I put a zombie octopus in a bathtub

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hi folks my name is Adam and I like to make tiny nerdy things and it's bath time now making a bathtub out of clay is a decidedly more tasking task than I had anticipated since getting a good bathtub shape is a bit of a ball ache getting the clay to keep the initial shape can be damn near impossible without a mold so I'm gonna make one using foam or I guess it would be called a form since I think a mold is something you put stuff inside well a form is something you use to form stuff around I think I don't actually know and I can't be bothered to look it up since I'd rather just use whatever terminology feels right in a moment since I don't think you should let syntax prevent you from using whatever word you want for instance I don't think syntax is the right word there either but it's a great word and I don't think it gets used enough regardless at this point I've built a pretty wonky looking foam form for my bathtub of course I can't put the foam in the oven while the clay cures since that would significantly increase my chances of getting lung cancer so I'm gonna use some of the sculpting mesh to help the clay keep its shape while it's baking once I've got it formed around my form I can cut the excess away then finally get to the clay bit I'm gonna use super Sculpey for the tub since it's extra firm once it's been baked and it's really easy to sand which should give me a nice smooth finish all I need to do then is smoosh it flat and start forming it around the mesh form that's formed from the foam form this is the first layer of the tub so I'm not concerned about it being smooth as I'm going to be adding more layers as I go and this is really just the first attempt at getting a sort of tub-like lump of clay the foam can then get removed and I'm ready for the initial curing now that I've got a nice hard shell I can start to add the external layers by building up the overlapping thin sheets of clay until I've got both the inside and the outside of the tub covered I'm going to be a bit more focused on removing any big lumps or seams at this point since any extra time spent smoothing the clay while it's soft will help reduce the amount of time I need to spend sanding later eventually though I will get bored of doing this and I figured future Adam can deal with today Adam's laziness then it's into the oven to bake and I'm left with a lovely albeit a lumpy bathtub ready for some sanding foreign just a touch of sanding I've got a smooth enough tub in need of a curved lip I'll make this by wrapping an extra long wormy dealy around the rim and smoothing it into the rest of the tub before pinching and pressing it down to create the rounded top lip this then gets a quick sanding to smooth it out and with that I've now got a pretty perfect little cast iron but actually clay bathtub which means it's time to make Terry now Terry is something of a recurring character on this channel since he really encapsulates the values I think this channel has been built on he's got an oversized head that doesn't really fit his body he's a weird amalgamation of two things that shouldn't be but somehow he's both unsettling and lovable at the same time and of course being an octo skull he's got eight big tentacally arms which once you get right down to it are really just over engineered wormy dealies now if you're new to the channel and you don't know who Terry is Terry is an octo skull who first appeared over a year ago as the lonely Denizen of a swimming pool and that was one that was really it so when I say recurring I mean like once before anyways is Terry is a skull but also an octopus the obvious starting point would be making a skull which I've made to be a mostly accurate human skull since I know that octopus have skulls do octopus have skulls it has no skeletal structure but does possess a skull see I knew that I knew that already but having never seen one I can only assume it would be the same as mine so then once the Clay's been baked I can start to cut the cranial sutures into the skull which will be the final detail since Starry doesn't have teeth or a bottom jaw instead he's just got a bunch of wormy limbs these wormy limbs start out as little balls of clay that get rolled into tapered noodles that get surface textured via nitrile gloves nitrile gloves are a favorite of mine since the grippy tips and parda are barely there but definitely still there a dotted surface texture to whatever they touch and helps to make an otherwise unnaturally smooth surface look a little bit more real Terry's wormy limbs get a smaller set of wormy dealies attached to the sides to create a more tentacy look then I'll run my bowl stylus back and forth across the top to give the tentacles a bit more pronounced texture now I know that an octopus's limbs are called arms but like I said at the start of the video I like to use terminology that's more fun and tentacle is a lot more fun than arm so I'm gonna keep calling them that otherwise a couple different tools will add some more texture and the top side is finished so I can flip the tentacle over and start to add some simple texture to the underside before adding lots of little balls that then get poked in the center to create a plethora of suckers and with that Terry's tentacles finished which means I just need to do that seven more times otherwise with my octuplets finished I can start to stick them to Terry's skull there's no real trick with this as long as the first one lines up nicely with his nose hole I can just stick the rest in place then blend them into the skull so I'm left with a nice wobbly limbed octo skull ready for his bath once I've popped Terry into his tub I can gently reposition the limbs so they're a bit more Dynamic however I don't want to press the soft clay into the cured clay too much since I want to be able to remove him to paint afterwards otherwise once I've got the position I'm looking for it's into the oven for a final bake to lock Terry and his tentacles in place since I was plenty gentle pressing his limbs into position it's easy enough to remove Terry from the tub so that I can