Can I Make An ENCHANTED BOOK in Real Life?! 😲

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WHAT'S UP GAMERS ! It's another beautiful day in Minecraft- Just kidding. We don't play games on this channel Let's get down to business. So what we're gonna try to do today is to make an enchanted book from Minecraft ~in real life~ Hmm. Thank you to the person in the comments who suggested this project because it's genius why haven't I thought of this before ? I know but we are making it. But we do have a problem because what the heck is this I I don't know ! We got like 16 pixels or whatever to go off So there's a lot of room for interpretation So the deal is I do know how to make books, but how do we make them enchanted? I'm thinking maybe LEDs you know, I love them Dorn LEDs UHH, I'm so excited holy frick, let's just go. Woo! *Huff* It's really heavy. This is a lot of paper but if you look at this boy, it's a thick boy So we need a lot of paper. What I'm gonna do for now is I'm just gonna put this in the book press for a couple of hours at least and I'll show you why in just a second. Oh yeah As you can see the folds are just a lot flatter So this is just gonna make it a lot easier for me to cut off The top part of every single page. The books of Minecraft kind of seems like they're close to a square format and they also seem to have a bit of a rounded corner It's hard to tell from these pixels, but I'm gonna go with... around the corner because I think it will be interesting This might be too much paper But we'll see I'm gonna cut them first and then we can kind of decide on... ~OoOo~ the SIZE don't ruin everything Okay, let's do this Good morning gamers I sorted all these pages into stacks of five and one of those stacks is called a signature which I'm gonna sew together into one block, today. I think I'm actually gonna use all this paper because it looks really really good Next I'm gonna use waxed linen thread to sew them together But before I can sew it, I need some holes in this baby We're gonna mark the holes on the back punch all the holes and then sew this block together Look who's back guys The chair ! The chair is back on the table. Guess it can't stand there though. Yeah, um. This was pretty much the only place I could put the chair Preferably it would be a bit lower because right now I'm like eyeline heights with the place. I'm gonna sew Well, preferably, I would have a proper sewing frame But uhh, I mean there's a certain charm to this chair Let's get sewing I'm wondering and you're probably also wondering how the heck I'm gonna make these corners around it I think the best way for me to do that, is just to chop off a straight line and then use sandpaper to kind of round it off. I don't think I'm gonna be able to cut the edge like a nice curve on all these layers This is Clyde. He's a big and cuddly boy Yeah, I'm gonna go with a straight edge and then hopefully we can use sandpaper to make all the edges nice and smooth I know the text block isn't perfect... but you know what ? I'm gonna say good enough this time, and I'm actually really happy about how it turned out It looks really good. Next we're gonna make the head and tailbands I want to go with something that's gonna match the ribbon around the cover I'm gonna go with some less saturated tones than these Intense ones because it's just, it's too much. So imma grab two of these colors and we're gonna sit back there on the chair there to make these headbands Oh my god ! This is literally just what I wanted. The format and the size and just everything looks So good! The next step is to make the end sheets and usually end sheets are just thick colored paper at each end of the text block. I already have this nice gray cardstock that I'm gonna use This is 150 GSM I think It just means it's a bit on the ~thicker~ side. All things in this episode seem to be thick What a lovely day... ... to be inside ! These two are looking great You becoming friends <3 I just cleaned up the edges a little bit to get the fraying away with a knife But now it just remains to see if this actually fits nicely on the book Looks about the right size Lets see, oh yeah Hoo, hoo hoo! { O v O } Oh freakin yes ! This might be the best covers I've ever cut. They're... *Visible confusion* Perfect! Perfect. That's the word. I got a couple of things laid out here to help me attach these covers to the book First of all, I got my cats, of course who's gonna help me out I'm gonna use the parchment paper for making the glue not stick to the book itself but only to the covers. I'm gonna use the drill to make two holes in the covers to thread these jute cords through. Then these cardboard sheets are gonna be plates in between the cover and the book to soak up the moisture from the glue Because you know, if paper gets wet, it gets all wavy and weird and I don't want that to happen to my book so these are just there as a barrier between the cover, and the book. Good morning everyone ! It's a beautiful day. I added this linen cloth to the spine yesterday I just glued it on there just to make the spine a bit more even and also to strengthen it Let's take off this parchment paper. Oh yeah, that's nice and flat. Not even a little bit of warping on the pages... I love it so much! It's leather time! This is one millimeter thick goat skin leather (vegetable tanned) I've worked with this before. I think it's very nice Let's get to work! Now the next thing we're gonna do is to glue the rest of the leather to the cover and I'm just gonna use this guiding lythe to thin out the edges a little bit. So they're easier to fold in But. Let's. Go ! *Strange bird whistles* If we take a look at the book itself It seems like there's supposed to be some text both at the top and the bottom of the book We're gonna take that and try to interpret it into some... cool... badass... ... front cover. I made this document that is exactly the same size as the book cover Usually there's some kind of author at the bottom so let's just let's just put "By Nerdforge" at the bottom. Now for the title of the book... I could just do something really silly. But let's just, let's just do something... Vanilla, like, giant book of enchantments, maybe So I'm just gonna export that to a JPEG and print that out. Nice. Book, templates... ... carving tools. Let's get this carving started ! I'm trying