i might have upset badboyhalo

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what's up guys today i troll bad boy halo by making him re-record the same video over and over he got so mad thank you for watching and bye all right done that was a good video all right that was good no what oh my god what oh my god oh my god what what what i forgot to click record what do you mean you didn't stop anyways before we get into this video if you could quickly check if you are subscribed that would help a ton thank you guys so much and i hope you enjoyed this video also last thing i have new limited edition version out right now so go ahead and check that out do it do it look at it look at it it's sick okay for real enjoy what is up guys all right so me and batboy halo have an objective today to find diamonds and build a house and put the diamonds in our house let's go let's do it all right so you know we have to do this in under 15 minutes right yeah yeah okay wait so are you gonna build the house um i think you should build a house and i'll go for the diamonds all right i'll do that i'll start mining this tree okay perfect thank you all right hurry the timer's going down i am i am i'm going i'm going so here you need to hurry get the diamonds i've got the uh the wood wait what sort of house does it have to be like a fantastic matter any type of house is a house okay i'm gonna make it really fancy then can you get me some stone or should i combine guys fine i'll just you already got your own i'll get it go go go skimmy run where so run to where um oh what's the best strategy for finding diamonds we need to get you an iron pick dibs what the dibs stop you took my cow i'ma eat it in front of you too okay you're a muffin head all right what do we need to find next a cave slash ravine a cave playing minecraft it's very important to circumnavigate where you're going to go so follow me circumstances you don't know where you're going and you just run around in circles and get lost i don't think you know what circumnavigation i know what circumnavigate means on the map it shows the symbol you have to know how to direct yourself by using the map you do not know how to do this is that true yes it is the maps there are maps in minecraft bad debt with a program do you have one yes exactly i could here i'm getting some wood baby we need more wood for the house why are you leaving would you shut up about wood would you come in help me get one okay forget it i'm coming no there's zombies we gotta run we gotta run i have food but we need to cook it so follow me okay go go go i'm going man we literally all right the best way to find diamonds are you coming yes i'm coming okay the best way to find diamonds in minecraft is by going inside of one of these right this is a cave and you want to go even further down right and you want to go up just a little bit for good luck and then right here you mind directly straight down into diamonds okay they're not gonna be diamonds you go build the house how big does the house need to be by the way really big as big as you can make it like how big like really big bad do you know what big means i know what big means then really big mean okay you just said you know what big means i don't have a lot of time to build it i need to know be specific big large massive do you want to get what i'm saying five by five fat big thick yeppy what words i don't know any absolutely limited time to build a house and you want me to build it okay i'm gonna build it in a way that i think here here here i i can help i can help okay another bird or big large sizeable substantial considerable stop great huge dive talking enormous are you done with the house no i haven't started yet oh i'm literally still getting like resources no diamonds i found diamonds music diamonds i found diamonds i found diamonds i found diamonds i'm gonna smell this and start nice okay perfect perfect i can't believe i actually did it i'm so good that's awesome that's really good i'm the best and everyone agrees oh my goodness there's so many mobs over here i'm gonna have to work quickly come on bad we need a momentous house hey no i'm literally what do you think i'm working on i'm working on the house right now boom and it's a patch of eight oh my god i'm coming back i'm coming back okay that's perfect we just need like one diamond right yeah and i have eight so like we need more than enough okay perfect get it right here literally dude we're gonna beat the challenge we're almost done i think we got this careful the time is actually kind of close how much time do we have we only have a couple more minutes okay okay go go go go go go go i know i know get up here i'm i'm finishing up the house right now nice nice well i haven't even started but i mean you haven't even started i haven't what i was out doing hard work mining diamonds i was getting and you're up like picking flowers like no what were you doing horses here we might need more wood no i was getting resources more wood isn't that your whole job to get wood no i'm making the base out of now almost putting all the work on both of us and you're not doing anything yourself i'm being very happy you're like that kid in the group that leeches off of everyone else doing work okay if you're gonna be rude to me i can just not being rude i'm just saying your job was to get a house done and we don't have even the supplies easy job of getting diamonds anyone easy job of getting i'm coming up i better see a house yeah okay you will say a house come on top of the mountain up on top of a mountain because i think that's the best place to build a house oh fudge scary there's so many mobs coming over here i'm in trouble skeppy you need a hurry oh got another one okay finally