I Made BadBoyHalo Take a Skeppy Themed Quiz...

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what's up guys in today's video i gave batboy halo an iq test now i had a map created and all the questions were specifically about me and let's just say i think it went really well anyway make sure to subscribe before we get into it or else just subscribe you you don't i can't even come up with a reason today just subscribe enjoy bad boy halo hello bad boy halo hello you're on already that was quick yeah i found you to like not join instantly giving me enough time to talk trash that you haven't joined but like you joined immediately boom what is skeppy's favorite color oh my god you're not supposed to see it yet listen i'm just i'm feeling like it's a good point in our friendship to test that you still know everything about me so i thought it would be a good time for you oh no wait it's about me hold on skippy wait listen what like i may not be the best at remembering stuff like you're already coming with excuses now look i'm just saying i should get like lives you know what that one game show is who wants he wants to be a millionaire everything about me already okay you know what fine i'm gonna do well i believe in me all right okay okay okay okay are you ready though to start the quiz you know what all right let me get obs what you're not even recording no i'm not recording you lazy muffin heads all right now i'm recording okay ready okay all right bad boy halo are you ready to begin no but yes what do you mean no yes i'm ready nobody yes i meant like no but yes let's go let's go you were saying before i started recording no i would never look i know everything about you we're really good friends i would never forget anything then click the button to start and prove me wrong all right let's go over here now that was completely unnecessary what is kevin's favorite color okay so i feel like there's a trick question you're really thinking about this i mean you're i'm not even you're blue i'm blue yeah so i'm gonna guess it's probably blue no i mean i know of course all right but it also could be red okay no it's probably blue no i'm kidding i'm kidding i knew it was blue all along that's flipping down oh gosh i'm a genius all right so what is skeppy's favorite food now not necessarily my favorite but out of your favorite out of these out of these four what are these four of my favorites all right well i know it's not this because this is a peanut butter why didn't you say it and you're like you're like i sent you that picture yeah what the heck i'm just chilling you should be thanking me for being so considerate thanks for thinking about me and sending me a picture you're welcome now honestly i feel like no it's going to be my it's not jeff okay good yeah not jeff probably muffin is what i'm thinking pat that's your favorite food well i know but why am i giving you hints i'm not giving you any more hints oh my goodness okay so i'm kind of leaning towards shrimp because shrimp are small and you're kind of a shrimp though maybe it would be shrimp i make this whole quiz but you don't like this whole quiz i come up with the questions i invite you on i spend my free time coming up with this and you just insulted me calling my own shrimp you're asleep i'm sorry no no no no no no what no i don't care okay oh yeah he's got me popcorn no listen you've never mentioned shrimp ever that i can write no because i i don't mind shrimp but like so it's got to be popcorn out of these i just basically gave you the answer everybody loves popcorn let's flip and go yeah i knew that from the beginning i've just been giving you so many hints do this one yourself when did skippy get verified why is this a flipping question you should know this you should know this okay i know it was recent but the question is yeah recent because it took you forever to get verified it took me a normal amount of time no it took you forever so it was like a month ago a month or two it's the exact day okay june 5th too long ago september 4th i also feels too long ago same with september 10th i feel like it's october 3rd that's like what two months ago i feel like that fits it then you know anything about me no no you get verified what you're gonna ask me your shoes it was so skeppy's favorite sport well it's obviously not minecraft pvp because you're so bad at it dude i'm good at it and that's not a sport you want to make another video each other yeah i just beat you the entire video go ahead bring it bring it let's go right now right now right now look at that you're dying you're dying nope you're dying okay you don't want forget it it's not golf because you're probably bad at going i like golfing and i'm good at it oh yeah i already know the answer to this because you won't stop messaging me about it hey man i played tennis today what was the first video with skeppy and baba halo the greatest troll ever undercover in baby halo's call minecraft survival with bad applying for stuff on bbh's so listen listen listen before you choose your answer i think i know this one first ever video this is just like the first ever that i put on my channel that you were talking with i know i know i'm pretty sure it's this one let's go didn't even have to think about that i'm so smart i'm so smart let's go i respect that let's go i win what is skeppy's favorite snack gippy and bananas what the fudge it can't be that are you talking about peanut butter and bananas why is rat here that's not funny at all you can't eat my dog skeppy what what's wrong oh my goodness oh my goodness okay let me think chips and mustard there's no way that one's real you just tried to make something kind of odd sounding so these two are kind of odd i'm gonna guess it's the regular thing this you put two really odd things oh unless you're trying to trick me unless it is one odd thing self-destruct and then get it wrong skippy and bananas okay i feel like there's a bait the chips and mustard is probably a bait i'm guessing it's this chips and mustard