I Made a 5 Hour Video Essay... There was Backlash

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the fact that this is the first video that comes up when i type doctor who into youtube depresses me wait it is pog apparently people aren't allowed to have favorite errors without sifting through all of the hate first sort your algorithm out youtube [Music] that's all you had to do as you may know i recently violated the fundamental right of a certain subset of 13th doctor fans to not have to see opinions they disagree with by creating a five-hour video essay that argues doctor who has recently seen a massive decline in quality and for those of you that don't know no not a five hour podcast not a five hour video where i talk over some gameplay footage not a five hour stream so this is where i am now a fully edited five hours of the best constructed and best faith criticism that i felt i was capable of but isn't that a bit long cried out a thousand simultaneous voices from all across social media yeah but how did it end up that long and just how mad did the internet get you're gonna find out if you don't go away doctor who being a series very close to my heart i wanted to talk about why i consider this latest run to be a fundamental mishandling of the show when new head writer chris chibnall took over two seasons ago i went into his work really wanting to like it i really did i even posted a video to my second channel defending his decision to cast a woman in the lead role wonder woman then ray solo no not solo but carry on now a time lady doctor what's next i guess i'd say that there will continue to be female characters in fiction that comment still baffles me to this day like i understand what this person perceives to be the common link between the 13th doctor and rey but once you add wonder woman this is this is just a list of three women why did you type this i was able to convince myself that i was having fun i was enjoying myself i was having a good time everything was fine until the episode resolution finally broke me 11 episodes in i gather that this is actually one of the better regarded episodes in the season i do not understand why for a second but i'm not here to have that fight with you battle it out amongst yourselves and once you're done i will just agree with the survivors after that episode though i i knew i wanted to make my video now i'd covered some full seasons of television on my channel before so i thought i knew what i was getting myself into sure i wanted to go a bit more in depth and take things a bit more seriously than previous projects but i do vaguely what i wanted to do back then i also only had one series of the show that i wanted to cover but then they went ahead and made another one the bastards so eventually i was left with 22 episodes at about an hour each to cover or to put it another way significantly more content than i'd ever covered in a single video before over the course of 2020 i figured out what i wanted to say and the order i wanted to say it in and eventually i had a fairly comprehensive mental plan of all the topics i wanted to cover and how each one would segue into the next although fun fact i ended up cutting two of the five topics i want to cover um i i'm guessing that if i'd left them in i would have ended up with a video seven hours long uh can you guess why i cut them it's because the project was taking too [ __ ] long if you're wondering where the wine went between shots i can assure you i have a drinking problem and i drank it all and it's not slowly soaking into my carpet it eventually took until november 2020 until my mental plan actually started becoming tangible work i gave myself nearly two months to make the thing planning to release it on the 1st of january it did not in fact come out on the first of january it ended up taking six months that's longer than i wanted to spend on it look at all of these channel community posts where i'm like oh it's not out yet it's still not ready that's me that's that's my voice that's what i sound like the experience was definitely a mixed bag i think the worst aspect of it all was the stress that probably comes inherently with working on something for four months longer than you wanted to there are times i just genuinely felt like i would never finish this project i felt trapped because i'd worked so much i couldn't just give up on it but i also felt like i was just never going to be done you know like the feeling you get when it's been like 10 minutes and you're still wiping a lot of the experience though was just very pleasant i like making youtube videos it's something that i enjoy and i also really do just get a kick out of talking about doctor who be it parts of the show that i like or parts of the show that i don't it's just an enjoyable topic for me i'm a youtuber that is my job i was gonna be spending a lot of my time making youtube videos no matter what and for six months i got to spend that time focusing on a topic that i can just [ __ ] drone on about endlessly until none of the other commuters are willing to sit next to me anymore doctor who has just made a very strong impression on my brain as it has done to many other people as well they've created probably a greater impression than any other monsters either before or since on television programs or in films not only were they their all-seeing revolving eye and their ray gun but also with their extraordinary voices stay where you are you will be exterminated exterminated standards were lower in the past it really helped in many ways during this project to think of it as several smaller projects that i could tackle more easily and it wasn't hard to think of it that way because in many ways that is what it is there are so many different topics to discuss within just two seasons of television my five hour mega [ __ ] show consists of several discussions of stuff like how the show handles individual topics to discussions of individual characters within the show to full-on reviews of individual episodes but with all of these topics covered with a focus on what they contribute to the larger whole i wanted to take the time out to form what could have