I made the Easter Bunny and it's terrifying

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hey folks my name is Adam and I like to make tiny nerdy things and this weekend is Easter so in honor of the second most important chocolate hiding bunny related holiday I thought I'd make a little something something of course if you're watching this video then you probably saw the thumbnail so you might be wondering why well we were visiting some friends recently and they have a big book of European folklore which is chocked full of uber weird horrifying versions of otherwise delightful holiday characters and it got me thinking what would the Scandinavian version of the Easter bunny look like after a brief moment of reflection I decided it would probably look like a were rabbit with a terrible case of mange to make my mangy wear rabbit I built a long-limmed aluminum body and wrapped it in foil then bent it into an appropriately creepy pose so that I could start building up the body with a thin layer of clay for the time being I'm really only interested in getting the clay on the body and covering up the majority of the exposed wire and foil I'm imagining a sickly thin-limmed monstrosity of a beaster bunny so I'm Gonna Keep The Clay on the limbs to a minimum Easter's not known for music and the bunny's not going to be singing so while presses diaphragm up into his chest to highlight his creepy ribs before getting to work highlighting his creepy ribs this mostly involves pushing the clay around until I've got some lumpy bits on each side then I can add a thick blob of clay to a sternum then it's just a case of blending it in and exaggerating the gaps between the ribs before flipping him over and making his back ribs plenty visible as well Easter Bunny back ribs are both delicious and an excellent way to really highlight the hunched over creepiness of the pose finally what's a good creepy bent over pose without an overly exaggerated spinal column poking through this skin I'll start with a long skinny wormy dealy stuck from the tip to the tail then I can blend it into the back and start to Mark out each spinal column before gently rolling the shape of each disc I'm imagining mid-notti's Madonna arms for my bunny so I'll wrap the remaining wire in a Barely There amount of clay before building up some tiny but extremely strong ropey muscles I'll do the same thing for the legs but trying to keep the anatomy mostly humanoid with really exaggerated musculature basically I want them to look like the skin is paper thin finally with the majority of the clay built up and the musculature in place I'll come back through with a series of small styluses and silicone Shapers to push and pull the clay around to give it a stretched and pulled look otherwise the bunny's going to be holding his weight on two legs and an arm but he's gonna be a bit top heavy with an oversized head so while I'm sculpting that I'll support the left arm with a little wrist wrap of wire then I can start to add some of the oversized veins kind of wherever I think they'll look the worst these are Joe's teeny tiny wormy dealies that get stuck onto the model and poked around until they're extra veiny then I can blend them in for a little added awfulness I'll poke some shallow divots and a few strategically chosen spots then fill them with some little balls of clay which once Blended in will be some impromptu pustules after all if the bunny's gonna be mangy then he really does need some pustules as well last but not least I can add some wrinkly skin texture by pressing some crinkled up plastic wrap onto the surface followed by a light brushing with a soft nylon brush otherwise that's the body done so it can be tossed in the oven to cure and I can get started on the head I really had no idea how I was gonna make the head but if I'm leaning into the Were Rabbit idea then I may as well go all in of course I don't know what a Were Rabbit looks like so I figured I should probably start with a simple happy rabbit head and go from there once I've got my rabbit head sort of shaped out stuck to the body and Blended in I can poke some divots for a couple big old bunny eyes then add a cute little nose and the appropriate bunny smile finally with a somewhat bunny looking face I can start to ruin it I'll start by stamming his mouth with a knife so I can open up his jaw and pull out the insides that way I can make him extra yelly later then I'll carefully chop away the cheeks to make room for rows of future teeth before reshaping the jawline so it's a little bit more bunny-esque next I'll start to thicken up the area around the eyes so he looks a tiny bit more angry and a tiny bit less shocked before adding some little balls to his upper jaw to build out his bunny lips then it's on to some basic texturing and wrinkling around the entirety of the face if my bunny is going to have the body of an emaciated monstrosity then he needs an adequately wrinkly face to match [Music] I'll poke a couple little breathing holes in the front of his face then a couple fat worms of clay can get stuck to the inside of his mouth which I'll then stab with a stylus so I can fit some pre-baked teeth into place around his gums I'd consider giving him a big pair of traditional bunny teeth but couldn't figure out a way to make them look appropriate for the Were Rabbit design so instead I stuck with the tried and true big pointy stabber styled teeth at this point he's looking a bit too much like a naked mole rat but a couple wires jammed into his head will provide adequate support to add some much needed ears I'll then blend them into the back of the head before filling the inside with more clay so I can make the veiny ear interior foreign all along was to have the Easter Bunny laying a trap for unsuspecting children with a basket in the middle of a room while he's hanging over the edge like a creepy reverse trapdoor spider now I can't make the room out of foam then build the rest of the bunnies since foam and ovens don't generally mix instead I'm gonna make the shape of the room out of a cardboard box so that I can finish sculpting my bunny's hands and feet once I've got the beaster bunny positioned properly on my makeshift walls I can start to build up the clay around the hands and feet then press it back onto the