I MADE A Money FARM in Minecraft Sky Block!

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ah that's the sound of my head exploding because on the first episode of Skyblock I gave you guys a little bit of a light gold challenge I asked for 15,000 likes and you guys got 41,000 likes I don't know what to ask for anymore guys you guys are just going ham thank you for the support man can you guys get seven likes on this video I don't think you can I don't know what to ask you guys you guys are killing it do it if you know I'll do subscribe hit little bells turn on notifications and I got a little freaky coupon cold for you guys to use on the service well so err yeah this is a very exciting video hopefully you guys do enjoy so before we start off the video guys I just want to say and holy frickin crap dude not only did you guys crap on the light goal that I gave you guys last episode as I said in the intro but also you managed to fill up the server in like two hours I'm playing it like a random time right now it's morning for me which means that most of America is probably sleeping and check out how many people are on the dirt MC server right now almost 600 of you guys are playing on the Skyblock server that is absolutely mind-blowing thank you guys for joining the server you guys are having a ton of fun and as I promised in the intro I'm gonna be giving you guys away a brand new coupon cold so you guys can get something for free on the server today as well so as you guys can see I'm on the bye dr. Dempsey dotnet website right now where you guys can buy stuff for the server and this is where you guys are gonna go if you want the free items that I'm gonna be giving away basically what you have to do is go to dirt room right here then you have to go to create keys that's what we're giving away and the Kray keys are really freaking Opie so you go into the uncommon trade key which usually costs $2 you press buy on that one then you press add to card now under the code right here you wanna type bar P then redeem and check this out it's now completely free all you have to do is type in your username be on the server and you get these uncommon crate keys for absolutely free I won't redeem them myself I want all the coasts to go to you guys and remember you guys have to be quick because there's not like an unlimited amount of fare free stuff that you guys can claim so like on the server do it as soon as you see this video and you might just get the Craig piece for free and trust me they're worth it cuz they give you a lot of benefits you can get a crêpes on the stuff in it anyway let's get on with the episode so I've been busy in between episodes okay guys I have been really freaking busy you guys remember I made a farm last time right well I've been playing off cam making a bit of cash I got six thousand dollars right now I use most of what I made because I made this check this out I didn't set it up all the way I wanted to do that on cam but if I did this correctly it should be an automated wheat farm right here now if we go to slash spawn as you guys know this is where you look this is all you guys playing right now I'm flying so I can show you guys look you're all just walking around having fun of the server at Walmart if you guys want to play I piece down the description below play the turn MC Dan 1.12 or you know upwards of that but you guys remember last episode I showed you guys that there's a farmer crawler what what what that crap just happened to my voice spell I showed you guys to this a farmer quota ride it's still the same one she wants 256 seats and 256 wheats once we've done it we will get one thousand one hundred and fifty thousand dollars cast ride that is gonna be freaky dopey is that a turtle hello dude what are you doing don't look at me like that bro come on you've got the coolest kid ever shout out to xx3 repeater xxxx you have to cool the skin I've seen in a while brother so that's what I want to do today I definitely want to fill out the farmer quota and I also do want to get some mop coins but it is kind of hard to do like I would have to set up a mop bomb because that's how you get mop coins why'd you kill mobs but you can get some really old peace stuff with these things look you can even get a villager spawner 10,000 will give you a Volcker spawner yeah there's a lot of stuff that I want to do here and if we go to slash adventure that's the free world that's also on the server there's also a bunch of challenges that we can do the bronze challenges are the easiest so let's see okay what would be like an easy thing to do if I mined 32 diamond Oz I get a skeleton spawner so that would be something that we could work on right that seems really possible possible if we craft Wow wait if we craft a furnace and observe and a piston we get the sky guard rank it okay walk over 1,000 blocks and we can vote crate keys okay so we definitely want to do some adventure world stuff right now if you guys don't remember what the adventure world on the server is basically you click on the adventure world and check this out you spawn into basically like a vanilla minecraft world and this is where you got to do all of those things for example hello how you doing thank you sir but the cobblestone I feel disrespected but I cannot keep your things bro here you take this okay I can't keep him I don't want a cheap I do not want to cheat so yeah that's some of the things that we want to do today another thing is that I really want to look into getting this robot who can do stuff for