been a load of shorter video essays into a complete picture trying to segue naturally from one topic to the next and trying to select topics to give the best overview of the series i haven't actually talked about this series for longer than some people who did individual reviews of each episode as they came out but i waited until the whole season was out to formulate my thoughts and by weighted what i actually mean is didn't decide to cover it until like 11 episodes were out and then procrastinated for a year i'm not gonna pretend that this isn't like the biggest project i've ever worked on by the way not just for youtube for my entire life although i started youtube at 17 so what the [ __ ] else is it competing with school what i am gonna tell you is that i'm certainly not the only person in the world who spent six months making doctor who related content for youtube i'm just the only person who's put it all together as one big thing except for mr tardis as this twitter user puts it people are saying that jay's video is too long but there was a lot to cover so i don't see the problem or as this twitter user puts it there's plenty to talk about but you just know it's going to be 300 minutes of chibnall is bad to which i replied actually here's how the time is filled showing a picture of all of the timestamps of all the different sections of my video and then they blocked me this video got huge reactions from all different corners of the internet making people squeal in all kinds of different ways both good and bad i've got hiccups twitter storms reddit threads facebook posts and entire youtube videos were made in response there were some lovely positive words sent my way so if you don't know my friend jxc that big trans youtuber that was in my steven universe video recently made a five hour critique of the two newest seasons of doctor who it got a lot of support but on places like twitter where opposing beliefs on innocuous things go to die has gotten quite a bit of [ __ ] well as i said in my first video they're not very good this video on the other hand though he gets a big old [ __ ] gold star from me i thought it was ace as somebody who is kind of a chip no apologist but also somebody who does defend series 11 and series 12 to an extent a lot of people are wondering what my thoughts on the video were and you know what full disclosure i found myself watching it nodding along a hell of a lot of the time but there are still a few things where i thought you know what i still like this series for the most part anyway and that was it there were no more reactions this video is over now you can leave yeah hey there what's up my name is born an ass critical guy today i'm going to buy a five hour video on why i born as critical guy heinz the current era of doctor who now the reason why i think the current era is bad because chris chidney is very bad number two chris chidnall is very bad did i forget to mention chris chibnew is very bad did i forget to mention christmas very bad hello my name is come and today i am going to do a straw man of people who disagree with me in a silly voice [Laughter] [Music] all right it's time to get into some of the less positive reactions now and just to be clear i'm censoring the names of any account that isn't like a public figure with at least tens of thousands of followers i'm also not gonna be showing you every tweet that was sent and like every reddit thread that was made and every facebook comment that was written because first of all i definitely haven't seen them all and secondly you don't need to see every single one to get the point i'm just gonna show you enough so you get it let's start with one of the classics the criticism that can best be summed up as long bad this form of what i'm generously going to refer to as criticism comes with a three-step program step one find the video and notice that it's quite long step two watch it just kidding could you imagine step two make random negative assumptions about the video so that you can dismiss it without watching it and step three confidently declare all of your assumptions publicly as if they were facts one thing i'd like to make clear is that someone's simply saying that they don't want to watch something that long is absolutely fine like this person saying that they were made to feel like they were the [ __ ] when all they said was that a five hour criticism video isn't something that they personally would make or watch yeah that's an absolutely fine thing to say that person should not be made to feel like they are the [ __ ] in this situation what i take issue with is people making bad faith assumptions about the video like this guardian journalist saying imagine having the time and energy to make five hours of this unwatchable negative [ __ ] why not pour your effort into being creative making something you love making something you want to make honestly life is too short to be this angry about a tv show then when benjamin cook [ __ ] l goes on to ask him whether or not he's watched it he says why would i someone [ __ ] on someone else's creativity for hate clicks for five [ __ ] hours lol even if we make the assumption in good faith that when he calls the video unwatchable [ __ ] he just means that the video is something he personally would find unwatchable despite the fact he didn't attempt to watch it there are still a load of poor faith assumptions made here when he says why not pour your effort into being creative he assumes that no creativity goes into the presentation style delivery or criticisms when he says why not pour your effort into making something you love or making something you want to make he assumes i didn't love or want to make this project which just isn't true when he says life is too short to be this angry about a tv show he assumes that my video was just anger fueled and when he describes me as just [ __ ] on someone else's creativity for hate clicks he's prescribed to be one of the worst possible motivations i could have had for taking on the project thanks man it's stuff like this that i take issue with that first guy who according to him had only said that he didn't want to watch it is hmm all