This Was A STRONG Start! - Farthest Frontier ep1

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hey what's going on everyone welcome to the channel if you're new around here and welcome back everyone else now new game farthest Frontier we're gonna give this a go I've been playing with a little bit offline actually and it is fantastic I'm not gonna lie I've only played a few hours so we're gonna keep everything as it is here we are calling ourselves bow nation and we're gonna go in idylic Valley so we're gonna keep it nice and easy to start because I'm a bit of a bot we'll keep it on Trailblazer and we'll keep it medium here and we will get straight into it life can be harsh everywhere but in the old world there was no hope of it ever improving when our crops failed the ruling class would still collect the same share leaving our children to staff and if we had any kind to our name the taxman would appear demanding it for the crowd the Nobles hid behind the safety of their walls and did nothing when Raiders pillaged the outskirts of the city thank you and so some of us decided that it was time to leave we'd rather take our chances in the wilderness seeking the promise of a new land the starve to death in our homeland Journey wasn't easy we lost many along the way Wild on settled land offers us the hope of a new start as the masters of our own destiny well I really like the intro though it is beautiful right [Music] all right we are in and ready to pick our spot here so we finished counting the surrounding area you need to survey the land and pick a spot for our Town Hall so we are gonna have a good look around for somewhere firstly near water and other stuff uh we got veggies over there yeah I'm looking for anything that's going to make resources a little bit easier there we've got a tiny bit of water over here there's clay deposits there which will come in handy from what I've played as I say I've only played three hours ish I'd say oh here here we go now we are talking yeah about three-ish hours so I know the basics enough to carry on a few years in game and it was going all right um so I thought yeah I really enjoy the game and I want to make it something for the channel so oh we have animals there too um let's get ourselves I think there's the other views isn't there see desirability there is the water and fertility is the other one which is a big one this I'm gonna look for some kind of greenish area where Farmland would be great it looks like over here it's pretty good yeah this might be a decent spot I got some clay there the only thing I haven't seen is like iron and stuff hold on the mushrooms there but we can find that anyway there's a bit of mountain region here oh there we go we can get uh iron and stuff over there it looks like so yes this is a really really good spot let's go with right here and let's get cracking all right as I was saying though I am going to take my time with this because I want to make sure everything is as it needs to be for me so I'm going to go back to the normal view here but I want to make sure I do okay you know so tips are welcome by the way with open arms as I learn the game but we are going to get straight into harvesting some stuff here I'm going to clear off a little bit of a an area I think if we just start here and then we'll start with building um we won't do the houses yet obviously because we need to get our town hall up and running so we'll let them do that let's uh keep it on 1X and we'll go from there and we'll look at a kind of power thing here I'm probably going to get a path straight away down to the water and we'll let them build it as well it looks like we're pretty good here for food we've got a little bit really close by and yeah that that mountain bit is going to come in handy that was over there as well we just need to remember that so we start with the 12 villagers and uh we need oh yeah fire I know I know I know I know I know housing shortage of firewood perfect well when the town hall is done I know we can't see a lot there but we will go through it we'll let them do their thing let's just go 2x a little bit whilst they chop some trees Cami Craig Mr Craig hello sir and I can't see the rest yet who are you it's over Let's go people Arena yeah it's cool that each character obviously have these little things here but um we are gonna once this is done we will get our first play houses up and I know this has this whole desirability um thing to the housing as well so I will try and take my time and make sure my town is going to be fairly efficient oh God we not what we want right now who's got injured eh Lila good job look ourselves out of carcass though once we get our Hunter's cabin we should be able to build on that let's go up again let's get this cleared out nice and quick and I'm not deselecting any of this because I do actually want to just clear off the surrounding area real quick um yeah that's H by the way if you need to drag those across and this is our storage we do have a little bit of smoked meat some root vegetables a couple of weapons keep us safe for now and uh we should be good on this they they will start building as soon as it's clear all right town hall is up there we go hello Town Hall they should go ahead and do a little bit of this um road now but I want this area completely cleaned and we will get our housing and stuff down maybe a little bit further down but we'll work straight on food stuff so let's start with a little bit of a fishing shack so fishing Gonna Keep it down by the water and I'll probably put it right here if I'm honest and this gives us a little bit because we've got a shoulder fish there so that's even more that we can grab and we'll obviously start smoking those as soon as we can and we'll move the roads here let's keep them all natural it has this cool ability to not do straight lines and even the buildings are wonky and stuff it's very cool I think it's very cool anyway let's