All Levels are 1-1, but...

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1-1 but it's squooshed or squished as most people would say this is hilarious I already love it the one washed that's pretty funny what about the star s still there oh there it goes that would have been nice to have all right I think we're getting better at it dare I say okay okay how do I do this yeah no oh this is not the one one I grew up playing [Music] hey everyone's Derby from Blue television games instead of checking out super one one world this has been recommended to me so many times and I'm finally gonna play it let's go ahead and start it up so basically this is a whole super world full of the level one one but every level is gonna have some sort of a catch to it from what I understand one one but it's actually one one so the first level I think's just legit gonna be one one so this one should be pretty easy might be a good one to uh stock up on some lies but now that I look we have 99 so yeah this is just regular everyday one one it's got the hidden one up let's see if the bonus area is here foreign this is good to look at though this shows us what 1-1 normally is like it's good to get a little reminder in case you've forgotten somehow even though we've seen one one remix way way too many times all right one one completed so that was literally just 1-1 nothing special about it that's actually a really good way to start the super world in my opinion all right level two level two is one one but it's built from memory so they remade one one from memory let's see how good they did I mean so far I wouldn't have noticed anything wrong personally I mean who knows if the pipes are the perfect distance away that looks a little different I think maybe a little too close let's go this way check out the whole level so we can see how good they did I mean overall this feels like 1-1 I feel like they did a good job they included the star that all looked pretty similar I mean this I would love to see it side by side but that felt like one one to me I wouldn't have noticed anything too out of place that looked pretty close all right so first two levels pretty much to the same level but I have a feel like this is gonna get pretty crazy alright so it looks like we got five levels per world most likely and an Airship at the end of this one 1-1 but it's squooshed or squished as most people would say but I like saying squooshed for some reason this is hilarious [Music] the one one but it's squished that's pretty funny that's pretty creative I like it should we go to the bonus area I think we have to this is so funny all right the bonus area is a little squished not too bad [Music] oh I gotta look back a little dude that's funny everything's just squished together I like it so I wonder how many blocks they took out to squoosh it even the flag's all squished that's really funny okay okay okay that might be my favorite one so far this is great all right next level one one but it equals zero one minus one does equal zero all right one one but it equals zero what does this mean for us I'm not sure one one but it equals zero let's go not pipe this time [Music] on one but it equals zero what it just looks like one one what have I missed it here one one but it equals zero oh no and there's no flag [Music] what the heck oh come on wait what I don't understand fully what's going on right now that's a muncher probably should hit that first what what but it equals zero what is the joke here what I don't even understand what just happened all right we have made it to the Airship level one one but it's an Airship place your bets one one but it's an Airship Fleet I actually remade one one as an Airship Fleet in Mario Maker one which is kind of interesting do we climb up just like you do at the beginning of an Airship we gotta do a swoopy Vine jump I'm a professional we could do this just fine there we go it's got some custom artists growing this is cool yeah Custom Auto scrolling really makes this awesome they've done a really good job here of remaking one one as an Airship I like this let's check out the bonus area [Music] three that's pretty cool it's like the bonus area from Mario 3. this has a lot of cool little Easter eggs I like this already do we get to skip most the ship going in the bonus area looks like no that's cool I don't want to miss any of this one this seems really cool it's even got the rocky ridges what about the star s still there oh there it goes that would have been nice to have it could have would have been okay this is really awesome I love this already one one but it's an Airship Fleet that's pretty cool oh we could have got two one UPS up there oh we got bullet billed all right boom boom fights coming I think yeah I'm trying to remember like the level so yeah this would be like near the end of the level so now we go in for a boom boom fight I I I'm pretty sure no we're gonna fight the kooplings like we do on Mario three sweet that's way better than a boom boom fight all right boom first up we have old Larry he's kind of like in the 1-1 uh bonus area which is kind of funny really cool go in the pipe right near oh that was pretty dang awesome do all right then one one but it's an Airship Fleet all right well that only took me like seven minutes so let's head to world two I think we can do at least two worlds in this episode if you want to see more episodes of the 1-1 super world 1-1 but different things let me know in the comments All Right Next Level one one but you're an Super Mario Brothers 2 mushroom it's interesting okay so I've seen levels like this before so we control the mushroom by like doing mushroomy things like going jump usually they hide Mario off screen for these but that's kind of cool you can see Mario cool it's really fun like that oh so close Okay so we gotta jump earlier I think yep there we go come on Mario 2 shroom does feel like you're the mushroom come on mushroom you got to make it over the pipes so we need to jump near the end of this block there we go cool we don't want to fall in the Gap please don't die die die die die die I like the munchers up there okay jump over the munchers I'm glad that doesn't get hurt the Mario 2 stream is stronger than Mario no these enemies really hurt the mushroom all that so much Oh wrong way okay we gotta get up the stairs good no we're all away mushroom yes okay that's tricky okay now this one's scary oh that would have felt it that would have been very very sad it's