I Made Custom Torture Maps in Intruder.

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hello Jan hello hello I got him I've got 800 more bananas look at this oh my God it is about time we got to play this game this is Intruder and it's one of my favorite games to play in a large group it's pretty simple two teams face off the guards who are inside the building protecting a briefcase or some such while The Intruders break in and try to steal it either they grab the briefcase and make a run for it or one team kills everyone on the other and while the shooting in the stealth are good what makes this game is just how goofy it is it's got proximity chat so you can yell at each other through walls hey man what's up hey novel how you doing I miss my job your character has balance and can fall over and die from slipping on a handrail and most importantly for us Intruder was made in unity and has a map workshop and if you've ever seen my content before then you'll already know that boy oh boy do I know how to use Unity so that's what we're doing today I have made four custom maps for Intruder and they're all really awful in special ways I've also assembled many many friends and even more patrons who filled a whole eight versus eight server just to maximize the chaos so what are these maps that I've made and why are they so torturous well let's go in order starting with vent City vent city is simply two rooms with one connecting hallway this hallway is locked to open it you need to find the pass key which is hidden inside the Crouch maze it's in there somewhere on a piece of paper on the floor next to 10 other random numbers all of the other ways that you could go from the spawn room involve as you might have guessed crawling through event many of these events simply results in a dead end like a room or a little hole that you can't escape there's a vent filled with endless locked doors a vent that just goes up and around and takes you back to where you started the guards get their own private pool but if you fall in you literally can't get out again oh have I mentioned the rounds last the whole 10 minutes yet so you know if the last person alive is stuck in a hole somewhere oh boy you better bet that we're gonna be waiting that whole 10 minutes of these four Maps I'd say vent city is probably the worst to play I think calling it frustrating would be a bit of an understatement the second map is of course hit video game Among Us you'd probably guess that I just remade the skeld in unity but no this map is called this because it's an imposter foreign I stole this map idea from a Halo Reach custom game called morbius which we have played exactly one time way back when morbius was a vaguely funny joke all morbius is is an open bridge between two spawn rooms which you can simply shoot directly into it genuinely sucks it's terrible to play hit video game Among Us is also a bridge between two spawn rooms just you know try not to fall off it is a very long way down the third map is simply called spooktia since I was trying to hide what it was from the other players it's actually just the maze from Hit world famous torture game Crypt which I imported directly into Intruder I have left some other surprises in there but for the most part that one is fairly straightforward the final map is my personal favorite banana Tower you see as mentioned earlier Intruder has a balance system where if you slip on a beam or something you simply fall off and might die the game takes advantage of this by including things like banana peels which you can you know place down and then people slip on them and fall and break their necks it's very comical all good fun so what if I say for example took away all of your guns so you couldn't shoot at each other and then made you race across a maze of tight beams hundreds of meters in the air where if you know if you fall off you're not coming back and the only ways to stop people are either to melee them use one of the two Hand Grenades that I provided or the massive bag of 1 000 banana peels that each and every player gets you can probably guess how that one goes all of these maps by the way are available on the Steam Workshop so if you want to try them for yourself go ahead and check out the description but I think that's all you need to know meaning it's time to get to the video but before I do I want to thank today's sponsor that's right it's worth Thunder baby let's go War Thunder is the biggest vehicle combat game ever made with over 2 000 tanks planes helicopters and ships from the last hundred years all duking it out in Dynamic combined arms PVP each vehicle is built and modeled right down to the nuts and bolts meaning you can actually get that immersive experience of blowing up someone's ammo wreck that Dynamic damage model is easily my favorite part of the game there's no big health bar are your tank and crew will limp along for as long as they can despite any big damage so go get War