I Made A Top 1 Challenge In 1 Hour!

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a few days ago I called my friend Brad and told him this okay so we are going to be making a challenge level each uh we have an hour to make a top one geometry test challenge timer starts now me and Brad started by playing other top challenge list levels in order to get some inspiration third variant looks like so easy to make I'm just gonna copy it's Deco then I started building my layout okay okay I know what I'm doing I'm just gonna copy like the intro to VSC I'm gonna make this literally always it's the only game mode that I know how to make cards all for but Brad on the other hand was having some issues not much I'm still looking for a huh you still looking for my it's been six minutes you gotta choose something and start building any water Flame song isn't gonna work either this isn't the VSC song a water Flame song shut up thanks to Brad's sort of just doing his own thing I managed to get a big head start oh I don't even think this is humanly possible oh I kind of want to do it anyway this is all wave there is no other game mode wave is the only thing I know how to make hard gameplay for despite this however I still struggle to make hard gameplay I haven't I don't even know if I have any frame perfect I don't think this is even that hard what I have I'm gonna have to like make it like literally impossible this is not hard at all I mean like it's hard it's just like is it BSC hard yeah I'm adding a frame perfect jump at the end screw it oh wow now with that problem solved I began work on my decoration but Brad was still choosing a song okay I've just shot it on a song no it's been 15 minutes you have to make the gameplay this is why you never finish things in our videos okay I gotta I gotta make this look like VSC so it started making literally everything pitch black oh mine's gonna be very bright I hope you know that right my guy making the darkest thing ever what why because it's the do you see the third variant they're dark but while I was building time was running out fast okay no more time to build structures only copy face time I had to turn on it boxes because I don't know if this was possible or not oh I'm not even play testing mine that's a later problem oh my God that is so precise I I I I'm terrified to see what you have now oh my mind sucks oh my goodness okay I am speeding this right now so hard I've literally copy-facing structures I think you should do the same because we won't have enough time to finish this darn it why do I have so difficult structures needless to say I was struggling there was only 30 minutes left and I was still nowhere near finishing the block design but knowing that Brad was still way behind me I kept going but with a few shortcuts okay this entire structure it's being copy pasted I don't have time okay copy pasting again because we don't got no time but unfortunately that could only go so far oh this is gonna be a fun structure to decorate I'm gonna cut this so close I was working hard to decorate this structure because time was running out fast but then Brad got a little suspicious of me what is this gonna even be is this like the actual video you see in most of my videos there is always a Twist since he is usually the victim of these unexpected twists Brad was suspicious of me yeah there's no twist we're just making this but that was sort of a lie as we were in fact doing this for a reason but for now I just had to stay quiet okay after this I don't have much left to decorate so I should be safe so say if I make the gameplay like six seconds but The Deco absolutely finally forgive me um you lose points but if the deco's that good then um maybe but you you shouldn't Brad was beginning to become a little uncertain with the outcome of this challenge I was gonna like add rainbow beams of the like 10 of them on top of each other and they're just gonna look really bright and they're just gonna blind you in a rainbow level what is this what is going on over there if it wasn't already evident by the fact that Brad was only coming up with his decoration this late into the challenge time was running out I'm speeding running this this 20 minutes is literally 20 minutes I spent all this time on the Block design I'm just like literally not going to have like any like air Deco no time to polish must do ground spikes is 20 minutes fortunately ground spikes were rather easy to do so while I do that I humbly ask you to please consider subscribing last year I made an unreal goal to hit 100 000 subscribers this year and while everyone even Brad thinks I can't do it I have hope you've all changed my life by allowing me to do what I love so if you're enjoying this video please consider subscribing you don't have to if you don't want to I just thought I'd ask okay Place more glow play smart glow Place more glow okay grounds play okay spikes okay sauce oh my goodness preview go for building size in case you can't notice I was cutting things very close one two make up come on go okay I gotta spam these saw blades in oh my goodness uh go there with the block design ground spikes and some saw blades done this is how my level looked so far but with only 10 minutes left in the challenge I started to panic gosh darn it oh my goodness okay that was the pressure shot linen this isn't even that hard oh my goodness uh what should I do what should I do air Deco or Polish Polish after polishing the end and start of My Level time was running out quickly five minutes left oh my goodness I continued to place around more saws extend the ground spikes and overall just try and make my level look complete but with time running out fast my stress levels only continued to rise it's in 40 seconds no with only three minutes left on the clock I decided to do one last thing in an attempt to add some atmosphere to my level I started to work on a vignette if this don't work I'm literally gonna have to delete it okay this is not good oh my gosh two minutes okay this is where I started to break three three three three three one eight shout no minus 100 zero that looks kind of decent with that I reflected on my work it's like one minute remaining like there's so many more things I wanted to do but this will have to just do I want to add like lava in the background and stuff but oh this is what I have to work with 30 seconds 29 28 27. this is cut so close time is up stop editing stop editing I hate this oh my goodness I'm missing so much air Deco like oh bro this is so bad however this wasn't over yet okay okay Brad yeah upload it remember when I told Brad there wouldn't be a Twist well I lied you see a few months ago I lost against Brad in a challenge worst of all it was a Creator challenge something that I am supposed to be better than him at this was my one chance at Revenge what's it called come on upload it make your club step 10. what the heck is heck is blue despite Brad's rookie mistake neither one of us had the authority to Crown a winner so we called up our friend Ender and got him to judge our levels yo Enderman dude I'm in this position that's like no that's like I'm winning but I don't know how to like are you playing like League of Legends or something no I'm playing chess okay let me okay okay what yeah you need no clip fine you know for an hour that was like an hour to the gameplay and plan and everything right so this is not very impossible if it wasn't actually like for like actual stuff that's impossible like that triple Spike up then that's not possible you're just defying the limit the limits of Geometry Dash I fight that maybe my challenge wasn't so hard after overall seven attempts now Ender went to check out Brad's level transition you have no time to do that like it's not bad but the issue is it's not like I don't know it's just it just is it just it just is it's the level of all time it's the level of all time but now I was about to sabotage Brad once and for all he didn't even change the if that doesn't ensure my victory I don't know what will but anyway now it was time for Ender to judge our levels there are three points up for grabs one for length one for difficulty and one for decoration whoever gets the most points wins I mean objectively I think I win the length you know think if we go by the laws of physics that your time is longer than Brad so you win on that it's loud for difficulty yours is just straight up impossible but that's not fair to Brad I'm glad it is harder just by itself so reference yeah okay now now decoration this is what determines the win we both have one point so this is the the moment of truth and I think it's not gonna last very long because I think moldy is a pretty cute yeah maybe me being a featured Trader with 22 Creator points was a little unfair well Brad I won this video oh yeah subscribe 26. yo wait what's up
Channel: Moldy
Views: 184,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, Challenge, Top 1
Id: oTX5V7n_xIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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