me right but I don't remember how much he costs I mean I can gamble for ten thousand so I need ten thousand mop coins to gamble okay don't have that yet also the pets how much do these cost again I think okay they just cost money wait so I can we did buy a pet right can I get all of these guys which ones do I want okay I think the one that I want but I have enough mop coins is that I want the eagle because this one will increase monster drop so that's really freaking cool that's herobrine I well I've had it off the spod right now that was a very creepy skin so that's some of the missions that I want to do this bunch that we want to do here on the server but first of all we gotta attend so like the most and well basically we just need to like clean up the base a little bit because it is kind of a mess right there okay do you want to move this at some point as well but not right now so where do we want the infinite water sauce I feel like maybe here wasn't that look kind of oh can we put it here we have enough space for that like if we go like that oh yeah perfect dude and how am I gonna build under the whole hang it okay I mean I do have flight but I don't want to cheat I want to play this as vanilla as I possibly can I have an idea but it's kind of risky well just gotta go for it huh all my goodness I did it I don't know if I'll call that vanilla but I did not use fly and now we have our brand new little infinite water source right here we can put one on the other side so we for one I mean I'm not kind of cool right so how do we do that so one two three right there and then like that okay sometimes I think there's something wrong with my brain Hey oh gosh here we go ah is click click oh okay then it again now we have two infinite water sources I think that looks pretty sweet dude okay so as I said in the intro of this I believe that I figured out how to do this air farm here that I want to do so I can meet the farm quotas on the server right we need these redstone repeaters we need one lever we need redstone and we need these Pistons that are also bought when I was farming right okay so if we go back here I should have it all ready to set up so I believe what we want to do is we want to have this here and we want to have the repeaters facing the wall all the way across here okay I hope I did this correct it's been so long since I've made one of these now all of these go into this guy and then they go out here and then they should be activated okay so that does work now if we put oh my goodness almost just fell off the other areas of the world Baird okay okay if I put this here okay please work don't make me look bad in front all my friends and we do have a full farm almost I bought a bit so many pistons but that's okay now we just need the water for this and hopefully if it works then we have a very easy way of getting the stuff that we want right now okay so I put this up it should save the sound of pistons opening indeed okay okay okay good good job trainer good job you did something basic minecraft knowledges can do okay there we go awesome okay so next time I press it if it's all correct all the items should come floating down right here and then we'll put hoppers there eventually okay we will oh yeah that reminds me I read a comment on the last video of money you guys and telling me how to avoid burning anything which was to put a hopper beneath that block right there you guys told me that should work so we're gonna test that out today we'll see if that works okay so let's see you guys ready the big reveal in three if this if this works you guys have to hit that like button into I mean it in one look at all this stuff and it goes down perfect and it goes down and it ends and here we go oh my flippin goodness that is sick dude so if I flip this lever again BAM it has now been cleared now the only downsides of this is that I have to go around you know put down all the seats oh my goodness there's a lot more seats down here I'll take it oh my goodness we have so many seats alright so we need to place these again quick because we got that farm quota to meet so I want to make as much as I can while I still can do it sick okay we have a working one remember they did that like button also I just want to say not only have you guys stone an immense amount of support on the channel recently with Minecraft and my server here and everything like that but also a big shout out to everybody that I actually went ahead and bought the new merchandise if you want to check it out link is down in the description below I think it's pretty sweet ok it's really comfortable really soft and everything like that so go check it out we also got t-shirts which I have right here look at this t-shirt pretty sweet right I think it's pretty late dude we also got iPhone cases everything like that cops and stuff like that so thank you guys to those of you that bought it and if you didn't then I still love you of course anyway let me finish doing this okay so that's all done and set now now all we need to done and said it's called said and done now all we need to do is wait for this to grow again and okay let's go to the spawn let's see how much he says we need now cuz I'm interested does he like count what I don't have in my image sorry but what I've picked up if that makes sense 128 88 oh my goodness were almost done holy crap right so we don't even need that much more now in order to turn that one in that is sick of Rooskies dude I know the next thing that I want to do is say we do have iron but the pistons