ChatGPT makes a Board Game.

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I think I owe the rp'd as a convert because I thought the priest was attractive and I wanted it to be my lover of reality sausage massively constipated well boys I've done it again what began as a simple little filler video to buy me some more time for an even bigger project has ballooned into yet another massive video of board game Madness so several weeks ago I got a ping from the Twitter app on my phone to clarify I'm not admitting to using Twitter God no but I am the kind of person who just leaves all notifications on and ignores them except this time I saw something the idea for this video the premise is simple I've made board games in the past bad board games you know designed to be excruciating to play and to torture the player but this time I'm gonna kick my feet up and let this wondrous AI do all the legwork and frankly it did a hell of a job this is Havoc of the tainted throne and it is entirely designed by Chachi PT the name the rules the characters the cards you draw all of it the only thing it didn't do was for one make the art that was mostly by my friend maybe but myself and alleged Petty criminal novel Pond did some as well well and then I did my best to wrap it all up into a neat little playable package that's right unlike the torture board game this one is actually available you can play it right now on tabletop in the Steam Workshop Link in the description so what is Havoc of the tainted Throne why did I choose this one and how does it work well this wasn't the first board game that chat GPT gave me I generated dozens and dozens of games and while many were promising this one was by far the most interesting the game is pretty simple actually everybody starts in one corner here and is trying to cross the board here to claim the throne for themselves Winner Takes all every player starts by taking a win objective from the stack getting to the end of the map is the easy part but if you haven't fulfilled your secret objective before you get there then you know you just don't win and as you might guess each objective is written to put people into conflict maybe you need to kill a specific person or backstab an ally or you know just get some random item from somewhere every everybody then picks a character of which Chachi PT made 10. each of these little guys have their own unique stats as well as a cool special ability they get to use these abilities range from really really useful like how the Rogue disables all traps or the samurai can Parry an attack to less useful like how the warrior has no ability at all or the Druid can try to [ __ ] himself once per turn to heal as you can see you need to move through each little question mark here to get to the end when you enter a room that hasn't been explored yet your turn stops and you draw a card these cards can either be an event a trap or an item the items are amazing to say the least like the necklace of paranoia or the sausage of strength but we'll see more of those later the only other thing you need to know right now is how combat works you see Chachi PT purposely came up with what it calls a confusing combat system which yeah yeah it is combat here actually works by democracy when two or more players are in a room together the person whose turn it is can choose to a fight you'll know who's fighting who because of these I've done a lot of graphics for this video the players in combat then have to make an argument and convince the group that they would win the fight you could base this on each player's stats which are pretty arbitrary but never mind or you could base it on what items they have it's up to you either one person wins the fight and the other one takes damage based on their damage Stat or the fight is a stalemate in which case both take half damage and just in case there already wasn't going to be enough fighting you have the only other space on the board the Dual space when somebody reaches one they're frozen in place until someone else comes and fights them meaning large chunks of the board are cut off from each other until some fighting happens honestly this game isn't that complicated the real problem is that we're kind of making up the rules as we go while chat GPT did design the game that doesn't mean it understands what a rule contradiction is or making it airtight enough that players can't just cheese the game oh that and I'd never play tested it it's more fun that way but right that's it I think I've gathered together nine friends to play it with although they don't actually know that yet let's break the news to them well while links can I can I interest you instead I've you see you see I've I've made something oh have you but I've made something on uh tabletop simulator oh no not again oh no no okay okay okay I unironically this is I know my track record's not good with this [ __ ] but I promise you it's actually going to be fun it's not it's not a troll okay okay yeah okay I'll postpone that but I'm putting you as the reason yeah that's fair because Vale Vale Fisk begged me to play table top with him or some some one of my twitch guys this message me going lies to screenshot me playing x-com two for two hours oh my God he says I'm gonna publicize this if you don't send me a physical copy of Cooking Mama too for the Nintendo DS oh there we go I think it's time to crack open up here I found a beer on a balcony your balcony beer okay how long has it been out there what does the date say of the label it's open no it's closed is it a can or a bottle like what's the receptacle it's a Peroni it's in the it's in a can you get cats of prote yeah it's actually very useful yeah I know the invention of cards what a revolution we've had since the invention of the can my friends guys you're not gonna believe what I can put inside we defined history on before and after BC this is lovely guys I found a beer on my balcony like the the parody fairy had covered delivered you were four pack the Peroni fairy look man when I bought these I did I didn't have enough space in my fridge I put them outside the beer Goblin delivers where you leave like a like a vomit under the pillow and wake up there's a six pack there for you fresh in the morning and I saw this on the left and I feel like I need to share this the beer Goblin this game is so beautiful not the wise tree it's also Red Shadow Legends is that that's not on the PC is it yeah you can I'm sure I'm sure