i'm out where are you i am up on the top of the mountain come to the top there's a big hill right next to us just run up it all right bad i'm on my way can't wait to store the diamonds in the house how complete of a house does it need to be at least a hundred percent uh okay are you kidding me i'm working on it are you okay at least is there a chest inside for me to store the diamonds in oh fudge do you oh my god i don't your whole job was together i spent all the stuff on the roof and there's my wood okay thank you hey here i'm gonna make a chest and then we can finish the decorations of the house there all right let's put the door light right here boom all right skeppy put the stuff in the chest is that good enough or do we need in the house knows he's perfect finish the house and the diamonds have been put inside of the house we did it the house isn't even done fine let's finish the house okay you wait wait you know what i'm just gonna use what we have left over i've who cares if it matches it doesn't matter this is like silly there you go okay and one two two three four five six and do we need a roof ah do we really need a roof here just help me mine cause yeah yeah just cover it cover it with cobbles we'll cover it with cobble because we still use the slabs hurry hurry okay no we we have three minutes we have time for today okay we've got plenty of time let's cover it with one we'll do cobble slabs because those will look pretty cool and we'll leave like a little skylight ghost okay jelly for no reason you're yelling for no reason down oh my goodness you can't mix and match slabs i didn't mean to you literally just did boom boom boom boom leave a hole in the middle for the skylight okay and there we go there we go perfect ah do we need a door [Applause] thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed uh somewhere in the middle if you enjoyed like comment subscribe tell them to sub aw sup everybody this is a lot of fun and didn't you say other people were gonna do this challenge too uh maybe maybe i don't know anyway we win you're the best and bye all right done that was a good video all right that was good we actually did that way quicker than like i thought we would i thought it was gonna be like super hard that was like really difficult that's it like that's all we had yeah i don't know do you think that was like good enough to be a video like i thought i mean i thought it was good right i would definitely have like other people do it too and then like we compare our times to like theirs right what do you mean like some of our oh so like have two other people do exactly what we just did and like if they get a quicker time essentially yeah it's like that's the challenge it's like teamwork yeah i know i got i kind of like that i mean i'll upload it i'll see i'll see what people think and then if people liked it we'll do it again with like more people you feel yeah no i i think it was a good it was a fun little you know nice relaxing we got things how'd you find the timing so quick dude literally people are gonna think i had like x-ray i just mined down and then i just found it and i was like oh my god oh my god oh no what oh my god what oh my god oh my god oh my god what what what what dude what are you okay no my heart just dropped what dude i'm literally so sad right now what why i forgot to click record are you kidding skeppy no i literally i was kidding yep dude i didn't it's because we started it and stopped it when we were doing like the intro thing and then i didn't realize and then i just didn't click it again i thought it was still going we had such a good time please can we redo it please i really want to upload a video oh i know but we can do it even quicker because we know exactly what to do i don't know if we can do it quickly is that fair though if we do the challenge again bad i oh my god i'm actually so annoyed right now okay just this time press record of course i'm going to click record this time i got it dude here reset the world no it's fine it's fine what do you mean it's fine here i'll just game mode create it i have all my stuff i'll just get rid of it it doesn't matter oh what are you doing i'm just getting rid of the house i built this why are you getting ready it doesn't matter it's not because we have to do the recording again people can't see like a house what here okay fine fine we'll keep we'll keep some of it okay we'll keep some of it i'll just put all my stuff no just leave it just leave it i'm putting what i'm putting i'm getting rid of my stuff okay all right we can't have a full inventory here heal me okay let's really have stuff you can just go another way all right just here go ahead and start go ahead and start it okay three two one heal me all right what is going on guys welcome back to another video so me and bad have come up with a challenge together but basically we have to find diamonds and build a house and put the diamonds inside of the house we're trying to do this in under 15 minutes and yeah that's that's pretty much it it's our second attempt at it what do you mean this is our second attempt no i'm gonna cut that out don't don't tell them fine we don't want them to think that we like do multiple attempts to challenge it'll make us look bad fine fine look it started raining don't think we're bad at the game here let's go let's go okay let's go all right so we are going to go find diamonds now all right bad go find diamonds uh wait do you want me to build the house no i'm gonna build the house obviously what go find diamonds while i build a house can't be i don't know where but i came up with the idea so obviously i'm gonna build the house oh my goodness fine i will go get diamonds you build the house over here okay okay