Thunder for your PC your Xbox x and S your PS5 and the previous generation and use my link in the description to get a large free Bonus Pack which comes with multiple premium Vehicles a premium account boosters and other great goodies thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video and let's Jump Right In by the way for the warm-up map we're going to be playing train Heist just once yes yes all right so I uh yeah okay I'll tell you the names of the maps because you'll see them in the vote however I heard uh I heard Jan gave you a a bit Jan did they the idea the idea evolved a bit Jan from what you originally pitched however it is a very interesting that one more than any other I think is the most interesting because the loadout is very different yeah are you recording already yeah I just wanna I just wanna apologize for that map for that idea I'm so sorry so in order the first one I made is called Vent city um [Applause] the second one is called spooktia which is very unspecific um no no it's not but it's so uh I can't be if I like gave it a specific name you would then immediately know what the point of the map is so I'm not saying and then this hit video game Among Us oh my gosh and then the last one's called banana Tower well yeah but mine's not gonna be it'll be called something specific though yeah and it will probably have a bad password that's not what T3 our usual password by the way if anybody ever wants it's gonna be obviously what's the password the password is torture in all lower case how do you spell that wait how do you spell that torture in all caps right no I don't okay oh well any fellow dead people oh yeah there's someone I just saw someone get [ __ ] by the sign to go to Walmart in town the billboard claims he had another victim s my Advent City baby [Music] I love how it's Cisco hit video game video game I love oh I love hit videos I forgot about that [ __ ] oh yeah yeah you'll love vent City Event city is a really cool map you you'll only need to use the lock pick a few times what's the password uh torture two torture two how to spell torture what do you mean that's exactly the same I just put a two after everything what was the what was the game called it's exactly the same I just put it oh my God you can pick so many paths guys look at all these paths you can take is anyone still in this block you guys in the spawn room follow me follow me this is the way to go yeah you too you too yeah yeah gotta say torture 2 was an excellent password yeah no one has any idea no one has any idea we crashed welcome welcome to the Crouch maze welcome to the crutch maze don't you love a crutch maze I love a crutch maze are we having fun we're having fun right this is a play test of my new map the spice this is really great I hope we're going the right way guys don't you know do I what the [ __ ] happened to me here oh oh did you guys fall in the pool do you follow the pool where they always help us oh you trap are you trapped in the hallway that's so unfortunate that hallway that you're in uh it's a trap that you can't get out the only way out of there is if someone goes into the Crouch Maze and finds the thing like I killed I oh God you didn't follow me did you you three followed me it's two we're trapped in here okay okay is that is anyone outside of the the middle room still alive I'm trapped in the pool I'm trapped in the pool that's not helpful it's not helpful to the god area can I save you guys if you go into the crutch maze the crutch maze has the papers that let you know the thing before so I don't have to go to the cafe to try and find it did we win thanks to me chamber you should subscribe I'm going there I'm [ __ ] you guys I'm going the direct route I feel I went in there last time I opened like 90 doors I hate you so much and you know what else you can do it go on then go on then I'm doing it I'm doing it look I'm gone are you having fun yet dude how would you guys rate this map so far how would you rate this map this is great it sucks I'm kicking candy I'm gonna back up just in case there are people through there it's true [Music] here we go I gotta reload sorry one second [Music] uh there might it might be blocked now there's too many [ __ ] bodies in the vent wait wait wait wait wait yeah there's too many bodies in the back we can't I have an idea yeah can we use nades back up back up let's try nades all right I can't I can't go back any further I can't either I can't get up here we're trapped we're trapped in the bodies oh no no no this guy needs to move bastard how did you make this oh who are you where are you doing sucks to suck man it shouldn't have gone in the Maze I guess I've still trapped in the vent with all the doors I can't get out wait you banished I think you might be such we're not even playing the Among Us map wait what do you mean you can't get out there's so many [ __ ] dead bodies in here I can't get out no no I have no health I can't do that I'll die