plarium play I think you can yeah there is a PC no no I didn't want to download it not even sponsored it's not it's you well it depends that depends they you they emailed me the other day and I was thinking of emailing them back with that was ludicrous offer I could come up with five million dollars and a six by one video I want a special item called the balcony it's just a balcony beer a balcony beer the balcony Dino has a visitor in the night that delivered him a six-pack in exchange for 20 liver cells delivered him [Laughter] I did not make I didn't make a board game this time around I did not make this board game I put it together however this entire board came uh was designed by the rules how it works uh all of the cards that you can draw all of it is designed and written by chat GPT did a really [ __ ] good job I actually think this is a really funny it's very funny wow that is awesome Havoc of the tainted Throne it came up with a name on its own right that was a great name I was asking it for Torture Games as well and it basically wrote several video ideas for me but I'm saving those for later this game right there's a combat system a chat GPT is very funny and it decided that the best combat system would be that when you when you go into a room it's essentially a democratic process you vote on who you think would win the fight by are you recording right now I've been recording for an hour and 20 minutes at this point I record the whole time I record all the time you think I'm leaving the balcony beer out of the video I'm gonna so what I'm gonna do is I don't really care which person I play so I'm gonna get a 10-sided dice hello oh which character I should play yeah yeah yeah yeah okay that's a dude for all of us write all our names honestly okay yeah maybe I really like the pixel art so far it looks really nice I do like how Chachi sauce you know what I think it's adequate not great not terrible it's adequate oh it works it's working it's the same age um okay Lynx is the Druid oh you're gonna love it oh hell yeah the Druid has the best ability in the game a massive [ __ ] yeah the Druid has the best ability hands down whoa like Chachi came up with us but I do reword it you're gonna find that it loves fart jokes there's so much fart related content in this deck um why does he gain the Paladin timod is the Assassin Pedigo is the samurai no special ability because you're born yeah I'm incredible who the Paladin oh so so hold on let me let me explain so it's like spooky house game if the thing hasn't been found yet you stop in that room and you take a card I love how we just call that because nobody remembers it's betrayal at the house on the hill I should Explore isn't it yeah Trail at the house on the hill is it not why is it but yeah there's portrayal in it what I thought yeah let me let me unlock and delete that one you can just delete it and then draw a card I have shuffled them thoroughly the whoopee cushion oh that is unfortunate sounds starting to play his face is better you just go back to start it's um it's Soul's turn we're just going down from the top very well from now going here let's see oh he's got the gloves of weakness guys I Goblin but also grab something to steal a random I from another player once per game oh oh my gosh I swear to you I swear to you Chad GPT wrote that I only added I'm actually RP and this little guy this is amazing however however I have just realized that uh I forgot to do something we we all need to draw from this deck over here just right click and draw once that you should hide that you should hide from people my bad oh yeah the objective I got the best one in the game let's go that's what you have to do if you get you you have to do that thing and get to the end to win that's all you have to do okay it's not that complicated fetisha's turn oh I saw her lucky dude you're next to sexual attack yeah I should keep that card Pedigo keep that one all right let's see uh we could have any time anywhere I'm telling you PC is a comedian if you can't tell me otherwise just a sleepy little guy I can walk one and oh only one fight are you gonna fight the man I might have loads of lots of reaches but most of my attack is magical I'm not taking anybody do you do your magic with your hands no the thing is I can block an attack once per game no no surprise it's only if we decide that Soul would win the fight and then she can just block it he does have the gloves of weakness so if maybe closes the Gap you know it's a question it's the question so yeah I I think the Paladin wins this fight easily though yeah I think the Paladin wins as well what's he gonna resurrect as a necromancer a rat like we haven't even that's true [Music] the first room there's like a [ __ ] ant on the ground it doesn't mean I I only have necromancy Powers all right yeah we'll make you a case then you've got to make your case yeah make your case you do have the gloves of weakness which will make your little fingers maybe maybe it's incredibly buff soul and you've got the gloves of weakness what are you gonna do yeah web seems to be so I can just run away from her can't I yeah came up with don't quite make much sense or maybe wins I still think maybe wins I don't think you can Benny power my goodness I think he could bitty Hill necromances oh yeah it's the [ __ ] Demon versus the Paladin like like she's a man of God you can't discount that yeah she's a man all right well that's it maybe maybe Wednesday maybe yeah it's all it's a oh [ __ ] I forgot okay I meant to put out um counters for everybody actually so you can keep track of your health hold on uh so so take uh take two of your health away maybe he only has two of each attack so okay one wheel now okay dude oh it's my turn I have four I have four speeds I'm Gonna Fly Away oh speed yeah is the fastest character it's true what's your stats you got three attackers LOL he's low Health though low Health all right oh I'm lucky that's not even a trap it's an event I can't block it [ __ ] oh I didn't take a [ __ ] last turn [ __ ] sakes what's return oh my God why do you gain the health from taking a [ __ ] dude all right wait what's going on what's going on uh don't wait wait there's Health stack I forgot to take a [ __ ] last turn wait wait wait wait it's my turn yes okay I'm going to uh as you can see I can uh choose to heal myself or an ally instead of moving yeah instead of moving so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna kill myself job done