oh my god you are all you've never said this to me that's so sweet i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest was then what was i supposed to do i noticed you get a perfect score and i wanted you to get one wrong why would you say that that's mean that's actually mean i thought you're gonna get them all right now you haven't been doing wow wow okay what is skippy's favorite video game okay this one's easy yeah it's obviously fortnite yeah fortnite it's obviously minecraft oh i liked fortnite way more than minecraft when it came out it was a lot more fun yeah but you don't play it no it's definitely fortnite no it's not roblox it's it's fortnite you haven't really it's minecraft it has to be minecraft i genuinely enjoyed the first season of fortnite when it came out it was like a lot of fun in 20 years i'm picking minecraft all of it you tried to trick me you tried to trick me i don't see a fortnight channel anywhere that's right it existed it existed yeah whatever it existed it was actually this channel this channel was before oh my god that was easy what is skeppy's dog's name rocco i would have to be the worst friend in the world to not know that who won skeppy's love or host who was it okay it's been a while [Laughter] stop give me a second stop laughing look i have a bad memory okay i know it wasn't mickey okay i know it wasn't minx that's right oh my goodness you know what i'm pretty sure it was there's a little chap boom i'm so smart i'm so smart i'm so smart let's flip and go i'm a genius big brain what is skippy's most popular video you should know this last to fail water drop event no i joined a cursed minecraft server trapping 100 kids winner gets one dollar auto build mod and building compensation this video you weren't in this video you weren't in this video and you were in this video so you're in two of them yeah it was definitely one i was in i remember the curse things to be the one you're in for sure this one popped off so much that cursed trend i'm gonna guess that one yeah i think it's this one what it was trapping 100k no wonder you kept doing that series a long time ago okay we don't talk about that don't forget it we're with skippyborn come on that's easy am i supposed to know this that's easy i've told you this i know but i uh oh my god i know it wasn't this i know it wasn't this this answer is so random i'm going with it let's go let's know that okay okay wait come here correct what year am i born i'm flipping no dude i look like a scientist oh you don't know anything about i can't remember dates leave me alone what color did skeppy paint his nails you painted your nails yeah i painted my nails for a day why didn't it turn like a while ago probably over a year okay let me think it wouldn't be yellow i don't think yellow nails would look that great on you it was with my card it definitely wasn't purple i don't think it was purple it was black i think i remember a picture you mean lying no it's a word that i learned that you do a lot i thought about you i do not no i'm pretty sure that i could remember like a picture of you with black nails right but then i couldn't remember like i was picturing it in my head but i couldn't remember what's that photoshop answer this question no this isn't right this isn't right i gave the right answer and the person who helped me make the quiz wouldn't put it in they corrected it with the real answer they did it okay it's definitely not six foot there's no way you're six five i know you're not five foot ten i could be five ten yeah five ten maybe in your dreams in your dreams when you like jump in the air you're five foot ten for a second take the right answer yeah you're five foot no this is wrong you're not five seven and a half so it's gotta be five five not five two okay there you go even though i know that's not true oh i know it's true because i know what you are no it's not has skippy ever kissed a girl did you click no anyway um i've kissed many girls kissed many females in my existence what do you mean no what do you mean is skeppy obsessed with bad boy halo okay listen i'm gonna if i push this button and it's wrong that would be detrimental to our friendship stephanie i mean it's obvious you're obsessed with me i think everybody knows that you literally you put me in all your videos all my videos you're i'm like 95 percent okay no it's not that's a 5 000 ratio i'm not 100 you round delete every video i'll do every video on your channel that's right and they'd all be from like 10 years ago that's right does skeppy work out no no do not work out today tennis does not count it's working out to the gym no and you did not work out no you did not you did not i played tennis and went to the gym today if you work out then my name is bob boyhalo okay literally no you do not work out answer the question because i do when you're wrong okay eating your chips and mustard doesn't count as working out lift one chip put in mouth lift one chip oh is that that way you call working out yeah answer the question you and your back talk answer muscles question is skeppy good at minecraft if you click no to spite me i swear to god i swear to god man i beat you at pvp every day click the right answer click the right answer the right answer bad why are you you know the answer so i'm gonna look this way i'm gonna let you do your thing okay if you get right i'll give you a thousand dollars oh my god i'm not giving you thousand dollars i'm not doing it okay the honest answer yes you're a little you're okay you're good at minecraft just choose the right answer favorite tv show you like don't even watch tv okay barely yeah probably gossip girls it's not you know what maybe it is maybe it is gossip girls you you don't know i am let me think i don't think it's this one because i think i remember you saying you hadn't seen it but here's the thing i've noticed recently you made a couple references to the show i've heard you say them so i'm you maybe you start watching it and you're a fan now i'm gonna go with this i'm so