get a little bit of firewood here I'm just going to slow it down a second and we'll look at the uh the firewood splitter so when it comes to this stuff here I'm going to build some more roads out actually so I know just a little bit of a basic setup you need to be careful because where we put the houses we also need to determine this other stuff so firewood splitter I don't want this near the housing stuff in this area if I remember correctly was going to be the farmland that right F Yep this is the Farmland bit here so houses I don't mind being by that but the wood splitter I think we'll stick that out for now let's get this over here let's do I mean that's pretty good right we got a little wood splitter down and we'll get that going as soon as possible as we need to make sure we've got the firewood for winter time because yes they will die if you don't sort them out and then we'll get ourselves a well as well uh water is obviously great down here but we want it relatively I think it's good for the houses and stuff isn't it so if we go like here it's really random place but it might make sense it was about 70 wasn't it so another Predator though um he's trying to kill our Fisher what you're doing run who is that he'll win like a uh an Elvis oh God didn't mean to do that run away don't let it kill you she's gonna die nearly lost one already HP seven percent you're all right well that was quick he's not doing well is it oh God great start all right but yeah anyway let's get back to it we got a little bit there so we need to decide where we're going to put our housing first little housing estate because we need to house these guys to make them happy don't we so I think before we do that we will get our Stockyard up and the stockyard is that the right one or am I making the wrong one here I think that was the right one let's do houses right housing but I'm I'm thinking we go kinda don't mind them being by the um we're going to go in blocks of two and then leave a little bit of a gap like so I think so we're gonna have these blocks here we're gonna get a little bit of a road going up to these guys I think that's pretty cool and that all cater for I think it's four per house so four that gives us room for four more guys when they come as well and we're doing okay on food so we've got nine months of food that takes us through winter I believe and it's saying we're gonna lose three so we do need to work on getting the storage done but it is all about kind of getting everything sorted as you need it isn't it I don't think this affects desirability the stockyard we kind of want to keep it near everything so they're not having to move too far I know I'm aware we have a housing shortage but sir speed it up a tiny bit though we're about to finish the third house here they're pretty damn quick when they get going and I Fall to a house here which is looking good there's a lot of uh mostly women it looks like Lady of the forest all right firewood we've got Arena working on firewood in here I could get a second one but I think we'll be all right with just one person ticking over for now um because we've got a couple of months until we should be fine I think they do get stocked up with some as well yeah you see five firewood in there five in there so they are able to uh carry on at least anyway uh what have we got here so I'm gonna deselect these and just grab the berries from this bit not deselect the berries there we go so if you deselect them a lonely harvest the one thing I'm sure you know that already if you haven't played there you go all right let's speed up a little bit more here let them get a couple of bits done and I'm going to work on fourth house is being done that's fine and then we can start so once you get your certain buildings up you then can unlock new stuff we don't have tier two obviously but you see how um not the fences there's this uh section here I think so you see how I need a Stockyard to then do a saw pit and I think you get the all right we've done the basic work and we're doing a the storehouse we're definitely not doing because you need the stockyard so once with this Stockyard is done we can do Storehouse we can do a couple of things here that's going to unlock other buildings here so it looks like Tannery Cobbler Shop um in all fairness we could oh my God okay more people are waiting to join your settlement a mass a four-month supply of food and six houses so just two more houses will allow us to bring more people in um we're building one now which is fine we are gonna slow down on those and I am actually going to go ahead and get a little Hunter Shack out oh that road been built kind of hard to see I don't think it matters it's more the distance they've got to run is there anywhere near where Hunters can go that we're seeing here don't think there is just yet so let's get a little bit you can do this to uh Scout across so if you set like a a point over here they will look it looks like there is deer in this bit here so if we get a hunter's Hunter's Shack here let's go a little bit we'll be all right just going like so yeah let's get a little Hunter Shack there and we've just had one new villager welcome to the Colony Rona I hope you're all well but if you are existing by the way guys I just want to say massive thank you for helping me get over that 1K subscriber Mark it's been absolutely insane honestly I have applied for partner already I'm very excited to hear back if I haven't already by the time of this video going live that's all thanks to you so I do massively massively appreciate you and obviously if you are new consider hitting that sub button if you like survival and simulationy kind of games all right so we've got one Hunter Shack here so we can start collecting a little bit of this for when we get the market and stuff up I'm a little bit slow off the mark on doing things but I will get back into it it's just it is a lot to take in when you haven't played it