Get Gaslit, Loser

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I can't wait for the last one of the files in here to just be like a zip bomb the whole video is to splurge 400. you did it on this if you've ever played a cheap indie horror game released on Steam before then you may be familiar with this house this is HQ house residential it's a Unity asset that's currently available for the low low price of 70 US Dollars it's a pretty standard American Suburban home and while it is fully customizable it's usually pretty easy to spot thanks to its high use in asset flips if you've not heard the term asset flip before let me bring you up to speed game engines like unity and unreal have asset stores where game devs can buy assets to use in their games these can be models sounds animations or big chunks of code for doing various things now before I go any further I just want to make one thing clear stock assets are fantastic asset stores are amazing places filled with lots of incredible tools to either help devs get their prototypes off the ground or fill in gaps in their skill sets if you're not sure whether your new game is worth modeling a bunch of custom assets for and you just need to put something on the level that isn't cubes and capsules the asset store can step in and be your savior but of course by removing this barrier for entry it lets the scammers sneak in people who use both free and paid assets to duct tape together a game as fast as possible usually characterized by being incredibly buggy and just terrible but then it occurred to me how hard is it to actually make an asset flip I mean sure it's easy to import models and code but making them work as a game should still take some skill and effort right so today I'm making my own Unity asset flip and because this project is definitely going to set me back hundreds of dollars I'd like to thank today's sponsor that's right it's World of Tanks maybe World of Tanks is a free to play online tank combat Game featuring a truly massive pool of 800 tanks ranging from your normal light and heavy tanks to tank destroyers and artillery so no matter how you like to play there's some funky tank out there just waiting for you each vehicle is authentically modeled right down to the nuts and and as you earn experience in cash you can modify upgrade and customize your tank and then take it out for a spin in massive PVP battles in over 40 combat Arenas ranging from deserts to Open Fields forests and urban cities no matter whether you're new or a pro already you can join over a hundred million players for free right now new players can use the code tank Mania on the wargaming portal to get their hands on a massive bag of goodies including a tier V Excelsior tank 250 000 credits seven days of premium and three rental tanks good for 10 battles each the tiger 131 The Cromwell B and the t-3485m and thanks again to World of Tanks for sponsoring this video so we're gonna make ourselves an asset flip but before we do that here's how this video is going to work we'll start with a quick look at what exactly it is that I've done and then we'll move on to gaslighting people with it what links it's not real this is even the game right now after which we'll cap off with a shorter technical overview for the six people out there who care about that kind of thing now let's lay some ground rules for this little challenge first off this asset flip is going to be as authentic as possible this means that while the easiest option is to just buy a horror FPS pack on the asset store like this one you know the one that includes all of the features and functionality that I'd actually need for the game it just wouldn't be quite as janky as an authentic flip I'm not gonna get that true cheap and shitty feel if I don't replicate it myself this also means that I'll be doing as little coding as possible now unfortunately I did have to break this rule a bit when it came to the networking side but I'll get to that later also while this thing can and should be a bug ridden disaster it should still be playable and completable and lastly let's talk about the real Gaslight you see followers of this channel will likely know that this isn't the first time I've made a game that first game being Crypt crypt is a terrible game it was designed on purpose to be bad why is this one useless I don't get it not like an asset flip bad it's just designed to torture the player as much as possible now I've hinted at this before but there is a sequel to Crypt that will be coming at some point when it's ready both my friends and my patrons have known about this for some time so just because I think it's funny I'm going to call this asset flip Crypt 2 and I'll tell everyone that I'm ready to present them with the real crypto beta that means the shitty main menu for example will say Crypt 2 it'll have a fake version number and I'll be working my hardest to convince people this is real right up until we get into the actual game because you know I just love gaslighting people so with that out of the way let's talk about the game these days there's two main types of asset flip out there there's the classic flip which is derived from the same formula laid out by that one Slenderman game from way back when the one where you're dropped into an environment usually with a flashlight and have to collect various items in order to beat the game while the big scary monster chases you nowadays however we also have the new flip which is essentially just a clone of the last big indie horror hit phasmaphobia the kind where you go to a location and use various instruments to try and catch ghosts honestly I could do a whole video essay on these cheap indie horror games but that's for another day anyway while I could go in the direction of a phasmo