job done I don't think I can ever get anything or an item because there's like four people with one movement yeah oh it's true [Laughter] let's go which dice do I use which is another day there's only a D6 okay okay let's go okay let's watch it oh my [ __ ] roll goddammit the mirror trap we found yourself in a massive mirror maze lost you accidentally go back three spaces oh it's so Jehovah I am going to move to Bear Ferry Dino I think Dino will literally kill you if you want you would kill oh my God you're 15 help you you said I mean I could I'm so dead I'm doing funny though it's funny it would be funny oh here's here's the thing though I should clarify that when you if you fight and kill someone you take all their items uh that would mean you take the gloves of weakness from Saul is protected by his his spaghetti arms the buff area with the gloves of weakness oh that sounds like an excellent build can I ask a guy you know for the gloves of weakness you can you can trade with players oh you can trade okay I mean I hope you realize she's just trying to get you to do oh true oh true she could then just say no she could just say no after that that is true she is not bound by anything you could pay me to steal them and then I would take with my goblins he's got because [Laughter] well I'll go and fight Soul again actually just this is Benny Hill because you're right you can't get away from her so can I team up with Seoul you could team up with soul or maybe you can take a side in this fight you're in the room all right well I mean I mean I think I think I have to vote for the other team on this one yeah uh wait who definitely definitely wins dinos the Barbarian I guess how much damage oh this was a bad idea baby you can block it maybe you can yeah only once yeah but that's worth it though they're gonna do like eight damage to her that was maybe's turn it's my turn but I'm stuck in a spider's web so I'm not going anywhere it's candy yeah okay um I guess I'm going to the mosh pit what [Laughter] you're not gonna fight anyone because you don't have to you could just say no it's your turn yeah I don't think I will yeah fair enough it's novel then so it's a straight line oh God now come come join me in the spider's web wait Vale who are you again what's your stats oh he's so fast take him out kill him though no no I fight because he's stuck in the web I can just [ __ ] I can stay out of this range he is stuck in the web no I was stuck in the world I've lost my turn for that I have I have it's already done I've lost my turn for being stuck in the web I'm gonna move no let's go very convincing I'm gonna vote for now he is no no think about this right okay two turns ago I lost my next turn for being stuck in the web I lost it and it's the turn for being such a good turn yeah I am out of the web that is true but I think you would be very tired from breaking your way out true you might be exactly you might have a sticky web covering all over yourself it's gonna make it hard to fight why you gotta freeze it like that candy sticky Google yeah but he's tired out from getting out of the web he's only gone he's tired and he's gloved I'm going up I'm glob [ __ ] out right now I'm completely glop I haven't voted yet who who's negative and who's possible I'm negative and he's positive yeah I think normal clears I think novel clears oh baby needs to vote now four to three I would say the stickiness might do an advantage if you if you fought now novel and melee but exactly but he's not oh that's true that's true the gloves could come in Advantage but he's like you're gonna like scoop some web off you and try it I've got a ranged attack yeah actually I'm gonna vote actually yeah okay uh bill can we just read can we do uh not not like redo the fight but redo the rules of the fight so plus is the guy attacking minus is the guy defending an equal signs is still maybe yeah yeah that makes sense yeah yeah so I take two damage novel takes one damage because we round down my attack that makes sense all right they're all blobbed up they're getting to try and escape and hope no one follows him this time I I would like to say right when I when I asked Chachi P to make the rules for this the subsection like the heading of this section was confusing combat system that's what it wrote could you to remember this is the cobweb room could you draw like a spider or something there because it's relevant to my character I don't recommend the veil glopper room on the tour there's glob all over the walls Dino tried to fight me before he's an aggressive individual be careful yes it's your turn Pedigo wait what a candy dude she's stuck in HP at the storm and spawn before he moves on I wanna fight Veil wants to fight me all right well novel do you intervene no no I'm done I'm done Veil we're friends I agree I think we we've got something I think we have enemies here you know [Laughter] all right all right plus or minus do you think pedigent will win or do you think we will win we're minus remember oh wait he's got the [ __ ] confetti attack he would miss you he physically cannot win but yeah I have to get rid of it I also burnt all the glob in the room no no no that's not canon Peter Joe you just made the worst mistake in your life minus seven oh it's so jealous bill look I need an ally okay actually hold on I can use my special ability here's the thing though with a Perry I think it should be each of our own attacks are reflections so we should both take and I take one one oh [ __ ] no novel and I are so low though liabilities you immediately take two damage when I enter combat with you I like Dark Souls backstab you and then I throw the rock with the floor so you tripped when you stand up all right wait wait I'm stealing the rock I'm stealing the rocks all right he's tried to stab me I've stolen his Rock from it put it right in front of him there's no way I'm leaning on stalemate for this time honestly he says uh link just couldn't be wearing a mask and it has zero attacks which has probably has a shitty throwing arm what's good no I don't throw it if I put it on the floor stalemate then oh yeah this is Stillman oh wait no because there's two in the combo oh okay so far nobody has died through sheer force of community will really it's too dangerous dangerous afterlife he is too dangerous to be left alive this is outrageous all right never mind we have enemies I get to play the game I get to play the game again let's [ __ ] go all right I'm going this