okay and you get a pick and oh look there's literally a cave right here oh there it is down here yeah all right remember we have a limited amount of time so like go go get your stuff how long do we have like 15 minutes 15 minutes now you have 14 minutes okay monster scabby monster uh i'm gonna die scary scary don't die muffins okay it's okay i'm okay i'm okay okay all right bad i'm going to build the best house of all time okay well it better be the best house of all time yeah i need some wood can you give me some wood yep there you go okay uh what type of house are you gonna build um i'm thinking a stone house probably okay we have to put the diamonds in a chest in the house yes that is what we're gonna do hurry up we're not making good time right now i am give me i'm hurrying i'm hurrying hold on okay i need food oh well this is here i got you food i got your food oh give me there you go oh thank you see i'm making good time okay this is good this is good go go go go go okay i'm going down let's see how far down this cave goes and dead end okay i'm gonna mine straight down here okay keep your eyes peeled skippy watch out for mobs signing away all right i have just take forever no it's gonna be good i've literally already started on the house okay good yes make the house look really nice it will be it's going to be really really really good and you know what scary i want it to be huge i want it to be 100 by 100 blocks oh you want it to be huge i was thinking a small house no here i already made the house i'm already done so like whatever i have is good here are you have you found the diamonds yet oh i found a ravine perfect i'm going down have you found the diamonds yet no no i found emeralds though we're not looking for emeralds though we're looking for diamonds i know but i think okay emeralds can we just use emeralds no of course not that i literally found the diamonds by now but when i did it okay go get find the diamonds oh yeah you found the diamonds yeah literally when we did this five minutes ago i found the diamonds quicker than i thought you were gonna say that i'm i'm just saying that when i had to go find diamonds like whatever whatever wait wait no you didn't it took you longer than that whatever i'll just i'll just cut this part out okay i don't care but like can you harp and find the diamonds because they're taking forever i found emeralds if those count no it's fine it's fine you want me to come help you no i needed to get iron i'm i'm waiting at the housing i don't have anything else i can be doing quickly we're just waiting on you oh i found some you found diamonds i found some okay perfect i just i gotta smelt some iron all right bring it back bring it back bring it back i'm smelting iron right now chill don't tell me to chill bad you're like getting all mad you're getting on my oh my god the timer just went off and we that was why was there an alarm why was there another timer no i had an alarm a setup you had an alarm specifically set up at 8 53 p.m yeah there's my rat trimming why why did you have an alarm set at 8 53 p.m i want to know no it was i said it like about like two hours ago yeah but why specifically at 8 53 that no sense two hours ago i said set an alarm for two hours yeah but why would you say in two hours wouldn't you just set it at the preferred time no i said it for two hours why would you set up for two hours because it was two hours why would you just you know you had a recording with me at this time i'm getting diamonds leave me alone the timer just okay all right that was a different timer oh it was for the first challenge oh my gosh why didn't you just say that that's not from the first challenge it was that was the first 15-minute timer wasn't it or was it like a news no that's just oh it died it was a weird coincidence though excuse me i'm going out no i i don't trust the word you're saying wait how many diamonds do i need by the way one okay just oh so i can i have four can i use one to make like a diamond no one okay fine get up you're getting all snippy [Music] i'm not always like this right get me you realize if you just don't put this in if you adjust pressed record oh my god don't make it harder for the editor to stop the recording midway through to yell at me and argue okay editor cut all of this out editor don't put any of this in bad literally why are you why are you so slow right now i found diamonds i'm coming up the house you're still not up and the house has been done we have literally no content how am i gonna use this for an entire video when like all of it is gonna be cut out this is gonna be like a two minute video okay there's gonna be a little while oh maybe this is why you press record i'm recording right now you know what i'll just keep all this in i'll just keep all this no cure all of it and then i'll get to 10 minutes or eight minutes or however long you need to get to okay i don't even care i am okay and oh man oh are you here come here finally good thing where's our house done being a little jerk face i am not being a jerk where are you all right over here all right let me see the diamonds this is the house you built yes it looks quality oh nice touch perfect and done there we go all right all right cool good job now we can do the outro all right this has been joking two one thanks for watching guys sorry this video sucked it's because bad was being an idiot bye all right how am i gonna upload that i don't know it's gonna be literally how do you expect me to upload that video like that well you forgot the president you're being mad for no reason you got mad at me why didn't i i was calm and controlled the entire time no you were getting snippy at me for nothing no i said that you just like you happened to take a