yet um and I think our next to be honest I think now this is built actually so what we'll do is we will select a new section here and you see where that doll was we're going to go select this area for hunting over on this section here and then we will work on a few of the other stuff so our Storehouse is now finished here and one of the big things now is this little uh Root Cellar so our food will not go bad as quick The Root Cellar is actually going to be next to our town hall right here and that should allow our food to be stored better and then once that is done we will start working on did you look over that way did okay we've got oh hello we got a sand pit over here that's pretty pretty good we're going to need that eventually for our Farms now the Farms take a long time to build so I will hold off for them right at the beginning we'll work off just berries and things like that but I do think we're going to get one more house put down um actually nowhere not we're not going to do the house we are gonna go straight to this um oh hello Village stricken with rabies lovely I think they got rabies from this uh from whatever it just attacked them lovely oh God okay I think you need to die I spread rabies about we haven't got anything to help them there from honest either so yep you're dead you are dead right we've unlocked the saw pit but I'm not gonna get ahead of myself here well there is still another Predator that's dead dead can you kill someone by the way scratch from an effect on rabies means rage affects the brain cause an aggression hallucinations eventually paralysis it cannot be cured and it's almost always fatal hide hide coats can protect villagers from bites reduce the chance of Contracting a disease so that's my first time getting rabies in this game to be honest um yeah I don't know if we can like I mean murder her Exile her I don't know she's gonna die is she gonna die all right food stocks are low though so we are now gonna look toward a bit of a forager's shack here and I think we'll keep it in this General maybe in this general area my housing is going to go towards that so that's put one of those down we're gonna hope yeah that's the food shoots back up once the fish and that come in don't they so we're looking pretty good I think they'll see us through winter as we are going through that first phase right now we'll keep on 3x just as they do that and we will start selecting a couple more trees going this way I think I kind of want to clear this whole area as we work towards a Farmland over here and we are going to need to build a graveyard for Little Miss rabies over here and there we are one deceased villager right there oh the rabies here I'm sorry you died quick um that does mean we need to get some kind of graveyard so let's put do we want our graveyard down by the docks no uh uh I don't know I don't want it out the way if I'm honest I do want it away from everything so you'll be over here just a small one to start with and we'll get a little road going up to our graveyard R.I.P whatever her face is what was her name this episode is dedicated to Gia thank you for your service there we go once that's built they will move her over yeah I know I'm aware Village succumbed to illness I was looking through some of these um tabs here so you can hit Center there this thing's pretty cool so you can manage or see what kind of people you've got going on we've got Builders and laborers based on the guys in our camp uh resources here this one is really useful especially the I noticed the food um spoilage because you can see items are 25 or less on how many are actually going to spoil kind of thing it's got very cool um depth and usability is quite easy based on a lot of the factors in this game I feel which is quite nice it looks like they are just clearing the trees there for that that looks nice roads look fantastic in the snow don't they had Villages left out to rock will attract Vermin and disease designate area to be used as graveyards bury the dead and keep villagers happy and healthy yeah I'm well aware I lost a few on my first plane through oh all right we're collecting a little bit of stone here though we are going to need that soon anyway um they're clearing it to make the path here which I didn't think of actually and they're almost done over here just another tree but that is year number two check us out and we got three new villagers welcome aboard guys welcome aboard at ayton leric and elmina imagine trying to keep every name intact man I'd be pretty crazy all right so some of the requirements to upgrade the Town Center by the way which is one of the first things we need to do to get our healing house is eight shelters one market and 30 population the market you need to swap it anyway and we do need that Storehouse if we're gonna do anything here so I think if we just get down a nice little Storehouse right there and we'll save this kind of area here for our Market the houses look pretty cool don't they nice little housing estate I think wood wise and stuff we are okay to build them so I want to get a little bit of a population increase where I can um I don't want to go too close but we'll go something like that two more there I'll let those build maybe we'll do two at a time we'll see what kind of growth we get from that but we are going to lose all of our food if we don't get a Smokehouse up actually let's do that because a lot of ours is meat isn't it so Smokehouse reduces desirability you see where it goes red there so we kind of want to keep it away I'm thinking a little bit over here and then we'll get a little bit of a road going this way as well we'll extend it a little bit that way and then that should be good we'll get that Smokehouse up and just while they're doing that I'm going to take a little bit of a look around got lots of nuts here bird's nests you get eggs from those might send this up here a little bit we'll get someone to go explore up there