way I'm going this way take one damage wait how much health do I have I have two okay so if it's a take one damage event I could live it's fine the squeaky toy all right I get away I get away uh that makes it Candy's turn where's candy you know what I'm doing he's up to eight he's gonna get to like 50 health and then walk out of the room an ominously towards the throat nobody wants to be to your baby after she attempted murder hmm I want to be able to actually uncover itself wait actually can I can I fight soul you want to fight song They're Allied yeah can we just know a dreamer somehow yeah we do a non non-aggression palette thank you away freeway hook box is outrageous are there any rules against it are there any rules and it says that they are but some people I will I will just say this out loud there are objectives that involve allying people and you get your objective cleared if you then betray them at some point during the game I don't know I don't I don't I don't I swear I don't oh the haunted room I definitely might just die oh my God oh yeah yeah we gotta we gotta flip yeah we gotta keep him there so Saul took a damage right yep okay so that's uh Link's turn then all right I can go backwards can't I you can are you gonna run off [Laughter] there's not a once per game it should be a one third over it really dumb right it does not in fact say once per game that should definitely say once per game but as I did not write it I think I have to go with it or or here okay here's the thing so you should do it you can do it this time and kill me but from now once ever if you don't want to die there I really yeah yeah okay yeah because I I will probably die to an event in a moment I don't have much help let me die to a room instead I have a I have a very important question is it actually important yes so since I died on the haunted dungeon do I get to haunt pedicure yeah you do you get to make spooky noises no no no no I'm a speedy boy I hope you take one damage oh the oh [ __ ] that's nice [Laughter] I could not believe [ __ ] Chad GPC wrote that right it put that in Brackets it only contains kale chips where the [ __ ] should I get that from oh could you oh I will trade you it appeals to my druid sensibilities oh the silly skeletons charades instead of a fight if your speed is above two on game one Health [Music] ten Soul control room of skeletons no yeah the silly skeletons are Beyond Souls power to control no oh so it was like an amateur um your Necromancer he's a hobbyist he only does it in the spare time can we destroy the chords before Soul can get there oh he does say I can do it infinitely you know oh no it does it does it does it does no he can do it infinitely because it's just a buff for him to be fair when you read this thing he's not Reviving a player he's just adding plus one to his attacking the sword is attack the sword yes do remember if he gets all of us he'll have like eight attack which will be way higher than anyone else has my question wasn't around so can we destroy the corpses before we can get it let's take a vote do we think the priest and the Paladin can send corpses to Heaven before Saul gets to them I think Candy's definitely said novels I'm not too sure but the power the Paladin is two the Paladin is awesome oh he does have a crossover's a warrior of God not a man of God Napoleon is a war of priest the priest and the Paladin can do it I think we should just be able to do it it doesn't really matter that much they also have to go there yeah it's a big deal whose turn is it now he's in the glob room everyone he's in the club room oh my God uh I'm Gonna Roll for [ __ ] all right okay all right candy I'm leaving I love you man [ __ ] you I give absolutely I give the priest a big sloppy kiss hold on hold on do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord what do you mean yeah the truth's not Christian I I think that actually catholically we are alone you're both just as fast as each other Soca literally just run in front of you and shoot like lightly no but he's just gonna trip on some cobweb and like fall over oh that's true you can't run in this room [ __ ] that I'm just gonna leave the item on the ground no no no no no if you if you kill them you get their items it's only on the ground if they die by a room you get the items if you kill them no you don't you don't know loves her curse you're like oh new gloves nice this is system they're bound to their owner they Auto attach to your hands it's like the mask the Jim Carrey movie that is not stated anywhere crazy fail RP they do they buy they bind to the wearer it does say yeah no you can't say that you pick them up rocks it's a stalemate it's a stalemate we're done it's uh shouldn't still take damage if it's sustainable all right guys just down to one Health now I'm going to this room I walk past T-Mart and I go to this room attack Dino Dino Dino it depends what Seoul wants what does soul wants to do he betrays I'm in the back so I should imagine Fireball at him or whatever oh you fooled I know he's using Alfred's glasses yeah there's two he's got it he's got a tank now he has a tank oh this is where I'm going I went back over there okay oh there's no way no choice it's so Jehovah for me oh I see what he's going for yeah I'm going back to sport I'm just going back to my lover and Sport reciprocated feelings but let's just say yeah all right all right maybe go maybe start it's maybe all right baby what are you doing I don't know because I don't I don't want to be [ __ ] I'm gonna Protect Me Maybe I wonder what candy will do um I wonder you're gonna heal yourself well I guess I'm gonna attack Dino and hope oh my God yeah we if you join me if we drove by our powers if I don't join you you die yeah you should be tired like our King maker you hold the choice so who's who what are the teams what are the teams then what's going on [Music] Stolen pettigo against Dino okay so well if Saul and Pedigo are fighting Dino I think it's them so yeah so Dino just dies in the room with the Necromancer and actually racing as well oh my God Dino in Two Souls things so we know here yeah he has dinosaurs I'm going back to spawn you could hide with maybe though you could have come to me oh I could have actually actually yeah you know what I'm coming to you oh you gotta roll for [ __ ] roll for [ __ ] remember come on big rolls oh and more importantly than that I have I have built a fort out of kale chips it's up to the people I mean we do have