cool you could play through all of one one like this oh that's cool we need the mushroom to get to beat the level [Music] boom we did it thank you mushroom wait we hit the B the Mario too we get to be the Mario too yep that's definitely what I meant to say all right that was a pretty clever one I like that all right Next Level the next level is one one but it comes in waves we talk at a wave level yeah but this doesn't look like a wave level so far oh I see you made like waves with the ground this is the kind of wave level I was expecting it's really weird feeling this is so weird oh that's so weird looking I mean it still feels one one-ish but definitely kind of weird all right definitely one of the ease oh geez okay as soon as I say easy it starts getting a little tricky all right that was a an interesting one all right Next Level let's go one one but it's Spot the Difference awesome I like Spot the Difference levels all right here we go Spot the Difference so anything that's different we need to keep an eye out for uh imagine or there's gonna be spot the different sections wait was that Goomba not normally there so maybe it's anything different a key is inside maybe I don't know I'm just trying to guess here so there's the one up which is always there let's check in the pipe any differences in the bonus area oh yep okay we got this it makes sense so this yup key nice anything different now has a key in it oh okay so is this all the same as normal yes okay now I'm second guessing everything I don't know how many keys we need but we're looking for differences [Music] all right those are all normal you might need to use the Goombas to hit some of these I can't remember if it's exactly you know four bricks here or not nope okay something seemed off oh that Goomba isn't normally there either we're finding so many that Goomba is let's grab the star all right what else is different I'm not sure we got three how many do we need though I'm not sure all right let's go in here and find out [Music] all right we need one two three we need one more okay we need to find one more thing could be another brick maybe could it be the Koopa Troopa it was the Koopa Troopa dang it there was an extra Koopa Troopa sneaky sneaky I like it sweet that was a fun one all right nice nice nice nice nice nice nice all right tricky one but a fun one all right Next Level let's go one one but it's a water level everyone's favorite water levels people love water levels that's not true people don't love water left but it had to be done right blue actually one one works quite well as a water level I like that you added a ceiling to make it a little trickier okay that's not fair I put bloopers in the pipes bloopers in the pipes is kind of rude let's go to the bonus area because I am scared okay oh that's really cool Spotlight underwater this might be like one of the most fun super worlds I've ever seen it's so fun why did I wait so long to play this I'm not sure what actually took us to the ends yikes I'm going to drop down here and hopefully not die and don't do it fish bones you're trying to make me cry nice job Mario we underwater all right another airship so what's the catch one one but 20 seconds uh I didn't do that right well let's start over Okay I got we gotta go through the the door and then we're gonna get pushed by the bill Blaster let's go 20 seconds say oh whoa the difficulty just stepped up a little bit it should be fine though we don't have to go too fast okay oh we got Goomba this is hard pick up the pace a little bit oh it's difficult it's difficult because the bill Blaster really throws me off okay yikes also difficult okay okay that's fine the timer I mean it's hard already but the diver makes it trickier I really like to get that oh wait I can't go in the pipe go into the pipe might be a good move we gotta go in the pipe I think can we go in the pipe I haven't why do I haven't I tried it I mean we probably can't go at it but we must try right yes we can go in the pipe okay [Music] dang it that's fair probably okay this is where we need to go fast nope ah I feel like one time it's gonna click and everything will just go totally fine somehow I mean this this level really came out of nowhere with how hard it is I'm going to figure this out probably maybe not today all right I've got a plan there's my plan jump up high but don't die please don't die I don't want to cry I do do okay oh it's if you jump too high you get squished so we gotta do little tiny jumps oh okay don't jump too high yes that was my plan oh I feel like yes nope nope oh we're so close I think we're getting better at it dare I say okay okay how do I do this yep no this is not the one one I drew up playing [Music] all right we are certified professionals now there's one thing I could do it's beat the stupid level we still have 42 lives I mean that's not that bad you know we only lost like 60 or so okay get the Koopa shell don't get squished dear to get squished I really don't want to get smooshed okay yes yes yes finally I think that level took me as long as beating all the other levels that I've beated to put together if not longer nice work you got the best of me [Music] all right we beat world too there we go all right so that level took me forever and I really really really really am enjoying this one one but super world if you want to see another episode just let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed the video make sure the thumbs up button and if you're new to the channel you like what you see be sure to hit the Subscribe button and the notification Bell that way you'll know we're in our release new videos you can follow me on Instagram Twitter join the btg Discord check out my merch store down below thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you around
Channel: Blue Television Games
Views: 304,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blue television games, btg, blue tv games, all levels are 1-1 but, super 1-1 world, 1-1 super world, 1-1 but, super mario but, mario but, super mario bros but, every level is 1-1, Every Level Is 1-1, every level is 1-1 except that, btg mario, blue television games mario, blue tv games mario, mario btg, mario blue television games, mario blue tv games, super mario btg, super mario blue television games, super mario blue tv games, all levels 1-1, 1-1 world, btg 1-1, 1-1
Id: egXOBPJfKa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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