clone I kinda want to make a classic flip so that's what we're gonna do first thing we're gonna need is a map now the funny thing to do would have just been to go back and buy HQ house residential but I decided that was going to be too small for this I was going to need a map that was much bigger there's a lot of stuff on the asset store that would have worked from sewers to dungeons to cities but I ended up settling on a full-sized model of an airport since it's ready to go and already has Collision built in and once I'd gone and grabbed a free nighttime Skybox and set up the lighting properly it was already looking pretty spooky next we needed a character controller which was as simple as taking this mini FPS controller and then the legendary man in suit game model and duct taping them together I also threw in some free animations off of miximo which really brought the whole thing together perfectly once I grabbed a flashlight and hooked everything up we had our character and our airport it was at this point I decided I wanted some fog so I went and shelled out another seventy dollars for some volumetric fog it looks pretty darn good and doubles is an easy Dynamic background for my air quotes placeholder main menu next we need some monsters I ended up deciding on two since I could then have one monster outside the terminal and one monster inside I ended up going with this mutant model for the inside and for the outside I ended up with a rat I then took some time to make them both um funny my balls roots but you'll see all that in more detail later as for the objective since we are in an airport I thought the obvious thing to do would be to have the players escape the map by fixing a plane so I made five items you'd need to fix it and Scattered them around the map it's all just the essential aircraft components the wheels and engine part fuel the in-flight meal and the pilot and finally I needed to do the networking this was obviously going to be the most difficult part since it meant I had to actually open all this code I had just pulled off of the asset store and make it all sync with the server but with a good 10 or 15 hours of time and enough finagling it was good to go and speaking of which so are we I gathered together a large group of my friends with the promise of some real high quality gaming just to clarify though when I did this one night I first Gaslight my friends and then we all went and did the same to my patrons this experience was an excellent reminder that it's actually a lot of fun to Gaslight in a Groove which is why when a few more of my friends who missed that first game wanted to play Crypt who we all smiled and said yeah sure you'll want to stick around for that last session since the gaslighting really reaches its peak there there's no way it's not real no these people are real but that's all you really need to know so without further Ado it's time to hop in the Discord call and begin you say 2 exists but if I feel like this is the map for it uh you're so right candy it's it's actually just a phasma phobia clone who cannot scan for viruses that is a shame that is a shame this is this is the culmination of months of of work and and labor hard labor very very hard labor definitely not just slow labor soft flavor flavor this was the one because I had one last bug with the uh proximity voice chat that I fixed yesterday prox chat oh no yeah there is there is proximity the real name on the file what that what horror the word horror game spelled wrong oh is that oh is that meant to be horror what's the name of the unity project is horror game yeah I'm not gonna tell you what G does if you if you hold down G you'll find out what what G does is it a fart button is it a fart oh why didn't I put a fart oh I should have put a fart button in why didn't I think about that proximity voice chat is transmit oh there is no push to talk it's always just on uh at all windows default mic it does it does make sure your windows default mic is your actual mic I forgot to say that it's a web webcam microphone how does it sound like it's not that bad actually and also you cannot have a different resolution than 16x9 um it does not work mobile phone you should you should have like three specific resolutions and one of them is mobile phone hell yeah and then it just adds massive black bars and I think makes a vertical display a one-to-one ratio is a square I want a one-to-one monitor the first result is an article that says my life hasn't been the same since I got this perfectly square look at this look at this can I interest you in some crypto gaming chamber um it depends on what uh how much are you gonna pay me uh same as everyone else everyone else is getting 2 million right no no 35 35 cents do you mind gets extra because there's multiple team odds so that's something just keep adding t-bots to the list it just increases infinite money glitch [Laughter] it doesn't matter actually you can you can literally keep that because it doesn't affect the game in any way yeah Emoji integration in your game congratulations babe wait I do or sorry laughing emoji laughing thank you thank you this is why Unity is just so good yeah this is why Unity is the best game engine because you it adds features you didn't know you'd had it for free I can't wait for the last one of the files in here to just be like a zip bomb on my piece you've just try it so yeah that's a bit it's a crypto Miner you mean where do you think those 35 cents are coming from simply a trade it's a trade shitty unity game I get crypto mining on your computer hell yeah I wonder if you hold on a moment uh crypto Miner Unity surely be able to ban stuff like that it's lunch oh you can I think you can actually put a crypto Miner into Unity okay give us a patch part way through this