What is the WORST Map Pack in Geometry Dash?

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i played every single map pack in order to find out which is the worst what let's begin but first please consider subscribing to my channel because i'm trying to reach 25 000 subscribers you don't have to if you don't want to i just thought i'd ask the design in this one's very repetitive but i like it this first coin here it's a little unfair because you do it right but you still die despite the fact that this map pack is one of the best i still had my fair share of criticism however nothing so far is as bad as what is about to happen what that is a refresh rate bug i don't even think i can do that yeah one of the most popular levels in the game has a refresh rate bug making it impossible overall though the first map pack is not bad with ritre literally carrying it hard unfortunately things are not going to get any better from here what is that text at the start don't worry this won't be the last time i talk about text and levels this is so short what the heck yeah didn't this original used to look much different then it got an update or something because creators like to ruin their levels keep note of this as the trend of updating old levels to make them worse is not going away what is with these this what is with this map pack in just spamming text everywhere like what i then came across another actually good map pack maybe i'm just getting lucky but these map packs are not as bad is it all just downhill from here yes past me it is all just downhill from here okay this is so horribly mediocre whoa so about now i started just going through a bunch of subpar main level remakes none of these were any good but they were far from the worst however next up is a bit of a mystery what is this doing in with a map pack of 1.0 levels did this get like updated or something and the gameplay is awful too upon checking the ids it seemed to be released around the same time as the other levels in the pack honestly any number of things could have happened the creator could have just updated the level to ruin it for some reason or the account could have been hacked both of these are plausible and have happened before anyway due to whatever caused this level to be so bad and because of how mediocre the rest of the levels are i'm going to officially declare the dash pack contender for the worst map pack in geometry dash what what is this this is actually kind of cool though like this text is like super cool for the time yeah so if the text is made without using the default text object it immediately gains my support i have a really weird relationship with text and levels the intro made this out to be really bad but this is i like this honestly i am genuinely surprised as to how a level that looks like this in some parts can look this good in other parts ah after that was a main level mix but unlike the many other level mixes in the map packs this one is actually good it has good transitions both gameplay-wise and visually which makes it incredibly fun to play my only complaint is ah why this part of geometrical dominator next up was another modern pack with some really good levels what is this doing in the map packs it does not deserve to be around garbage honestly this pack is a huge contender for the best map pack unfortunately we are looking for the worst so i guess this one needs to step aside for now cookie pack normal pack remix pack ufo oh ufo pack everyone hates this pack everyone hates these levels and i mean yeah now now i know why okay well i think everyone can agree that this is a contender for the worst map pack judging it isn't easy you see i give points for originality and this is definitely an original concept however the fact that every level in this pack uses the same concept actually makes it unoriginal so how will i score this personally i'm just going to balance out and give it a neutral originality score meaning we are solely judging gameplay and decoration with that the ufo pack is another contender for the worst map pack this next level actually has a bit of value to me i remember really liking this level when i first started playing the game i could never complete it at the time though so i mean i'll actually get to see what the rest of it looks like yes after however many years since i first picked up the game that changed my life i am finally going to get to see how one of the first levels i ever played looks in its entirety yo it gets pretty bad after the first part not gonna lie well maybe me never being able to beat the level at the time was a good thing these aren't bad levels where are all the bad levels i think what people did is that they just got like ptsd from playing like the map packs back in like one point whatever update it was added in because it probably sucked back then next up i found another map pack very similar to the ufo pack for one main reason this is the fast pack and it is exactly what it sounds like being literally just the first three main levels but fast unlike the ufo pack the concept here isn't even original so we can just straight up have its originality score plummet with that we now have another contender for the worst map pack after that i came across a flappy ufo level however the other levels in this pack were actually decent so it isn't a contender for the worst map pack score adventure isn't this level that like everyone hates you know i don't see anything wrong with it i think the community just has one big skill issue never mind i hate this level now that is a long smiley face that is long i then found potentially the worst level mix of all time oh my goodness does this person not know how to use the background trigger how did you miss that how did you how did you miss that okay this is now immediately like immediately a contender after all this the only map packs remaining really insane in demon packs of them i made the chaos pack magma pack and demon pack one contenders for the worst map pack due to the levels containing bad gameplay quirks now we have narrowed down the entirety of the map packs to just seven potential candidates for the worst map pack i will be ranking each of these packs in three categories being gameplay decoration and originality the total of these categories will be the pax score whichever pack has the lowest score at the end will earn the title of the worst map pack in geometry dash i will start with the three packs i mentioned earlier the chaos pack magma pack and demon pack one these three packs are similar in the sense that they are just horribly mediocre but with one or two levels with annoying gameplay while this is enough to make the packs hated i doubt it'll be enough to make any of them the worst here is the score i gave each of them next we are left with the dash pack ufo pack fast pack in morph pack first the dash pack this pack is rather mediocre but the thing that makes it a contender for the worst map pack is this level its gameplay is incredibly unforgiving and the fact that it was updated and ruined causes it to lose even more points it isn't anything special originality-wise and while its decoration is not terrible even for the time it was updated it doesn't look great however the entire pack gets a better score because of the other two levels second is the ufo pack first things first the gameplay in this pack is awful unlike most of the other bad map packs there isn't just one level that holds this one back as every level is incredibly annoying while the concept is original the fact that it is overused this much negates that its decoration is also nothing special and incredibly repetitive throughout the whole pack third is the fastpack this pack is practically identical to the ufo pack with only a few noticeable differences for the first difference its originality score is much lower because the concept is just making the main levels fast it doesn't take a genius to come up with that for the second difference it actually has a higher gameplay score while the concept is not original it is surprisingly well made and satisfying to play there comes this unique feeling when playing levels we are all so used to at a faster speed while similar just because of its gameplay the fastpack doesn't have what it takes to dethrone the ufo pack finally there is only the morph pack left this pack is all that stands between the ufo pack and the title of the worst map pack in geometry dash the thing about this map pack is that it entirely consists of remakes of the main levels which isn't very original there are two level mixes in one reverse level however the decoration is pretty alright with some exceptions and its gameplay is decent with this it is unable to surpass the ufo pack so does this mean that the ufo pack is the worst map pack in geometry dash well not exactly you see i honestly find it hard to believe that such an interesting map pack can be considered the worst just because of some awkward gameplay the truth is none of the map packs are even that bad and that's what i learned from playing every single one they have received this terrible status from the community but at least from how i see it there are lots of incredible levels here to the point where i wouldn't even consider one map pack to be all that bad while most might agree the ufo pack is the worst map pack i honestly don't believe it deserves this title or that any map pack deserves this title because while some are better than others these levels are part of the game's legacy and often an incredibly interesting experience because of so if you are curious in my last video i made an escape room in the editor and put one of my subscribers through it so feel free to check that out if you want thanks for watching
Channel: Moldy
Views: 170,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, Map Pack
Id: KOYFjAogooE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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