to bring the element of the enchantment table into the book itself. If you see the enchantment table from above it's kind of what it looks like! Uh Good morning. I'm kind of tired today. Today, is... ...gonna be different! Because if we look at the book again you can see like the golden square thing at the front kind of seems like it's supposed to be a book clasp and... I have absolutely zero experience with book clasps. I've never seen one, never touched one *Disgruntled frustration noises* Yeah ! I've seen it on the Internet but nonetheless I'm gonna attempt to make a book clasp. I am thinking to make something like this just two triangles, one that is gonna be fastened on the front of the cover and one on the side. If I manage to pull this off I'm gonna be super happy and proud So, let's just let's just hope I make something usable. It just remains to see if it will stay on when I put it on the book. It slides in really nicely. Oh, yeah that's going nowhere. It's really simple, but I really like it. YES! It looks so good and it works so well ! I'm so happy about this. All right, I just have to brush these up a bit because I need to make the edges smooth and also just... sand down the surface to make them just nice and shiny. Holy Frick. It looks like 10 times better after sanding it Next I'm gonna apply some gold leaf to the carvings I did before I had a few comments panicking before about me wasting a lot of the gold leaf. It's not real gold. I'm not that rich. Let's finish up this book so we can get to the enchanting. Good morning guys. I just wanted to share with you this beautiful rainy day So yeah, we're gonna go down into the basements to start working on enchanting, this book. Now my search for the secret to enchanting has been a long one I have been to the library of Herobrine and searched through every single book for the recipe of enchanting a book. I have found nothing... But! My friends. I think I have finally come up with a solution on how to properly enchant this book. And this is what I'm thinking, we're gonna make a box we're going to make half the box out of wood, half the box out of acrylic, the ingredients for the enchanting, are two main components: an Arduino and, some LEDs. While the box is drying both the wood filler and the wood glue I'm gonna go and begin with the acrylic glass that is going to cover the front. Hansie tested out this earlier Where you heat up a piece of the acrylic and bend it, like this, and I just think it looks absolutely amazing So I really want to try that and hopefully I can pull it off. Time to see if it fits! ~Yes~ I'm a bit scared. I hope it fits... If this doesn't fit we wasted a whole sheet of acrylic. Yep, and a ton of time Come on! Slides in YES! Yes! It was all Hansie's idea, this bending... ordeal It looks amazing! Oh my god! I'm just gonna let that dry for... a couple of hours... at least. Can I have it? ~Clyde~ We're just gonna use some finishing oil on this thing So let's go! We basically have our box ready The only thing it's really missing are the LEDs at the top here and some fabric here, but for the LEDs we're gonna get some help from Hansie! Hey guys, I'm back with the LEDs as usual. Today we're gonna make the enchantment effect on top and for that we're gonna use an Arduino and some addressable LED strips, and just a power socket and two wires super simple But I think it's gonna be super cool as well. Let's just get started and jump straight into it. So we put the wires through the holes and we hooked up the Arduino, and everything is just hanging around But before we connect everything permanently, I just want to test that this LED strip works Let me just upload a simple piece of test code to see if we can get any light in this LED strip And if we do, we move on to the big stuff. Done uploading... Ah! Nothing's happening! Okay, that's not awesome. We'll be back in a short moment. And now it seems to work. So now we can hook up the rest of the LEDs and then we can start making some animations. We uploaded the code, super simple code by the way, I'll leave it up on github But now everything from my side is mostly done I just want to show you how the lights turn out. So you can see this super simple fading effect Scrolling across the entire box similar to the enchanted effect on the book on minecraft. I think my job here is done. Thank you. Good luck with the rest. Thank you. Yeah, I have some work to do. So we got the fabric laid down now, there's only one more touch I really want to add to this box to tie it all together and that is, this sign that we got made locally So this book is gonna have a pretty good enchantment on it Time to fill up the plastic! I have to join for the best part. Yes So I want to take the outside You couldn't give is ! You can have the inside! It feels so nice! :D Oh. My. God. *chuckle* it's just acrylic Ooh I can't believe we made this ! We're gonna take a look at the fun result in just a second But first I just have a little announcement to make, and that is that the Mecha Bunny shirt will only be available in October, after that it won't be available anymore So if you want a shirt like this or a poster or something like that I will leave a link on the screen and in the description. I want to thank our Patrons and YouTube members for supporting us because you guys make it possible for us to make these kind of videos and make projects and continue to do what we do, and it's just, it's mind-blowing really I know every youtuber keeps saying it, but it's just a friendly reminder to subscribe to the channel, like the video, and comment about what you liked or didn't like... about the video. Anyway, thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 2,543,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft diy, minecraft enchanted book, making an enchanted book, making a minecraft book, diy minecraft book, real life minecraft, rlcraft, minecraft, enchanting table, enchanted book, diy spellbook, diy book of shadows, diy tome, diy leatherbound book, how to make a book, how to make a leatherbound book, bookbinding, diy bookbinding, leatherworking, how to make a spellbook, real life spellbook, making a tome, diy grimoire, diy display case, how to make a display case
Id: XAY7yRcqgzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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