mess yeah sorry guys beta 1.17. yeah okay this I should not have done this my name is gonna be so up if I try to join the lobby do it do it do it we have to see what it is horror game there's more of us than there are spawn points we're over the I think I only put in seven spawn points so there's this PVP or PPE it's p PVE it's a horror game it's a multiplayer horror game it's Crypt two it is the spiritual successor to the original all right all right this is it I I'm gonna mute and I will see everybody on the other side I'm desperately hoping this will just work what's up hello what's the button what do you mean you gotta hold it down you gotta hold it down oh and look you could Sprint while doing it as well oh my God all right come this way boys we got we got places to be we're going also make sure to move diagonal you'll move way faster I hear people it's people hey guys yes oh oh someone's hit the button someone's hit the button why is there collision between players oh no apart that's so over already hello hello it's other there's other people you're outside hello hello yeah how do we get inside uh there's a door there's a door if you guys go to your right and around there's a door yeah that's not a person it's not are you sure yeah it's definitely hello oh oh well somebody just died okay there's a ghoulish man you look like he had no pants on you mean that foolish man down there at the end of the hall yeah that [Music] yeah if you hold G you do that you do the dance it's fun you can also do it while moving and sprinting us emergency people yeah so okay we need to go find the other parts follow me I know where they are oh Jesus Christ I don't know how far we're gonna get them in a bad way so fast somehow no and you do you respawn but we have a collective lives oh ERS that was an experience that was an experience how would you rate this experience a one out of ten skip why are the rats playing that song oh the rap oh you met the rat I love the rats yeah my little friend let's try again let's try we're gonna re-host we're gonna re-host we're gonna do one more yeah so I mean as as you might suspect uh this was in fact a Unity asset flip that I have made myself yeah yes nothing in this game is original it's all stitched together from pre-bought ass I spent hundreds I I called it out I knew it I knew it I knew it the first thing you said when you joined the chat was this was gonna be HQ house residential that was just kind of like uh well HQ airplane residential yeah I don't know maybe 15 hours total okay last week okay I actually don't know it might be longer than that to be honest because I have to do a lot of bug fixing spending unnecessary amounts of hours on a side project it's a video what do you mean it's just not working when you said you were gonna charge for this so that you could have things I thought to myself the moment I loaded in I wouldn't even pay for this and we have very low standards so we can't yeah we do we play those shitty Unity assets I just send a veil like really shitty like Unity asset flip horror games yeah we and then we play them and they're sometimes absolute gold yeah like somewhere in the darkness what was it called oh somewhere in the shadow that's my favorite I think I love that one found a screwdriver hey what was that normal what was that spooky yeah yeah it's spooky it's spooky but it honestly the level of of Jank is impressive when you also realize that I also didn't make the character controller uh I didn't make uh the I didn't make the AI the AI is entirely from this there's also there's a reason there's a reason I had to go and get a sponsor for this one because I spent a lot of money I'd like to thank World of Tanks for sponsoring what the is the point of use of Houston you can't even see the how much I'm gonna say it was a dance how much did that cost oh the dance is free the dance is actually free I didn't have to pay for that dance if I needed to kiss the rat I thought it would have attacked us by now and I'm gonna see if I can find where the rat the rat's gone so don't get too close and he won't do any harm you know [Music] my balls rude Brett where's the rat where did he go on top of the plane guys wait you got him how did you get on the plane how did you get up there I I boosted them I boosted them up so they could get on the plane no no turn the back turn it back I want to get on top of it you Gangnam style oh come on I could just hear the the people fiercely matching the spacebar come on how would you guys rate the volumetric fog it's a very high quality it's very flickering like uh flickering for you yeah that's one for it that sounds like a skill issue uh but I think I think it feels very authentic you know to the style of uh it feels authentically as it's like yes yeah it feels like an asset flip I think I accomplished like this yeah all right now we gotta go inside and get the meal yeah that's gonna be harder because Danny does cover a much larger area or a smaller area sorry I faster as well uh oh the rats here [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh he's coming back he's coming back he's coming back I don't want my balls she is red oh my gosh I'm stuck behind the oh that's a skill issue right there you're not getting on the plane with the rest of us let me collect it let's go wait were you missing one or do we just have to get to the plane video it's a high quality game I think this is a very authentic Unity app you should pay me to play it like that that was a waste of my time I could have been working oh no do you know why hold on where's um where is mutant Danny let me open mutant Danny because there's an anime I saw an animation in the animation set on the YouTube video and when I absolutely have to use him once I saw the animation hold on [Music] I