I taught an A.I. to speedrun Minecraft. It made history.

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Thanks to BlueWillow for sponsoring the video! This Minecraft player is not real. It’s artificial intelligence, hundreds of thousands of code lines all working together for one common goal, and today that goal is to speedrun Minecraft better than humans, while also being pretty entertaining along the way. And to do that, we’re gonna let the AI decide Minecraft’s graphics. So we’ll start with the AI texture pack. This is the work of TheOriginalAce and he made an amazing video about it which you should definitely watch, but he forgot one thing: the GUI! This is an outrage, it’s too normal, it actually makes sense, we can’t have that! No no no, we’re going to AI-ify everything, so we’re starting by heading over to BlueWillow.AI, the totally definitely coincidental sponsors of this video, but you’ll actually like this. BlueWillow is an AI image generator, and they made it really easy on me: join the Discord, head to the rookie channel and tell the AI what you need. Alright, Minecraft menu button, pixelated, grey, rectangle, white text that says options, we’ll start there, that seems simple enough. ----- That, uh, no, what? Oh my god, I could make a whole video just reading these, it’s like a cursed knockoff of English. I get it, AI does NOT like text. Let’s get rid of that part and… okay I don’t know what any of this is, but I like it, there’s the menu buttons, moving on. How about we spruce up this main menu a bit, make it pretty? We can start with a new logo… yeah, perfect! And now take a nice panorama of all these beautiful AI textures for the perfect Minecraft main menu. And that’s it, seriously, BlueWillow is so easy to use. Now let’s pass the ball from BlueWillow to ChatGPT, because I’ve got one more thing to do before we let AI loose; if we do make it to the end, we might as well write a new ending, right? “I’m about to give you the poem used in Minecraft’s ending. Write a second poem in the same style for a Minecraft sequel.” Let’s see what it comes up with… Okay, that is nowhere near the original poem but this is AI’s dream, not mine, so we’re going with that. Now, it’s time for the big boy: using artificial intelligence to actually play Minecraft. This took forever, but I’ll keep it short for you. Basically, there are 5 major Minecraft AI bots: MineRL, MineDojo, Baritone, and two unnamed neural networks that we can’t use so we’ll skip over them. Let’s start with MineRL, which is honestly really impressive and they even worked with OpenAI, the guys behind ChatGPT, which is definitely a good sign. But right now, the peak of MineRL performance is mining diamonds, so uh, maybe not. Next is MineDojo. This one is super promising, firstly because it’s made by NVIDIA, and secondly because it’s already beaten Minecraft… sort of. It got all the way to the End, but the Ender Dragon never activates, meaning MineDojo made to the finish line but just couldn’t cross it. And that leaves us with just one option: Baritone. The Baritone AI is one you might already know about, because it’s already being used in the anarchy community. On 2b2t for example, you can set up Baritone to automatically escape spawn, to safely deliver items across the world, or to find ores and bases to loot. But there’s one major problem: Baritone is a pathfinder AI, and it doesn’t actually know how to play the game. If you tell it to mine diamonds, it just scans the world for diamonds and starts punching stone like a maniac until it gets to them. It doesn’t chop the tree you need for a crafting table, or mine the iron you need for a pickaxe, it just does what its told. So if it can’t play the game, how can it beat the game? It seems we’ve run into a dead end. It all looked hopeless… until I found this. The Alto Clef bot, which beat the game in just over 3 hours. But how did I miss this, I looked everywhere, I found every AI there was! Well, technically, I didn’t miss anything. Alto Clef is a special version of Baritone written by TacoTechnica, and it adds tasks which the bot will read and turn into in-game actions. Basically, you tell it what to do, and it does it very well. So now, we have AI graphics, AI storyline, and AI gameplay. It’s time. I’m going head to head with the Alto AI I trained to see who’s better at the game. To keep things interesting, we’re both on decent seeds and we can teleport back to our death spot for a 10 minute time loss, but other than that, it’s pure survival. Oh, and by the way, this will be my first ever time beating Minecraft, so that means no practice, I only get one shot. So, without further ado… let the race begin. The AI spawns right in the middle of a forest and immediately gets to punching the trees and crafting some basic tools. I get a bit luckier, popping into the world right next to a ruined portal, but uh… “man, this loot is trash.” And the portal was way too big to fix, which meant I had to find a lava pool – easier said than done. I wasn’t completely screwed though. “Oh thank god, there’s a village.” And where there’s a village, there’s beds, one of the most important items in the Minecraft speedrun. But why do I need beds? Well, my friend, I introduce to you the bed bomb. Beds explode in the end and the nether, and with good luck and good timing, we can exploit beds to kill the Ender Dragon in seconds. So while the AI starts crafting its basic tools, I’m collecting my greatest weapon. I got lucky and found a blacksmith too for some free armor and a pickaxe. But there was one problem… “I’m out of hunger? Already? Dude I have like 3 bread left, I’m gonna starve…” I needed to find food, and fast. But with no mobs or crops as far as the eye could see, it was seeming pretty bleak. Meanwhile, Alto was hacking away at the local wildlife stocking up on both food and beds by killing sheep. Smart man, but he has a long way to go since I just found another village – not