We BROKE UP In MINECRAFT Skyblocks (moving out)

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hoax MC is back all of these are just tuning in first of all where have you been with your life second of all get up to minecraft.jar Edition right now and cut play with us on me and jelly Skyblock server play-doh hoax MC it's all you need to type in to come and play with us me and jelly have teamed up to create our own awesome sky Block Island so I'm not gonna lie it's getting a little bit tough he's been messing up a lot of things on the island so I might have taken a few extra diamonds here and there just to make sure he doesn't lose it okay look at this dealer I mean fantastic we're thinking of it buying a few of you guys onto our island to help us if you guys want that to happen hit the like button a hundred thousand likes swim by sub view is it he'll be awesome anyway let's get into the video journey it's time to wake up wake already you're working on my house man did you just steal my doorbell I did not steal your door but I lost video I had a doorbell right here and now today door it's not there well I'm sorry I didn't do that wrong what does it sound like what the heck is so weird telly let's don't use that as a doorbell sound don't question it and look again okay Ronny so hard on you what is happening he's spitting out all the oars because Josh you can only grab and diamonds and emeralds I programmed him like that oh oh how much does he go he's got about 200 diamonds what Jenny put them all in this chest so I can see all right I'm gonna grab everything Josh I'm gonna grab everything hey hey put them all in the chest yep will do here we go all right tell me when they're all in ready he's been working really hard Josh take a look we can outsell that that's crazy jelly okay so I've taken half out so you could take the other half all right all right I currently have one point four million dollars whoa hang on I need to see how much I've got so you said you took off yep so that we can sell those and get a ton of money there we go but no no I had about the same you had a bit more than me Josh I'm gonna go to the genome and we're gonna sell it you sewed it jelly we all doing real $100 docs that wasn't all that much yeah it's wrong it's been riding for a look faster Jenny I was thinking today you and me we could go check out the adventures inter server because I think welcome if challenged maybe not for money but there's a bunch of different things we can unlock we can have a look yeah all right let's go all right so tell me Josh follow me follow me we need to head over to the adventure field dude over here oh my goodness and then do this yeah chat to this guy so on the Left we've got challenges and then the right we've got the teleport to adventures oh let's have a look at the challenges what can we do Josh the bronze challenge silver challenge gold challenge there's a bunch of different stuff we should check out let's have a look at the bronze challenges okay oh look at that one we gained some diamonds mine 32 died mcElhatton spawn okay that one's a little bit spawner kill two players get thousand mob coins oh my goodness we need to smell some iron so we'll do that they'll give us a call a cow spawner alright so do we need to select no no we've just got them open there's a bunch on our next tier with a bow and I guess kill some players all right jelly sounds good let's teleport to adventures then alright we're here look at this place travel 50 blocks in any direction to start your journey we've got to be careful jelly coz our gear is separate it adventures that is in the real world so jelly actually it's harder because all of this stuff is there's no shop here we have to get this all legit where do we go yeah let's go this way we're gonna be careful jelly there's gonna be people that follow us are we're gonna be able to kill this one be nice be nice okay buddy oh they throwing stuff he's dropping some okay gonna get it I got it alright let's run a few blocks in this direction I guess jelly Oh someone's built a little that's Oh what does that say oh it's a shop okay people can make shops in here so it's crazy all right let's keep running we need to build like a little destroyed man yeah well this is the adventure world Oh George George oh okay this is gonna be tough we've been living in a nice world yeah we need to find some trees and stuff to start making some oh another portal was there a challenge that required that I'm not sure but we can just go in see where we end up okay Josh jelly happy I'm just gonna quickly check Adventures how do you check slash adventures so much having is okay wait go through the obsidian portal we get a wither skeleton spawner wait travel to the nether we get a legendary crate key oh my goodness but we need a bunch of we need a bunch of pre-quiz it's to do that yes yeah I mean no we could get that stuff whoa it's like a separate area in here oh my goodness oh cool get the tree yeah we caught this is this boring area to go 50 blocks remember all right let's head back to the normal adventure world for now all right we're back okay there's a head back out again jelly let's just go until we find an area yeah I think we should jelly jelly I see a player hello in front of us there on red team yes mercy no no hey maybe if we get them to give us a sword oh hey we've got another one a green team right over here no we don't want to give us I am Claus okay give us the sword there's something I want something Josh all right Jenni let's keep going this