smart i am literally referenced you said it no you said it no no recently i've noticed you've made a couple rounds of reference i don't know i can't remember them no references at all and you just made that up we both know it no literally oh look at that look at that what dude i hate you what the heck no no no no you steered away from the topic oh that's what i can do that's why i have world that empowers on here what's cappy's favorite movie no flipping no probably probably cars i'd see you liking cars it as a meme answer it's not actually my favorite movie okay and it's probably cars because you like cars i don't star wars cars i've never heard you ever get a star wars reference at all so it's not that all differences right i've heard them literally i have heard them no you have it no you have it and then kong versus godzilla whatever i put this as a answer it's probably shrek it's gonna be flipping shrek isn't it i don't know rex is actually not that bad of a movie though but to have it be your favorite movie of like all time no you definitely put cars is that it's memes so much what shrek i told you out of here no meme answer would have been cars that would have been the ultimate meme answer when did skeppy first join the s p oh great another date question you should know this this is really obvious okay you put june 18th 2020 down here twice yeah it's here twice because it could be that obviously has to be the right answer then okay there's no way you would put it twice it's okay it wasn't december it wasn't this one it's gotta be june 18th oh let's go i'm so sorry yeah you tried to trick me after minecraft server okay this is just seriously you put in vietnamese twice are you dumb you put you put the same server twice it's not my gmc that's mine so it's got to be what invaded lands invented okay whatever that's don't that's not even funny can't be what the muffin what the muffin who made this you came up with this question right here this answer you put that down i contributed to the quiz yeah no i'm not telling you okay i know you don't drink soda you're like a water fanatic okay okay okay what's my favorite energy drink okay that obviously gives away that no no what's my favorite energy drink i don't know is it monster energy well i don't want to give you any hints i know it's water i know it's water i've never seen you drink monster energy so i'm going with water no i've never seen you drink a monster energy i drink actually a glitch that is a glitch that was that right it was like right it was water i don't know why that happened i'm so smart i'm big brain what is skeppy's favorite hypixel game this is a trick question you thought i would click bed wars it's really nice but i know for a fact no i know it's skyrocketed you're trying to trick me right now you're trying to make me think it's actually bed wars okay now you're throwing me off maybe your favorite battery change is bed wars no it's not a short question i genuinely feel like this is my favorite game on hypixel so your favorite game has changed now to bed wars it's been the same and it will stay the same well in that case i know what it is you got that right i didn't i knew that smart i did you knew that what is skippy's favorite muffin skippy bad flavor muffin what are you doing just don't read that one no stop putting these signs here what is scabby's favorite flavor muffin banana blueberry chocolate chip i feel like you like blue stuff so probably blueberry i thought i was close that should have been close who escaped me leave me alone you get confused for a second you're doing it on for a second who is skippy's favorite music artist kanye west lil pump bad boy halo lil wayne baby halo obviously what i'm not not lil pump that was a glitch all right it was kanye or you what oh either of those would have been accepted yes and you got them both thank you well okay have fun wait i clicked bad boy halo though fine half right what is skippy's favorite animal cat elephant anything besides crap giraffe you are a jerk okay i know this one it's actually i had to click it what was it anything besides what scabby that's not funny sorry i couldn't control myself i had to click it you know what forget it my turn all right what card is skeppy driving yeah i know it's not a lambo or a ferrari i'm not that cool or a mercedes it's a naughty yeah i'm a cool muffin for that i don't even know anything about cars that was a total guess process of deduction wait is bad boy halo skippy's best friend okay effie our friendship you're my best friend so i better be yours then um i thought you were gonna click no no wait wait that it was yes it was a glitch it was another one of the glitches it was another one of the glitches you are you are bad you are you are i just wanted to see your reaction that it was all for the reaction no you are you are you are you are you are it was a glitch it was a glitch okay i'm gonna choose to believe that it's a glitch it better have been a glitch that's all funny skippy okay is bad boy halo always late to skimmy's recordings scabby this is not even funny this is actually not even funny you are a flipping jerk you know that i am not the one who is right you're late you are late i wish first i was on time i mean you want to feel like fine i'm going to push yes there you go i got i got a point i'm ignoring you is that why halo going bald again no no i'm not what why did i say yes congratulations you have finished the steppy iq test what's my score you got um let me do the math this is what you got are you sure i feel like that's not right yep that's what you got okay so is that good well let's do the math 16 times four is um 75. it's okay so that's this time that's a c no it's less than 75. but you you did all right there were some glitches along the way there were some problems with the quiz but i will say you are not my best friend why i hate disconnected
Channel: Skep
Views: 1,172,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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