I'm just trapped oh [ __ ] can any of the remaining guards come to the vent and kill me oh I got through I got through I got through I'm through okay I have two HP I'm through I tried so hard I did so harsh look at this poor guy who's just stuck is he stuck in the Crouch base between two dead corpses that's so unfortunate this is this is not something I even considered being a problem actually oh he did it though he figured out how to go wait look at Chad look at Chad where is he Candy's just looking he's just trapped in the pool the pool is closed the pool is closed try the only reason around to not ended is because of Lucas yeah he's sitting still someone sent him a c message tell him he smells bad are any other Intruders alive oh look who's about to find out he's alone he says he's gonna take out the [ __ ] guards but he's going towards the trap hole follow him Mission Impossible he's gonna go down he's trapped he went in the trap hole that's so good he's in the middle wait we can just wait this out he's in the middle Hall please don't wait [ __ ] I didn't tell Ruth so he could wait hello I can't believe I literally told the guards where Lucas was this is this is not oh what is going there why did he go in there the other one fell in your [ __ ] prison Matt please I mean I guess I got what I wanted that was a full 10 minute round if nothing else happening let's go guys let's [ __ ] go here's two more ten minute rounds oh wait I wanted the code I want the code yeah I'm getting that impression oh my God it's crit oh my God I hate you Veil let's check out where is it what are you taking my swamp this was not I when I made this map events I really didn't experi expect this problem my ass is too fat can't shoot through it all right okay congratulations Mr Wales Wild Ride that's unfortunate you shouldn't have booked that season ticket foreign what are those three doing all the way over there yeah this is not a problem I uh noticed when I was making this map I'll be honest I only tested this with two people this is better this is a torture maps torture maps for Intruder isn't it fun I love torture I love torches run into the wall here just run into the wall just run into the wall oh my God oh my God oh my God [Laughter] that was a mercy killing that was a mercy I mean he got you out of there it's true he did he got you out of hell Master corpse Navigator okay okay oh baby kill me already well it's not even that bad come on it's just vents you're scared offense whoa whoa whoa do not open that door I have The Code by the way if we get to their room we can go what's the codeville what's the code tell me the code damn it what's up 166. well what's the code for the guard Thor oh oh the guard door wait figure finger sorry it's not it literally was 6166 it just opened it and it worked oh you're wrong I just opened it with that code novel there go extract go run what if I just don't huh oh I had it well that was something shaver oh new new hallways guys we have new hallways to explore anyone want to dip in the pool dip in the pool anybody dip in the pool what if we all go in the pool let's go all go in the pool everybody yeah personally I'm not a big fan of uh novels one of us had to stay out one of us had to stay out there we go hey can anyone let me out I'm trapped in the hole can anyone let me out what's the code here stick your head to the door yeah do that again oh it didn't work I think it's uh i c u p I keep sticking my head through the door Yeah well yeah do it again do it again do it again it was probably you were probably on a different fire mode get up boys none of them are grabbing the briefcase what are they doing of this thing the objective of this lying on the table come on one of you surely has to notice it what are they doing oh my God what's the gun no no look no no turn around turn around okay I'm currently in the enemy the man the vent oh he's got it no he's got it okay he's going okay okay around the land the round will end we're good oh yeah well chamber notices the question he's not looking what do you expect it's chamber oh it's intro to window what a great map right okay how would you rate this map is this map good right yeah I want to piss my pants all right let's go he doesn't know he doesn't know God doesn't need to see what's up excuse me what are you doing wait what do you mean I don't need to see wait what's going on what's going on oh I can't I can't see either just assuming you're God all right all right the YouTube stardom has got to see ahead I see it's a God complex what can I say hooray I hate this map this map sucks can we hurry up guys hurry up oh thank you soul is the the nor of uh tight boosies because that is World of Warcraft like um like uh you know like title of boosies it would be like we'll see Apprentice busy master yeah it ranks up as your level with the in the in the Boosie Arts goes up you know the Boosie Champion a Boosie I want to be a Boosie Paladin you become a Boosie