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let me tell you a story once upon a time i was minding my own business when i got a message on my phone it was from jelly my short friend who had invited me to play on his skyblock world at the same time i got like a billion comments from all of you guys telling me all right i get it calm down anyway back to the story so i read that message and i thought to myself i should play on the skype world and that's where i am welcome to skyblock in minecraft but you might notice i'm not alone there's a house over there and there's a house over there and there's this ugly horrible looking bridge in the middle which i think means that both craner and jelly well they've been playing for a little bit and i've just got this basic island now if you would like me to make this into a series it's real simple 100k likes and i'll upload another episode if you guys don't hit 100k likes well that means you don't want it and i won't ever do it again now where was i we should probably start doing something so uh we started off with a chest here we got a lava bucket and ice now one thing to say actually this ice and this lava we could never get that again in the sky block world i mean i only see a sand island and all that's it really but i guess first things first we're gonna get this wood um also dirt is pretty much impossible to get so we should try and look after all of this but first of all we we need to build a little bridge here because i do not want to lose any of these resources all right there we go there we go nicely done and so pretty much as long as we only break three the chi will not start breaking yet i could always just go over to one of their items and steal some stuff which i very well might do but right now we gotta use what we've got let's start off with our crafting bench nicely done and with that we'll be able to build some tools but i mean there's no nothing to mine yet we could start our cobblestone generator though that might be smart to do okay let's do that and then place the ice break the eyes there's our water and boom nicely done okay now we just need to make our pickaxe and we can get chopping i mean mining that's what i meant just to be extra safe i'm gonna place a block on top of the lava and i think that'll mean that we get a few more cobblestone from it which is good it'll stop it from going in the lava is what i mean so yeah i guess we're just gonna be breaking these for a little while so we might want to get comfy all right so we've got a few more blocks now uh i am going to let's start building i'm going to build a platform down here that will allow us to catch all of the dirt and everything that we need there we go that's pretty much wide enough now to catch the tree because we need saplings that's what we need so let's break some of this dirt um and ideally not release the lava i guess i'll leave this one here the lava is inside that all right i think we're good we're good to to break the last bits of wood okay there's one and i think this should be the last one here boom uh yeah we should be able to catch all the saplings i think my plan today will be to get to that sand island which doesn't look touched grab some of that stuff and then i guess we'll end the video by getting over to jelly and craners island and seeing what's going on over there no saplings yet not a great sign wait why do i see fire over at crainer's house what is happening over there i don't know what he's done oh my god is this entire house burning down what is happening what is great okay oh oh what's that plane oh most happens great that's exactly what we wanted i don't know why but chris house is literally burning down over there okay maybe you guys should go into the comment section and let craner know that his house is burning down did i just see a sapling fall okay there you go yeah go let them know in the comment section and let them know that it wasn't me okay um we'll have a look at that in a bit okay that is looking good no more saplings so we got a total of three saplings not too bad could probably be better um let's build ourselves a little area then for getting our tree farm going okay there we go now we do kind of wanna also build this out a little bit so we have some more room but we don't really have a ton of resources right now so this is as good as it's gonna get all right i'm just gonna keep mining and keep getting some cobblestone and then i'll probably be back in a second for you at least it'll be a lot longer for me okay bit of a time jump but i've done quite a lot of work i managed to get all of the dirt from the island so that's going in there nice and safe and we've been collecting quite a little bit of cobblestone actually um one thing i wanted to do is add that there there we go not gonna be falling in that anytime soon which is good and yeah we're doing great um now i guess we've achieved what we wanted to do here we've we do need to extend this out a little bit now i know we could be using slabs but i feel like i like it when it's uh fully blocked out so let's just clean this up and then break the trees that we've got and then we can start making some moves towards the sand island and then hopefully jelly and crane as islands there we go all right uh we could probably make ourselves a pickaxe while we're here our pickaxe what am i talking about snack sacks and chop these down should be able to get uh some more saplings as well which would be good all right that's done and now we just need to get some more cobblestone to be able to get over to the next island which is yeah it's going to take some time let's get going any saplings sassa no that's a stick that's not what i oh there we go there's the sapling come on down also got ourselves an apple which is great place that i think these need to be another space apart but whatever oh and there's another step thing okay we at least got these ones back we can check back for more and later on all right now we just need to make an absolute butt ton of these slabs so that we can get around so quite a lot what we need to do now is get over there yeah let's be very careful okay and we just need to turn boom we got it all right and obsidian melon and pumpkin seeds interesting it was pretty much what i expected though and uh all right let's just get everything okay let's get everything we can from this place i may as well take the chest as well because we are not getting any more sand so this is gonna be very valuable stuff luckily it seems this one's held up by some string which means it isn't just gonna completely fall away don't worry i did notice that but these next blocks are gonna yeah they're they're not as easy to get i suppose we can add some water there which is gonna increase our chances of getting it yep there we go oh this is going to take some time oh ah that one just fell never mind okay we better probably just oh no come on oh wait it's kind of in the water oh it falls into the stream that's actually really useful i know i could be doing this way more carefully but you know what i i don't really i just want to get the same come on this is jelly skybox over do we care that much all right and oh may as well get some of the string perfect all right and i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring the rest of this with me if i can because i'm going to need it to get into the middle all right so now we just need to build our way over to the middle area and visit jelly in crane and see what they've been up to somehow luckily we've actually managed to uh not fall off for this entire video i wonder if the other two managed that all right well i'm kind of here i don't know they've got some weird bridges here but uh we'll just sort of connect up i guess there we go and uh i don't know how we connect to this side all right there we go um who should we look at first let's go look at jelly's house because he was the one that started this all right so first up we got some trees which is actually very helpful thank you very much jelly i do need some more wood if we get some more saplings from you we'll be sure to plant them this is the great thing about doing skyblock with your friends you know if you need anything just pop on over and grab what you want all right there we go stocked up on wood look there we go jelly can't complain now and probably won't even notice what do we got over here where'd your lava go wait what oh melon did did crana steal his lava wait a second so kratom must have stolen his lava oh oh wow i did not know we'd have these developments happening all right let's pop over to crainer's place wait uh i just realized there's nothing here saying who stole it maybe we should adjust this okay let me just adjust this a second there we go some accountability i'm sure he wasn't planning that but there we go we did it anyway and we may as well grab these saplings while we're here all right now let's go and have a look at crainer's house which some reason has been burning down most of this episode okay um right aka the best house ever i'm assuming that the rest of this once said crainer's house empty chest and uh lava where is he he must be hiding jelly's lava somewhere but where i thought he'd be hiding it under there maybe imagine if it was in the tree all right let's not get too involved in any of this stuff i'll just leave his house burnt down we don't want to get involved right now let's just head back to the house and get ready to end the video just don't fall off please thank you now if people are stealing uh lava we should definitely hide our stuff as well so maybe we just sort of that's not really a good hiding spot oh actually i think i know does the chest burn they don't burn do they we could um hide it in a chest under the lava that would be pretty sneaky so if we do that and then there we go there we go we've got a chest under there wait the lava's still there i'm such a dummy you know what let's just keep our lava like this um we don't need that and then we can log off with this inside of my inventory where it's gonna be safe i can't keep the water unfortunately but hopefully we won't lose that and anyway yeah that's been our episode on the skyblock if you want to see another one 100 000 likes hopefully nothing bad happens too soon if you want to watch another video there are some videos on the screen tap those videos it will take you to the next one enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 2,147,242
Rating: 4.9429975 out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, skyblock, jelly server, jelly, crainer, slogo
Id: o0Cku5B8zGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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