cardboard frame so I can reshape the added clay until it conforms to the shape of the walls I'm going to be making the walls out of one centimeter thick foam later so I have doubled up the sides of the box so that I know the hands and feet will fit the future room later with the feet in hand in place I can start to add the detail his right hand will be clutching the side with his fingers reaching up and over so I'll make some little bit long clay sausages to stick into some predefined finger holes then I can start to really gnarly them up before stabbing some little pre-baked fingertowns into the tips and repositioning the fingers so they look extra creepy I'll then make the feet in the exact same fashion except there'll be four-toed bunny feed with larger toe towns before finally sticking a sad little tail onto his butt then I can toss the entire cardboard and Bunny Contraption into the oven to bake so I can safely pop it off the frame and get to work making his creepy little left hand in the same way I made his creepy little right hand [Music] laughs [Music] finally as a Finishing Touch I'll Jam a little tongue into his open Gob and after one last bake he's finally finished and ready to be painted I'll start by giving him a nice white primer which will allow for an easy off-white staining by way of a very thin brownish wash this will be the base coat that I can start to build the layers on top of I'm picturing a dirty yellowish Brown kind of light but not white fleshy looking skin tone to highlight all the wrinkles and creases before I build on the brown base coat though I'll give the lips and ears a series of Pinks Reds purples and blues to give them a nice fleshy mouth look then I'll crack out my stolen makeup sponge to build up the many layers of my Scandinavian beaster bunny skin tones I'm working my way through progressively lighter flesh tones until I'm only tickling the tips with a nearly white top coat once it had all dried I realized I hadn't washed the sponge very well the last time I used it so my bunnies got kind of a sickly green cast to it but given what I'm trying to do here I think it's kind of a heavy accident and it works well with the skin tones done I'll repaint the teeth with a bone white base coat followed by a solid white top coat which then gets a light umber wash that I can dab away before it dries leave me with some gnarly looking Chompers I'll then repeat this process for the fingers and toes before painting the eyes with a black to white gradient until I've got a pair of unsettlingly cataracty looking peepers otherwise my Easter Bunny is looking well beautiful but a tad bit naked fortunately I happen to have this perfectly colored static grass just lying around as a result of purchasing it specifically for this project now to stick it to my rabbit I've got just the tool this is a static grass box which works by well some sort of magic I don't fully understand basically you put the grass on top of the box then flick the little switch on and it statically charges the grass launching it up into the air and all over your studio and directly into your lungs and eyes however if you coat a horrifying bunny rabbit in a splotchy layer of PVA glue you can trick the spirit of the box into attacking the rabbit instead eventually leaving you with a poorly coated mangy looking monstrosity of a sculpture and because I applied a thin layer of glue and the grass fibers are so long I'm left with a perfectly pathetic layer of fur the only thing left to do then is add the ever important UV resin to the eyes to make them shine real good and add some high gloss varnish to the mouth and that's our Easter Bunny finally finished which means it's time to make his lair as I mentioned earlier the room will be built of one centimeter thick foam which I can quickly cut down to size [Music] once the chopping is finished I'm left with three walls and a floor well then Marco where I want some windows to go as well as where I should put a door before deciding I'm too lazy to make three walls and my floor is too big so now I'm left with a back wall a sidewall and a slightly smaller floor ready to get chopped up I made a window template so I know my windows will be the same size and once I've popped the foam out of the window I can start marking out the bricks now a standard British brick is 215 millimeters by 102.5 millimeters and the door frame I've cut is 115 millimeters tall so to find the proper size for my bricks it's just a case of finding the scale of the door and applying that to the size of the bricks on the other hand though that feels like a lot of math for a diorama that includes an Easter Bunny monster so I'm just gonna make all my bricks one centimeter by two centimeter and call it a day otherwise once the window well has been bricked up I can do the same thing to the back wall now while my walls are well bricked they're lacking a certain bricky texture to them so I've made myself a little aluminum ball that I'll use to carefully apply texture finally with the walls bricked and texturized it's time to Prime them with a little black paint and Mod Podge foreign once the black Mod Podge is that time to dry I'll paint all the bricks with a nice bricky red base coat which gets followed by a series of red and orange dry brushes to help bring out some of the texture and detail to make the wooden frame around the windows and the doors I'm going to use some big paint pot stir sticks but they're a bit too wide so I'll have to cut them in half then I can cut them down to fit the frame the wood's pretty wonky as is but this is going to be an old dilapidated building so a bit of fancy knife work will roughen the wood up a bit before I glue them in place foreign with the frames in place I can give them a darker stain with some Thin Dale Brown wash and to make the wood look a little more worn and weathered I'll go back over the brown with a dirty gray wash otherwise I've now got a beautiful brick while on some lovely wooden window and door frames but I want this to be an old worn out building so I'm going to plaster over the walls using my favorite non-sponsored material one strike filler now to make a little bit less blazingly white I'll mix it up with a tiny bit of stone gray then I can slap it directly onto my brick wall I've been using