man sir [Laughter] where are they none of them went in the maze God damn it two of them oh my God there's three of them in the [ __ ] shaft the mine shaft I warned you don't go in the hole and yet what are three I see three people this round in the [ __ ] hole hey what's up man has anyone else seen that hit internet historian video man in hole yeah oh my God literally I was thinking the same thing that's your problem what the [ __ ] bow is outside the map yeah I know I never realized they Gotta Throw it they gotta throw a nade in there and you'll die what are they doing hey that'll do it that'll do it right all right hey one more if okay guards win this round it ends if guards wins this Friday please I beg you guys I know how to win I know how to win give me the code we all rush through the door give me the code okay I'm going for the code I'm going for the code if I I will tell you if I die smile code is listen listen code is two two one zero two two one zero [ __ ] we found friends well we got the code at least right I come he was alive that is what we in the business call unlucky this is [ __ ] what are they all doing they're playing dead They're All Dead They're All Dead what do you mean you would never know oh I'm lucky oh he's not even dead though the fence oh they're dead in the [ __ ] hole again yeah they went back in the hole I think I don't know why it's literally at the moment it is up to darmen if darmen can 1v3 here nope one more rounds okay we have to win this round we have to win this round he has to win this round everybody kick a barrel everybody pick a barrel [Music] remember that they can only come from either the connect event or not oh Jan hello hello I got him all right if life could be a dream life could be a dream I love cars cars is my favorite movie from 2006. I'm blowing it why did you do that why not oh that is unfortunate oh he's free open the other door too open the other door open it I'm almost well that didn't go very well are the guards gonna lose again I feel like the guards are gonna lose again oh no no we might win this one Life is a Highway so one okay wait there's only one there's only one there's only one Intruder it's literally Teddy if we kill teddy the game ends and we kill teddy the game ends no teddies thought about in in the talk oh he's up there for [ __ ] sake I didn't see him at all no no that's not the hole that's the that's the one on the boxes this one just takes you up and around to the same room no no he's gonna go back Teddy needs to die please kill him please please let us out please let us play the fun Maps I want to play the fun Maps oh no novel's gonna die novel's gonna die they're gonna die yes oh I hate this so much for [ __ ] Daddy's just like the solid snaking just riding around she is the sneaky snitch he's the Sneaky Snake there he goes again he's going back yo what up what the [ __ ] is not oh please please please let's go guard win okay vote and then we leave vote and then we leave hit game video game yeah that's the worst one yeah the worst one okay we're playing the worst one we're free we're free we're [ __ ] free no more vent no more vet City yes and then torture 33 in large case we're starting on hit video game Among Us that was the map vote I I've watched so many Flash Gordon Clips I left my grabs early for this [ __ ] I'm sitting there watching [ __ ] Flash Gordon Clips oh wait I'm in oh okay I'm in this is a good man it says everyone remember hit Master Chief Collection game mode morbius what's the password oh yeah if you fall off it's really funny you should try that oh someone did oh it's a long way down hahaha did somebody just don't fall yeah link said it's a long way down as I watched him crumple all the way down it's a long way down no we're [ __ ] we didn't even get out of Spawn we didn't even leave spawn this round he's gone wait who else fell off someone else fell off yeah uh you fell off fell off what the [ __ ] is this it's morbius I love morbius there we go what the [ __ ] what are you guys doing over there grenade you're coming Beastie Boys [Music] hello are you kidding me you're kidding me ninja that's so sad I was so close to not falling off God damn people stop throwing grenade who can people stop throwing grenades no no no the gas is Dreadful oh the Cs gas yeah the one that reverses your invert inverts your input so good oh is it inverted yeah it's control swap grenade yeah all I know is Mikhail Jackson oh you got me you [ __ ] I gotta ready oh my God that's so good firing get it boys I just actually killed them oh Scotch scotch has gone sketch is gone oh my God boys go I'm throwing in a CS grenade control he's suffering from this yesterday that's why I got it Scotch my man oh my God oh I'm lucky banana Tower is definitely the best we're saving it for last though we're gonna go spook to you and then we'll do banana [Applause] it's so good it's so [ __ ] funny [Music] [Laughter] hey guys watch this [Music] guy's