i said was that a five-hour criticism video isn't something that i would make or watch why are people acting like i'm being the [ __ ] it's a mystery to me i just don't understand and of course there's still a lot more long bad to come having criticism for something is absolutely fine we're allowed to have opinions on media but five hours shows it's not going to be criticism it's going to be a rant why there's loads of high quality analysis out there but the five hour youtube types produce low quality content no matter what this is star wars fans level of hate content he-man and that has been absolutely costic to the quality of the franchise i literally do not care for this drama but i do want to know what the [ __ ] do you have to talk about for five hours about the chip no error is the chipmunk era even five hours long who knows okay um let's do this one together there are 22 episodes at about an hour each one person i think also did the whole assumptions thing is the youtuber david j bradley a creator whose videos about asexuality i personally have found both interesting and entertaining i have to say i think he did that though because i don't actually remember what he first wrote in his tweets because when i first saw them and was like man this sucks he reacted by going you know what actually yeah my bad and he apologized deleted the tweets he is the only person who's done this resulted in people getting mad at him [ __ ] cowards everywhere maybe some people do in fact deserve to get told to their faces that they suck no frills especially ratty ass youtubers whose only personality trait on display is thing bad just to be clear the thing that this person is mad about is a youtuber deciding that actually it's bad to put down people's work if you've not watched it okay but making a five hour video just to [ __ ] on doctor who i mean above anything else that's just really sad of all the people who got mad and upset of course the proportion of them went after me as a person declaring that i must be some kind of sad miserable shut-in loser if i'm going to dedicate six months of my life to something like this you know because everyone else in the world had loads going on from november 2020 to may 2021 and spent the whole time going outside i would argue that i was doing both my job and something that i personally find interesting and that people who have a problem with that are gatekeeping both what it means to work for a living and the ways that people just engage with their own personal interests and i think that brings us nicely into some of the just generally bad arguments made against my video you know just general poor faith argumentation or what are you talking about kind of stuff stuff like saying i want to make doctor who fascist we'll get to this one let's start with some of the easy stuff i knew it was going to be a bad take from some dick who hates the doctor being a woman i just knew it of course the five hour video isn't i'm not a misogynist but bad take this person has only seen the title in the thumbnail just for full transparency right now i'm gonna play the only clip from the entire five-hour video where i mention anything about the fact that the doctor used to be a man but is now a woman here we go the 13th doctor played by jodie whittaker her casting was first announced in a short promotional clip which broadcast on bbc one at the end of some [ __ ] tennis or something it was about a minute of jodi walking through the woods before eventually she arrives at a wall the key to the tardis symbolically appears in her hand she takes down her hood revealing her face and then dramatically walks towards the second google images result for tardis png the first result is listed as the 13th doctor's tardis so wouldn't have been there when they made this hang on a second that's a woman anyway following the internet it's a joke about how i don't care let me ask you something person who left this tweet are you scientologist film star tom cruise because i think you might be acting with bad faith thank you i'm very funny then we've got stuff like it's it's him again i mean it's almost like doctor who is a fantasy show littered with the lead character having random superpowers whenever the plot demands it but how can you make five hour youtube videos getting angry about it if you just relax and accept that martin the video is about characterization plot and the ideas put forward by the show but how could you keep salt tweeting if you just relaxed and watched the video or just accepted that you don't know anything about it because you haven't seen it either of those two options would be absolutely fine imagine writing filming editing a five-hour video essay on how the lady doctor caused the fall of doctor who honey the seventh doctor's run was bad enough to get the show taken off the air calm down okay so if we just for a second pretend that it wasn't in fact a multitude of factors that got the show taken off the air in 1989 during the seventh doctor's run i mean never mind the fact that when michael grade talks about why he cancelled the show he shout he shites he cites its low production values something that the show had had since the beginning and not something that's unique to the seventh doctor's run i cancelled the show i thought it was pathetic i mean i'd seen uh star wars yeah and then i had to watch these cardboard things probably clunking across the floor trying to scare kids you know you just sit and laugh at it even if we ignore all that the show actually hasn't survived chris chibnall yet it could get cancelled before he leaves you don't know but for real now come on you can't just sit there pretending like the fact it got cancelled means it must have been worse you can think it was worse and that's your prerogative but when someone doesn't think it's worse you can't just accuse them of being mad because of the lady doctor that video is just full of misinformation and hate okay so this person does describe what i consider to just be normal criticism as full of hate which doesn't fill me with confidence it's not like i go around insulting the cast and crew or anything it's just normal criticism