that I want to make and a Pistons hoppers of course do that right here right do we have we don't really have any compost on you know what I'm just gonna buy the cobblestone I'm Way too lazy to farm it right now there we go I confirm and I want a couple of furnaces try to get it couple clever job Craner thank you very much Craner alright so I want this to be here I think that look kind of cool and this one to be here I think that looks sweet and then this one here and this one here just add a little bit more detail to my house you know I'm saying dude and that's gonna look cool we go there we go and there we go and there we go okay so now we just need to smelt my iron do I have any coal yes I can use wood there we go that's gonna be smelting now now of course we do need a couple of chests I do want to fill out all of that with hoppers too but that's something we're gonna do later okay so while that is burning now the next thing that we need to do is make that tree found that I was talking about last episode and I think I wanna do that with slabs cuz I don't want to waste a bunch of my wood so where do we want the tree farm I'm thinking like maybe mmm do we want to just go like kind of like out here think maybe that would look kind of cool right and then we could have something else in that direction okay I don't want to fall down now and we can play stuff on it okay so now we're gonna go dirt and we're gonna go one two dirt one two dirt I'm really afraid of falling down one two dirt Hey now do we want it to kind of like wrap around here think that would look sweet okay so one two this is gonna be sick what it's done dude I've already really proud of my eyelid I know you guys are probably already holding me on the server but listen listen listen I bet oh I'm just starting off okay and I don't want to do too much okay because I want you guys to follow my progress okay okay cut me some slack brah that's what I'm saying holy crap that scared the living crap the Rooskies out of me do which is not good you don't want the crapper Rooskies to be scared out of you all right that looks kind of sweet all right I'll take me like this for a little bit all right you know what I'm actually pretty proud of this I think this looks pretty cool so all we need to do now is just planned all of these trees and eventually we will of course also make this a bigger tree farm right but this is pretty good for now I wonder have I gone up in Milan level it's still see role freaking amazing dude I was really hoping that it had gone up but ahead and look at that oh you know what actually one thing that I should do just to make things moved along a bit quicker so we can get our achievement bonemeal time get it in Denton dude dude dude ain't all of these right here I do have a lot of bonemeal bud I'm gonna be using it very quickly look at this I've already used to stack it's definitely not worth it compared to how many money I have but you know what we're just kind of Yolo this one dude there we go all that has been grown almost so we almost got this whole one which I don't even know how many on one I've really should have done the math huh well it must be like two stacks almost so maybe if I do the thing now maybe I'll have enough to meet my farm quota hmm let's try it out dude Yolo BAM there we go alright so I know a lot of it hasn't grown but a lot of it also has grown ok I should actually just disable this immediately when I do it please don't delete a ground item server please don't the lead ground items yet I want to pick him up first we go oh my goodness ok we should it should be mall right is that it okay sorry go to spawn and let's see if we do meet the quota right now yay so if we go over here 58 188 wait we need to carry it all in my inventory then wait let me try that will quick I might need to carry it all in my inventory then I guess so this is all of my stuff so if we go to spawn has the numbers changed at all because that's a bottom - no 15 I just need 15 wheat are you kidding me I'm 15 wheat from getting a hundred and fifty thousand dollars is that really what I need right now is that really all I need right now I dunno what we are planting right here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 and then we are going to shop alright and we're going to Bob drops and we're gonna buy 10 okay there we go we got 11 okay that should be enough maybe I don't know that's probably not enough to grow all of it we go yeah definitely not it off come on I just want to get my prize dude then I'm gonna go from five thousand dollars so 154,000 that is nuts dude I can we need that one to grow us well you know what I don't have patience for this right now I'll bought my body bra okay okay me dad put the ten again there we go we got eleven again alright make it bow meal and it scrolled alright so now we just need to activate the water real quick and we just made a hundred and fifty thousand dollars there we go cut it off all right that's gonna flow down now look at that beautiful water and we should now have enough but what we need so let's go to spawn are you guys ready to become one hundred and fifty thousand dollars born rich claim oh oh look we got the body oh my goodness okay that is amazing dude so the next thing we need on our farm is golden carrots and normal carrots wait so if I go to my Island cuz I think my set off on my farm should also work for carrots but do I have carrot seeds that's one thing I don't know if I have I don't think I do you know what doesn't matter if I have it enough or not we