a big one, but enough to get a few more beds and some food to keep me going. Just 9 minutes in and I’m already heading down into a cave to start mining, and 5 minutes later I’m back on the surface with buckets for the portal, a shield for blaze hunting, and an iron helmet for some extra protection. “This is pretty much everything I need, all that’s left is… gold boots for the piglins, ight, back to the ruined portal.” Things were looking really, really good. “What even is that? Dog, I need to play 1.19 more, I’ve never seen that in my life. It’s like a… poverty skeleton bro, what the – oh dear… Wow.” Yeah, I fell to my death through a 1 by 1 hole. Sick world gen Mojang, very realistic, thanks! I chose not to teleport back because my spawnpoint was like a hundred blocks away, but I died again falling through a 1 by 3 hole, not like that’s much better, and then spent the next few minutes warding off mobs while I tried to find my loot which was scattered across like 50 blocks on 3 different levels of the cave. Fun. “If hell exists, I’m living in it. I hate every second of this.” By the time I finally got out and gathered enough food to heal, I had already lost 20 minutes to the dumbest deaths in Minecraft history. But that’s okay, because it just so happens that the death pit I had just discovered might have a use after all. “Please have a lava pool, please have a lava pool, please have a lava pool OH MY GOD it’s a lava pool ohhhhh yes, yes yes yes this is good, this is good.” “Nether portal acquired.” And it only took 41 minutes, honestly not too bad considering I died twice. So now, it’s time to visit our friend, the Alto AI, and see how he’s doing. And this where I’d like to introduce a phenomenon I like to call the “Michael Phelps” stage of the speedrun. See, I don’t know if I messed something up or if the Alto Clef bot forgot about boats, but for the next 40 minutes, Alto swam back and forth across the entire ocean. I’m not sure if he wanted to train for his next swim meet or spontaneously caught dementia and forgot why he was stranded in the middle of the Atlantic, but he decided to dry off in the Nether at around the 1 hour 20 mark, losing a LOT of time. But we’ll come back to him later – for now, let’s see how I did. The nether was a very interesting part of the run for me, because like I said, I’ve never completed Minecraft before. In 1.8 which I usually play, I barely have any Nether experience as is, but after the Nether update I had maybe a collective hour of gameplay and none of it was trying to beat the game. In the words of past me, “I’m so screwed.” But my luck made up for my lack of skill, because just a hundred blocks out, I found this. “A fortress already bro, perfect. Just need to find the blaze spawner. Ayy, there it is. These drop rates are crazy right now, it’s been like 3 minutes and I’m already done. All that’s left are pearls and I’m outta here.” Pearls. The only thing standing between me and the end were pearls. If I was lucky, I could be done with this run in under an hour. Unfortunately, I was not lucky. “Where are the endermen, bro? It’s been like 10 minutes, I can’t find anything! I’m just going back man, I must’ve missed something. Let’s just… oh my god, bro, you cannot be serious!” And with no idea where I died, I had to tank the 10-minute time loss to come back. But on the bright side, I did eventually find a warped forest, which meant it was enderman time. “I need 13 pearls, I think, which is like 26 enderman? So uh… let’s get grinding.” “You see in real speedruns, they just trade gold to piglins and get the pearls from them, but – oh, I missed - you see, I am poor, and also I have no idea where any piglins are so, yeah, we’re doing this instead- oh I’m gonna die dude, no way haha” Another 10 minutes off. By the time I was done in the Nether, I was past the 1:30 mark. I absolutely bombed. But the AI? Completely s-mooth sailing. Alto was in and out in less than 20 minutes. I was still about 10 minutes ahead, but my lead was disappearing. I had to get to the End, and fast. But instead… “Oh my god I’m gonna drown dude, I forgot about the ice, please tell me there’s a hole somewhere, please-“ Yeah. There’s death number, what is it now, 6? And suddenly, my 10-minute lead was gone. By the time I got ready at the surface, me and the AI were neck and neck travelling to the stronghold. The race was on. “Is this it? Oh my god, we’re here, I finally found it. Let’s do this.” All that was left between us and victory was the ender dragon fight. Just one problem: I’ve never done it, not with beds. I’ve seen the speedruns, I’ve watched the tutorials, I’ve practiced in Creative Mode but I have never once attempted it in Survival, and if I don’t get it here, the run is over. “The dragon’s perching already. I don’t know what I’m doing, but it’s now or never.” “Oh my god, I did it! Time, time! No way dude, I actually did it, holy shhhhhhoh my god man that was so stressful, I don’t even know if I won, I’m just so happy it’s over, oh my god. A run clocking in at just over 2 hours. Not bad, but the AI was right on my heels, and his dragon fight was perfect. The final time? 2 hours, 6 minutes, and 7 seconds, winning by a matter of seconds. But I’m not mad, because this is history. Two years ago, nobody could’ve fathomed an AI beating the game at all, but times have changed. I taught an AI to speedrun Minecraft… and it beat me. Thank you for watching, thank you to BlueWillow.AI for sponsoring the video, and thank you to my patrons for all the support. Have a good one boys, peace.
Channel: MCBYT
Views: 297,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, minecraft ai, minecraft bot, ai gaming, ai, baritone, minecraft hack, minecraft hacking, hacker, alto clef, mcbyt, mcb yt, minecraft history, minecraft uncovered, minerl, minedojo, neural network
Id: 70gs0E4yb8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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