getting trolls songs I'm gonna wait I'm just gonna sit here and wait oh God [ __ ] damn it killed by my own team and then after we do banana Tire by the way this map sucks [Laughter] what do you mean this is normal this is this is normal I don't know what you're talking about by the way uh the round timer for this one is 20 minutes but it's only the maze it's only the maze there's no trolling is this bringing up dramatic memories for you likes I'm ready what the [ __ ] was that look there's something I swear I saw something over there in the doorway man what did you see [ __ ] being of some description oh my God what is this Beast [Laughter] what do you mean links it's scary right isn't it scary oh my spooky bed what should we be where's the spooky bean I don't know who where could he be there's two briefcases by the way there's two briefcases on this map I'll tell you now one of them is upstairs and one of them is on the middle floor that is unfortunate I'm just gonna go to where I know the guards are and kill them you hear that noise that's what the guards are you [ __ ] hear the uh Peter I have found a briefcase I found a free face in the hole in the wall now you just have to find the exit room I'm reloading comment guard it's our Intruder W I forgot what team I was on I'm gonna go I'm gonna go upstairs I'm gonna go say hi to Greg here you go around this corner oh it's great I couldn't get the model to work in Intruder itself but he's there you can walk into him all right let's get going come on enough Dilly dallying let's go turn in the briefcase and get our free round because we'll won't run into anyone I think oh left left this way left man aren't you glad I'm on this team and not the other one yeah wait wait this way as well turn right turn right turn right I hope they if they found the exit door by the way they'll just be sitting on it we do it we should have smokes we have defaults equipped oh the front the front oh all Intruders sound in if you're dead uh sound and we need to know [Applause] I'm alive but I'm lost it's I'm having flashbacks I've literally lost I walk into circles that's a shame I see the end [Music] oh there is novels on the [ __ ] wait no that's not novice ninja Hunter links is lost where the [ __ ] is links easy win easy can you say something ominous in the in-game chat like Greg has been released whoa yeah it's a [ __ ] teammate I could sell someone was in there [ __ ] virtual I'm really surprised but you didn't die I think room might though that's what happens when you hit the shoulder box please please oh my God how do we do what do you mean we have won two rounds we're winning right now it's entirely fair I don't know what you're talking about we're gonna go for the briefcase this random we'll go a different route where we don't all get killed immediately they're up there go around go around I'm smoking it yeah hold on wait for the smoke and let me go look at this this is like professional here go Smoke's up and then we need to turn right somehow and get into the big loop I don't remember how to do that though there's definitely a way is it this way no that's a dead end do we have to go that way is that the only connection no you made the map I don't remember it all looks the same why did I make all of it look the same you have to go up yeah yeah yeah no it's the same way Ponder on mistakes of the past well we have one part it's like a circular thing and there's a straight line to the uh to the door hold on I'm opening Unity real quick oh my God no I could go to the Crypt steam page and there's a some guy made a walk through he made a map of the whole thing who made the guy seller Phantom this is your shout out what the damn that's impressive by playing the [ __ ] greatest game of time right now no okay I made a mistake that one hallway is the only way we get in we actually have to push down the hallway like I'm up here I don't see anybody that's a fake I don't see anybody okay we're going right go right I still don't see [ __ ] they might all be in the spawn room by the way or the exit room yeah wait don't pick it don't pick it don't pick it get him still alive okay hi there where's lie there I guess yeah that's more or less what I thought you guys had done you'd set up in the in the room hey lose another one we lost another Brave Soldier what's with the fire clouds that's what the particles look like in the game oh but it has a Shader yeah so there's no Shader anymore because Intruder uses the default renderer so all the shading is gone also the lights I I did tell you this map sucked right I did say that it was horrible heavily favored well because it's uh I expected people to get lost in the Maze this is it this is the best chance we have right here it's just links Phil this map is turned into a [ __ ] Siege it has Rainbow Six Siege links needs to go before that smoke disappears he needs to go he needs to go now chamber oh he got one oh my God oh my God it's not over I