I Made An Inescapable Trap..

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in this episode I finally reveal the plan I've been working on since last episode enjoy the show [Applause] [Music] all right welcome back to another episode of Friend or Foe last episode we actually set up a trap and I'm gonna check if somebody might come through it and we're gonna go far out so we can go through a portal safely to uh have a look at Dead trap because if I'm correct we might be able to get somebody with it today and I also just kind of want to check up on whether it's still working or not I think I know exactly what portal I want to use for this it's the same portal I once got trapped in this time is going to lead us to whereas B will be trapped here we are this should lead us right to the Trap there it is that my friends is the coffin now let's see if it still works I really hope it still does oh it still works yes this is an obsidian box filled with two end crystals and each end crystal is also filled with TNT which I use pistons to push TNT into the end crystals and when I did that I lit the portal which actually now that I think about it instead of explaining it I could show you all right this is the coffin in my creative world and I'm just gonna enchant some armor with full protection and everything all right here we go there we are so full protection for armor and then we're gonna go back to the Overworld and if you're SB and you're going through this is what it'll look like boom you're inside the coffin and your fate is already sealed if you try to do anything other than maybe eat out of mine if you try to lace anything you know you can't place water so yeah once you go through it it is completely inescapable I mean you can you can eat things I guess if you wanted to but in the end you're gonna need to mine out somehow or maybe try to throw an inner Pearl and the pearls go straight through the portals and if you throw them like that you're instantly dead and uh the TNT make sure your items all explode so it is a pretty nasty trap you you lose everything in an instant that's uh that's the idea of the coffin so that's what this trap is and if at any point SB decides to use the portal at his house he will be in here and I'll be able to taunt him until either somebody tries to free him or it explodes because he tries to mine it so I'm gonna stay here I think for most of this episode because I really want to uh be able to catch whoever gets in here before they can get outside help or anything because I can't kill SB but if he were who somehow get in some terrible terrible accident which he would cause by his own hands obviously because he would be the one blowing it up and that would that would just would not be my fault at all you know and you know what maybe my name tag will make him panic and explode the crystals anyway I should prepare my inventory for a fight where is the ocean shoker there EVP is on okay here we go that should be enough potions for now actually I'll take one more Fire Resistance potion if we have those I haven't brewed those yet have I all right well I need to brew some fire resistance next time I go to the Overworld but for now I'm gonna go search for some brown mushrooms while I wait for his V to fall for that trap there really aren't any brown mushrooms around over there it's just red ones I mean I'll take some but I really need some brown ones oh oh my God I can't believe it wait are those the TNT Minecarts oh no those are the normal Minecarts they hit something and they're returning look at this look at them there's so many Minecarts what you know what the nice thing about this trap is most traps require you to instantly react to them if you want to have a chance at escaping but if you instantly react to this trap it will go off meaning that you actually have to take it really slow if you want to have any chance of surviving this that also of course means that there might be a way to get out of it namely the only way I can think of is using somebody else's help but I think it's just going everywhere where are you going okay here's the brown mushrooms that's a lot better I guess I probably picked them all up around spawn already I remember I did that a few times let's head back to the portal trap and uh we'll see if we caught anybody in it I haven't told a quiff for security reasons but I really hope quiff doesn't go into it because the Trap really wasn't meant for him same for mini really I really need this to to be targeted to SB and that's exactly why I built it connected to USB's portal but maybe quiff or mini uses bees portal to get around and if that's the case then that's that's not at all let's actually hope that we get us to be inside this thing you know I'll I'll figure out what I got to do I guess I can easily take this time to uh tell you that the posters are finally out and uh in the link in the description you'll be able to buy the posters they're going to be hand signed by all four of us so it's quiff mini SB and I and it's pretty rare to have something signed by four different YouTubers so if you want one of these the link is in the description you can buy them there and they are limited time only we only got a few of them so when they're sold out they're sold out so get yours while you can come on what are the chances SB doesn't take his portal at all this episode maybe I'll actually go stalk SB a little bit oh quiff God damn it quick hello don't tell me this was you quiff come on man oh my God wait we can fix this we can fix this okay run out run out now run out don't hit don't hit look forward forward Jesus all right you know what you gotta stop this habit of going through other people's portals it's not safe man it's not safe at all I am so glad you did not set that off this is meant to get USB this is meant to get a speed bro I was like bro I'm not I'm you're not who's who's Paul safe espy's portal oh it's not all these portals saved nobody's portal is safest oh my God all right well at least you took the portal so that that might mean that uh SB takes the portal as well he honestly might because minion as we both saw me go for it really really yeah yeah doesn't go through first though I really need this to get his b if he gets down to two lives that's gonna be so good will this instant kill him oh yeah he's not see the wall of TNT next to you as well no no I saw everything yeah I was like okay two crystals and then once that once a crystal damage happens which you're inside the crystal uh hard mode in the nether it's hard mode than another so getting into kill anyway will they do enough damage though because uh crystals are nerfed no I tested bro I tested it's gonna do enough damage I tested in in survival I was I was like five blocks away like this and it did yeah five Hearts five Hearts like this it's not enough it's not enough it's no Nerf no no it is nerfed it is Nerf here's how it works here's how it works when you set off the crystal yourself you take full damage uh and I think I think the entity also has to exist for like 15 seconds or something but this has been set up since last week it's definitely been there for longer than 15 seconds uh and also uh the Trap works by not letting them out until they blow themselves up yeah I I I was like okay who's this