copious veins and skin folds these all start out as long wormy dealies that get attached kind of wherever i feel like now i also love a wrinkly neck t-rex so i'll make sure to layer up a series of wormy dealies running down dave's spine i'll gently blend all these together but leave it somewhat wavy so that i can come back with a sharp edge of a tool and then add some shallow surface gouges to make the wrinkles noticeable but not quite so overbearing then i can move on to the rest of the body adding wrinkles around the legs the tail and wherever else dave's body would naturally develop wrinkles as a result of movement otherwise the detail is done and has time to start adding the texture i'll start by building up the scaly sections around dave's eyes nose and mouth before getting to work on the slow and painful process of poking on individual scales to do that i'll use this little stabby tool here the problem though is that it leaves me with ugly sharp edges and a flat top to fix that i'll wrap the clay in a little cling film before i poke it which makes the edges a lot softer and rounds the top of the clay leaving me with a much better looking scale [Music] and it's just a case of rapping dave and cling film and repeatedly stabbing his face [Music] then i can peel off the cling film and admire his beautiful beautiful scale of course we're not done yet because i still need to add the little extra bumps and surface details that i'm pretty sure are called t-rex pimples if there are any paleontologists watching then let me know in the comments if i'm right now the rest of dave's body is more similar to the texture on the back of your hand and is made up of a bunch of perpendicular lines cut into the skin i do however want to add a bit of the same scaly texture underneath however you're having a laugh if you think i'm going to add each individual scale so instead i've made myself a little negative roller which will allow me to add the rest of his scales in a fraction of the time [Music] wow then i can wrap the rest of his body in cling film and get to work adding those aforementioned back of the hand textures now let's get this out of the way yes i know the science points towards the t-rex having feathers but feathers are a serious fire hazard so dave shed them in favor of a much more safety conscious surface finally before dave goes in for his first full body bake i want to add his feet so i'll build up the heel with a bit of clay and add three girthy wormy dealies for toes before adding matching smaller wormy deals to blend it into the rest of the leg this all gets blended into itself shaped up then textured before poking big honking holes in the tips so that i can jam a set of extra large talons in place or claws or whatever they're called now dave's only got teeny tiny t-rex arms but he's going to be supporting a fair amount of weight when it comes time to make the flames and the throwers so we want to make sure that his bones are extra strong double wound armature wire i'm also going to bend them into a somewhat non-accurate position because i want to mount the flamethrowers to the sides of his arms and i want to make sure that they're pointing out at appropriately awesome angles to maximize the sheer epicness of what's to come now the flame throwers are fairly uninteresting since the throwers themselves will be greatly overshadowed by the flames to that end i took a little length of dowel and drilled a hole into the end of it then i can mount the flames later then i added little handles with a t-rex size trigger then added a few odds and ends to make it look a little less flat then i can stick this onto dave's arm knob and wrap his fingers around the trigger now i figured he doesn't have thumbs so he can't really hold the flamethrower which means he needs some way to strap them onto his arms so why not just make some straps [Music] to mount the canisters and to better incorporate the wire into the final design i figured i'd just give dave a little backpack i've separated the wires so they run off to either side then i'll build up a little square blob of clay over the top of his dorsal exit hole then a big round dowel will let me shape the surface to allow for the future canisters and a couple tiny rings run over the wire and into the backpack will help the wires look a little more natural then i can add some straps to the backpack so it won't slide off dave's back and i've made some clasps out of small wire bent into a u-shape then i can run an extra long flat worm of clay from one side to the other then i'll do the same thing to the other side and that's the sculpting finished which means it's time to turn my tyrannosaurus into an albinosaurus and with that i can start adding some color i'm going to be doing most of the painting with heavily thinned down inks to highlight all the grooves and scales his belly and underside will get a coat of khaki wash well this top side gets a dark grayish brown wash i'm going to move back and forth between the two colors until i'm happy with the shading while trying to keep the transition between the two colors as smooth as possible i'll dry brush the coat with a lighter shade to highlight all the edges than get to work on the mouth which will get a series of pinks reds and purples then his teeth will get a once-over with a white to bring back the base coat to give them a bit of color i'll paint the teeth with a darker brown for wiping away the majority of it with a q-tip leaving me with a really nice gradient then his eyes will get a yellow to white gradient followed by a single spooky black dot in the middle i started painting as canister holster brown before deciding that it should be made of metal so i switched mid paint job to a gunmetal gray i also painted the flamethrowers with the same color before deciding that it was too close to his skin color so i repainted them all with a lighter silver then