thought you guys would be able to Camp the [ __ ] out of this but this is actually close chamber come on just obliterate him oh no you didn't but they have more Health oh oh come on holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God he's they're closing it ah baby game all right here we are here we are boys uh settling so they can see you you just can't see them oh is one of us at the end of the [ __ ] thing I didn't realize we're all the way down there that is why you use the selfie stuff all right should we split up in squads of two nah no we can just stay here because they have to come this way it's me to me sorry sorry I should know I should have said it's my bad I cleared it it's clear down here okay never mind that one was alive as it turns out yeah cause I has anyone been covering the the root out this whole time yeah I'm covering you know it is a bit fluffy that's the way I look oh what damn that's actually really well done I just have the wrong gun thank you wait switch to your SMG hold on that's good that's good no I think that's pretty good from a distance from a distance yeah you'd have to really be paying attention and you wouldn't be because they're just gonna unloaded to you yeah should I I'm gonna message novel and ask where's the last guy novel says they're upstairs by Greg well anyone want to Tab out watch Iron Man clips we've got a while here I I was watching a Flash Gordon actually yeah I'm just gonna need to text on my phone I think I need to I might play a bit of Clash of Clans whilst we wait let me stretch Scotch George I Surrender I Surrender sketch oh I already killed him no but I surrendered he's got to take me prisoner oh wait there's more of them said guys so this one person running around [ __ ] somewhere [Applause] [Laughter] it's upstairs I'm going radio silent I'm going on the hunt let's do this I shot him I shot him [ __ ] hey I'll just line up like little like uh Lucas yeah yeah let's make an app an absolute Firing Line and then pick spots just to stand in are we just are we just doing my strap but like 10 times yeah right here don't go in here Firing Line Firing Line return to formation they don't hate information I just threw I just just 100 meters front wait till you see the whites of their eyes I can't there's smoke hold on can I I need to look at what the line looks like it's like there's 20 of us here dates why are you throwing nades we don't even know if they're there back information who is that I want to kill him that's Teddy nowhere Marshall said he's not on our team Court martial him yeah [Music] there's a cam it was a camera it was a camera stop hold fire hold fire someone running towards us what I thought one ran through us sorry say information say information Hold the Line return to formation I also died oh my God the whole firing light three meters front wait did we kill that many of you ah we actually killed you what the [ __ ] is this people down to the [ __ ] basement now there's nothing in the basement there's your video title Napoleonic Warfare links border Ninja oh yeah the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no way ah there we go all right if Intruders lose this round immediately then uh we finally get to play Banana Tower hit Saudi Arabian City the line get back to the line foreign oh my God sad hooray we're done banana banana banana banana hit the banana pip F3 please I want to play a fun map fun map please that was fun I didn't have fun oh come on that was great I want to do that again like to simulate border crossing 2022. so everyone has 1 000 bananas everyone has 1 000 bananas in their inventory yes hey you have uh two grenades damn it I messed up the jump that time why why are you locking yourselves in there that isn't like yeah try and make that jump oh so unfortunate man [Laughter] here take this top [ __ ] oh I think I lost my bones oh yeah we didn't get anywhere near winning that time did we it's just Saul oh why are we finding ourselves in with bananas Teddy oh Souls made it Souls made it does anybody know how to start gonna go he did it he did the [ __ ] jump he did all right well the guards are dumb they didn't try to go to the end of the tower to stop him they were all just sitting there oh my God oh my goodness oh my God outplayed [ __ ] noise oh unlucky are you kidding me you're kidding me hey novel I missed my job [Music] chamber can't stand there if he gets him then he wins oh my God egg guard a guard folks trying to stop and charge it please well then don't walk on my bananas No Bananas yes oh since you're getting the off all the need [ __ ] you ah I did my part I'm doing my part chamber wait how do we lose oh no he's not dead oh Lucas is getting away though Lucas is the only one now why oh he doesn't know I gotta use your shove it just might as well as long as Lucas doesn't [ __ ] up he wins oh he [ __ ] up first jump first jump the first God damn job boys they're crashing the game do you think putting two