set him aside and add the claw feet to my clawfoot tub I didn't want to add these earlier since they'd be too soft and weak while baking and with Terry's weight inside the tub they definitely break during the bake now that I'm done with everything else though it's safe to add the feet give it a final bake then pop Terry back into his tub so I can add a nice white primer to both Terry and his beloved clawfoot tub as for painting the tub is already a nice porcelain white so all it needs is some serious weathering which I'll do by applying a heavy coat of rust pigment using a sponge we'll start with a darker brown rust and give the majority of the tub a spongy once over then come back with a lighter coppery looking rust to add a bit of color variation before tickling the entire bathtub body with a dusting of Dusty rushed colored pigment powders [Music] the feet will get a silver cop coat and while silver doesn't rust it does tarnish which I'll do by applying a heavy black wash over top finally since I'll be filling my tub with resin and there's a lot of dry pigment powder on the surface I'll give the tub a coat of low gloss varnish to seal and protect the surface with that the tub is finished so I can get started on Terry now Terry skills a bit too white so I'll tone that down with some thick bone white washes to add some wonky discoloration before painting all his tentacles with a dark purple base coat [Music] side an initial pale flesh tone base coat followed by a very thin pink wash over top before highlighting each of the suckers with a simple light White Once over back to the tops of the tentacles I'll give them a series of progressively lighter purples and pinks until I've got a slightly ragged blend from the darker outer tones to the lighter Center tone which is nearly white a bit of sponge work with some lighter bone whites and whites will clean up Terry's skull while I wait for the tentacles to fully dry once they're done I can top coat them with a dark purple glaze to bring back all the textures and details foreign I wanted to give Terry some ominous eyeballs so I'll squish some purple clay into the eye sockets and roll my stylus around a bit before popping some pre-baked black balls into the center the clay won't cure but unless I start stabbing his eyes with the toothpick they should be fine last but not least a little UV resin to make them shiny and gross and I can do a quick dry fit to make sure everything is looking good and since I'm pretty happy with this I can take Terry back out and get to making my bath water thank you Terry's bath water is made out of a simple two-part epoxy resin that I'll mix up in tint blue before deciding it ought to be dirty water so I'll add some brown then pour this into the tub [Music] now with a tub full of water and no visible leaks I can fit Terry into the nasty water fill tub and give it 48 hours to cure once it's fully cured I'll use a bit of UV resin on the top to add some simple Ripples and that's Terry and his tub finished which means it's time to make a dilapidated bathroom I want my floor to be made of wooden boards but I need something to attach them to that won't be noticeable so I'll start by painting this piece of MDF black the floorboards themselves will be made up a bunch of tongue depressors however the tip surrounded so I'll need to flick them flat I can apply a whole bunch of glue to my base until it's fully covered so I can start to lay my flooring down I'd also like to point out that I didn't measure this at all and it's through sheer coincidence that this leftover MDF sheet is exactly 12 tongue depressors wide once the glue is dried I can flip the board over so that I can trim the overhang to length before applying a darker brown wash to bring out the grain before then deciding that a proper bathroom wouldn't have a stained floor it would have a painted floor instead so I'll repaint it with a thick coat of black paint I'm also not going to thin my paint at all since I want it to sit on top and I don't want it to leach into the wood as I'm gonna sand a fair amount of it away to give me a nice worn well-used look finally to help blend the lighter shade of the exposed wood underneath I'll give it a couple coats of brownish grayish wash then set it aside to dry while I get started on the walls my original plan was to make tiled walls out of foam but I figured there's enough talented people making tiled bathroom dioramas so maybe it's time to try something a bit different these are some leftover pieces of an Ikea shelf that I smashed into little pieces and with a bit more smashing I can make myself some tiny nerdy wall studs wow now while my studs are appropriately wonky they're a bit oddly sized so I'll trim the ends until I've got a uniform length then I can take my wonky but equally long studs and start to assemble my wall [Music] now instead of tiled walls I thought maybe I could make them plaster and have them all smashed up and if I'm going to be making a plaster wall then I kind of need to make the laugh underneath so the plaster has something to hold on to I'll make the laugh out of the ever useful stir sticks which I'll then glue lengthwise across the wall focusing mostly on the bottom since that'll be where they're most visible through the cracks however I'm going to make sure to add some to the top as well to help keep the plaster flat and then once the glue is dried I can then snip the overhangs off then the whole thing gets a heavy coating of dirty Brown wash to make it look like a gross aged wall that's been hiding in a dilapidated abandoned building for years well then follow this up with a cheap and cheerful beige dry brush to add some color variation then I can repeat these steps to make another wall and to make my plaster walls I'm gonna use plaster it'll be damn near impossible to get the actual plaster onto these walls without it being a total nightmare so I've made a couple frames that are the exact same size as my walls I can then pour the watery plaster into the frames and leave it to cure once it's dry all I need to do is pop the plaster out of the frame now plaster doesn't adhere to foam very well so if you're careful and you