the same attack you have we have the same attack but I do have an item I have an item I mean I guess you just sit in your [ __ ] kids my item is very useful for combat it's a ranged attack I can throw kill chips at him is playing as the samurai he will just like Samurai Jack that [ __ ] thing oh that's the thing I'm actually faster so I can I can dodge his attacks are you sitting you're sitting in the your fort like a like a dumbass because Vale has twice the speed right Vale would get like two attacks in for every one attack you could use the bricks you use to make the four and you could throw them at better the thing is it isn't bricks is just like well it's like I don't know if I if I get the kale chips together I make them wet leave them out in the sun you don't have time for that there's no sign for that all right all right fine if you don't if you don't buy the kill chip argument I am twice as fast as he is I can just run twice as fast but he says he's made a fort out of it's not a force full of chips all right here's the other thing to consider this bag of infinite kale chips right if it's infinite what force are these kale chips flying out of the bag with if the bags open like think about it like this all right can I can I make a like a little diagram what's the argument so far what's the argument and I have equal stats except I'm twice as fast and I also have a bag of infinite kale chips yeah he also has [ __ ] old HP like he's lit but my HP is to me to begin to begin kale chips though I built a fort out of them no he does not have time for that look s it's like a kale chip Mass driver like think about this like you hold it at the backpack you can swing your arm as fast as you can swing your Arm based on like your movement your dexterity right that is how fast the chips will come out in like an arcing pattern well how does that right yes you've sprayed potato chips okay or chips it does slow him down he's a lot he's half as slow as I am he can't even get to me to stab me imagine if he was holding a bag of chips while doing that they would all fly out I understand we know how like momentum Works does that help I feel like I have to elaborate for people like you links what do you mean I mean the status and he still ladder the stale may vote just one it's a stalemate yeah oh yeah I do we both lose a health no anyway Soul's gonna be dead all right anyway so I don't know I don't think so yeah but the skeleton could like break off his head he could take off his hand and throw his hand onto you could be crawling all around you okay can you make a diagram he's got five magic damage Eldritch match just the the damage difference here it's it's six damage on three he would have to hit a teamwork faster it's an Eldritch matches so what what kind of magic is it what do you do is it homing it's like 10 digital from The Voice no no he is talking about an anime tentacle so he's trained I gotta go for the skeleton I'm sorry yeah I'm with the I'm with the Skeleton on this one I don't think the skeleton would make that much of a difference I don't think you're thinking the Scooby-Doo 2 movie those skeletons that get reanimated they can like take their heads off and [ __ ] they'd surfed out on a bin lid all right here's the diagram you can easily you can easily I have to find an image that I already had you can easily get the skeleton could take off a tan and throw it at the Assassin yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna breach I'm reaching into the next area oh [ __ ] oh no it's fine it's fine I disable all traps it doesn't do anything to me oh really is that your word yeah that's a really good that's so good holy [ __ ] it's also good because that would have killed me otherwise you actually Indiana Jones at Boulder holy [ __ ] who's trying is it virtual mine oh my that's not an ability yes I'm calling a crusade all Warriors of the faith you know that's just maybe it's only me oh no no links is a convert links is a convert I think I owe the rp'd as a convert because I thought the priest was attractive and I wanted to be my lover I just love animals more than anything else oh yeah the platonic sense [Laughter] these allegations are really Pilots I need to beat the zoo [ __ ] yeah that just means canonically I'm a I'm a druid Fury that's all it means uh I'm going to move finally Defcon won the priest is on the move oh he got it now that this is the best item this is others by the job yeah I don't even know what it's looking doesn't have a sense of humor I swear to God it's so funny all right all right I'm coming into this room and you're helping me kill him right maybe whoa you never said yes are we killing him or not kill him oh the Assassins backfired all right wait so so it's a paladin and a druid against an assassin he does have a Peloton I have a palace of my friends the Paladin can bless can the Paladin Bless The Rock and guide absolutely holy Rock The Holy Rock I put the item on I pass out in the corner and you both walk past you that's what I do yeah okay links have you never watched the American Psycho remember in the alleyway with the homeless guy he just falls asleep next to him yeah but made the argument that he could just put on the necklace and go to sleep in the corner and they won't attack him because he's asleep even though he's coming to try to stab us yeah you initiated the attack and then maybe chose to join the other side I think you're stuck attack you could choose not to if you had done so but you tried to attack and maybe joined against you I think that's they think you gotta own up you gotta own up to the consequence I missed my first attack and then I pass out and I'm not a non that the war crime to kill me though exactly I don't know about that one this is a fantasy themed board game there is no such thing as the gym because it's true maybe hold on wouldn't maybe uh rely on scripture as uh she is a holy person what does it say in the Bible not to kill a sleeping person I don't know I've never read that I've never read that let me check let me check I just fake I fake the it's Jova that's my personal argument all right yeah let's hear let's vote let's vote all right yeah let's go okay yeah first thanks for his team on uh corpse is Holy House team has been running around stabbing people like a serial killer yeah it's so now it's Soul's turn no one's back in the game baby foreign Mr T in a Spanish Inquisition outfit you know all right can I can I draw can I draw some art for