a thousand bananas and everyone's inventory was a mistake I actually made a new game so [Laughter] you are not safe [Laughter] I keep hitting my head thank you [Music] come on oh my God they have a hundred right well they step on them that's right now that's the links one links has won the battle links is the new banana champion yes the Banana King he came in from behind he came in with the steel chair before please [Laughter] I'll be right back [Music] Teddy is getting bullied today like he is the victim here I've got 800 more bananas I've got eight 800 more bananas I'm going into battle I require only your slippery because like links can't get any closer so if Teddy can stand up back there then the battle's on again oh my God Teddy might be there's like a hole there he might be able to get out down the corner Kenny's going to win the game for us if he does this this is this is why I find it funny when people say oh I want to uh I wanna I wanna see the uncut versions of like the insane Monopoly videos we have to sit here for 10 whole minutes while these two do this also if you line up links properly you can see the image behind him on the tower and I think it works no way [Applause] [Laughter] I'm crying this one minute and he won absolutely oh my God he actually got up though okay okay we're going we're going it's happening oh God no gameplay gameplay gameplay gameplay two of them went we did none of us tried to stop them [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm dead that killed me unbelievable that's fine they wanna know Hank [ __ ] one of them went for the goddamn uh briefcase in time because the nades do damage it's about that oh there's one who's dead for sure oh chamber what oh chamber he beefed the grenade that implies the gods can get in there without slipping have you ever heard the story of Icarus he flew too close to the banana he's what's this Ted Teddy Wednesdays you guys should throw bananas no he's not seven yeah I need it he's not out there look what is steady gonna do she's hanging out I'm just hanging out oh my God he's a slippery bugger I'll get him go though he's going he's somehow going forward I forgot you could get rid of the bananas oh my God this I forgot you could get rid of the bananas he's getting closer look how fast you can do it as well [Applause] Ty breaker [ __ ] well that was a fun and Short Round hey guys I'll see you guys next round let's go oh he went prone Soul's going in Salt's going in he can just delete the bananas we can just delete the [ __ ] bananas don't play with that it's so much faster there's no need his his placement's weight is deletion so much faster oh he's gonna smoke it and keep doing it why is it dislodge them from their side yeah oh my God oh my God that's better oh my god oh Soul's going for it they could definitely make that now it's risky but they can definitely make that now this [ __ ] battle I swear they've got their bananas out so they'll definitely yeah they just need to inch a bit closer so that your duck can hit them with the bananas and then Sulkin no I've never I don't know foreign I love this map I love this map this map this one and that my friends was a full bout of intruder torture I would again like to thank War Thunder for sponsoring this video make sure to go get the game on the platform of your choice and remember to use my link in the description to get all those free goodies they've got an offer and of course massive thank you to all of my patrons for their support the next big video you see will be at long last the one that you and they have been waiting for and you know since I've got some extra time here why don't I read you a little excerpt from the upcoming veilfisk audiobook a phrase which I hope doesn't sound too ominous rules section 28.24 referring to the rules regarding escapees from local prison camps the prisoners stop moving when they reach a friendly unit or friendly major city or if they are recaptured escapees move in the truck Convoy phase noting that players may not escort prisoners into the deep desert and then remove their guards in order that the escapees will die of thirst before reaching safety it's a very short excerpt but it does give you a small hint as to what might be coming up but that's all thanks for watching guys and I'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 1,356,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valefisk, valefisk horror game, geoguessr, geoguessr tournament, hoi4, company of heroes, company of heroes 2, coh, horror game, indie horror game, monkey, thespiffingbrit, lynxhylix, star wars, lego star wars, elden ring, gaming, mega gaming, valefisk torture, valefisk torture game, valefisk crypt, valefisk video game, valefisk torture board game, monopoly, insane monopoly
Id: jdNd9oq3bG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 50sec (3410 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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