all the various straps and belts will get painted with a brown base coat and i also decided that i didn't like the tips the flamethrowers so i remade them i'll add some lighter brown highlights to all the straps then dry brush them with an even lighter shade before adding a black dry brush to the flame throwers so they look a little bit sootier finally i'll paint his toes black then get to work on the canisters these are pretty straightforward i'll start with a big ball of clay roll it flat then cut it in half round out the top and then add a couple of straps to attach it to the holster then a little ball of clay pressed and smoothed onto the top will act as the nozzle then it's into the oven for a bake and once it's cooled down i can paint the entire thing red with brown straps to give a little detail i've made a tiny template so that i can paint a little middle square on the front above which i'll make a tiny flame symbol so you know what's in the canisters then i can add some tiny indecipherable squiggles onto the plate before adding some scratches to the bottom of the canister before repeating this entire process so i have two canisters to glue in place on dave's back now before i add the flames i need a base i'm going to make the base out of foam since the mdf bases that i usually use are a bit too small for dave's long-legged lunge i'm gonna mark out where the wires will fit through by pressing dave into place then i'll cut out a second layer that's the same size as the top a bead of glue around the edge will stick the two pieces together and i'll use a scalpel to cut the center out of the bottom piece so that i have a cavity to hide the battery packs and the wiring now i've kind of goofed on myself by making the stone davis standing on already so i'm kind of limited in what i can do with the base and have it match however i figured rocks are never out of style so i'm going to make this look rocky in the best way i know how by smashing it with a rock a coat of mod podge mixed with gesso will prime the phone give me a nice white base to work on and once that's dried i can stick dave in place and make sure the wires are accessible through the bottom a half a stick of hot glue should hold dave in place and i can fill in some of the gaps between the rocks and the base with some more white hole filler and then once that whole filler has been given ample time to dry i can start to paint my rocks through a series of grays browns and black washes [Music] [Music] and once it had dried i went back over it all with progressively lighter dry brushes until i was just tickling the edges with a final white highlight which means the base is done and it's time to make some fire i'm gonna make my fire using some of these cheapest chips string lights they're a bit duller than i'd hoped but given that they're the only thing i have they'll have to do now i snip the battery pack off so that i can wire the lights the silicone wires then i attach them back underneath the base i'm double wrapping the connection points so that i can glue them onto the flamethrower in the hopes that it will look kind of like it's a part of the scenery and the wire connecting to the lights is just small enough that it kind of looks like an extra piece of the gun to mount the lights i'll stick a length of wire down into the hole that i drilled way back when i made the flame throws in the first place then i will wrap the wire with a little aluminium to hopefully increase the reflection of the lights then i can wrap the string light all the way around trying to keep it so that some of the lights are on all the sides finally i'll wrap the aluminium string light monstrosity and cotton and hold it in place with a thin piece of wire by tufting up the cotton i can add a little bit more detail to the flames and i can hide the wire underneath now the white flames are pretty cool but to give it a bit more fiery color i'm gonna crack out the airbrush and work my way through some yellows oranges and reds until the puffs of snow look like gouts of fire finally i'll give it a light dusting of black just on the tips to add a little bit of that charry black fire smoke i guess then all that's left to do is paint the wiring red and give it a black wash to dirty it up a little bit then i can gloss his mouth and our tyrannosaurus rex is now a pyrosaurus rex which means we are all done and onto the glamour shots so as dave spins in the background spewing forth flames i'd like to take a minute and thank my wonderful patrons that have helped to keep me caffeinated and fed since the inception of this channel with a very special shout out to my newest patrons alan lorne art ninja josh mccouch ash weenie premarital lex paige raccoon pope stego dandy banana jenzilla florian kent lynn fergie sassica fox arc warp rose capone robert marl shia j tim one tree bridge mark morgan sean nelson audio hacked stein andreas osland willow borkster and francis todd you are the tiny but powerful prehistoric arms that allow this channel to spew forth the flamethrowers of creation and thank you beautiful viewer for continuing to watch this channel and allowing me to make tiny nerdy things for near on two years or if you're new here then hey hang around a while who knows what you'll see otherwise we'll uh see you next time cheers
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 651,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made a T Rex and gave it flamethrowers. Because why not?, T-rex sculpture, tyrannosaurus rex, dinosaur, dinosaur sculpture, dinosaur model, dinosaur diorama, miniature dinosaur, jurassic world, jurassic park, flamethrower, flames, how to make fire, how to make a flamethrower, diorama fire, miniature fire, polymer clay, clay sculpture, clay tutorial, north of the border
Id: lXdcEpn8f8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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