some of these items um why not okay yes links let's pick it up oh bro [ __ ] roll she's wrong go and take a fat piss it's like the torture board game all over again it is it is some similar features awesome this is actually like a board game you know it feels right okay let's see let's see I'm taking another roll of the dice will I die this turn who knows of stumbling running every turn if you're all the sexy triples like to be honest it could have been worse I could have just died wait does it say does it say it binds to its owner it doesn't say you put them on no but I I'm choosing to I'm choosing to put them on I will roll okay oh cool boots here's the thing though here's the thing I need to purge this holy medicine wait a minute it can't heal one shot you I know you won't sorry you have 10 Health that's fine [Music] but the same the Satan Advantage he's absorbed too oh no no hold on hold on we gotta draw the line we gotta draw the line I'm I'm I'm sorry Soul wins I mean think silly skeletons here silly skeletons that he's got two skeletons block for an out now you just have to 2V1 him and he died I think he has to be 2V1 here yeah I am to me wanting him I am God on my side but no there's three minus and three plus so it's usually style me yeah it's me no I don't know links the god Squad two skeletons is powerful man two skeletons two silly skeletons it's literally the Scooby-Doo skeletons Scooby-Doo skeletons are gone God isn't there guard isn't real yeah if God isn't real then why do I have double my health actually that's a good point Checkmate atheists we have established canonically God exists in this universe Candy's like sitting there with a magazine and looks up every turn and says hey guys can you make me stronger yeah I think I think uh I think uh but I do think Seoul will win the fight yeah but we'll see pretty one but with God made it they're equally matched they're equally matched um that makes it it was candy since virtual yeah which means I get to flip over again that's [ __ ] funny and you lose a turd as well by the time I'm next playing I might have to be in class well yeah well I'm in a bit of a children again because anything else do I'll probably just die but just challenging initiating with the same logic I would lose my health through yeah we'll have to say stalemate I honestly think that the logic for you being able to basically only one anybody is there and like you just have to I don't think yeah you can win it too he's a weak little boy he's just surrounded by bones you've got to get to it to the bones exactly are you running away I just have to run away from the Dual space I mean unless I win somehow which I won't I know you may be [ __ ] you may be [ __ ] I'm afraid but the thing is don't you don't you have to do him when you enter that time do him excuse me no yeah yeah you [ __ ] the skeletons yeah remember like the bones friend have you rolled you gotta get your [ __ ] rolling oh no oh no man you're you're just full right now you need some laxatives oh wait oh [ __ ] oh wait what mystery yeah [Music] if links reaches the end without [ __ ] does he die of constipation yeah I think so he just loses the game shots it dies all right here we go the Ring of volume yeah [Laughter] so candy could either choose to engage in combat with Saul I think it'd be funny if you went the other way to be honest yeah that's what I'm doing healthy too many events here and I don't get a turn because I'm frozen and nice oh yeah I can't do this he's only stuck there until you cross the other one yeah yeah that's fine I thought of that I did think of that maybe maybe do be walking in [ __ ] oh I have the jewels yeah maybe went to an audio no no you first you first roll oh correct correct correct I might just uh lose my turn which would be really nice good call baby I guess Facebook when trying to leave the room oh you lose your turn right um I already did okay now I'm doing it again it's good because I want to see more these books have the power to walk on air but only up to three feet hover as long as I don't have to go up oh no oh you lost a turn so maybe's turn then are you invigorating gameplay am I right it's me I got a roll for my boots stumbling oh I didn't stumble but I'm also uh not a fool uh one two three four there we go to fart file comments if I want to fart though it's not totally volume it has to be said okay loud how many decibels how many decibels is a fart I put my volume is in by like physical mass volume that's how it would have to be to make it's like clap s come join me links you want to play a game of cards I'm using my Amulet of napping I'm sleeping oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on I'll be sleeping you were so close to [ __ ] yourself while you fell asleep almost so close sorry yeah oh my God that's insane no that is unlocking all right so candy maybe or virtual as well right yeah you have nine Health one of you three needs to do a dual pedago so we can continue with the game without dying roll for [ __ ] and then nap is that your shirt and then the current game plan no it's not okay yep it is statistically unlikely that you have not [ __ ] yourself once yeah it has to be said you haven't rolled a six once I know it's crazy well we're just waiting for one of those three to get up here it's my turn yeah come down down go down go down uh towards us uh no no okay well okay we're just gonna be stuck there okay no she'll have to fight there or you can ignore him and go all the way it's up to you virtual which one do you want to do father do you wish me to duel you I do it is the will of our father that we must do it okay wow okay using my large I will slice yourself wait do you have any items candy no candies this is a plus for me hold on let me draw the line let me draw the line hold on there we go it's so over it's so over for Kathy on this one I'm back to my Baseline now but there we go we unlocked that part of the board at least it's the soul move uh yeah I'm moving back are you going back to spawn well I'm just running away I'm one of the HP it's all the way over there I pet uh maybe so candy could join me in the chicken room yeah no more protection I'm going over here I'll do this one because uh I I'm currently expecting to just die from an event right now that's kind of my thinking oh it's a trap all right well I'm fine oh that would be so funny though uh I'm tempted to like engage in combat with you but I don't want to or with me that seems like