If You Leave WATER The Video ENDS! (Minecraft)

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here get this going i i took it all in the furnace oh my my mouse went out of battery why always josh hold on a second in this video me and jenny can only touch water with our feet a little toasty toes if we stand on anything else we die that's it video over and we are going to try and get diamonds but as you expected we're not going to start off in the easiest location actually it was nearly impossible click like for more and let's go jelly ready um we cannot touch anything other than water what how i didn't expect us to be in one single block of water to start and on top of a desert mountain josh okay well we have to just stay in the water but we can break stuff right wait i i can actually there we go oh yeah so we we can't touch other things but we are not allowed to okay we're not standing in water does that make sense yeah yeah yes yes wait wait um wait that's actually good well that's one way to get down we can just get down [Music] wow we are high up if you go over the edge whoa this is absolutely touching this is actually really cool that block you're dying but jelly jelly i mean it's just like it's a massive waterfall we can go as far as we want right the objective is to get diamonds okay i honestly didn't expect this waterfall to be this big oh my god is there any any water anywhere else do you see anything uh i see a river down there that could that could be good oh stick oh my god you think about this what careful careful careful careful you're almost get get i got this thing i got the stick get the stick over there okay listen listen we need to get a bucket oh that would be really good it's gonna save our lives oh my god look where we came from okay actually i don't think we should go down this way oh my god no good yeah no wait we need to think of a smart way to go down because we need to make it to that river josh i don't know how we get to it josh come up here yeah we'll go down the other side and we and we like oh bro oh yeah yeah we like chop the water and create our own street direction i think don't no no we had to break that one no now you've ruined it no you need to have it like this this will do it no jelly let's not ah there we go he's constantly moving me yes look at that look at that look at that as soon as i'm in charge it starts working no no no i i i thought of this idea josh don't you dare take care okay i think we can keep pushing it this way we need to keep pushing it forwards indeed because there's a river right there i still don't think it's working no it is it is it is okay i'm below the clouds incredible we've got so far to go jelly wait i think we can go over there just why are you jenny if we go to the where no no that's not going to do anything jenny i think if we go to the other side we've got a better place just trust me just trust me just keep your toes in there keep your tiddly toes in there you should have looked around when we were at the top of them yeah yeah okay so if we go down this side i think we should be closer are you are you staying close by yourself with you wait but josh i don't see a river no no but this can keeps us higher up ready for the river i'm going yeah are you sure see now i think if we dig from this point down we should get to the river maybe that could also be completely not true look the river is just on the other side of this bit here okay so how but josh the only way to send water that way is to keep digging no no no no no jelly no you know you need to stop you're digging down too much yeah we can't go down there because then the stone we need to stay higher up trying to do this job are we actually stuck and i'm losing me think it might have been better what jelly what what are you gonna say why don't we go back to the top okay all the way to the top all the way where we started and actually look around if we can send the water into an easier direction josh thanks for solution jelly you're great well jenny we're all the way back at the top now what all right don't don't get rid of the waterfall because we will die well we can go other directions right yeah yeah yeah but look around in third person i don't see anything wait can i put my viewers up josh what no i just put your view distance up i'm doing it there's water there's an ocean of water wait we could probably get to that get back here where i'm standing yeah there we go yes yes yep and we could probably no no i think we need to go more off this we need to go off the side don't we did it come here we need to block off that side i think i'm still in it keep your toes in it okay get back in the stream okay so i think if we can get it to go off here then it should be in a better place wait okay wait wait wait yeah this is but it needs to be as high as possible josh it's hard to tell you're way too far down josh well why don't you go your way and then we'll see who wins okay okay well you are doing quite well i'll give you that yeah exactly jelly josh i found a cave yeah but we've got nothing jelly we've got no resources josh i think we just split up and this is bad well i mean i did tell you to go my way it was either my way or the highway i got it it's not funny well i think i'm actually on track and this is taking way longer than i expected just so you know wait josh i see your contraption here yeah but this is not good no i'm like almost there jelly how