looks like you'll be a much better place I got on a wooden shovel Oh jelly I just managed to kill one of the players my hearing off this bridge that we were on oh yeah I know but we are living it now I've got a ton of stuff sorry red team member there we go jelly I got my second kill I just completed a challenge you killed someone of your own team yeah well they sacrifice themselves for my challenge it's daytime and we found a little time yeah this has been completely raided jelly Oh Oh someone's got a little house Josh listen we could actually use some of this wood - oh good idea I actually got some stuff from someone I killed let me put some stuff down wait there's a person right in front of us Josh oh there is jelly jelly take this take this unique kills I've got one I got one take it they're independent this wall jelly they're not even on green always on blue team sorry buddy it's time for you to die oh look hey how you doing JK you're gonna die Wow oh I gotta kill me this all back give me this all but I actually need only one more kill now to complete a challenge okay I'm gonna grab these cows sorry yeah they were just grinding away trying to make ends meet all right well I've got some cow meat for us now yeah I've called furnace I put one down the person I killed also has some iron ore on that well they had a bunch of iron alright there we go got some food in my belly there we go some more don't worry it's so cooking I also have enough jelly to build a bow now so we could do that Hilary yeah we could do that to kill a creeper no no we only one bow silly alright jelly I think we're ready to move on oh you've got iron yeah I told you I've got some I also got you some stuff with jelly no no I got you some stuff keys a hat and here's an iron bar that's all I had left so if you could grab that I thought we were sharing things really share everything read the Hat dummy I use the anvil to name it Wow stop it okay I am angry now that's nice look I made some there's some gold in there you should be able to make some pretty good gold no no someone had it I didn't waste that my dying I'll make some gold Armour Josh oh yeah you want across the table for that oh you going Wow love golden armor hey you guys really looking good jelly looking good okay it's gonna be nighttime soon jelly and I've got the bow but we've only got two arrows so here's the plan when it's nighttime we need to kill one job okay here's the jelly we need to kill skeletons to get the arrows when it gets nighttime and then we shoot the creepers okay all right and if we find string we'll grate a sec what I was gonna say before we do that we should head up to that hill because there's some houses up there hello anyone home down up here alarmist yeah and a chest there's nothing in there wait there's an entire mine down there you sure we really wanna go I was just wondering if they had any secret chest but there's nothing here yeah no nothing here sure old average mine alright anyway let's go back up and let's wait for nighttime it's nighttime creepers will swallow all right let's keep an eye out I keep our eye out yeah we I said that Jenny player player I'm sorry oh here the players completed the challenge and I got a bow noise okay so that's the least one challenge done I've completed the challenge we're had to kill two players yeah and I've done that too hard was so we know we're gonna collect our rewards at the end but we'll do that later yeah we just need to find crazy share there oh I see a creeper and a skeleton okay let me see if I can get a creeper then first you want to take the first creeper sure I'm gonna give don't return the other ones do attract the other one oh he's going to you okay one more on to okay oh my god I'm in a full bow here I missed gasps okay okay let me see if I can get him yes boys three it's with a sword okay there's skeletons around it I see my get you hair oh come on give us give us a Oh Aaron to ours J yes one two no jelly because you you antagonized it and you have to wait a second okay that's like that you gotta tell you three okay one more one more head city you had more eyes yes you did the players on our team great head and kill me hey arrow iam for him right now ah rod Jenny Josh you should have given me armor oh oh don't worry Kelly I'm gonna leave I'm gonna attack him though he boy is that guy we killed he brought a friend yeah I killed his friend though and I died okay alright well with last year off with our with our armor we didn't lose anything only stuff in the adventure world of yes yeah and now a weekend came some rewards standing inside of the adventure okay so what was the first when we completed the creeper one another player one the player one we killed two players wait it says I only killed one player I killed two out of two well you graduation a murderer I don't know why I didn't get that one oh he got a thousand Bob Corley hello to another one see under travel the curly grass block oh my goodness we walked a thousand blocks what's the is it a legendary key oh no it's a crate key okay okay close okay and then let's reclaim the creeps warner from the bow one oh my goodness there we go Warner did we complete any others or is that it nice jelly I think we deserve to open a few of our keys then Josh I think we shall let's go to the crates alright Josh we're at the crates okay one we gonna open we well we got a vote crate key so we should open that one okay let's open that first see what we can get oh my goodness it's going crazy wait you already started yes I was