invisible you can't exactly oh I also fart with such force that your head explodes wait how much I am I am God's greatest farter it has to be said the child of God he's been blessed that's true if he if he'd been in the chicken room I think he should get a bonus for that room he should be able to sneak up up on the uh this has lore implications it's like Vale untouchable now though um from Attack there's not only a fight Square unless he fights I I I'd have to fart and I don't think I can fart and come I can't fart if someone enters your room you have to uh I think you're right you're right maybe I gotta do a flatulence role right yeah I am I cannot wait I'm just gonna die in one of these just you wait well it's just traps to kill you whatever so I'm invisible I'm farting constantly with the strength of a hundred times the normal fart and I'm also Mega strong now I think you could beat you know I think yeah what candy does the Lord command does the Lord commands me though uncover another tile okay my lover [Music] hold on hold on it just says for a set number of turns but it doesn't tell me do I decide the turns yes I can just say a hundred turns and then bam it's set and yeah and said you and someone else asleep for the rest of the [ __ ] match it's true okay yeah I'm gonna go in this room let's see what happens to open unless they profess their love of libertarianism all right all right boys uh I guess I'm trapped in here forever all right links what are you gonna do what are you gonna do uh I'm gonna sleep I'm gonna go to sleep all right well that's my turn uh links oh yeah uh it's me okay [Laughter] we made that agreement earlier you know that we were the progression Squad and as such were birds of a feather so you know I think you can't see me it has been canonically established you're only invisible to actual physical body you have got to make the argument that Pedigo is in fact a bird you want to do that yeah you have to argue he's a physical bird these guys are so evenly man I honestly think this is virtual's attack he's got to get like a he's got to get a bonus but also he's gonna get a lot actually sorry yeah it's still mates yeah probably gets the first swing in but the attack is the same so it makes it yeah no there's no item that makes you guys this so I think you both take a damage and that's fine but that's it we've opened we've opened the uh not only that but we've also opened this one as well oh wait not you there we go so it's me I I'm moving forward he's on the Move I'm sorry what oh yeah [ __ ] oh sorry oh [ __ ] [ __ ] himself okay hold on though what's what are you saying maybe what's up it's not open though because the first one wasn't open as well to the last people were crossing true that is true you're correct you're correct yeah I delete it's not there it's gone link [ __ ] himself though that's far more minutes yeah hang on a minute hang on a minute hang on a minute yeah no exactly that's not as good as soon I mean nobody's gonna control you and tell you when you can't [ __ ] you know exactly who's gonna tell you this [ __ ] the government I think not yeah exactly [ __ ] myself I realize how liberating it is [ __ ] yourself I'm a raging libertarian now and I'm on the movement covered in [ __ ] live [Laughter] who went so now it's maybe's turn fleeing God stinkiest as fast as she can yeah one step at a time you know what Phil do you pray to God do you pray to do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior [ __ ] yeah I do I've got one Health you think I'm not close enough to death I'm gonna risk that are you crazy if God didn't exist how would I have a bag of infinite kale chips who else could create such marriage hold on now that I think that's true but law of the game I did not initiate combat I don't think yeah maybe I handed him like a pair of earplugs before going in yeah he's going he's tanking all of these for us he really is if it's another trap it's gonna be very sad this is why I'm wearing them I forgot to take to take them off I'm just wearing the boots of stumbling you just don't know I don't know I don't think it's them I'm just clumsy by Nature I don't think it's them two-parter yeah the only key to go off the necklace of paranoia normally the necklace [Laughter] I'm taking a chance I'm taking a chance I might die I might die I'm going for it style would be really funny hero [Music] [Laughter] let's say hypothetically [Laughter] let's say hypothetically I'm a Libertarian that's awesome which has literally a shop to stick up your ass [Laughter] do you do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior unlucky ah unfortunate you're gonna be like this for the rest of the video yep I'm like this for until I get rid of the items I'm so sorry to all your views I don't know what you mean oh was that sorry was that a trap yeah okay I'm gonna turn it off sorry I can't do that no you gotta you gotta the concept of the Gnomes I'm taking the hat off I'm taking the hat off should I take the risk yes yeah let's do it I'm taking the risk the wrong turn you lose your next turn though you lose my next turn that's fine though that could be worse I'm moving up [Music] virtual why no why why who's going to move and then links [ __ ] man [ __ ] Master [ __ ] Master General make sure to [ __ ] yeah I'm going oh wait no yeah yeah yeah hang on Master they have us outnumbered three to one three to one edition what are you gonna do against me I'm invisible you really want to [ __ ] fail no it's true no I'll even come out of invisibility to fight you I gotta say I think you're so over for yourself so it's over for you you think it's so over you know the argument yes the sausage is strange farts you're over if you can't trust anybody you can't trust yourself your self-confidence is lacking you can't fight as well as you did it's true Your Shadow of Your former selfie I have this obnoxious gas your slime like once you said it sounds like Mitch Shapiro I can't unhear it failing Wings massively it's social strength I fart uncontrollably yeah so you take what two or three damage three but are we ever gonna be able to win oh we have to team up but yeah what do you mean I'm just saying if you want to if you want to win again oh that's fair that's fair oh are you gonna are you gonna be fooled in the room you could kill them both yeah but you could kill them both maybe maybe wait and why would you team up with me the fart man what hello hypothetically I gave you a steam gift card you