can definitely just buy it carrot wait that's just legit a carrot right you just put it just put a carrot down there right let me try I think you just face plan to carry Ojai tree there we go oh my goodness okay so I need to buy carrots it's very expensive but it's gonna be worth the investment and then we need a golden carrots okay so let's plan all of these carrots right here on our farm and let's see what we got out of that I forgot to look we get two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for this two hundred and fifty thousand okay when you buy carrots it doesn't count either does it wait did I just find something that I can abuse the system with I don't know if this is abusing the system because it is quite expensive but I do end up with 250 K I mean I might have found a little bit of an exploit right here brother so I don't know okay and it's pretty easy as well to make golden carats all you need is gold nuggets like eight of them and I don't know if we have gold yet oh yeah we do okay so we definitely want to melt that as well okay there we go we got the iron so now we just need to make the hoppers let me just get that right there okay so chest right there and then we just go like Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and let's see if this actually works this was suggested by one of you guys so I'm excited to see if you are right about it cuz you usually out write about things but sometimes you also like to troll me and make me look dumb oh you can't make hoppers it would be too old pee on the server because they're so expensive I get it alright well I'm a freaking dummy dumb dude okay so if I put this underneath you okay and then a chest underneath that so like right there okay now that should work maybe there we go so if I mind this Oh Oh did work it worked the hoppers just pointing in the wrong direction all that's gonna be really tough to fix okay let me let me try please hopper do not go into the void hey good I don't think you did it so aim it on the chest right there BAM you know that should work cool okay some of it still does burn but I get the point I definitely understand why this would be a good idea to do okay cool hi well we got some extra safety precautions here we could get another hopper over here catching them and going into the other hopper that way there's not a big chance that things are gonna fall off right that's too expensive right now though I don't want to do that yet our dude our tree farm is flourishing look at this we're growing carrots where I'll be making Bank do okay one thing I do want to do as I said in the beginning I do want to walk 1,000 blocks so I can get the vote crate keys that's also a good way to show you guys how Opie the craic is I'm already gonna use one though I think and just because I don't want to get too far ahead like without actually doing stuff you know well okay so let's go to slash adventure let's go to the world right here and let's hope nobody sees us run out before anybody sees us and we're just gonna be running we're just gonna be running bro I don't know when I've run 1000 blocks boy it's it's gotta keep running hello goodbye oh no somebody saw me Oh No hey please hey hey oblivion be nice hey don't please don't kill me I'm just running you know I'm scared my mouse in bro I okay okay you seem flat and friendly that's good that's good challenges bronze can't walk 600 hey I need to walk 400 ball miles you're welcome to join me mr. guy you are welcome to join me all I need to do is go for a little bit of an exercise one right here they go okay you're just following me that's good that's good at least you're nice at least you don't want to kill me oh my goodness people have already made Tracey things out here I bet this oh no there's so much griefing going on the adventure well guys it's easy achievements but it's very hard to survive out here because it's basically just PvP that's what it is dude and I'll just walk this way oh okay now how much more do we need to do challenges bronze ok 200 more blocks come on we can do this being oblivion x6 on an adventure we need to walk 200 more blocks and we shall bake it come on everybody come on everybody we gotta exercise we gotta exercise their body this is hilarious you dumb big up click ok so if I click it you cannot claim okey so I need to go to spawn nice to meet you up live Ian and then I need to draw adventure and then I can claim it we go did I do it I got three volt keys it says where are they we need to go to the crates maybe also you click on these and then oh yeah look I have 3 I guess I'm gonna try one you won't forget oh you get mob coins give me my choice give me mom coins please $25,000 and that was the vault key the uncoming keys are o-p-s well dude alright well I'm not gonna be using the rest of those cuz we want to do the rest it did but hopefully you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to slap a like on it see if you guys can beat the light goal I gave you guys like you always freakin do and if you want to check out the server hey I'll put the IP down in the description below its 1.12 but upwards of that hopefully you guys enjoyed hopefully you're having an amazing day and I'll talk to you guys later bye go check out the birds as well
Channel: Crainer
Views: 2,659,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Sky Block, Funny Moments, Auto Farm, Redstone, PG, Child Friendly, Kid Friendly
Id: kcdp27kRGks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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