little bit more time and that was that was yeah that was the only point you should have just gone and found the diamonds again but instead you tried to get me to go find them i thought i was building the house and you built the titans well why would you think that you were going to build the house why did you want a big house what do you mean tiny house this is i know that no you said the first time that you want a big house and then the second time you're doing this people can change their mind over time i don't want do you want the same thing you wanted when you're five years old whatever i'm leaving thank you don't answer me answer me excuse me that is completely different it is literally the same thing it's you're using time and you're saying well why didn't you want what you wanted to do you can literally use it again and say oh i bet when you're five years old you wanted to own like a candy shop or something okay i bet you don't want to own a candy shop anymore do you still want to own a candy shop yes and i'm leaving i'm leaving have a nice time i don't care right only in the video okay i'll later edit it and make it the way i want call me later i'll call you later but i'm gonna go give her a haircut okay is that actually what your alarm was up for yeah that was my tumor alarm i don't have to give her a haircut but i'm just gonna go and give her some more haircuts you just like doing it hey uh skippy you know what oh my [ __ ] god language okay i swear i couldn't it's on a sting where the obs is like stuck and it's saying like stopping recording dot dot and it's not like done it's like just sitting there trying to stop i don't understand just try and stop it right i didn't i did it it's on the stop thing it's just it's it's like trying to stop but it it it's like stopping dot not it doesn't let me start it again it's just like i don't know why go in listen go into the command prompt or not command prompt oh what's that you know i'm not a technic god dude control alt delete people say that when they're trying to okay okay end the process no that'll corrupt it i don't know how to fix it there's no way to fix it skippy you're lying no my disk space was full are you kidding me my disk space was full did it is the program like i just sent you a screenshot of my face being full oh my gosh are you kidding me oh my god deputy okay no bad literally literally literally the first video was way better than the second one the second one was stupid like it literally how much did you get though like no i just there was like no footage i i think we needed to redo it either way yeah we know how much footage did you get like the second time yes like did you get all the footage it it corrupted because my disk space was full my disk space was full so it just went into thin air cappy that i just said that this is why i keep telling you to record an mkv who records an mkv only that let's do that mp4 is the way to go dude i literally listen oh wait really yes have you recorded an mkv okay gabby are you kidding me it just sounds dumb like who wants to be like yeah i record an mkv like no one wants to say okay listen that's beside the point please can we just do it one more time okay but should we change like the challenge no it's a fun challenge like we're not playing the emeralds instead okay why don't we just do iron to make it quicker iron would be a lot that'd be almost too quick though that's true um just do emeralds you will you already know where the emeralds are fine just go do emerald go back to the emeralds no that's cheating okay but like you can't do that you've already found it so is it really cheating because you already found it yes it's cheap no it's not you already found it no you know where no it's not yes it is listen let's just try it one more time here let's redo it okay ah okay all right ready oh my god okay put it all in there oh look i already have it here let's start it over here so that we don't have to look at the house here come on come on we don't have time you're a laggy potato oh am i still laggy you're a laggy potato all right i'm here are you ready yeah we i'm gonna record too wait why are you gonna record because if your footage breaks we'll at least have my footage we can use no but then it would be like your video oh my god no don't do that that would be no fine just just okay fine just record in case anything happens to the audio okay that's a good idea okay just me hold on clear space i already deleted everything you have enough space i literally deleted every single video i had oh not every video i just deleted all the raw recordings we ever did like from 2017. what you still had those yeah of course i had it i just thought i wanted to keep it in case like we ever wanted it but i guess now it's fun all right let's just start all right three two one what is up guys welcome back to another video bad boy halo standing over there because he's sick and tired of being sick and tired and what we're going to be doing is building a house and finding diamonds all right that's it let's go let's go let's go oh bad don't look over there don't don't look over there don't look over there look away from it yeah okay this is our third attempt bad look just look just look away just look away all right so we're going to be going ahead and mining wood in order to build a house which is a bad job obviously because he's way better at building houses and when you build the house i want it to be like a really big big big house okay no i'm gonna then i'm going to be finding the diamonds yes you go by diamonds i'm going to build a big house okay all right here follow me wait little house little house no no this isn't mine all right skeppy wait wait hey where'd you get the diamond axe what