really enjoyed yourself aren't even I am okay okay regardless it's maybe's turn so if maybe wants to initiate combat it's up to her I want to initiate comeback if anyone could give me something to team up with them how much is your life worth steam gift cards oh you want me to give you I would give you the boots of stumbling no I I enormous hat of invisibility what I give you I would give you the Gnomes hat and the bag of infinite snacks easily both of them that's a good deal I I know you want the sauces of strength but I just can't give that up I can't you know the sausage of strength is too powerful for you maybe that's a joke maybe yeah if you kill him you take it yes exactly no stop it don't say anything better so much work guaranteed he doesn't have with you no let's kill him this is you could have become the queen of the Gnomes very foolish very foolish take your pick maybe it doesn't really matter because it'll be the same outcome though yeah this is okay back first let's take it diplomacy okay okay you cannot defeat Veil on your own and he will just win why do you think I'm gonna win conditioning is nowhere near done I am so [ __ ] so all right who's fighting who come on we gotta fight someone are you actually gonna stand with me yeah she's not dead or anything but yeah you only lose six damage yeah measly six which that you're that's uh yeah that makes it my turn and I'm still trying to deny so I'm going forward with this all right I'm fine I'm fine very close though yeah I do oh can't lie I have the ring of Truth uh my my win condition unbelievably is obtain the sausage of strength that which makes me powerful makes me win okay so we have to kill him yeah we do actually yeah you do you literally turned little bit lower it's because the the [ __ ] right okay what's going on am I being attacked by three people no no maybe you have teams maybe all right so wait whose turn are we on then so did you go all the way down you're being attacked okay so like pedicure came in the room and then maybe attacked so right okay I'm with you now I'm with you now the thing is I was still really strong but I do think it must be like a stalemate or something it might be a steel made against both both of them are you currently invisible do you have it on that's true I'm invisible as well I'm sorry sorry hold on I'm invisible as well don't forget that part you know but also you keep farting wait hold on if you're wearing the gnome set you're double invisible which means you're not invisible you think it's like a negative and a negative make it positive no no it's gonna no sorry it has to be multiplied it has to be so I'm a black hole of invisibility instead yes you're actually just like a you haven't unlocked vale's character yet Star Wars [Music] [Music] you know you could just tell the truth [ __ ] he renounced his faith long ago oh please no it's not true it's not true it was a fast convert it was a fast convert he was tempted my lover is turned against me quite frankly with my uh cloak of invisibility I have a rock and [ __ ] it's over for you he's covered in [ __ ] and he's got a rock I don't know man Man's first battle 10 000 BC colorized I went up to swing at links but he was so stinky that I was just like ah [ __ ] no I'm I'm putting stalemate I'm putting stalemate for this I lean towards links but I'm just saying still not I don't know but also virtual it's like pretty healthy and like spawn that machine that's true but the thing I lean towards the health not particular no no hold on links is pretty healthy too he only is a Max of five remember yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah he's got like a few paper cuts but he's all right this is stomach all right so yeah I'm just moving links need to [ __ ] there we go right back God's shittiest Soldier heals it right back oh my God got this covered I'm covered in it absolutely covered in it guys maybe I I'm gonna lose this but if somebody's gotta progress oh here we go right so it's a warrior versus a paladin this is some DMV [ __ ] right here pretty evenly matched now now the Navy is so loaded on the items though oh yeah oh yeah you do not deny the sausage I completely forgot about the socials done please don't hurt me too much it's only two it's only two I cannot hurt you that much it's over it's Jehovah I think candy might have won no way did he no way you saw his [ __ ] win out of staying in spawn I completely you don't know if I have my win conditions oh yeah he gets sent back okay really I'm really banking on something here maybe yeah and then my then Candy's turn Candy's turn oh you're going up to heaven we've went to heaven show high five let's go hold on a man what are you doing up here wait what Bale is the is the duel done so like maybe could technically go to the question mark or yeah um but it was just virtual so it was me I moved and then linked oh yeah hold on I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up sorry candy it wasn't Candy's turn so hold on we're not in heaven I [ __ ] up my bad uh Lynch needs to [ __ ] yeah have you fulfilled you still either go forward or go to the event it's up to you maybe they'll just need to start telling people to actually win that's true she does please I have got shitty assaultier I beg of you I'm sorry like no I'm sorry my child well I definitely lose yeah I've just got to concede I'm just going to concede to go back I lost you Anakin no you don't move no you're like a brother to the Sith and Obi One stands on the cliff covered in [ __ ] I'm dead now it's Candy's turn and now we get to go to heaven all right uh no I walk to the end I win yesterday [Music] what was your condition oh my God I gotta give candy props I didn't think that strategy would pay off in the end it did he won the game he won the the nearly double my my normal Health it's true give me four parades all right there you go yeah they [ __ ] it you know what's great about playing a game with like little to no rules there's not going to be people in the comments that are going to go um actually in the rules you're not actually able to do that yeah all right all right comment section who would win God's shittiest show very slippery [Music]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 878,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZjY3RzZeL0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 36sec (5016 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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