summoned them oh no I'm very scared come play Crypt two come play Crypt too it's just it's just another crypto Miner don't mind me at least this one has an actual like I I should you know it has actual voice acting he went all out for it I did yeah oh my God it has proximity voice chat oh it is going off the screen that's a shame I recommend if you're not comfortable with it cover your webcams with like a piece of tape or something excuse me let's hold G to transmit data yeah you know how roller coasters can take like your photo with them already yeah you're all ready um printer connected to my computer when it takes a photo will it actually 3D print a version oh yeah I will yeah first this is the first AR horror game where it will 3D print the monster and it will come out after you hello oh there's two people in here with me okay what what the what the how the did that happen all right I'm remaking the lobby we'll try it again I have no idea what just happened there we go lounge two join Lounge two we'll try that again I have no idea what happened the kids will Belfast without there we go where am I now hello oh oh hey so hi oh there we go uh oh that doesn't sound good oh what the what oh what the what the is it I don't know what you're on about yeah it's working this is a functional Crypt too you know your tax dollars at work I know I know come with me to find the rest oh hello candy you want the rat we want the rat we gotta go find the rat he's out he's out roaming the Airfield somewhere oh well done everybody we need to find the rat stop all right let's not listen up we're gonna do a lounge three do not pick up the do not pick up any items do not do it there we go I'm in the baggage claim again Who you calling Mario oh oh it was worse than that I got I got killed by it don't touch it don't touch it it's too late it's already been touched we gotta find the rat he's out here somewhere oh he's here he's here I found him the he's kind of gaining on me it's the wrap [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's real voice acting he's killing all of you I don't touch the rat don't touch the rat s oh that is unfortunate that is unfortunate thank you for thank you for participating in Crypt 2 that'll be 49.99 on steam coming soon I mean I've seen nothing so far like I don't know what this is beyond it you called it Crypt too that's excellent okay well I'm excited to see what my Little Indie developer came up with and then we're gonna get you on Kickstarter oh I wish we're gonna get you a Kickstarter we're gonna find you hundreds of thousands of dollars and then you're gonna run away fail the startup and then you just get away with all the money that's the plan I mean I have that written down on a sticky note right here hello guys uh have you come have you come to play Crypt two what is Crypt two it's it's two it's the beta excellent I I will is it again it is it is not only is it multiplayer it features such exciting things as proximity voice chat and all these features I'm not picking it up you have ripped a random indie horror game obviously Workshop uh join piss Town EU that's the lobbies oh God it's it's massive Willy that's right he spelled massive wrong I know that's stupid that's silly what a silly willy who the is Wilma that wasn't that was inappropriate I could name I fell for it [Laughter] oh my god oh I still beat it though God damn it I forgot that you didn't put that actual background and you put you didn't put it no I didn't it's it's a volumetric fog index like yeah my computer is already spinning up yeah my my Graphics card's at 40 utilization what is the hotkey for the mic there is no hotkey for them not yet anyway right all right here we go there is uh you'll find out what the fun button does don't worry about it [Music] hello novel well welcome to Crypt too yeah I know I found out what the funny button does it seems like how would you rate this game so far how would you rate this game well considering where you're all playing as pit bull I'd say uh uh oh that's not a good sign what does that mean what do you mean why do you have a dance button uh because I could do I could why why wouldn't it's an essential feature who made this uh yeah I I did I I made all of these um nobody else nobody else no yeah it was a solo project you know I want to go into I want to go into the terminal yeah let's go in here uh I reckon they must be in there somewhere oh that's amazing look at me for like really far away when you're dancing oh my God oh my God where the is everyone why how have we only found us yeah be on high alert uh we're not alone in this room tie down my door my key oh oh what's it doing I don't know oh all right novel I heard the rat the rat's here oh it's the group I found the group it's the group after why there's so many people what do you mean like this is outrageous is the way that everyone am I on my own I don't know what you're talking about well we've made it up two Gaslight links into thinking that he's surrounded by AI it's not real no these people are real there was like eight of them as well have you found anything else links no what is this is the plane you have to fix find the parts to fix the plane this bull I swear this keep popping go away I'm so kindness started on me oh I don't know what you mean have you met have you met the rat yeah links oh we'll have to find him we'll have to find him you'll like the rat okay so vocals right now how would you rate this game so far the models are very impressive right why does everybody look like why does everyone keep saying Pitbull and looks nothing like him just because he's bald he's just a foe man and every bold man that can do wicked cool dance moves that's terrified where's the rat I heard it earlier oh here's the red have he found him