could you even say that so gosh you're going too low you need to stay higher up yeah i'm doing fine you know what worry about yourself you're gonna get too lonely no no no all right josh i'm here just so you know i'm here i'm right behind you whoa whoa whoa get your own jelly i i got my own and this is where it took me you know what that sounds a lot like you just took mine jenny can you stop pushing me you're doing it you're funny that actually isn't it i mean we're doing it josh we're doing it what do you mean we're doing it we're doing it we're getting to the wall wait we can go this way go this way you've gone this way all along you know you need to stop that's the path i created no it's not jelly look at this this is all of me look i think we made it oh my god we are literally finally all right last one to touch the water loses i'm in the water oh yeah hey watch out for the zombies okay josh listen we need to find a tree that is literally near water yeah well or or easier said than done we could find a underwater ship a sun good ship whoa i'm running on water this is cool dolphins are great yeah you just stole mine oh i'm sorry about that okay i think we gotta swim for a bit until we find some trees eventually josh that's perfect i think we could reach those oh the trees yeah oh that i just picked up okay wait it's not perfect that fish are dying we dig a little channel towards them where'd you go oh there you are and then we can get them i'm pretty sure okay let me get started let me get started okay all right teamwork do the right one i'll do the left one okay all right i'll ch change angle i'm getting one what mine is you believe mine is blocked i i what there's only what's wrong with yours i'm a little bit too far away let me make a new entry don't you dare remove the water from me by the way there we go that's what we're talking about okay i can get this now okay so i one only get wait i can get four pieces of wood two that's good that's the whole tree three oh i can get it as well i cannot get one of them i got all of them landed wrong nice josh okay listen you make a crafting table wait an hour okay all right that's actually a fair deal okay and then you can get me stoned right so crafting table yeah wait you can cut you can get that piece of wood stone man you can get that wood it's right there yeah now i can now i can oh okay all right see before i couldn't really you can make me a pickaxe when you're ready i am okay i have eight pieces of cobble i am an absolute genius do you hear that josh oh and now i can hear what channels okay that's that's not okay just give me the stone please all right how much do you want i'll give three six [Laughter] it's going back and forth all right listen josh i have a stone pickaxe working my way back do i make anything else stone like a stone axe um we will need well we need enough stone to make a furnace but that's we need to find iron axe in case we find enemies josh and they will kill us okay actually that's probably not a bad idea ernest i'll get the stone right now okay wait i think there's a cave over here we could look at the cave okay wait i'm on my way bring the car to the table bring bring the crafting table all right crafting table oh iron iron oh josh do you hear what you're saying yeah but there's not enough there's not enough what we're just far away from it okay i need to build a new channel inside of here okay josh listen to me i am here okay stop okay building a um okay build a protective area i have a crafting table and i'm gonna put a furnace down okay okay i'm gonna try and get this on smelt our iron okay i'll just i'll just oh wait watch out for the spider there we go hey spidey okay listen yes you're getting it yeah yeah i've got it literally get it okay take this take this got it there we go yes oh my gosh skeleton there is a skeleton i am putting we might have you got the coal as well no i'll put wood in there put wood in there i mean the coals kill the skeleton there we go you need to just protect me that's the only important thing right now josh listen to me nice one more ironing and i give you a bucket okay i hope you're like thinking about me as well wait this is gonna be amazing josh are you ready yeah hang on okay there we go okay well that's great now we can go be careful oh it's raining okay wait jelly if it's raining can we go out of the water nope oh that would have been a cool cheese it's not raining in a cave anyway oh yeah that's true all right josh you make another bucket okay one bucket for me and then we can make and then oh we've got enough no we've got enough for a uh what are you doing this is there's an infinite water source here there's a pool i'm dumb we just need the infinite water source in the future okay i'm gonna get a uh iron pickaxe as well and then we're good we can get diamonds oh yeah we need that too i forgot you forgot about the entire point in the video yes all right we've got everything we need oh wait no need to actually make the pickaxe it's actually not easy with one bucket josh yeah yeah teamwork is important than this this is just a circle oh okay this is a terrible case wait i mean wait what why don't we just go out of the water and look for a ravine because there's usually plenty we should be able to walk around jelly i didn't see where you were going [Laughter] okay i i think we should be able to jelly why would you do that i don't know i thought it was fun okay so