but they also cite misinformation which means this could be criticism being made in good faith like if they've actually found a significant amount of misinformation in my video they may have a very good reason to have arrived at this conclusion and misinformation is definitely not something i wanted my work so when i first saw this tweet i replied with if you found misinformation in my work please let me know i'll post a correction in a pinned comment immediately and then they blocked me i genuinely think there's a level of absolute arrogance behind the idea that your opinion on a subject as trivial as doctor who is so important that you need to make a five-hour youtube video about how rubbish the show is i'm not going around insisting that people watch the [ __ ] thing i'm just i made it because i wanted to and people did want to see it and also it's my job so there was this post i just happened to come across in this doctor who facebook group calling me a virgin uh sure there's no substantiated claims to actually talk about here this is just a post that's kind of like oh look another quote unquote critical bad media analysis video that we haven't seen for the nth time in 10 years boring there's room for critique i just think it's a bit far to make a five hour rant about not having something your way because it wasn't what you were expecting i don't think it's really fair to characterize my criticism as just me complaining because i didn't get what i wanted i don't simply complain that the show is going in a direction that i don't like i talk about how the episodes stories characters and themes are constructed i go over things like how well the characterization is integrated into the story i don't think it's fair to point at criticism like this and characterize the person making it as simply mad that they didn't get what they were expecting especially when you literally haven't watched the video because it's not [ __ ] out yet all of these tweets were sent back when all this guy could see of my video was the title the thumbnail the description and the fact that it was going to premiere in a few hours he's confidently declaring what the content of this video is when no one has seen it you put the word critical in quotes you've not seen it you have no idea what's in it you're ranting for five hours because you've not had things your way no you've just become so enraged by the sight of a youtube title you disagree with that you've decided to make [ __ ] up you know let's just play that one clip from the end of the actual video honestly i can't believe that i've done all of this work just for random people on twitter to screenshot the thumbnail and probably like the the time code as well and then assume what's in it and make arguments against that simply because they disagree with the premise i'm i'm really looking forward to people doing that i knew this [ __ ] would happen but god damn i was not expecting it before the premiere responding to this clip a twitter user says like there's that clip of jay saying something about how reactionary the title is and that people would react negatively to it so like why make it that um i i never said the title was reactionary am i gay but to answer your question it's a mostly negative video and it has a negative title i mean yeah i do want to choose a title that people will click but i also want to make sure that it's a title that's honest and i'm pretty sure it would have gotten reactions from people like this at least on some level if i gave it any kind of honest title it's a very long negative video i think those are the things that people are going to focus on i have a lot of different priorities that go into choosing my video titles and making sure that random people on twitter don't get mad simply isn't one of them cause at the end of the day that's gonna happen anyway isn't it when choosing a title i look for something sharp and punchy that also effectively communicates what i'm talking about in the video because i do want to find something that will encourage people to actually click it but i don't want to be dishonest about what the content actually is and in this video i'm arguing that doctor who has taken a recent nosedive in quality it could have been called something like the recent decline of doctor who but that wouldn't have fitted us nicely in a fancy little title card there are loads of different title ideas i played around with in my head but ultimately i think even if i called it something like a critique of the chibnall era i would still have got plenty of angry reactions on twitter like this and preventing them really isn't a priority for me i just go for it twitter alright we've held that long enough let's do the fascism one the fascism comments were part of an article that was trying to argue against my video i'm not gonna debunk every single argument it makes let's for now focus on the indian man and nazis argument and i think the best way to start going about this is to just play a clip from the section of the video it's about in which i'm talking about an episode where a dark-skinned man infiltrates the ranks of the nazis just watch the clip now you may be wondering if he's not white how has he infiltrated the ranks of the villains of world war ii i don't think they would have liked him well the thing that they actually decided to write into the script was that he was using a piece of alien technology to appear white this technology is called a perception filter the doctor convinces the villains of world war ii that the master is actually a double agent working for the british by doing this she has already defeated him and can go and steal his tardis in peace when she tells him that she's done this some world war ii villain soldiers are already on their way to arrest him except then just before the soldiers arrive and i can't stress this enough for no reason she disables his perception filter so that they know what race he really is face on perception and then she says to him now they'll see the real you chris why did you write this the article responds while the nazis weren't always consistent with their race ideals they weren't simply white