take your time you should be able to remove the walls without too many cracks even if they do get cracked though it doesn't really matter since I'm gonna be breaking the walls anyways once I've removed my plaster from the frame and assembled my puzzle pieces I need to attach the walls to the studs to do this I've mixed up some mod podge and hole filler which makes a sticky white plaster-like glue that will help the two pieces adhere for the First wall I applied it onto the wood before realizing it's a hell of a lot easier just to smear it onto the plaster and press the wall into place but also leaves some pretty terrific squeeze through that looks plenty authentic if I were ever to do this again though I think the best thing to do would be to press the wooden wall into the still wet plaster while it's in the frame something something hindsight's 2020. my first thought was to paint the walls purple before realizing Terry is purple so instead I'll give them a coat of kinda gross old-timey green and while the paint is mostly cured but still slightly damp I'll try and rub it off so it makes it look like the paint has peeled and flaked off some kind of masking solution would have been perfect but I don't have any so this will have to do using some heavier sculpting tools I'll encourage the plaster to break and fall away then I can scrape the remaining plaster off the wood with some sharper chisels any of the larger pieces that have fallen off accidentally can be reattached using a little PVA glue then I can start to do the same thing to the other wall I knew I wanted the last to be showing through on the bottom so it cut away a big section of the plaster to expose the wood underneath then it's just a case of smacking and rubbing and attacking what's left till my walls look extra well used we'll then cut away a strip on the bottom of both walls so that the bottom can sit flush with a wooden flooring as well as a strip on the side of the smaller wall which will allow me to more easily glue the two walls together [Music] the floor can then be glued into place and I can start weathering using this spray bottle filled with Muddy Brown wash I'll get both the walls and the Flora Goods soaking then using a cotton bud I'll drag the dirty wash downwards to create some streak marks and remove any of the buildup around the overhangs I save some little chunks of broken painted plaster which I can scatter around the floor then hold in place with some thinned out PVA glue and while the glue is drying I can get to work making the rod for the curtain to make the metal shower rod I'll take a length of Armature wire cut it roughly the right size then spin it in my drill to make it nice and straight using a mug I can give the wire a nice clean 90 degree Bend which will fit perfectly in my bathroom all I need to do then is drill a couple holes and I can slide the rod in place and get started making my shower curtain this is a sheet of cling film that I often use to cover my sculptures while I poke texture into it so it's already kinda oily and gross I want to see if I can paint it white though so I'm gonna tape it to a big piece of cardstock and use my airbrush to apply a very thin layer of primer over the top hopefully the primer adheres to the plastic while remaining at least somewhat translucent also maybe painting a clear plastic white on white background was a poor choice my initial touch tests seem to be positive so I can cut the sheet to the right size [Music] once it's removed from the tape it's still super pliable and none of the primer is flaking off and honestly this is even better than I could have ever hoped for to attach my curtain to the rod though I need to make some of those little curtain hook things which I'll make by wrapping a length of thin gauge Armature wire around a little dowel and pressing it tight then by cutting them straight along the length I can make myself a bunch of itty bitty metal rings back to the curtain I'll lay it flat then using a ruler to Mark out equidistant spots I can knock out a bunch of tiny circles then all I need to do is pry my little rings apart fit them onto the curtain holes and press them back together repeat this until all the holes are done and I've got a lovely little white curtain ready to be hung [Music] I've made the wall anchors and the shower head off camera but they're really just a bunch of circles on circles with holes poked into them that get glued together and attached to another length of wire then bent into shape then they get painted with a shiny Chrome top coat and I can fit them into place a curtains a bit too shiny and new so I'll take my scissors to them to rip and tear them to shreds then I can use my spray bottle of dirty Brown wash to stain and gross them up real good finally those shiny metal bits need a bit of Aging as well so I'll use that same rust from the bathtub to give the shower head and curtain rod some Rust and ruin too then I can fit Terry and his tub in place pull the curtain to give him some privacy and well that's us done here and onto the Glamor Shots thank you foreign [Music] as always just a big old thank you to my delightful patrons and a special shout out to my newest patrons Matilda Castro real Miss pizuzu TJ Tommy Solomon's Catherine ball Leia Elizabeth 89 NATO sikaru leads Lucas G Charlie Mourinho pancake J.A Aaron father runaway Milky Way Mike Borg Woodcock pocket Dewey bikzuk Oliver witsgard Aldi Paolo Girl Scout cookie and Alexander and Grayson you are the rusty bathtub that contains the tentacled monstrosity that is this channel according to my YouTube data 99.9 percent of you are already subscribed and only one of you isn't so damn it Dave stop being such a turd otherwise we'll end see you next time cheers [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 527,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I put a zombie octopus in a bathtub, zombie, zombie animal, zombie octopus, octopus sculpture, clay sculpture, clay bathtub, clawfoot tub, how to make an antique clawfoot tub from scratch, north of the border, monster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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