trap I thought SB trapped his own portal but then I heard you I was like okay yeah dude I was molding for a moment there until I realized I could get you out safely but man when I heard like sounds from it I was like oh my God I got somebody and then I looked it was you the only person I did not want to trap I was actually uh by the way I think someone might be after you oh they're planning so much just a heads up really what are they planning uh Minnie might bring you to a shop it's completely trapped okay I gotcha yeah I checked underneath it stuck with TNT I was like yeah stack with TNT okay so then you're gonna try to blow me up yeah okay that's pretty bad let's hope they actually go to the nether I think they will is there an escape here for us why would we need to escape it's not it's obsidian it's not gonna blow up no no how do we get out of the oven oh oh that portal over there oh that's my pickaxe that portal right over there that's how I got in that's how I got out that's actually the portal that SB trapped me in the one time I died so it's uh a little poetic in a sense but yes it honestly is I wish you look I I think you'll come for any second I'll see you later quick well that was nice I actually thought I would have to pound her the entire are trapped to let him out but actually it was pretty easy and it's nice that I know Minnie and his b are around their base because that means that pretty soon they're gonna come through oh I'm getting giddy just thinking about it and I'll look on his my face when I get him with this trap he thinks he's all about the traps but I got some up my sleeve too as me and I don't think you're gonna like this one very much it's a good thing that quick came through though because now we know it works I mean I tested the connection on the portal before I actually made the Trap so I know it's connected to USB's portal but I feel nice to see it actually in action yo quiff yo you good yeah no I'm lost I mean you're lost oh yo I run that way there's no pole buddy how what's your render distance at fight two what's your sim do you have fog on oh I do I do I'm just I'm just staring straight at it right now I can see it right there but all I see is red well you're like a bull bro but okay okay I have an idea yeah what's that so I have an idea and it could help you but I think that's gonna be a window where it could also fail what's that because espy's far away right now but I told him I have an offer and I can obey him to go inside the pool but I go first again his trust again and then I quickly escape and you patch it off I think we shouldn't do that thing about this trap is it is created to avoids suspicion because we're not luring him he is going in on his own volition that's that's the whole point of the Trap so if we try to lure him in then might as well have done something else right you know this is It's all about avoiding the suspicion also I just wanted to make sure that uh you know you wouldn't tell them it's definitely within both of our best interests that SB gets trapped in listen he's been off to my life so many times that you know Karma got him the one one topped him yeah you know and uh now the coffin's gonna get him yeah all right so the polls right this way it's right directly that way like yeah there you go you are running right into it you go Quest you got it all right I'll see you later man that's pretty funny he's blind oh Minnie's in the end wow let's hope SB doesn't go to the end either also how do I make this thing more coffin shape I I don't know where Minnie would love to hang the only problem is if they use a Tracker they'll get the portal I came through so maybe I should trap that one too you know what that's that's gonna be it for now that's that's the final design I gotta I gotta do some stuff all right SB SB did a quest in the end he might need to do another Quest afterwards please go to the nether please something you must need something in the nether come on please do one of these quests that you you need to go to the netherwork please I need this SP I need this all right I'm I'm gonna try to lure them a little bit did quiff talk with I swear to God I swear to God Cliff if they know that's bad bro oh my God that's that's bad did they hear from under the Bedrock were they there were they listening in I don't know anymore anything could be happening at this point I can't believe it it was probably quiff wasn't it I'm finding quiffs he definitely told them how else would they know there's no way they could know oh clown with I follow this piece take a walk with me take a walk with me with me sir let's get out of enemy range for a little bit what's going down Cliff can you explain one thing to me yeah what's up you explain how when you find out about my portal yeah and you leave the pick up your food or whatever you did suddenly you know mini messages like hey anybody want to meet up and I'm like yeah I'm I'm out Bastion hunting right now and he's like oh yeah I'm sure you'd love me to come to the nether right now and I'm like well you asked bro and he's like oh yeah what about that portal huh and I asked him what portal what do you mean what portal you've been through the portal no I mean like how does he know what poll I don't know Cliff that's what I'm trying to find out here no I don't know anything are you sure no I've been on the hunt for SB and then I tried to do an MLG and apparently it doesn't even count so I'm I'm in my own like tilt mode I don't know how they found out with but no I actually don't know I listen if there's anyone I've always been on your side sb's getting alive this is like the perfect time to even knock him down again it is it is this is why I'm I'm just I don't know how this happened but it's not good because that was you know those those are those are our Channel I wonder if they were below us and listening in maybe because I actually don't know like I I I hand on heart I never said anything to anyone I it took me 20 minutes to find the exit it did it was pretty funny all right but actually seriously I have no idea unless he was in the nether getting XP I don't know man but we'll see I'm just gonna have to figure something out all right well uh you know I'll I'll see you around we're uh okay well I wish you the look uh yeah I actually have zero idea how they did it yeah I have zero idea all right well we'll see how they found out at some point probably but you know I'm gonna try to lure him in somehow anyway all right I'll I'll see you later quick bye-bye all right thank you to mystery all right he he really persists that he doesn't know and it I'm inclined to trust him just because he really wants us be dead too because his B's coming after him he would have no reason to tell his b but I can't I still can't trust anyone one squid wisens up he'll realize that he'll need to kill me to win and it's better if they do it together
Channel: ClownPierce
Views: 470,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I Destroyed an Army on this Minecraft SMP, ClownPierce, Minecraft Hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft revenge, minecraft mods, pvplegacy, deadliest smp, deadliest minecraft smp, last life, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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