i made a diamond yeah i mean you made it using what quicker from the diamonds we found yeah but you're bad cut this out we're trying to make a video you're cheating you can't make no give me the stuff oh you want the diamond axe yeah and the iron pick hey you're more diamonds give me scabby no hey give me all right i'm gonna start building the house because that's been taking too long so i'm just gonna start building hey what's this stop why did you build a house over here that says put diamonds i didn't in here oh my god house yo there's a lot of stuff in here oh my gosh skippy we're not using this stuff skippy you're wasting time i'm gonna cut this out why do you keep telling the editor to cut this out this is the third time we've recorded okay look in chat you know how many achievements there are it literally says i went into creative mode survival mode i changed the weather there are literally broken trees there's a broken house there's another house over there when you think people are stupid or something you think they're just not gonna do it why would you want to go to another spot there's literally we know this spot so well excuse me we're gonna start over right now why did you just kill me because you're goofing off what do you think we're gonna start over to fresh worlds if you go saplings you know one day that's gonna cause a forest there's gonna be a lot of trees here because of you good i'm glad i hope there's a lot of trees okay i'm i'm pro trees but that one i want to do it okay let's go over here and let's restart come on let's just tell people to ignore anything all right what understand you wanna stand next to me fine i'll listen to whatever you have to say here we go hello everybody he doesn't notice i'm wearing him at a challenge we're gonna be we're gonna try and find diamonds build a house put the diamonds in it within 15 minutes we have 15 minutes to do it and there may be some stuff on the world just ignore it let's go are you raised cappy i'm ready yay let's go oh dad this challenge feels so boring i'm skippy do you want to do a different this challenge literally feels so overdone and boring it's like we've done it i mean i guess we did do it like three times but it's just like i can't do this again and like i can't be like yeah i'm so excited you want to just not do it we can come back tomorrow and try again no but i want to upload a video then do you want to try a different challenge yeah i mean i want to okay what's a different challenge we could do um 1v1 let's go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i didn't even start recording what do you mean you didn't start recording well were you recording was a test trial to test you and see how good of a job you're gonna do and literally you were just talking about our past attempts and stuff so yeah you weren't even recording yeah of course no it was the third time i knew there was going to be an issue what do you mean why are you going to kill me anyway talking about almost an hour what no we did it it was a good recording session we tested it and it didn't work and it didn't work we simply tested it yeah it corrupted i did press record it was only the third time that was a test the other two the real times that's it get back here what are you talking about get away from you hey where are you where are you get over here you're a cheater oh you said that's cheating and you're literally teleporting you were literally like and now you're interested teleporting forget it i don't want to work wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait back what all right what's going on guys today i'm with batboy halo and we are making a video together bad were you i'm coming on okay perfect all right so today me and bad are on a hunt to find diamonds are you ready yes where did you get all those from creative mode before we started were items this video wait bad were you cheating i'll clear my inventory wait a minute there i clear my inventory i'm healed let's go what's the challenge skippy yeah we what let me see mc bad boy you just said you were clearing your inventory and now there is a whole inventory of diamonds you were literally caught in the act cheating i'm telling everyone and you know what i'm recording right now so you know what the challenge of the video was to find diamonds and i guess bad somehow already did it so you know what congrats ben you win the challenge i'll send you a thousand dollars or how much ever money the challenge is for good job dad good job and stop all right i stopped it why would you do that because you're being a little muffin head oh my gosh i'm so tired i'm leaving i'm gonna edit that and make it seem like you spawned the diamonds in before no you better not it's giving you better not your what i'm leaving you're sleeping i don't care no 2020 is not a leap year actually it might be scary why did you do that no it was a total i was just trying to annoy you because like we're not going to be able to get a video done today what do you mean like dude like no way you're actually doing the idea or well i mean i don't want to make you do it a third time oh so you just gave up after like yeah that's fine i guess we can try something later tomorrow if you want okay all right all right i'll talk to you later man okay all right i'll just upload everything i have i guess you want my footage uh the whole thing came out to almost an hour and a half oh wow wait you're not gonna upload this sorry here oh i'll just put it up and see what happens i guess oh my goodness well bye
Channel: Skep
Views: 1,478,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel
Id: fega0RKJs94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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