and see if there's anything pretty sure if you hold shift you can set multiple which I think is pretty cool so we'll do that we'll clear out a little bit of way yeah we've got around there and that sand was a great find though see if we can find any more hunting grounds then maybe over here as well just a little bit we'll start clearing it out my first playthrough I was playing on a small map um and just just kind of feeling for it it was still pretty big to be honest so yeah I'm guessing there's a lot you can do uh maybe we'll go a little bit further a little bit further go check over there see if we can find any more I know we had a look around the map anyway but all right houses are up though we have some more in there that once this one's finished looks like they've got to move that rock and I do think we need to get on top of this we can make some really early gold based on when Traders come um if we do actually just clear out some of these zones thinking if we just get rid of that as well have a good housing estate here if you didn't know you can decorate to make them more desirable as well so um well that's why we want to leave a little bit of a gap so the houses do get more desirable I think more desirability is more tax from the markets and things like that and more likely to bring in the villagers there is three new right there hello straight to the chopping luthark and Mara nice but yeah at this point then what typically would you what do you do with it because obviously we're building the storehouse here aren't we we've got that so we can move on to our next one which was we've got the Tannery and the saw pit here but we wanted that Smokehouse finished which has finished which is perfect so good stuff what I'm going to do is deselect the food here um so they always put the food underground here now I don't know if they prioritize that anyway but that's my thinking I think that's a smart choice everything else can stay there for now um graveyard is built to nice and nice and quiet over there beautiful all right so let's look at so I'm just gonna quickly click through what do we need for that we need the saw pit don't we so we need to go down the route of one saw pit this does ruin desirability as well so I might make housing farming over here is my plan and we'll go backward a little bit can I fit the road going around here so let's go something like this that doesn't need to be accurate kind of want it to join that'll do for now and what we'll do is get our saw pit right up here um let's go oh my God six people have arrived at your village they plan to emigrate will you accept them into your village or turn them away accept them holy crap we're on 24 already um okay we're gonna slow maybe um we yeah it's getting a bit quick for me the good thing is they can help us chop down these trees right let's start clearing off some of this area then a bustling Market would help generate gold and attract new settlers to our growing town market stocks housing in general generic gold based on the number of houses in the work area so yeah I know this one so there is a amenities and service we need to Market once the sore pit is done you can put a market around here and then you can start earning gold from these guys and the market transfers food to the houses is very cool um and I hear things about this is basically the more a deeper version of banished I never really played that back in the day I think it's like eight years old now that game isn't it yeah let me know if it is because that might be something that I can um take a look at as well I hear it was always a pretty fun game I had on my wish list funny enough when it first released on Steam and never did actually buy it I think some other big games come out of the time as you do are we doing here guys who have we got I've got all this easy work of those trees these women it is literally an old woman town right now I know Luther we got good old Luther there we're fine all right has the saw house has been completed and we're gonna take it easy on the planks for now we may up the builders there but we are going to get our first Market put down we do need planks for that so we will get it placed though as you can see this increases the home desirability right and it because if we get all this in in stock I think there might be we put it there uh I kind of want it to be where our housing is going to be I think if we go housing downward maybe maybe there we can get a little bit more use out the houses then as well let's go there for now invalid build placement let's go there for now and what that means is we will actually start earning some gold let's speed that up and there they go they're clearing it out again good job guys Graphics are really nice on this game when you zoom into I love the blur effect when you're scrolling through very very cool as our fissure where are you mate nowhere to be seen like a pretty good spot though anyway doesn't it we could probably extend that a little bit more yeah 25 250 fishing productivity here I'm hoping they smell smoke up a lot of fish looks like they are putting them in there and is this filling up oh we're getting some food in here which is nice too The Root Cellar obviously stops your food from going bad as quick and this just needs 26 plants but we have a lot of wood and we're almost going into the next winter flying we're flying I do want to plan out what I want to do next I think I might get another house down um we are in a position where we can do so let's do this I don't wanna yeah and we can go another one there this can be a little bit of a garden space I think and that is in range of the market too which is perfect and the same goes for this row down here the salmon requires additional housing to support larger population it's almost like I read your mind and that house is up so we can support four more villagers where does that put us on here [Music] that puts us a one shelter