I Made a Battle Royale Game in Unreal Engine 4

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today I'm gonna create my own battle royale game using Unreal Engine 4 and here is how I just created a new project and the first thing I'm gonna do is to create player character I'm gonna use this cube as player model because well it's cool and why not usually players in battle royale have some kind of weapon so for now I'm just gonna add this gun as a placeholder since I've already made cube character in one of my videos I'm just gonna copy and paste movements creep so now we should have moving character and it's looking kinda cool but it's not a battle real game if you don't have some kind of vehicle to draw players from the sky so I'm gonna create a plane - well draw players from the sky now we can placed it in our level and see how it falls quite successful but it shouldn't so now it flies because I told them so and this is how it looks from the players point of view but it shouldn't just fly it should also draw players just like that however in but for real games it is common to be able to use some kind of parachute while falling so I've added these cool wings and now player can control where you wanna land we also have these beautiful procedural animations which I'm so proud of by the way at this point we can add a real weapon instead of placeholder I'm gonna add the school acts as a default player's weapon so I made the tack animation and it's not really what I've expected but it's kind of fun and I can even fly using my axe anyway after a bit of debugging I found out that I am jump enough to use current players location instead of rotation after a simple fix we can attack quite successfully but axe is kind of boring so I have added a railgun to the game and now we can also shoot but is it enough got them no I wanna more weapons so here is a baseball bat crowbar axe pistol rifle and of course another rifle I've also implemented simple weapon switching and I probably forgot to set rifle as a rage weapon so now we can smash someone also currently a weapon doesn't get destroyed after we take it from the ground yeah I probably should fix it all right now we have pretty cool weapons we have made some progress and now our plane is not cool enough for such a cool game and since our vehicle carries battle real players including me let's just change it to a garbage truck so it will be more like reality since I don't have any friends to play with me I'm gonna implement simple AI so now a truck can spawn AI players I also learned them to use their wings so they can learn quite successfully but they don't do anything for now and it's just the right time to change it I'm gonna use behavior trees to make an AI which basically should run around and kill everyone he sees 12 I guess that's what Nia should do right so now he can chase me and use his axe but I can actually clip his axe and it's quite unfortunate for him anyway after a bit of coding AI gets smarter he can react through environment and also he can shoot well quite fast so I'll probably gonna fix now it looks really awesome and oh boy look at this shooting animation I have also implemented bullet spread and ammunition limit well player still has infinite amount of bullets but he has to reload his weapon by the way different weapons now has different damage pan bullet spread also you can reload even your melee weapons like axe I mean it is a back but it's looking six so I'm not gonna the next step is player stats every character now has health and armor and also this beautiful health bar but how can a player get some additional armor points if there is now actually armor each player could equip so let's fix this problem and implement helm and breastplate now we can take armor just like weapons and it will give us some armor points it also looked pretty sick by the way it can also get destroyed if players receive too much damage anyway we made some real progress in developing battle royale so let's just spawn many AAA players and just give guns to all of them I think it should be quite fun well maybe it wasn't a great idea but seems that it works pretty nice so let's test it with melee weapons I give an axe to every a player panel let's just see what they will do and well looks like they're just hanging out with friends so seriously though looks like I need to play with behavior tree because that's not what a battle royale game should look like well now it looks better they actually fight in each other guess it's just what I want but they don't do any damage with their weapon I'm gonna add a small sphere at the end of every melee weapon and even its sphere overlaps and character the damage will be dealt unfortunately turned out that character can hurt itself and this just not how things should be so I've added a couple of checks to prevent this and now it works pretty good so let's just spawn hundred a player's game and see if they're actually any bugs in the game well it looks like all works as intended but when characters house reaches zero nothing happens let's just fix it and add death to the game I decided to spawn a little explosion when enemy dies yeah so guess it is a time for another key feature of any battle Oriel game and yes I am talking about Edna's long which shrinks from time to time I've also added this cool post-process effect when a player is outside of the zone some kind of visual representation of damage receiving I also implement a simple map for now I just use great texture as a placeholder oh and also we have now this pretty cool game over screen anyway let's create another level cuz I want to make my game look beautiful and this is not what beautiful games look like so I'm just gonna make some magic and here is our new map I used Unreal Engine marketplace freedom models because well I actually suck in modeling I really like this cartoon style by the way we also have a small lake right here and this is what the whole map looks like I will so edit some post-process of X and here is the final result without further interruption let's just spawn quite a few AAA characters in a new map and test it well cuz they definitely shouldn't land right on the top of trees so I'm gonna disable any collisions while they are flying and enable it again when they want works quite well but now how's the game just tells me that it suck over and over again and it's quite frustrating so let me fix it really quick the game already looks beautiful but I forgot about one thing I didn't configure a map so here is a matte texture let's just use it in a map widget so we can actually see where the player is I also found out that a I really like this lake for a reason well enjoy it while you still can orange do you think I forgot about dancing now if you wanna flex on the middle of the battleground you can do it I've also improved AI because well it was pretty dumb there is also the school will screen with dancing cubes there are no enemies alive after that I found out white is stupid way to lose the game and guess we are ready to go so let's just play the game finally it's actually my very first attempt to play a battle royale game but I will try my best [Music] well let's pretend you didn't seat after couple of games I understood that I really suck in battle Royales and the game keeps reminding me about it so I decided to just stand a bit aside and shoot from behind so AI players will actually kill each other and that was quite a good strategy [Music] when there was only one enemy left I just killed it and unfortunately it happens right when the zone was shrinking so I can the one what I still suck and I want a clean win so I just started again [Music] a when she'll hit I won this one and was quite happy well I want to thank you very much for watching and if you guys enjoyed subscribe for more content by the way in my Twitter you can see some inside of new videos so feel free to follow me here I also want to thank you for all the support and all the comments I received past two weeks it's just crazy I really appreciate it anyway I guess that's about it so see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fat Dino
Views: 785,662
Rating: 4.9290471 out of 5
Keywords: i turned youtube into a battle royale, unreal engine 4, ue4, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, ue, Epic Games, Unreal Engine Blueprints, game development, gamedev, devlog, computer science, programming, blueprint ue4, how to make games, how to create games, i made battle royale game, battle royale tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, so i made one, develop games, how to, game devblog, indie game devlog, unreal engine indie game devlog, dani
Id: J_zgHyCiZQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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