looking at what we could get all right there we go oh my goodness experience points of 2000 XP nice and I'm gonna get 12 gold blocks that's that should be pretty good Josh we're gonna share those things yeah okay and also jelly while we're here because that was kind of a crazy adventure we should open one of our legendary crate keys legendary cream tart in the game are you ready wait I just got an epoch to epoch crate keys oh my goodness all right well I'm gonna open those two epic ones as well see what I get it's like I got them from the legendary one jelly I got 1 million dollars okay oh you all right let me open it we don't have to share the money right all right I'm gonna open the other one and that one I got 2000 3000 mob coins damn that was really good for me all right split everything correct what do you mean everything well I got a wither skeleton spawner yeah we can't really split that jelly yes so this is like that okay okay well all right but you don't like you know what did you get exactly a million dollars and I guess I've got some gold blocks Jenny here you go here's here's some gold blocks there you go some gold blocks you're not telling me how many no no I got 12 so yeah but jelly I'm not gonna give you any of my million dollars that was I made that fair and square island where we share items yes but I can't just go and share all of my money jelly you just lose it straightaway yeah all right you know what jelly I'll make it fair how about we just coin flip for the million okay for a million I don't look if we win early you get it cuz it's still mine anyway so I could just walk away right now gosh I'm in the coin flip Lobby okay there we go I'm about to add it you ready yeah I'm ready there you go now $1,000,000 wait someone else took a jelly don't worry I won I beat the other person there we go okay are you ready on all in dollars are you ready jelly okay I'm here I'm here okay there we go $1,000,000 gonna win this that's the rule right I've only got four hundred thirty thousand left yeah [Applause] Danny Danny the whole point person believes put the money with me in right now five million this is so good you've got ten times more money than me yeah jelly I am living life right now yo I'm gonna kick you out of my Island jelly I am now all the money I don't want to be here with you anymore you're playing unfair alright Jay I'm just gonna head back to my house I'm gonna let you cool down a little bit just cuz she leaves that isolating me cool down yeah if so it's gonna be needing a cool-down and it's gonna be you Josh I am gonna be Ewing good look at all this [Music] all right just relax silly fair yeah unfair game and I can't stand Jenny if I'm gonna win if I'm gonna be rich in this game I can't just give everything to you I gave you hope of everything I have it's only fair to split everything Josh no jelly do you lost fair and open source I didn't lose fair and square the whole purpose of the coin flip is to share the money Jenny if I want to do that I could have just given you the money ah all right well enjoy enjoy cooling down my friend what do you mean cooling down what do you mean cooling down what are you doing why are you laughing jelly nothing what is that what why is that Lauper outside my house jelly that is what you get for not splitting money with me Josh what are you doing I'm sorry Josh hey honest Jenny you could just cover my house thanks with me then we're gonna have to split up Josh I'm gonna burn your house down that's right I don't even you know what jelly I don't even want to live here okay this how this whole island song fall you know what I'm moving out jelly I'm gonna take my stuff with me you're moving out cuz you don't have a house anymore you I don't I'm gonna be with I don't even care jelly you know what I'm taking all of my iron in here that you thought was yours all the hiding stop hiding out just storing it my gosh it's not your eyelid anymore taking my bed Wow see you later really no all right let me grab some stuff from the my chest my goodness six diamonds do we have any more diamonds hey Ron can you help me out with some time hey thank you Ron some more die hard Ron don't drop the diamond don't drop the pipe hey Shelley look all this wheat huh that we built together look at it all going it wasn't even fully planted yeah well so am i jelly we're gonna be we were gonna be like friends here on this beautiful Skyblock island we can still be friends but it's just not working out with us working together I'm gonna go I'm leaving this island enjoy your wine out there on your own island you'd lose him green for the winner hi alright let's head over to the island portal we're gonna make a much better island than jelly we're gonna pick the grasslands themed island and here we are look at that much better our own home we even got some farm over here that we can expand I am so happy that we've moved away from him he was holding us back but with our own Island we are gonna be able to do so much more guys make sure to drop a like if you want me to continue this series playing solo on hoax MC let's see if we can build the best island in the entire server maybe I'll invite some of you guys to help me thank you for watching this episode and I'll see the next one bye bye
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,787,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, how to build, sky blocks, skyblock, jelly
Id: 8Qjub6CF12M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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