this stuff for years as a basing material or to make snowy things but I think this might be the first time I've ever used it on a wall to make it look a little bit more like a worn plaster wall I'll give it a couple minutes to dry it before using a flat silicone shaper to scrape off some sections where the plaster is broken away then once the plaster is fully cured I can glue the two walls to the floor before realizing that I probably should have sanded the walls before attaching them to the base [Music] my original plan was to make the floors out of longer lengths of paint sticks but after laying a couple boards in place I decided they were a touch too thick so instead I'll have to turn to my old friend stir sticks of course the problem with stir sticks is that they're rounded on the end so I'll have to snip some tips now I didn't count how many stir sticks I ended up using but if I had to guess I'd say it's somewhere near three or four billion and cutting each tip square one at a time would be an absolute bollock so to save myself a little time I stacked them together and saw the tips off in bunches and it was just a case of flipping them over ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine and it was just a case of flipping them over cutting the other end flat then gluing them in place [Music] with the flooring in place I can make some wonky baseboard out of some more paint sticks and then I can make a door out of a big sheet of obesh obesh is technically a hardwood but it's incredibly soft and super easy to shape with nothing more than a knife so all I did was cut out a rectangle to fit within the dimensions of my door that I marked out and chopped out the shape of a teeny tiny wooden door then I drilled a door handle before taking my pliers to it to break it apart and for some reason I snapped it in half and immediately regretted it so I glued it back together and gave it a couple coats of the same stain as the door frame while the door is drying I'll break off the longer tips of the floor then give it a once over with a lovely reddish brown stain followed by that same grayish white wash so it looks nice and worn I didn't let the stain dry between coats so it ended up warping the wood which was absolutely my intention shut up no questions I then applied some of that gray white washing to the walls to make the plaster look water damaged and gross [Music] foreign [Music] ly a quick sanding on the floor will add some nice natural wear and tear to the wood and I can glue my smashed up door in place to make some broken windows I've taken my original window frame template and made some windows out of thin perspex sheet which I can carefully break into little broken pieces using some foam safe super glue I can attach the larger broken pieces to the back side of the wall to make the windows look broken and the smaller pieces I'll accidentally brush onto the floor of my studio so I could spend the next week picking shards of Plexiglas out of the bottoms of my feet once the floor is dried I want to add some dirt and grime which I can do using some pigment powders these are just some pastel sticks that I crushed up and I can use a borrowed makeup brush to apply into the cracks of the floorboards and all over the base to add a bit of dust and natural weathering one thing to note though if you accidentally toss it on the wall don't use the brush to remove it since you'll only make it worse fortunately I've been planning to make a shelf to go against the wall anyways so much like in real life if you can't clean a stain just put some kind of furniture over top of it having spent a couple days walking around barefoot in my studio I've now got a large enough collection of tiny perspex shards that I can scatter around the floor near the window finally to add a touch of color I'll add some green wash to the walls along the edge of the Shelf window frames and door then scatter some bits of wind blown leaves and detritus around the broken window this is of course an Easter themed diorama so I'll need to make an Easter basket which I can do by wrapping some twine around the tip of a cardboard tube once it's been pushed tight to itself I'll lock the twine in place with a copious soaking of extra thin CA glue and once it's cured I can cut the basket off the tube attach it to a base of wound twine then make a teeny tiny handle finally I can glue this into place in the center of my floor fill it with some rabbit fur then add my freshly painted Easter eggs [Music] originally I was ready to call it done here but one of my patrons asked if I'd put a painting of my tooth fairy on the wall above the shelf and I was more than happy to oblige so I printed out a teeny tiny photo of them cut it out then dirtied it up with a few coats of the water from my brush washing cup a bit of PVA glue will hold them in place on the wall and I can rough up the edges a bit so it looks well worn like the rest of the room finally I can attach my Easter Bunny to the corner of the room where he awaits his greedy little prey and with that I think it's safe to say that this isn't just Good Friday it's good enough Friday [Music] thank you as always a big thank you to the Fine folk over on patreon who helped to keep this channel churning out terrible ideas week after week except for the weeks when I don't and a big thank you to my newest patrons Alicia Evans Dr Mrs the mirman Ali Sarah Jameson Joel Dallas and Cerise denova Steph Rood Haley Baggett Chris tonight conine Tiff Flynn Joey Wolfe Ryan olshowsky Amanda Weaver Kevin blunt force Lama and burgle you are the patchy hair that keeps this Easter Bunny of a channel moderately warm during the slightly chilly April evenings as always make sure to like that egg button and Easter the subscription bunny otherwise we'll uh see you next time cheers [Music] foreign
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 1,714,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: I made the Easter Bunny but it's terrifying, easter, bunny, rabbit, monster, diorama, room, miniature, miniature display, miniature walls, miniature floor, stir stick crafts, north of the border, scary, horrifying, wererabbit, werewolf
Id: IsQolTfdqGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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