oh he's there there he is links he's running in the fog this one or something okay don't go near the plane Don't Go Near the plane we gotta meet the rat first he's over there [Music] I know like like what happened is like I was with links and there was the attack of the sassy back imposters yes I ran inside because I didn't like it no no no we have to we have to meet we never met the rat because people are playing the games help me help me there's so many I know like there's no way they're all real people around and it was just like an AI deliberately left to the group came back and stops talking yeah I Gotta Give hats off to you Darwin well played yeah it's just an extra layer of Gaslight that I didn't know there's no way you have to extract the game every time I'm restarting it yeah why are you running it from the zip file yeah the scariest bit about the entire experience was turning the flashlight on and realizing that it wasn't stylized it was just a airport what do you mean I thought it would go for you know our photorealistic approach this time no I just like well I turned into the flashlight I panicked are you still extracting off what the are you doing oh I just clicked the oh how do I leave the access if you close the window you kind of have to restart the game if you've joined the wrong Lobby did you did you eat it this time I suspect he has not extracted at this time there's actually no way not human oh my god I can't believe I can't believe you did this well this doesn't know on you what do you mean it's my it's my fault that novel doesn't know what WinRAR is yeah this is no no you're right you're right so I didn't pay for novels education it is my phone I could have solved this you could have stopped this I could have put him through school and I chose School where are you novel where are you why did you just extract one he's doing it one at a time one more time you drag it into a new folder you click once there's one big button so many funds nothing you must have extracted it by now to see the rats I don't get whites start the game start games extracted it yeah that long ultimate okay let's go there he is all right I'm hitting start I'm hitting start everybody meet up at the plane I'll see you at the point oh hell yeah I actually spawned at the plane that's very convenient hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello oh the whole group the whole the whole game somebody died though that's sad someone died this is a real rat I promise you there's a rat in this game I put the rat in the game oh it's follow the person in the front because they're closest to it it'll come back it'll come back hold on a moment I don't know it ran out of bounds it can't go far though it can't go far I know how this uh navigation mesh short looks all right it can have gone far wait I cannot believe the rat ran into the fog and it's hiding out there somewhere and now we can't see it I feel like I'm losing my mind appearing into the fog looking for a rat maybe links is right maybe we are gaslighting I actually you know your case is not strong right now it's not it's not going well it's not going well any Rat any Rat intelligence oh yeah the rat was off to the red past it yeah the rat the rat went past me and like 900 miles an hour and it went it went the same way that it did before oh so it's still over there somewhere there it is it's running for it go go go foreign there he is [Music] [Laughter] my balls [Music] why is it called like wrapped up it's what is going on I don't know what you mean why is there a mantis right in the fog how would you rate The Voice act thing oh Teddy's voice active was pretty spot on though that is not a real monster how many people died to that how would people die we're on to six lives like it could be bad yeah I just something along those lines runs away from you there's no way that any of this is what links it's not real this is even the game please I don't there's something a foot here there's something going on that I don't like I'm catty do you not like the game are you gonna give it a thumbs down on Steam is an ass game would you still pay 7.99 for this I'd refund it I don't know what you're talking about look links let's come close come on uh come and collect the pilot let's all get a good look at this nobody pick it up just yet let's uh let's get a good look at the pilot oh wow that's a yeah it's supposed to be a cardboard cutout but he's on all sides you know it's he's Justified the texture yeah all right hold on we need the fuel as well come this way we got to get the fuel it should have said that we're good to oh okay so uh as as you might have suspected this was in fact a uh a Unity asset flip that I have made myself I actually made up almost nothing that you saw except maybe the main menu but I followed a tutorial for that not even the rat no not even the rat um here I'll show you so there's here's the map we have man and we have man in suits oh hold on you guys look you guys will love this the the guy that's inside I love Dennis oh Danny Danny right now there was a zombie in there that says he wasn't lying so much of this is actually real I thought it was all the gas look at this animation is this animation that convinced me that I needed to buy this [Laughter] why what about this doesn't make any sense the fact that you spend 200 at the Airport map alone yeah I mean it was a really good investment good investment it's a good investment yeah definitely the most ass video in the history on this oh you must be fair novel it also took like a good 15 minutes to extract the game oh yeah [Laughter] take an authentic Unity asset flip that's what it is it's like that's just I'm honestly a dumb fan I don't know yeah I'm gonna go eat I'm leaving what the I think I think I won this round I