if i place a bucket as high as possible yes and there we go yes and then you place the next one okay and then i can take that one then we go up in that and then you take the next one we can make a little elevator just remember oh jenny it's supposed to connect i just i i'm sorry i'll take it back don't take it back almost killing me it's fine where is this gonna lead us josh we gotta go down for diamonds yeah this is not really too much okay at least we can go down here oh the cave on the other side just put water down where did you put it right here oh this is not a very good place to put it though this is terrible oh dad don't worry we're good that was a good placement maybe okay listen to me we can make it over here actually why don't we just chop our way okay can you can you place one down so i can remove this one place okay all right keep digging jelly behind the cape why don't we just dig down josh you know that's also a good idea i haven't thought about that we're literally just digging into a tiny there we go yeah but now we like connected it and i can take some new water yeah but this is useless jelly okay i think we're gonna have to dig down it's perfect this is our water source we can literally make a staircase down yeah but how do we not drown we can breathe oh oh a staircase i see a staircase okay this can work yeah right this might take a long time you have the iron pickaxe you can do it you can do it okay can you get in front of me please i'm trying all right so josh make sure your bucket is filled with water and we begin the day we make a staircase that piece of water at the start should be enough okay i have to stay back a bit and then it's fine oh wait oh okay more water in this cave hang on lucky are we oh i sneezed wait we could get another bucket yeah but did you bring it across the table yeah yeah i did i brought everything okay i have no more water here get this going all in the furnace oh my my mouse went out of battery why always josh hold on a second okay so i have no wood coal is in there what do you mean [Music] yeah we don't need wood then to craft things what the bucket the most important thing in our lives right now is buckets jelly oh yeah true but we don't look we only need one um you know thing iron pick smell you wanna shower okay that's just annoying jelly crafting table please thank you okay got the bucket we got two more that is two buckets for me all right i guess i'll take the the furnace and stuff um all right josh listen to me why don't we just start digging a little further down you see what i'm saying this is really slow jelly one way we're literally breaking pickaxe i know it's just it's just slow okay let's just keep digging wait josh here what oh okay okay okay uh can it please go that way i have an idea for that i blocked this it should work once you place a block back it'll like spread there we go okay oh creepers going wait that's bad yeah creepers should be deadly right now jelly creepers equals very bad don't mess with the creepers okay this keeps going oh nice nice nice and we should we should block it for the creeper oh i need he died and then he died don't you dare die dawg i've only got one bucket it's kind of problematic come on come back wait actually can i get this iron josh come back but iron then i can get another bucket jelly then bucket although we don't have enough water never mind i will what are you doing water oh okay yeah so place you and then you okay great oh it would be great if i could get a new pickaxe by the way you don't need a pickaxe stop being greedy why don't i need a you're always so greedy jelly josh you just took an iron two sticks i want my bucket first then you can have stick okay jelly do you want anything okay i got my other bucket and then here's your sticks jelly where did you next where'd you go throw down the hole what there well i look i don't decide where it goes also i need more water where is the infinite source you created there is an infrared source there yeah yeah okay listen ah what are you doing here i don't think we need any more of this stuff help don't worry jeffy i'm here okay good got him nice all right so now josh i think we should just continue digging down that's kind of our only hope here yeah you know okay that sounds like a good diamonds are down below that's true oh god julie we've been thinking for so long we've got gold dust i don't care we're doing all right don't care about dumb gold we're deep enough i don't know digging have you got shovel no great whoa josh what okay diamonds wait so we did it wait oh yeah yeah yeah yeah wait be careful we have the waters to disappear that's good that's good and now we just need the diamonds chop it yay hey jelly yeah yes yes i have four diamonds josh no josh why can't i ban you i think i'm supposed to die now i can't ban you that'll do ah that's for stealing my diamonds jelly josh did you realize you were standing on stone again oh it's only fair well thanks for watching we made it in the end hey you want to check out some merch so.com is where you need to go also there are videos on the screen you can click them and it will take you there bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 1,762,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, jelly, challenge, mod, touch water, must touch, only touch
Id: Sfc76a3a_B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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