Turning beloved childhood Pooh Bear into a Lampshade

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foreign [Music] I've got someone here I'd like you all to meet this is Pooh Bear he doesn't belong to me but he's been in my family for nearly 40 years he used to be bright Happy Poo orange all over and he had a sweet little red shirt but clearly he's been very loved too loved for someone new to enjoy and from what the Toy Story sequels have taught me I don't think he loves being kept on a shelf all lonely and Gathering dust so easy is that you hey Woody and of course you know I get it it's reasonable to not want a bunch of stuff around that has no use but when I heard that this poor sweet boy who has been a loyal companion for so many years was taken from his shelf and unceremoniously chucked into the trash I just couldn't stand for it I told her to get him the hell out of there now to be clear I don't want him but I thought what if I made poo into something useful for an adult human person like what that way she could keep him and he'd be loved and be appreciated every day so that's got me thinking I do have this old hummel lamp oh yeah she's a collectible mother its shade is in dire need of repair and don't you think Pooh would be an adorable little lampshade yeah I think so [Music] I've definitely never attempted to make a lampshade before so it's going to be a learning experience but I don't know seems pretty straightforward to me I'd love to be able to just repair the original lampshade but it's so old the plastic is cracking up at the slightest touch so I'm just gonna take it apart and make a new one I think I'll use this random mysterious sheet of plastic that's been hanging around in my craft and for a time hopefully it'll work I don't know we'll see I want to use the old shade as a pattern so I have to go against my nature and work delicately here so as to not destroy it person I need to remove the metal rings [Music] oh all right you got a ring oh my God this old that's like flaking in my mouth got it [Music] all right now I have to try to slice this open gently oh that's like shattering [Music] oh oh okay [Music] yep all right that went pretty well just grab some parchment off the roll to get started on making the pattern [Music] okay look at that let's go and be a limited [Music] foreign [Music] I just wasted my time I'm gonna need this to be on something stiffer So Random cardboard junk it is [Music] [Music] I'm not feeling great about this part safety wise I just get the feeling I'm not gonna come out of this unscathed I'm putting my fingers on the line [Music] that turned out all right [Music] that went better than expected hello and now I'm going to shadowy stitch these linen scraps together this fabric will act as a canvas I suppose to which I will attach a flattened poo [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign has come oh my God I feel so bad about this I'm gonna carefully take out his stitches at the back and start removing his stuffing [Music] foreign used to be so bright and beautiful here's the evidence too much love got you looking Haggard oh he's made of weird stuff [Music] I don't like what is inside you sir I don't like it at all have you ever wondered what fluff and stuff looks like in real life [Music] pretty sight ew This was like hard it looks like like honeycomb candy honeycomb candy huh now that checks out oh man oh my is this what happens to your insides if you maintain a honey only diet for a few decades he's like full yeah I don't like this I don't like what's in here oh come on this is so nasty why are there so many hard pieces look at this one oh my God I'm so grossed out no wonder she put you in the trash it looks like it's made out of real nacho cheese my God the fluff and stuff is never ending oh my God time to just reverse him to get all this out this is so wrong I I can inhale this oh my God oh my God okay you gotta see the wide um it's Carnage look at this this is up I don't like this this is up I didn't expect it to be like this oh my God Pooh bear oh my God are you seeing all this ultra fine Cheeto powder floating off into the air and directly into my lungs all right here comes the head this is so up look at his face oh my God oh my God what was I thinking doing this I thought it would be fun I don't think this is fun oh no oh no pooh bear you poor poor bear oh my God so cute and disgusting holy okay okay you good I'll be doing this for a while [Laughter] I can't take it [Music] thank you [Music] all right there he is what a handsome boy huh to get the coverage I need to make poo into an entire lampshade I'm going to need to disassemble his um hide sorry Pooh he's got a lot more to clean up let's begin [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] time for the head you're up or just one precisely is it that you're doing exactly [Music] unfortunately it looks like I'm gonna have to split open his face you're not flat enough poo it's not gonna work [Music] good at this all done and now I present to you Pooh's parts we got some legs [Music] a couple of arms some more legs and his head oh my now I gotta sort out the layout I was hoping not to cut these pieces but it's not gonna happen all right so now that we've got this all laid out we're going to stitch him back together I figure it'll be best to really reinforce the edges with a nice big strong Stitch foreign yes strength of seams that is most definitely my only motivation for adding this Stitch I promise [Music] and that about doesn't but one more addition to the face thank you I think he's already looking good [Music] felt very confident up until this point and now we're getting to the part where I really do not know what I'm doing [Music] thank you it's terrifying the face is jacked up I don't like it normally I hate spending money on my stupid crafts but Pooh Bear is family and I want to get this right so I spent way too much money on glue I have no idea what glue I want I got some a lot of I don't know what I'm doing so I think I want to try this stuff but I don't know I am very excited having found this UV activated super glue light Act deciding oh boy that's okay okay well it's a lot of glue oh my God this is magic oh it's so hot it's scaring me okay done okay so now we're gonna try to use this fabric glue fabric fabric tape permanent double-sided fabric tape I love instructions so much um with this like here is that cool are we good do I want to use this one cancer cancer oh oh oh okay so there's that oh right now comes the hard part this is going to be a crap shoot from here on out oh okay well whatever I'm gonna throw this cancer glue on here now too just throw some more glue at it I don't know to see what sticks hey oh here comes the eye irritation this was promised things were starting off pretty positive you know my UV light glue the tape was working great but now things are starting to go downhill first when I didn't put the metal ring in before I started gluing it down is this like right no no no oh no oh I forgot this we're doing so good so good you in there and then I really started to unravel when I did the exact same thing on the bottom oh this is so dumb oh my God no no I'm having zero fun right now oh my God this sucks so hard I can't clue what I'm doing everything and everyone cut it pull it out I don't care what a disaster all better now okay off all right folks that is how not to make a lampshade but we shall push on finishing off the edges [Music] [Music] done and here he is [Music] so beautiful won't you just love the warm glow emanating from the sweet boy before she goes to bed at night I'm Charmed time to bring you home to your mama Safety First buddy all right she's just gonna love you all right here it is that no oh well guess you're mine now Pooh you'll fit in beautifully in my house [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Shoddy Crafter
Views: 8,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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