think I won this round no I mean that was pretty cool I played the dream Speed Run music so I had a good time I heard it I heard yeah they just don't understand why not you're right they just don't understand my vision they don't understand fine Rod I I had a good time doing that I thought it was funny uh that was the only reason I did it I thought it was funny so uh well that was Crypt two or I guess as we should be calling it horogam for those of you out there who might actually care about a little more detail allow me to go into it so that airport map I really got exactly what I wanted out of it the whole thing was practically drag and drop with Collision fully textured and modeled no modification required I then simply put up some invisible quads around the play area since the chunk of this is just an empty open map and bada bing bada boom we had our terminal and our little outside area for the rat to run around in this of course made it really easy to generate a default Unity nav mesh on it I would have loved to not use the default nav mesh since after using it for Crypt one I knew that while it was easy to work with its results just weren't good but staying true to the goal here I did not make my own AI but instead used this simple horror AI asset and while it did work there was clearly something going on with the site detection that I could never quite figure out I mean not without pulling up the code myself and messing around with it anyway still it worked just well enough most of the time to get the job done it's not like this one is going on steam or anything now you might remember that a while ago I mentioned that there was one thing I couldn't just rip from the asset store and that was the net coding while yes there are plenty of pre-built template assets out there that include net coding I couldn't find any that would do exactly what I wanted so instead I followed this set of tutorials to do it in photon if you two you are looking to Cobble something together really quickly that works in multiplayer I would recommend this tutorial and now having made multiplayer games in both Photon and mirror I have to say Photon was just easier I mean don't get me wrong it was still a bit of a nightmare reading through code I didn't write to figure out where I needed to insert Authority checks but when it came to strapping things together just to kind of get it working this was a lot easier I do see something like mirror being a lot better in a more complex use case but if you're doing something like say trying to add it into a game you made a while ago or a game you just made that is way more janky I would definitely go with Photon again they also cover the hosting of up to 20 players for free on their servers which is a nice bonus you may have also noticed that a bunch of sounds were brought over from the original Crypt I didn't really like the footsteps that came with the FPS controller so I just swapped them out I also grabbed a few bonus sounds off of and slapped them on the Monsters Just because I could now I'm not actually going to count the exact lines of code that I wrote since having to do the photon stuff myself really threw off that metric but if you don't count that I reckon I didn't write much more than 100 lines since all I really did was stuff like the item pickup turning on and off the flashlight switching out the scenes to win and the buttons on the main menu the character movement the AI and all of that complex networking that is abstracted into a single Photon Network method call really made this a lot easier than it could have been otherwise but of course in order to avoid writing that code I had to make sacrifices specifically Financial sacrifices all in all I bought the simple horror AI the rat and Danny model the volumetric fog the Jerry can for the fuel and of course the airport which set me back a grand total of 323.22 or it would have but when I bought that 200 airport asset it was actually on sale for only a hundred dollars so it was really 223. I naturally failed to mention this to the boys since it was a lot funnier if they thought I'd spent 200 dollars on this airport alone now while this is a lot of money especially for stuff that I wasn't really using this is actually pretty cheap when it comes to a budget for a proper indie game there are a lot of fantastic tools and assets that will save you a lot of time on your workflow and therefore a lot of money if you're willing to put up with The Upfront cost but anyway all in all making an asset flip is easy but honestly if I didn't already have the technical know-how to do all this stuff myself I could see making something like this still being a struggle just because you already have all the art and most of the code doesn't mean it's going to come together into a coherent game and this is why while I agree that asset flip on Steam equal bad I don't like it when people dislike a game for its use of stock assets for example phasmaphobia was originally entirely made from stock assets I don't think that's still the case but it at least was when it came out and that game is amazing and Incredibly successful so successful that it really changed this whole asset flip genre but I digress yes I think we've had enough of this heap of dung by this point I'd like to again thank World of Tanks for sponsoring this video and justifying me splurging on the unity asset store and I want to thank all of my patrons both for their support and those in particular who came to play Crypt 2. stay tuned for more Shenanigans and I'll see you next time foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 220,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rf7r5-BrD6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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