away so I think actually then let's get one more for the sake of getting one more and I think we'll stick it right here I'm not putting them all perfect I think it adds to adds to the fun of like a medieval Village right check this out though see how I was saying like the the buildings are wonky and stuff look at that okay impending blizzard we have enough firewood to accommodate we should be all right we're fine so they'll all run off to their houses now because they'll be uh they'll be a little bit worried about that and that's fine proteins look at our production to consume so we're producing more than we're consuming right now on food as well it looks like we got a new villager that was born I'm not quite inside yet because the blizzard isn't upon us what we got here food lost the spoilage 142 berries well we don't have to worry about that during the winter so as you see they Sprint off to their houses here and they will all wait it out they're all just running to get some fire without they come yeah just quickly grabbing some firewood and run back home there we go we are through that little Blizzard at least anyway so we can start affecting something better I just want this finished they're about to how are we doing look at these little lights on the house very cool isn't it like the attention to detail on the buildings is actually so good for an early access game I am intrigued as to what they will do in the game as well I guess add new buildings new new new maps new items things like that but there we go we do have a market now and what that does mean is we will be producing some gold stocks are now low though going back up again we're all right I think we're just ahead of it anyway um but what this essentially does I believe is they will then carry is there a guy that works there yeah so we got Rina the lady working there unable to work apparently is it because it's cold why is she unable to work but yeah she would normally run stuff to the houses all little uh cool little Hamlet e kind of thing we got going on there though you need to get inside it's pretty cold who we got here illawin R Fisher all right we got them chopping anyway we're cleared off on that bit so what we've got left to clear over here got a nice little build area we can now do in this section here haven't we we have our houses all we need now is 50 planks and five more population we have the accommodation to to fit them we just need them to actually come and we also have good six months of food so we are okay at the moment I'm tempted to start looking at The Farms real soon but the tier 2 stuff is insane so the Trading Post the school the rat catcher they all help a lot and healer's house obviously helps massively under the wagon shot and there's one for basket I believe we can do and Windmill and things like that you can actually make baskets right Work Camp initially Harvest wooden Stone labor is assigned to the chemical deposit materials at the Work Camp where a wagon can collect it so we will once we've got our wagon shop be doing a Work Camp but we are in year three with new villagers emigrating so we've got one villager born Moon villager emigrated so we are three away from our goal right here are we doing food wise that is the question we're doing all right what have we got here no arrows in the hunter so missing ranged ammunition well is there any in our wagon still we still have some in our wagon why don't you drive here I think we can get that to move over and you see now we've just got ourselves I'm clicking the wrong thing we've got our yearly tax move this over here yearly tax collected and we do actually have our first bit of gold here and that is all because of this Market but you'll see if we can catch um on one here we go so she is a laborer and she's running back and forth on a lot of this stuff she'll go from there to the houses and stuff does she live there yeah she does it's pretty cool I think when you've unlocked the wagons and baskets and stuff they can carry stuff around as well I think the idea is they bring this closer here for locking up these might help because I think a lot of our stuff is still on it which it is I think a lot of our stuff is is basically waiting for freeze to be chopped down now as we have finished some of these here we can start looking at what we have next so we have a Tannery which we are killing stuff so it might be worth doing we have a cobbler shop to make some shoes let's Fletcher building so that makes Bose bow and arrows we have a basket shop but I haven't seen any of that required items yet in a compost yard we will need compost looks like this building does not have access to clean water build a well nearby all right so let's let's do what it's saying then let's get ourselves a little bit of a well there it is what we'll do is we will get a well up wow looks like pretty good over here pretty sure it's only those out of range though 68 we'll go there because it's going to be near our Farms too I think we'll speed up a little bit to 2X and we'll start looking at the other stuff all right guys I do think that is a great position to end this first episode though so I do hope you have enjoyed this game with me so far and if you have please do make it known so I can know whether you even want to watch it with me um but yeah as always I do appreciate you smash the thumbs up and if you are new around here please consider subbing to the channel as always guys take it easy and I will catch you in the next video
Channel: TheOnlyL0nzY
Views: 27,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier gameplay, farthest frontier lets play, farthest frontier game, farthest frontier guide, farthes frontier, simulation building games, gaming channel, sim builder, colony sim, colony survival sim, farthest frontier tips tricks, farthest frontier how to
Id: dP8GkbJH6Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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