supremacists either one formation within the waffen-ss was the indian legion consisting of mostly indian servicemen who had been taken as prisoners of war there had been some outrage over this episode it would appear that chris chibnall overestimated the audience's education here shut the [ __ ] up this article here is clearly stating that the outrage around this episode was misplaced and born from ignorance some people think it's bad that the doctor used a villain's skin colour against him to make sure that he gets a harsher punishment than he would do otherwise but those people are wrong because due to the existence of the indian legion it's absolutely fine that the doctor revealed the master's skin colour to the nazis because they wouldn't possibly treat him worse due to his dark skin yeah i just didn't know about the indian legion and the fact that they existed means that everything is fine hang on so uh the doctor reveals the masters race to the nazis after she's already beaten him which really begs the question why why does she do that clearly she thinks it's going to have some kind of effect on how harshly he'll be punished or she wouldn't have done it before saying now they'll see the real you if she doesn't think it's going to get him a harsher punishment she may as well have revealed any other random piece of information like as you're arresting this man i think you should know he has a beard there are two options here either it's the scene of the doctor weaponizing someone's skin color against them so they get punished more harshly by the nazis or it's just a scene of completely random things happening for no actual reason that just so happen to look a lot like the doctor weaponizing someone's dark skin against them and also it's pretty clear which one the episode thinks it is another company you keep how have you managed that you know exactly their aryan archetype perception filter as people see what they want to see hmm i wonder what the episode is implying will happen if that perception filter gets turned off after this the article then concludes with to me it seems the material in this video has been compiled by someone who hasn't had very much experience with doctor who and who doesn't understand what makes the show work let me stop you there that's already incredibly bad faith or you know just a lie my video literally opens talking about all of the experience i've had with doctor who showing actual pictures and footage of me as a child going to doctor who exhibitions and cosplaying the fourth doctor with a dalek and then throughout my video i reference all these different eras of doctor who as examples of the thing being done well as opposed to the thing being done badly to say that you don't think i have much experience with doctor who you either weren't paying attention as you watched most of the video which to be honest wouldn't surprise me or you're just doing a [ __ ] lie to try and make my perspective seem less credible because you're mad i disagree with you about a tv show the conclusion then continues it also seems that there is some inspiration from the extreme right wing influences like the misguided indian man and nazis point and the misogyny that is implied by singling out the series that have had a female actor playing the doctor man just like [ __ ] you okay so we've already been over the articles indian man and nazi's point but didn't it say that people were wrong about that due to a lack of education let's just pretend you were right about that for a second and that the fact the indian legion existed means that everything in that episode is fine now how would it be far right to argue that it's bad the doctor was weaponizing someone's dark skin against them because you lacked the historical context to know that wasn't actually what was happening i think most anti-racist people with that interpretation of the scene would think it was bad or were you saying that it was far right of me to have interpreted the scene in that way to begin with was it far right of me to assume that the nazis were racist and holy [ __ ] the implied misogyny of singling out a series with a woman as the doctor so yeah this is a series that brought in a woman to play the doctor but it's also the series that brought in an entirely new creative team with a radically different approach to making the show an approach which you know is the thing i spend my entire video talking about rather than the fact that the doctor is a woman now because i don't care about the fact that doctor is a woman now but the fact she is a woman now is something you've used as an excuse to just imagine some misogyny so that you can call my video far right the article then closes out by saying the show can manage without the quote-unquote criticism in this video if on the other hand the ideas in the video are allowed to infect the writing in the future doctor who will be impossible to produce at best the video wants doctor who to be more like those shows that fizzle out after no more than four or five years at worst the video strives to make the show more fascist and that would be a shame yes so this article was bad but uh that takes us to the end of of the storm that happened so that was why i made a five hour video and how the internet reacted when it arrived there um yeah it was fun i would uh encourage you by the way to check out blair tv and another youtuber whose name i feel very bad because i've forgotten george is lost it's it's george's lust i'm sorry george um for who did videos also talking about the reaction that my video got and you should go and check both of those out they've been linked in the description i also if you want recommend that you check out the stream i did with mr tardis which i also used clips from in this video i also did a stream with fairies if you want to go and watch that there's loads of stuff i'll link it all in the description my camera is nearly out of battery [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Jay Exci
Views: 691,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JyDSRc582bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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